Friday, December 30, 2011

Take Time To Play

If you've been to busy to play, you've been to busy. We, who are made in God's image are meant to play, not just when we are children but also as adults. Play revitalizes the spirit and restores a sense of perspective.

I've learned that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular. Savor the joy of living.

I'm joyful for this season of life that I find myself in. When I think that I find it mundane or I'm just plain tired, I remember the pit from which I was pulled and I am joyful. God is God of the past and the future, but He is also God of the present and that is where I choose to live my life and find my joy!

What's so cool about pursuing a life in Christ is knowing, "God's got this."

So be like a child and take time off for play. Mark a date and time on your calendar to do something you enjoy. Indulge in your favorite childhood activities. Go to the zoo, roll in the grass, lick an ice-cream cone, or go to the beach. Enjoy doing something for the sheer joy of it.

"He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."- Psalm 23:3

For His Glory,

Thursday, December 29, 2011

God Sees The Whole Picture

Some people judge a book by it's cover, but I judge it by it's last chapter. As we read the Bible, we have the benefit of seeing the whole picture. The end of the story is obvious to us, but to the actual participants, the results were long coming.

It's easy to believe everything is going to work out when you can turn the page and see the ending, but it's different if you are living through it.

Just as night conceals earth, but reveals the universe, your dark times can reveal truths about God you wouldn't see otherwise.

Faith is not necessarily the power to make things the way we want them to be; it it the courage to face things as they are.-Ronald Dunn

No sacrifice we make on this earth can be any greater than what God has already sacrificed for our salvation.

God loves us so much that sometimes He gives us what we need and not what we ask.

Trials and distress are not something unusual in life; they are part of what it means to be human in a fallen world.

Everything we go through in life is part of God's story. Being where we are right now is the only way to get where we are going. I'll take all the ouches in the world for the privilege that God has down the path for us.

It's all about knowing He loves us and because His love is perfect we can trust His perfect plans, no matter what they are.

Pain will either turn us against God or draw us to Him. The choice is ours!

I am privileged beyond measure to be on this journey with our God!

In His Mighty Hand,

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

His Reflection In Us Is More Beautiful Than We Could Ever Make Ourselves

It's so easy to focus on what we see wrong with our bodies. In the grand scheme of things, I know this is a shallow concern. But if I allow my brain to park in a place of dissatisfaction about how my body looks, it gives Satan just enough room to move in with his lie that strips me of motivation.

The enemy will always place a "why bother" in the face of God's "it's possible."

Like many women, I 've struggled with a flawed perception of myself. My sense of identity and worth were dependent on the wrong things.

We must learn to be content with what God has given us. Because it will never be enough until God is enough.

The body God gave me is good. It's not perfect nor will it ever be this side of Heaven. But it is a gift for which I am thankful. And it is my responsibility to take care of it, to be the best I can be, for God's glory.

Becoming a woman of self-discipline honors God and helps me live the godly characteristic of self-control.

Princesses are not perfect....the pressure is off.

You are a treasured daughter of the Highest King! Don't allow any worthless idols to determine your worth or cause you to believe lies about yourself.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You're Not Old Unless You Get Wrinkles In Your Heart!

Society is filled with television programs, articles, and advertisements telling us how to stay young, lose weight, and be more desirable.

I think sometimes new is equated with better. Maybe that's why the divorce rate is so high. A marriage bound by beauty only lasts as long as the beauty.

If I can just get a new husband things would be better. New things are often used to buy happiness. If I had a new house, or a new body, then I would be happy. New things can't make us happy. Why? Because the new soon becomes old.

Thankfully, God offers us better hope than this. With God, we will grow older and better. Despite the emphasis modern culture places on youth, a person whose self-esteem and self-identity are rooted in a relationship with God is a person who can age with dignity and grace. If we invite God's spirit to live in us, then our spirit will be made brand-new every day.

You're not old unless you get wrinkles in your heart!


Monday, December 26, 2011

Choose Optimism, Avoid Negativity

Avoid people who are negative.

If you want a simpler and happier life, choose your friends with care. Avoid whinners and complainers. Sometimes this goes for family too. Spend your time with friends and family that encourage you. Invest your time with people who maintain a good attitude and have a positive outlook on life.

Sometimes you have to let go of friends and family who bring you down. They may not be bad people, just bad for you.

Just because you are a believer, doesn't mean you have to accept abuse. Scripture says, "Look, I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16) I am confident God means we should know how our enemy operates and be alert to his attacks (like verbal abuse). Then stand your ground and speak up. The trick is to remain as calm and as gentle as a dove even if the enemy starts screaming in your face. Keep standing your ground without fear and steadfast in faith that God keeps His promises. Only speak what comes from Him and don't let the enemy win the floor. Make him flee. Scripture says, "So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

Look for the good (and God) in every situation.

In His Love,

Friday, December 23, 2011

Joseph Almost Missed Christmas

There is a man in the Bible that almost missed Chritmas. His name is Joseph. It wasn't because he was distracted with holiday parties, visiting relatives or completing his shopping list. He just couldn't see how his current circumstances were part of God's plan for his life.

Joseph was engaged to be married to Mary, a young woman chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus.

Mary was away for three months and when she returned she told Joseph that she was pregnant. Joseph suspected that Mary had been unfaithful. He knew what the gossip would be, so he was quietly planning to leave Mary. Mary told Joseph that she had not been unfaithful, that the Holy Spirit came to her. She was going to give birth to God's son.

What first looked like a huge problem, a troubling circumstance, total reputation-wrecker to Joseph, turned out to be the most glorious thing in his life when seen from God's perspective.

Joseph saw what an honor it was to bear this burden. What a thrill to raise and know God's son!

God's ways are not our ways. And sometimes in our greatest difficulties we find our greatest opportunities and blessed responsibilities.

If Joseph had walked away from Mary, he would have missed Christmas. And he would have missed the life-defining lesson that God's plans aren't always logical in human eyes, but they can always be trusted.

Oh, just think how different our lives would be if we didn't let fear make us shy away from God's plan.

My desire is to live in the moment, the real life moment in front of me, and to not waste time worrying about why that moment doesn't always look like the perceived one I had rolling around in my head.

I do not fully understand God. But there is much I know: My God doesn't just do good things, He IS good. My God doesn't just love us, He IS love. He is a just, righteous, merciful, holy, sovereign, omniscient, omnipresent, indescribably awesome God. Through Him, all things hold together and have their being, and nothing, NOTHING, is out of His control.

I'm glad He is too big for me to fathom. A God small enough for me to understand....would not be God at all.

As long as I hold tight in my heart to the fact that His plans are GOOD, then I can fight through the obstacles life throws at me, to see the light of the reward that will greet me in the end.



Thursday, December 22, 2011

Your Christmas Spirit: Greed Or Love?

Our society has fallen into the trap of believing that quantity is greater than quality, but this is not true. This lie from Satan has been fuel for the spirit of greed that prevails in our world today. In most industrialized nations of the world, especially in America, there is an abundance of everything; and yet there are more unhappy people than ever before.

As believers, you and I have available to us the quality of life that God has. His life is not filled with fear, stress, worry, anxiety, or depression. God is not impatient and He is not in a hurry. He takes time to enjoy His creation.

I have learned that I always have feelings, but I don't have to let them rule me. I can't override them on my own; but if I seek God for help, He will strengthen me to walk in His Spirit, not my emotions.

These last few days before Chritmas people are in such a hurry to get here and there, to buy this and that, they don't realize that they are letting Satan use the emotions of greed, anxiety, stress, etc. to take their focus off of the true meaning of Christmas.

We all mess up. We all make mistakes. We get distracted and take our mind off of what is important. We deserve to suffer the consequences, but instead we are given grace...God's grace!

God is good and I am not, but the blood of Jesus washes me!....Yes, the blood, it is my victory!!!.....THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas!

In His Precious Name,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Reputation Is Not About Me

As heaven's advertising agency, we promote God in every area of life, including success.

God blessed Israel in order to billboard His faithfulness. When foreigners saw the fruitful farms of the Promised Land, God did not want them to think about the farmer but the farmer's Maker. Their success advertised God.

God lets you excel so you can make Him known. And you can be sure of one thing: God will make you good at something. Proverbs 22:4 says, "True humility and fear of the LORD leads to riches, honor, and long life"....

"We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us" (2 Corinthians 5:20) The ambassador has a singular represent His king. He promotes the king's agenda, protects the king's reputation, and presents the king's will. The ambassador elevates the name of the king.

May God rescue us from self-centered thinking. May we have no higher goal than to see someone think more highly of our Father, our King.

I never want to be so full of myself that God has to take drastic measures to knock me off a pedestal. I want to be humble. There is a song from years back that says, "I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean." God is mighty, without Him, we are nothing.  Without God I can not blog. Without Him I can not minister in my church. Without Him I am a selfish wife. Without Him I am not a loving mother. Without Him I am not a friend. Without God I am nothing.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Choose God's Strength Over My Strength Every Day Of The Week And Twice On Sunday

We are taught to remain in God's love so that we won't tie our happy to anything but God. So that our joy will be complete.

I'll admit that when I get stressed I love to eat. "Comfort food", I call it. All the starchy stuff. All the carb stuff. All the stuff that is bad for your health.

Over the years I have gone up and down with my weight. I have had some really stressful times in my life, especially when my parents were ill. Mom had cancer and Dad had heart disease.

I've tried every diet that is out there. They seemed to work for a while, but I couldn't stay on these types of diets for the rest of my life, so the weight eventually started creeping back on.

I realized having a pity party was a clue I was relying on my own strength, not God's. I finally gave my health issues over to God. And when I did I started seeing amazing results, not just the weight loss part, but saw an improvement in my overall health.

Back in October I went to an internist because I was fatigued all the time and my regular doctor could not seem to get my thyroid medicine regulated. Once I gave my internist my complete family history she ordered a ton of tests. One being the Berkeley test, which is a heart test. The results showed that I had inherited one of the genes that causes heart disease. Both of my parents were also diabetic, so my internist took me off of carbs and sugars. For exercise, she encouraged 45 minutes to an hour of cardio sessions and 20-30 minutes of resistance training. This change in lifestyle has given me more energy. I sleep better. I have lost weight. But the most important thing is my overall health is so much better.

When I was first tested, my insulin was 8. It is now 3. PRAISE GOD! The ApoE Genotype(the gene I inherited from my Dad) was 4.5 and went down to .5 which is great because they wanted it below 1.

I have been using a lot of Jamie Eason's recipes. For those of you who don't know who Jamie Eason is, she is a fitness model and writer for Oxygen Magazine. She had a health scare some years ago and committed to clean eating. And, an added benefit is...She looks amazing!

Weakness is hard, but it doesn't have to mean defeat. It is our opportunity to experience God's power firsthand.

I'm not on a diet. I'm on a journey with Jesus!

Humbled and undeserving,

Monday, December 19, 2011

Serving Others With Joy

Eight years ago today I gave birth to a healthy 10 pound 2 ounce baby boy. HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY, DREW! I love you very much!

A mother's life is seldom easy. You carry a large responsibility in your family. When you walk with God, He promises that the burden is light and His yoke is easy.

Delight and fulfillment go hand-in-hand as a mother seeks to find purpose in the responsibility of serving her family. She is the center of the home, and God has given her the unique ability to create an atmosphere of peace and joy that only she can bring.

Ask God to draw you so close to Him that your child(ren) see God in you, even in the hardest of times. They see peace even when it makes no sense. They see joy when there's no reason to be joyful. So when they do come to the end of themselves, they remember....A Mom who turned to Christ for strength. A Mom who prayed. A Mom who caught them doing things right and noticed. A Mom who stood firm as she trusted her son/daughter to grow and become a better man/woman. They'll know God is real.

Let the joy of the Lord fill your countenance so that what you portray may be contagious to everyone you influence and come in contact with daily. You are God's gift to those you love.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Take Control Of The Way You Think

You control what you think about.

You may be influenced by the words and actions of others, or by the environment around you, but what you choose to do with a thought is entirely up to you.

The apostle Paul gave some very clear instructions about thoughts in Philippians 4:4-12.

Rejoice always. This means to give thanks and praise continually, in all circumstances. To give thanks and praise in all situations does not mean that you are necessiarly overjoyed by the situation itself. It means, rather, that you choose to respond to even the most negative situation in a postitive way, thanking God and others for their help and provision, praising God for who He is, and encouraging others with a positive attitude and affirming words.

Live in moderation. A life of moderation doesn't happen by accident, it requires intentional choices. A peace-filled life requires balance, in what we eat and drink, how much sleep and exercise, how tightly we schedule our days, how we balance work and play, and how we balance alone-time and people-time.

Give it to God. PRAY! Go to God with choices big and small. Prayer is vital to turn negative thought into positive faith. Worry doesn't solve anything, but prayer can move mountains. Mattthew 17:20

Choose to dwell on thoughts that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, things of good report, things of virtue, and things that are praiseworthy.

Follow the examples of Godly people. Reflect on those you admire the most and think, "What about this person's life draws me to them?" Seek out people who live God-honoring lives.

In order to think positive thoughts, you need positive input. Expose yourself to things that are honorable, beautiful, and godly. If you do, those very traits will begin to characterize you as a person.

For His Glory,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Confidence Comes From God

My life is full of many things, but my confidence comes from God.

Fear will leave you empty....Faith will fill you up.

Your eyes see your faults. Your faith sees your Savior. Your eyes see your guilt. Your faith sees His blood.

If we truly grasp the fact that everything the enemy throws our way can be an opportunity to experience God like we never have before....Wow, what freedom we could have!...Free to dance, free to live, free to love, just free.

Fear corrodes our confidence in God's goodness. Fear creates a form of spiritual amnesia. It dulls our miracle memory. It makes us forget what Jesus has done and how good God is.

Confidence isn't something we lose. It's something we forget to apply. Confidence comes from God. Anything we do outside of God is insignificant. So the first step toward applying confidence to any situation, is to trust God to handle it.

"Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?"- Matthew 8:26

The self-confident woman knows WHO she is because she knows WHOSE she is.

Faithfully His,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gratitude Is Always An Option

If you look long enough and hard enough, you'll find something to bellyache about. So quit looking! Lift your eyes off the weeds.

Never allow situations to define God. Situations may not be good, but God still is.

Today, praise God for who He is!

Choosing to open my hands to all of His blessings, because you all know it's always our choice. It's our choice if we will receive what He gives us as a blessing, or if we will label it otherwise. I believe that God is always Good and always Perfect, regardless of my often times misperceptions. On the days I fail to see His graciousness as a gift, it's only my seeing that is distorted, never His love.

Make gratitude your default emotion, and you'll find yourself giving thanks for the problems of life.

He is not a genie in a bottle y'all. It's not about us changing His will, it's about allowing Him to change ours.

With Humble Gratitude,

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's Not About Comfort, It's About Character

What you are willing to walk away from will determine how much God can bring to you.

This is not our world, so we can't live however we want to live and expect the sponsorship of the God of the Universe. This is God's world.

Great men and women of God are not made on the peak, they are formed in the valley. What a comforting thing to know that if God is testing your faith, it's because He has somewhere He wants to take you. God has to prove you before He can promote you.

I've learned that for us to live out our royal call, we will have to walk away from some of the comforts and pleasures in this world.

There are no short-cuts to anyplace worth going. The long road is also where God teaches me things I wouldn't learn otherwise.

Just because it's more convienient or faster doesn't mean it's the best way. Sometimes being open to what you weren't expecting is the best way to find what you were looking for all along.

David was in a cave during his preparation for his royal call. Joseph was in a prison during his preparation to become chief adviser to Pharoah. Queen Ester's preparation gave her the courage to risk her life to save her people. The purpose of this call is not about pain; it's about power. It's not about trails; it's about triumph. Great battles bring great victory.

"If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it." - Matthew 16:25

I love the things that are difficult (or downright impossible) for me as a human, will be accomplished with ease when my hope is appropriately placed in the one true God. God can make the impossible....possible. God can make the difficult....easy.


Monday, December 12, 2011

If We Let God Guide, He Will Provide

Jesus wants us to seek His will and follow Him so that He can meet our physical and spiritual needs.

People get into trouble when they think they can handle life without God. If we read the Bible and follow God's guidelines, everything will work out in the end.

It is impossible to drive in the wrong direction and arrive at the right destination.

God wants me to depend on Him only....not my husband, parents, family, or friends. It must be Him alone. Others will let me down.

He has been molding and shaping me to be used for Him. It has been a long hard lesson to learn, but so simple. He is all I need!

Life's most strengthing experience is the awareness of God's presence in our lives, no matter what difficulties come our way.

No matter how educated we are, no matter how much power and influence we may think we have, no matter how significant we may imagine ourselves to be in His plan (if any of us could even claim significance), none of that qualifies us to grasp the first particle of why He does what He does when He does it and how He chooses to do it.

His plan is not designed to make us comfortable; it's designed to make us more like Christ, to conform us to His will.

In this life, we have focus choices. We can focus on ourselves, we can focus on our circumstances, we can focus on other people, or we can focus on God. When you think biblically you focus first on God. Regardless of what you want, regardless of the circumstances you are under, regardless of what others say or think, regarless of how you feel, God and God alone is working out His great plan. And in the final tally, it will be fabulous!

In His strength,

Friday, December 9, 2011

God Is My GPS

Do you ever catch yourself manipulating past God's plans to secure your own desire?

When life doesn't unfold the way we dreamed it would, it doesn't mean God has abandoned us. His plans are good, they will make us more whole and more like Jesus, and they will impact the most people for the longest amount of time. It isn't wrong for us to have dreams, but let's be prepared when He wants to steer us in another direction. God may change His directions, but never His promises.

Rest in the assurance that if it is to be, it isn't up to me. It's up to God. I give what I can give. And then wait for Him to give what only He can give. So, if He makes it happen without all my chaotic self-effort, then I know it is His best....And if it doesn't happen, I will praise Him for saving me from myself.

God will never leave you empty handed. If something is taken away, He will replace it with something better, if He denies your request in a certain area, it is because He wishes to give you what is best, if He asks you to put something down, it is so you can pick up something greater.

Living a life of trusting God is much easier living and, in the long run, will save you from wasting your energy trying to figure out why it didn't go your way!

In His Grip,

Thursday, December 8, 2011


So many times, there are conflicts in life because it's all about us. It's all about what we want, what we think, and how it will effect us. It's about our opinions, our goal, and our way of doing things.

I am embarrassed to admit that when I first accepted Christ as my personal Savior, I didn't think God would have much work to do. After all, I was a pretty acceptable person by my standards. Was I ever surprised when I was confronted with God's standards.

When I am confronted by the awesome holiness of my God and Savior I am also confronted with my shortfalls. That's one of the wonderful things about this relationship with my God. Peering intently at Him always encourages me to look more acutely and accurately at myself. It is impossible to draw near to His throne and be reminded of His magnificence without also being reminded of my own massive need for His mercy!

Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget who gave it to us...and who gave it for us.

It is when my mind is focused on Jesus, when my eyes look toward eternal things, when my ears listen way beyond the voices of the day, that I hear the ocean sing. The LORD miraculously puts everything into His perspective when my mind and heart are set on all that He is, on all that He has done, on all that He's promised. I become more thankful, I become more hopeful, and most importantly, I am humbled.

Humbled and undeserving,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

God Is Our Refuge And Strength

One year ago today my sweet Daddy went to be with Jesus, on Pearl Harbor Day. The thing that I think is so neat is, my Dad was stationed at Pearl Harbor when he was in the United States Navy during World War II and he passed away on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2010.

Both my parents are deceased. I lost my Mom to cancer on December 10, 2006 and my Dad to heart disease on December 7, 2010. Almost four years to the day. I miss them both, so much!

When I look back over my life and remember some of the things God has brought me through, I think, "How did I do that?" It was because of God's grace and power. He enabled me to do what I needed to do at the time, and He will always do the same thing for you if you ask Him to.

I feel as though many of us are going through tough times just now. Don't you dare quit! God's help always arrives at the right time.

Everyone suffers. But God knows how to turn our tears into joy. He can restore our souls in the valleys of life!

I hope and pray that today, if you are feeling defeated about some area of your life, you will realize that God's grace is sufficient for you, when you are weak, He is strong.

Be sure of this: God sees. He feels our pain. He always brings good from bad situations...Trust Him. He will not let you down.

Grace and peace,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Your Worth

Stop chasing after acceptaance...we must realize that we are ACCEPTED!

We need to come to a place where we are secure enough in who we are in Christ that we will not allow our sense of worth to be based on the opinions or actions of others.

Don't try and find your worth in how you look. Don't try to find your worth in what you do. Don't try to find your worth in how other people treat you.

You are worth something because Jesus shed His blood for you!

If I let everything I do, every decision I make, come from what I feel God is asking me to do, then what others think about my decision is irrelevant. My ultimate approval and acceptance must come from my Father, otherwise, I will end up chasing a moving target.

Humbled and undeserving,

Monday, December 5, 2011

There Is Hope

Our circumstances and emotions change like shifting sand. If our happiness is based on our surroundings and circumstances we will feel like we are on a roller coaster ride, and we will be left with an empty heart.

A heart full of God's love is way more rewarding than anything this world has to offer.

Our hope doesn't come from anything in this world. Our confidence, our peace doesn't come from having enough money in the bank, winning a championship, owning a new car, or getting a promotion. Our hope comes from the Lord.

We fuss so much over our earthly homes, paging through magazines in search of the perfect decor, or just the right paint color. What short-sighted vision we have!

Heaven is our real home. The most glorious place of all.

"We are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives." ~Philippians 3:20

What is more important than sitting in the presence of the Almighty?

In His Grip,

Friday, December 2, 2011

Know Your Enemy

Satan uses people and circumstances, but they are not our real enemy; Satan is. He finds things and people through whom he can work and delights in watching us fight and war without even realizing he is the source.

We need to look beyond what we see or initially feel and seek to know the source of our problems. Usually we blame people and become angry with them, which only complicates and compounds the problem. When we behave in this manner, we are actually playing right into Satan's hands and helping his plans succeed. We also blame circumstances and sometimes God, which also delights Satan.

Our number one goal in life as believers should be Christlikeness.

Go through each day without hassling anybody, without criticizing anybody, without trying to put anybody down. These characteristics are from Satan. We should know Satan's character so we do not listen to or believe his lies.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fearless Faith

When David came against Goliath, he did not stand for hours looking at the giant wondering how to win the battle. The Bible says that he quickly ran to the battle line, all the time talking about the greatness of God and declaring his victory ahead of time. David did not run away from his giant; he courageously ran toward him.

If David had run from Goliath, he would never have been king of Israel. He faced his giants and proved that he had the tenacity to endure difficulty without quitting.

David lived a fearless faith. This doesn't mean that he didn't wrestle with fear. In David's writings he never claimed to be free from the feelings of fear. He talked about being afraid, but he chose to be confident!

Having a fearless faith simply means that we no longer allow fear to intimidate us. Rather, we counteract it by admitting it to God, asking others to pray for us, filling our mind with the truth of God's Word, and then moving forward....doing it afraid.

Preparing for battle begins on our knees.

Faithfully His,