Friday, August 26, 2011

Is Your Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Are you concentrating on what's wrong in your life and what you lack? Or are you looking at the good that is already available to you and trusting God's grace...a grace that can work all things together for good?

Did you know that it takes more energy to resist and complain than it does to have a positive attitude. A gloomy or negative view of life is often an unappreciated one, overlooking present goodness in search of some faraway desire or longing.

Facebook should be called, "Grouchbook" because many people just use it to complain. There are several people on my Facebook where I have never seen one positive status post. This is very sad. How you see your life is a choice. You either have a glass that is half empty or half full. Everyone goes through trials and everyone has a chioce as to how they will respond to them.

Think about your friendships. Who lifts you up and makes you feel better? Who drags you down and makes you feel bad about yourself? Avoid whiners and complainers. Spend your time with friends who encourage you. Invest your time with people who maintain a good attitude and have a positive outlook on life.

Cultivate contentment instead of complaining. By appreciating the riches you already have, you calm the all-to-human urge to complain about what you don't have.

As you grow closer to God, you'll find you have less interest in complaint sessions that once seemed so absorbing. Look for what inspires and motivates you instead of wasting energy on trivial complaints.

Take one mundane chore you tend to complain about, such as doing laundry or paying the bills and turn it into an act of love dedicated to God in gratitude.

In Him,

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