Thursday, February 9, 2012

Persistent Pride

People who humble themselves do not think more of themselves than they ought or try to show others how great they are. Truly humble people use the gifts God has given them without bragging about them as if they are the result of their own doing.

Pride ruins relationships in homes, jobs, schools, and churches....yes, churches! The majority of the time this is the main reason churches split.

It's not about who preaches the best sermon or which Sunday School class has the most attendance.

Pride guarantees God's opposition. Both James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5 say that "God resists the proud."

I once heard someone say that believers could accomplish much greater things for the kingdom of God if they didn't care who got the credit for it.

Pride makes us think we deserve special treatment, recognition, or honor. It causes us to think too little of others and too much of ourselves.

Our purpose is knowing Him and making Him known, not ourselves.

In Him,

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