Friday, March 30, 2012

Worry Paralyzes Faith

We can be worried people living in a troubled world. But we can also choose to be faithful people in the world God created. Though there are real dangers, it is not worry that saves us from trouble, but a quiet faith in the God who delivers us and protects us.

Worry paralyzes faith, because you are assuming responsibility for things that are God's responsibility.

No matter what your circumstances, serenity is tied to your faith and trust in God, not what is going on all around you.

God is bigger than your biggest problem, stronger than your most frightening enemy, and greater than your doubts and fears.

God's presence is with you, here and now. There is no place you can go where God is not. It is your choice to receive or reject His presence in your life, but His presence always goes with you.

For His Glory,

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