It is in our human nature to want to understand everything. Why the sky is blue, why bad things happen, how our mind works, and why people act the way they do. We think if we can understand the whys and hows of things, we can control them and then we'll have peace.
If you count on your own understanding to give you peace, then you will never really be peaceful.
Instead of searching for the whys and hows, search for Jesus. His Presence and His Peace go together, so when you find Him you also find His Peace.
Put your faith in Him, not in your ability to figure everything out. Besides, He already has everything all figured out.
A God small enough for me to understand .... would not be God at all. So I'm glad He is too big for me to fathom.
God is bigger than your biggest problem, stronger than your most frightening enemy, and greater than your doubts and fears. Through Him, all things hold together and have their being, and nothing, NOTHING, is out of His control.
In Him,
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