Saturday, March 30, 2013

There Are Reasons For Why We Wind Up Where We Do

What God permits, He permits for a reason. And that reason is His design.

Trials are meant to awaken us to the reality of God.

People will always disappoint us and let us down but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. You can stand on that promise.

Satan tries to destroy some of us by increasing our health and wealth, which can strangle our faith (Matthew 13:22). And he tries to destroy others by multiplying their pain (Luke 13:16). Satan’s and God’s designs in our trials are not the same. Satan designs to destroy our love for Christ. God designs to deepen our love for Christ. Satan wins if we fail to cherish Christ. Don’t waste your trial by retreating into yourself. As hard as it is to feel this, believe God is not withholding good. He is doing good.

My faith gives me hope for a brighter future and it also gives me assurance that justice will be done. God is the ultimate judge and He will make all things right in due time.

It’s amazing the extent some people will go to just to cover their tracks. Even Herod, a king and leader of a country, worked hard to cover his tracks. He respected and liked John the Baptist, however, had him killed so that he would not lose face before his friends and family. This reminds me of how little we know of others when we only look on the surface.

There are many injustices done in this world that people have justified. All we can do is strive for honesty and integrity in our own lives and thank God that He is the true deliverer of forgiveness and justice.

Life is not about being people pleasers but rather having Godly wisdom and the courage to stick to your convictions.

Don't waste your trials. Consider what Jesus said about painful, unplanned circumstances: “They will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name’s sake. This will be your opportunity to bear witness” (Luke 21:12–13). Christ is infinitely worthy. Here is a golden opportunity to show that He is worth more than life....Don’t waste it.

May we stand up for injustice and continually strive to have integrity in all we do. It is not easy for us to life lives of integrity, but it is a way of being that we should ALL aspire towards.


Friday, March 29, 2013

✞ A Joyous Good Friday ✞

A Joyous Good Friday ✞ .... Jesus takes death—the sign that points to all that is wrong in this world—and through death makes it all right again. “It is finished!” was the Lord’s shout of victory because now, through Him, we can escape the power of sin; we can live and be free. ✞

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Good Friday Is Good Because I Am So Bad

Good Friday is good because the Savior, our Lord Jesus is so good.... …Jesus was showered with judgment he did not deserve that I might be showered with the grace that I do not deserve.

…Jesus wore the crown of thorns that I might wear the crown of life

…Jesus was condemned that I might be pardoned

…Jesus was abandoned that I might be accepted

…Jesus was shamed for my shameful sin

...Jesus was my substitute upon that blood-stained tree.

…Jesus died that I may live

Good Friday is good because I am so bad!

On the third day, the stone wasn't rolled away so HE could get out. It was rolled away so WE could see in...HE IS RISEN!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

He Doesn't Ever Let Go...And I Am Thankful

Our Lord is amazing the way He just keeps after us...After me. Everyone struggles at times. Everyone fails at times. It's not always easy to share those times...but it is a good thing to do. You see, if you share, it may help people that are struggling also. And, it helps you because people pray for you. Not only begins a healing process. A form of therapy if you will. So...

Christ has called us as His followers to be "salt and light." God can transform a human life in and to the glory of God by His grace. Apart from Christ, we are totally incapable of transformational living, but "with God all things are possible." Let your light shine for the world to see today, in whatever struggle you are walking through. The world needs you!

We don't need higher self-esteem. We need greater self-grace that comes from the depths of His grace. - Ann Voskamp

Sometimes when I seem to be caught in a struggle...a wrestling match of some sort, I feel like giving up and then I am reminded that I serve a great God that NEVER gives up. He doesn't abandon. He is there for all time...right slack but not too much. He doesn't ever let go...and I am thankful!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No Experience, Even A Wilderness One, Is Ever Wasted

Being in the middle of the wilderness is truly the toughest place to be because I take a look around and see nothing but road stretched out in either direction. There is no beginning or end in sight and that's where I get really tempted to stop and give up.

Our choice to give up or keep moving not only affects us, but everyone around us.

What we do in the middle of the wilderness—in the place that tests our limits and endurance and courage and faith—will define our outcome.

The choices we make today will determine where we end up tomorrow.

Keep moving. God rewards the faithful (James 1:12). Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it’s tiring. Yes, sometimes you want to give up, but don’t.

During my journey for answers to my health issues, I came to realize that God reveals His answers and His healing in His timing. I had some moments, even days, where I thought God would never answer my prayer. But then God reminded me that when you are down, your enemy has you right where he wants you, for it is when you are off your feet, immobile, and inert that he has a chance to catch you and bind you up....Keep moving...Keep believing!

Moving targets are always harder to hit. When you move, you are promised God’s skill. God gives us power to tread on those things the enemy would use to harm us (Luke 10:19).

In my health journey, God led me to Goga...Whole Body Vibration. Goga has changed my life. I feel so much better. Thank you, Jesus!

I really haven't been focusing as much on how much weight I am losing as I have being excited that I am feeling better...God is healing!

I am abundantly blessed and blown away at the goodness of our God...I just completed my 6th week of Goga. At the end of 5 weeks, I lost 13.5 pounds. I lost an additional 2.5 in week 6...So that makes a total of 16 pounds lost...God continues to give His blessings.

Through this whole wilderness journey, MY main goal was to discover a diagnosis. HOWEVER, God's plan was to lead me to healing....No experience, even a wilderness one, is ever wasted!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Finding Confidence In A World Full Of Scandals And Bad News

How do we find confidence in a world full of scandals and bad news?

First, we need to take our eyes off the world and focus them on God. The world says we have to be beautiful and successful to be worthy, but God says we are worthy because He created us and He loves us. The world makes a big deal out of scandals and bad news. But God takes what Satan meant for bad and uses it for our good. God has given us the good news of Jesus Christ through the scandal of the cross.

Second, we can resolve to put our confidence in Christ, because He is trustworthy. His word says all the promises of God are "yes" in Christ Jesus. We can take our request to God, knowing that He hears us and approves them because of Jesus Christ. What freedom there is in that!

My God is a big God. Unfathomable. Incomparable. Frankly, words just don't do Him justice. And He made YOU....You were knit together by a one-of-a-kind, amazing God who is absolutely, undeniably, head-over-heels crazy-in-love with you. You are a child of God...What more confidence do you need than that!


Friday, March 22, 2013

The Miracle Maker

Miracles don’t always come with signposts and flashing arrows to tell us, “This is it! This is the miracle!"....We have to be paying attention and we have to step out in faith.

We won't see the supply until WE step out in faith!

In a book full of miracles, a scant few are actually called miracles. Usually, you have to read the whole story to know that the story is a miracle.

There are many miraculous things in the Bible not being labeled that way. The word “miracle” is missing from the creation story, the parting of the Red Sea, the fall of Goliath, the birth of a Messiah, and even Christ’s unfathomable rising from a sealed grave.

In the Bible, you have to read the story to know it’s a miracle. And maybe in life, you’ve got to live the story, in order to see the miracles....Live by faith, not by sight.

In our life story, God knows what the miracle is. So we want to stay closer to the Miracle Maker.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

God Is Active In Big Ways

There are times in our lives when the storms rage and we don't know which way to turn. Times when we feel as if God has left us and were standing alone in the shadows.

Even though we may not be able to see Him, He is there, just waiting for us have faith in Him and the knowledge that He will see us through.

Every highway of life descends into the valley now and then. And everyone must go through the tunnel of tribulation before they can travel on the high road of triumph. Thank God for His hand upon us during these dark tunnels!

I am thankful that the God I serve hears the prayers of His people. I am thankful that God hears the prayers of those that have not yet turned their life over to Him.

God is active in big ways! God is in the process of giving me an extreme make-over. He is not only detoxing my body, but my heart as well....Our suffering means something! ♥

I am here to tell you that God is faithful!!! I have no doubt, that after my extreme make-over, I will come out better than ever...because that's how my God works!!!

If people would only believe they are still in the process of creation, submit to the Maker, allowing Him to handle them as the potter handles clay, yielding themselves in one shining, deliberate action to the turning of His wheel, they would soon find themselves able to welcome every pressure from His hand on them, even if it results in pain.

Not a single blow can hit,
Till the God of love sees fit.

Watch God do a miracle!!!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Job-Like Season

Many times over the past seven years, with the loss of both my parents and then recently my health dilemma, I was reminded of how often the Lord chooses to use pain to bring us to our knees. I’m not saying He always causes the heaps of bad stuff to rain down on us, but He certainly finds a way to use those low and hopeless seasons in our life to bring us to a deeper dependence on Him.

It’s often right at the point when we are in a Job-like season and all we can do is throw our empty hands up in the air and cry, “Why?!” when we discover how big God is. We discover, with complete certainty, a Savior who loves us deeply and promises to hold onto us through it all.

God has definitely been showing up for me over the last seven years. Not that he didn’t before. But in my Job-like season, God has been working in me in ways I never imagined. He is amazing. He is wonderful.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wait For Your God Moment...It Will Come

Will we choose to trust Him when healing is delayed? Will we choose to trust Him if there are still no clear answers? Will we choose to trust Him if healing means more time logged in darkness?

Miracles and healing will often come after desperate and relentless pleas for help.

God is just waiting for the right time to give us our GOD moment! HE wants to show HIS great glory to us just as HE did to all of Egypt when HE destroyed Pharoah and his army. Right when we are about to be overtaken by the trials of this life...GOD will part the waters and we will see HIS great glory! Our GOD...yours and mine...will part the Red Sea of life and we will get safely through to the other side.

Faith comes from hearts that have chosen to trust the healer…even before the miracle happens. Hearts which have made up their minds that an encounter with Jesus will leave them forever changed.

My faith is the thing that grounds me something solid to stand on. It always helps me hang onto hope and push away fear.

In the book of Mark, Jesus doesn’t heal the blind man immediately. Jesus takes this blind man by the hand and they journey together for a distance. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. So often, this is where many people choose to run away instead. It’s at this moment when we have to completely trust the healer that the journey He is inviting us to take with Him through the dark is worth it.

Keep holding onto His hand despite the darkness you still see stretched out ahead of you. God is faithful to bring you through it!

My God moment has come. God is currently healing my body after 11 months of pain, doctors, and tests with no confirmed diagnosis....PRAISE GOD!....But wait a minute! Who are we to limit “God moments” to only those special events we notice and appreciate? Aren’t all events and occurrences part of God’s plan and purpose? How many God’s activities bypass our recognition because they do not seem special or unique enough for us to recognize them as coming from God? After all, God is good all the time and in every way. In happy moments we must praise God. In difficult moments we must praise Him. In quiet moments, worship Him. In painful moments, trust Him. At every moment we are to thank God. So appreciate the “God moments” as the “icing on the cake” special love notes from God, but do not limit God’s involvement in our lives to these. Realize that every activity and every event in our life is, in fact, a God moment.


Monday, March 18, 2013

The Duration Of Faith

I am so inspired at how God is using me! NATURAL AWAKENINGS - Healthy Living Magazine is going to publish my Goga testimonial in the April 2013 Upstate Edition, along with my before Goga and after Goga pictures....God is good. He doesn't make mistakes. He restores. He brings full circle.

We can be comforted to know that just because we are going through something hard, does not mean that God is not in our situation.

In the story of Peter stepping out of the boat to walk on water to Jesus, Jesus did not criticize the the quality of Peter’s faith, nor the quantity of his faith. He criticized the duration of his faith. And although Peter failed at what he set out to do by taking his eyes off of Jesus, Jesus succeeded in what he set out to prove. The point of the story was not Peter’s great faith, it was about God’s great grace.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Maybe A Broken Heart Is What We Really Need

What makes your heart break? What makes you uneasy in your seat? That thing that makes you afraid? The one that gives you goose bumps and makes you sweat, that is the very thing God is going to use in you to change the world.

It is the mystery of it all that gives it the power, the mystery of the whole process called God's working that makes the power so magnificent.

Jesus didn't just preach a gospel. He lived one, and now YOU are His hands and feet. We must get out there and BE the church, not just be WITH the church.

Too often we ask God to heal our heart, to put patches over the broken parts..but maybe a broken heart is what we really need.

Life is full of problems that you and I can’t handle. So why do I sometimes wait so long before I turn to God? Why do I try everything in my own power before looking to the only One who is All-powerful? Why can’t I see that my situation makes me a candidate for a miracle?

What may be impossible for you and me is possible for God.

Every miracle in scripture always started out as a problem. - John Maxwell


Thursday, March 14, 2013

There's No "Catch" With God

I think the church has it backwards. We focus on the things the Bible says not to do instead of concentrating on what Jesus said we should do. We condemn, criticize, and judge those who break the Ten Commandments, but forget about love.

Jesus told us the first and greatest commandment is to love God with everything in us and the second greatest commandment is to love others Matthew 22:38:39

I have encountered many people who say it just seems like everyone in the Church has got these motives that just make them sick. They feel judged, like people just want their money and they feel so guilty about their whole life every time they walk into church. They just always feel like there's a "catch" with God."

And sadly...I understood.

There are many people in the Church who have the wrong motives. It is all about a book sale, a platform, twitter followers, money or fame.

I think though, there's a question we need to be asking ourselves as followers of Christ.

How far am I willing to go to share the love of Christ?

And I don't mean mileage-far.

I mean: uncomfortable, suck-up-my-pride, let people see the real me, giving to never to receive, thinking the best of everyone, saying sorry even if I wasn't wrong, putting others first, humbling myself, using what God has given me wisely and giving up everything I have.

Because a beautiful thing happens when people just see Jesus...."If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed." -Proverbs 29:18

There is beauty in letting myself go far in order that Jesus might be revealed....No bold statements of faith or beautifully spoken words....Just Jesus.

And I cannot help but think of what the impact of the name of Jesus would be on this world if we were always willing to go...that far.

What about you? Are you were willing to set something aside so that someone could "just see Jesus?"


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Love Rules, Without Rules

Do you ever fall into the discouragement trap? The one where all of life's problems seem to be closing in on you and you don't know which way to turn. I think we all have been victims of this trap many times during of lives.

But God doesn't want us to feel trapped.

We must fight to overcome this and the trap of discouragement! The way to do this is by following God's command to put on His full armor so we will be able to stand against Satan's attacks.
Discouragement is from the enemy. Don't let the enemy win! We need to be in constant communion with God, every minute of every hour of the day. It's through His name that we can overcome.

Strength and hope are found in Jesus Christ! Just reach out for Him....He is always by your side to see you through and release you from the trap that Satan tries to set. Even when we fall into Satan's discouragement trap, I am so glad there's a way out! Christ freed us from the law of rules. Praise The Lord, I am free in Jesus' name!

Here it is: God does not demand perfection in you. God is not expecting you to measure up. God never thought that you could live the Christian life, nor does he expect that you could actually meet his holy standards. If he thought that you could, he wouldn’t have come to earth to die for you. But he did.

God is aware of the gap between his perfection and your sinfulness. Even as Christians, there is a constant tension within us to try to close that gap, so that we feel more comfortable, so that we feel closer to God. Some will try to close the gap by trying to lower God’s standards: “God doesn’t really mean…” Others will try to close the gap by trying to raise their performance: “I’ll try harder…”

What does God say about this gap? It’s there and it will always be there. But you, who have put your faith in Jesus, received him into your life, have been forgiven, declared righteous, precious in his eyes, held in his hand of care. You are completely His and He loves you unconditionally, in spite of the gap....Love rules, without rules!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Contentment Comes From Counting Your Blessings

Sometimes it’s hard to keep believing. When it takes a long time for our prayers to be answered - or when things get worse - or when it looks like nothing is happening, I tend to start talking myself out of God’s promises.

Discontented people strive to be somewhere else or someone else. Satisfaction in life arises from knowing you are where you belong, even if it's in the middle of a storm....Believing God has a plan....He doesn't make mistakes....He restores....He brings full circle.

We are supposed to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily. It would seem odd that one could carry the weight of a cross and not feel pain. Suffering makes us move through our days in measured steps. And sometimes, we even expect God to deliver a miracle, like we are ordering fast food.

Contentment comes from many great and small acceptances in life. Contentment comes from counting your blessings!

When life isn't the way you like it, like it the way it day at a time with Jesus. And you will be blessed. God has brought me through that dark tunnel to share His light at the end.

Just a reminder: People who do great things for God are not fearless, they are faithful.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Joy Isn't A Function Of What Happens

Giving thanks in all things is what gets you joy.

Everyone gets to decide how happy they want to be. Because everyone gets to decide how grateful they are willing to be.

Waiting till you’re happy before you give thanks, is like waiting to be healthy before you take your vitamins. Vitamins are what make you healthy. Giving thanks is what makes you happy. Giving thanks is the way we awaken to the presence of God all around us and only in His presence is fullness of joy. Giving thanks is what gets you joy.

Over the past seven years of some pretty rough times, I finally get it:

Joy isn’t a function of what happens.

Joy is a function of what I think.

Joy is a function of how I thank.

God is real and He is with us—you and me. I forget that sometimes and go about life as if it all depends on me. Not true. Our God is our ever-present help in times of need.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably experienced times when it seemed like God wasn’t listening to your prayers, but He is. Maybe you feel as if your prayers are bothering God. He’s too busy to hear about or respond to your cares. It isn’t so. The Bible reminds us that we can take comfort in the fact that God is deeply concerned with what matters to our hearts.

Give thanks to God in all circumstances! In doing so, your circumstances may not change but your heart will fill with strength and peace that passes all understanding.

If you are willing to to put down doubt and pick up faith, your change will invite God’s change. He is faithful. He is good. He is waiting. He wants to take you to places beyond your wildest dreams.

The reward is not as great without the struggle!

Ride out your storm in the shelter of God’s promises.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Jesus Never Fails

When something really horrible happens to you, do you fall back into the world or fall closer to God?

Satan is real. He wants to pull you down and drag you into his dark shadow any way he can until you're surrounded by his utter darkness. We all have things that get to us and satan knows what they are. He knows how to push your buttons and make you start slippin' and sliddin' your way towards the dark side. He is always looking for that opportunity when your defenses are down.

Satan is always fighting to hold ground. How do you combat this? What do you do when you feel the light that surrounds you is starting to get dim? Pray and read your Bible. Keep pushing towards the light...HIS light. JESUS never fails us. We just have to be willing to do our part. Don't settle for a spark....light a fire instead! Just a reminder: If our hope is in Jesus Christ we will get to see Satan thrown in that fire one day soon....YIPPIE!!!!!

We need to read the Bible and take heed to what the Lord is telling us through His Word. Live the way we should. Follow the example that Jesus set down for us. Be faithful in reading the Word...your Bible. Pray and meditate...sit and think about what it says...daily. Let it seep into your that when troubles come you can stand firm in your faith. It is a real battle so it is always wise for us to make sure we are wearing our armor that God gave us. The helmet of salvation, the breast plate of righteousness, the shoes of the Gospel and carry the Sword of Truth. Having the Word planted deeply within our hearts and minds helps us to stand strong and courageous in the toughest of times! Even when those things may scare us or discourage us we can remember that we have a Savior who is with us...always!

Sometimes this world brings trouble I find so hard to bear.
I know I could not make it without Jesus being there.
It’s so encouraging to know,
How ever deep we’re in despair…
Jesus never fails.

When you are close to God, regularly praying, studying the Scriptures, and seeking His counsel, you are primed and attuned to the guidance He is offering for your life. As you are paying attention to Him, you notice that He is paying attention to you. You then begin to experience a calming of your anxieties and an understanding that you don't have to solve your problems alone. You are not in this life alone!

Stop thinking wishfully and start living hopefully. - Emilie Barnes....Hope sets people free!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Detoxing Your Life

God is the source of all hope. No circumstance -- sin, poverty, pain, sickness, loss, disappointment, grief, even the prospect of your own death -- can steal your hope when it is safely anchored in God. All of these things are earthly toxins. It is just as important for God to detox our heart as it is for us to detox our body.

God is the author of all hope -- and He will never leave your side as you walk through the dark, confusing, lonely, and painful places in your life. He will replace your clouds of despair with the brilliant, penetrating light of His everlasting love. He will fill your heart with peace and your mind with wisdom and understanding. He is our hope for everything we will ever need!

I am in total awe of the way God is healing me. I have been doing Goga for 4 weeks. I have lost 11 pounds! I will be measured to get my total inches lost, on Monday. Obviously, after 11 months of doctors and no confirmed diagnosis, the core of my problem has been toxin buildup in my body. I have never been one to do cleanses, saunas, or foot detoxes - but I'm a firm believer in them now. Toxins are one of the top causes of disease and autoimmune disorders. will save your life!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

If We Walk One Step Toward God, God Will Run Ten Steps Towards Us

When God speaks to me, do I hear it as an invitation or an interruption?

The bottom line is...Obedience to God is our job. The results of that obedience are God's. - Elisabeth Elliot

Today’s excuses are tomorrow’s regrets dressed in disguise. When I become more concerned about my convenience over God’s purpose, misery is inevitable.

Sometimes God's plans seem unmistakably clear to you. But other times, He may lead you through the wilderness before He directs you to the Promised Land. The Lord never makes a mistake. So be patient and keep seeking His will for your life. When you do, you'll be amazed at the marvelous things that an all-powerful, all-knowing God can do. One day, when we are in Heaven, I'm sure we shall receive the answers to all the whys? Stop calling it according to what you see and start calling it according to what God says.

Remember that God rules both mountaintops and valleys, with limitless wisdom and love, now and forever. God prepared a plan for your life...and neither man nor the devil can destroy that plan. Lean upon God's promises. Trust His Son.

Yes, God's grace is always sufficient, and His arms are always open to give it. But, will our arms be open to receive it? - Beth Moore


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Life Of Transparency

So what does it mean to live transparent? Living a transparent life is a choice that must be made. Living behind a veil will in many cases diminish the fullness of life. Transparency is sliding aside the curtains of the soul revealing its character. Transparency informs others of the integrity of a person. The idea that the truth will set us free is an outcome of transparency. Transparency allows one to shift from hiding behind pretense to genuine living.

When we live with transparency we experience God's power, love and blessing firsthand.

While on earth, Jesus lived a life of transparency so that all could see the power of God.

God’s power is made perfect in weakness. Weakness is hard, but weakness doesn’t have to mean defeat. It is our opportunity to experience God’s power.

Living a life of transparency makes me vulnerable. But because God has done so much in my weakness, I cannot keep quiet. I have to share. Jesus's last words to His disciples were, "Go,tell." We are His disciples too and this is just one of my ways of telling.

Life's journey is definitely hard. The heart can spin, beat, fall, scream, and rejoice. . .all in one day!.....If this is giving my heart any kind of exercise, I should be in very good shape. :)

When we workout at the gym we struggle to get our bodies in good shape, and in the end we want to reveal the transformation. So why is it so hard for us to let God train our spiritual muscles and let Him reveal the transformation when the workout is complete?

During my journey my heart has fallen with despair, beat furiously with the frustrations, and melted with sweet moments of grace and love. My friends, everyone messes up. Everyone needs grace. The grace of God runs downhill toward the ones who are emptied and vulnerable, toward the ones who admit that they struggle.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Every One Fights A Battle

Sometimes in life things get broken—we get broken.

Some days I don’t want to get out of bed, but I make the decision to do it anyway. It isn’t pleasant, I don’t feel like it, but I do it. It's time we all realize that some of the things that happen to us in life are beyond our control. But we need to take the initiative and step up and take control of the things over which we have control: relationships, habits, behaviors, interactions.

Since we are only human, understanding God is out of the question. But trusting Him is not. - Marie T. Freeman

Everyone fights a battle. But in order to be victorious in that battle you have to first want better to be better. You have to be in charge of your life and stop being controlled and manipulated by destructive feelings and thought patterns that lead to destructive behaviors. Acknowledge your feelings, work through your pain, understand your hurt and frustration and brokenness, but do not let it be the controlling factor of your life. You can’t live your life and make decisions based solely upon how you feel. You will be led astray. Sometimes you simply have to make yourself do things. It’s not easy. It hurts. But it will make you stronger.

Yes, it’s hard, but life is hard. Each one of us is responsible for our own happiness. If we choose to allow ourselves to become miserable and unhappy, the problem is ours, not someone else's. - Joyce Meyer


Friday, March 1, 2013

All Things Happen, Not In Due Time, But In Divine Time

You may go through periods during which you feel God isn't listening to your prayers. During those times, it is important to understand that the "wait" is part of the answer God gives to you. Waiting is part of the mystery of His plan and the degrees by which it will be unfolded to you. God answers you in His time, not yours or mine. That is when we grow as we learn to listen for His time, His answer, His time. But He is there, hearing your prayers.

At those times when God is silent, you must place your hope in two mighty truths; the truth of God's sovereignty and the truth of His faithfulness. God answers all your prayers, but always in His own time and in His own way. When you place your hope in Him, you will not be disappointed -- even when the answer that comes is not what you expected. You are wise to trust Him and wait patiently. It is in these times that your faith is tested, strengthened, and established.

I never dreamed in a million years that God wouldn't answer my prayers for healing, I just didn't expect Him to answer the way He did. The healing I am receiving from doing Goga has definitely been a pleasant surprise...A divine blessing....In His divine time!

Things don't just happen. Those things you may call "accidents," "surprises," or "discoveries" are actually revelations of God's love and constant concern for you. If you keep your faith and trust in God, the meaning of these things will be become clear. If you greet each new day and expect it to reveal the glory, power, and love of God, your hours will be filled with joy and awe. His mystery will lead you toward Him....Because all things happen, not in due time, but in divine time.
