Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No Experience, Even A Wilderness One, Is Ever Wasted

Being in the middle of the wilderness is truly the toughest place to be because I take a look around and see nothing but road stretched out in either direction. There is no beginning or end in sight and that's where I get really tempted to stop and give up.

Our choice to give up or keep moving not only affects us, but everyone around us.

What we do in the middle of the wilderness—in the place that tests our limits and endurance and courage and faith—will define our outcome.

The choices we make today will determine where we end up tomorrow.

Keep moving. God rewards the faithful (James 1:12). Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it’s tiring. Yes, sometimes you want to give up, but don’t.

During my journey for answers to my health issues, I came to realize that God reveals His answers and His healing in His timing. I had some moments, even days, where I thought God would never answer my prayer. But then God reminded me that when you are down, your enemy has you right where he wants you, for it is when you are off your feet, immobile, and inert that he has a chance to catch you and bind you up....Keep moving...Keep believing!

Moving targets are always harder to hit. When you move, you are promised God’s skill. God gives us power to tread on those things the enemy would use to harm us (Luke 10:19).

In my health journey, God led me to Goga...Whole Body Vibration. Goga has changed my life. I feel so much better. Thank you, Jesus!

I really haven't been focusing as much on how much weight I am losing as I have being excited that I am feeling better...God is healing!

I am abundantly blessed and blown away at the goodness of our God...I just completed my 6th week of Goga. At the end of 5 weeks, I lost 13.5 pounds. I lost an additional 2.5 in week 6...So that makes a total of 16 pounds lost...God continues to give His blessings.

Through this whole wilderness journey, MY main goal was to discover a diagnosis. HOWEVER, God's plan was to lead me to healing....No experience, even a wilderness one, is ever wasted!


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