Friday, August 23, 2013

Spiritual Cheerleaders

Our problems rise up in our lives and we see no way around the sickness, debt, or family problems that we face daily. We become so blinded by our discouragement we don't see the hand of God leading us, because we only see our troubles, growing to gigantic proportions in our small lives. 

God shows up in the dark times just as He is present in the light, but sometimes we hesitate to expose our challenges and struggles for fear of embarrassment or rejection. I try to avoid building those walls because I want people to know God's grace in their own lives and those are the momonets we need it most!

As God’s people live out their faith in this world, they need advice, challenge, and encouragement to persevere. Sometimes we need a reminder that we can be “spiritual cheerleaders” for other believers. And being kind to others and keeping them encouraged can, in turn, keep us going. Selfless acts of kindness can go a long way and they can make us learn new things about ourselves too! :) 

It is so easy to sit like a lump when we need encouragement, but when we get up and look to encouraging others we can shake the cloud over us! It is always encouraging when we follow God and seek to encourage others! God's way is AWESOME! Step out and do something radical for Jesus. I guarantee He will help you with the details. What we think is a small step of faith, could end up being an opportunity for life change - for us, or possibly for someone we touch. We just have to say yes, and leave the rest to God. 

I want to encourage those who are waiting on God. I know first hand, waiting on our Lord and Savior can seem like forever! We may spend years wandering in the wilderness, without any specific direction in our lives. Today I want to encourage you to claim God's promises in your life. The Lord is always with you and no matter what kind of problem you are having, you are not the only one to go through that storm. 

The best way I have found to get over feeling sorry for myself, is to help someone else. It is easy to be a Christian example of love, joy, and peace when everything is going well.  But when we can bear the fruit of the Spirit, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith (Galatians 5:22) in the midst of storms, that's when people know our faith is real. Keep on trusting in the Lord day by day. You may not be aware of it, but there are people watching you. Your strength in the Lord can be an encouragement to them. When God doesn't give you a miracle, maybe you're the miracle God has for someone else. The blind man was born blind so the power of God could be seen in him. His disability has been used to to reveal God's power.

God's love gives us power and strength to conquer those things that stand against us. God does and can use all circumstances in our lives for His glory. Most of all, He does His best work in the messiest situations. 

God has definitely used my health situation to reveal His power. He has redeemed my situation by healing me of mercury poisoning. And he has used the source of healing, Whole Body Vibration, to open other doors in our lives. God has shown His love to me over and over again. He gives me strength step by step. He protects me moment by moment. He provides my needs day by day. What a wonderful Savior we serve!

Friends, Life is not about losing, life is about overcoming! So get out there and be a spiritual cheerleader and encourage others to keep fighting the good fight.


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