Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Mission Field

Whole Body Vibration is the mission field God has led me and my husband to through my illness. We now own our own Whole Body Vibration Studio. 

Interesting article on whole body vibration from a DNM ( Dr. of Natural Medicine) in Canada

December 6, 2013 

By Dr. Gail Smolinski, DNM

I think Whole Body Vibration (WBV) exercise is the greatest thing since popcorn! It makes it possible for almost everyone to exercise, even if you’re not able to do other types of exercise.
WBV, ideally, is done by standing on a platform that has two motors – a vibrating motor and an oscillating motor. These motors send mild vibration impulses through the body, up to 50 times per second.
This vibration activates muscle fibers even more efficiently than regular exercise. Research studies have shown that WBV increases bone density in the hip and inhibits bone loss in the spine and hips.
Regular exercise is extremely important to maintain good health! We all know this, but often fail to do it consistently. Excuses include lack of time, the cold weather, the embarrassment of flaunting our bodies in public and the inconvenience of leaving home to exercise. Many of us find it too hard to exercise or just cannot be bothered. We have become couch potatoes and we are paying a huge price in terms of chronic pain, illness, shortened lives and poorer quality of life. It’s time we wake up and literally get off the couch!
What if you could exercise for only 10 minutes a day, in the comfort and privacy of your own home, get an hour’s worth of benefit and find it easy as pie? You don’t even have to change into workout clothes. How simple is that?
WBV has been proven to improve strength, circulation, flexibility and balance. It builds lean muscle mass and increases lymphatic drainage. It is beneficial for rehabilitation because it gets blood and oxygen to the injured cells for repair and maintenance. It does not stress the joints or heart, so elderly people can safely use it as well. People with arthritic pain have been able to eliminate or reduce their level of pain. You can also use it to drop some weight, and to trim and tone your body! Ooo-la-la!
The effects of controlled WBV exercises on overall health in elderly patients were studied at the University of Liege in Belgium. After only six weeks, of exercising for 4 one-minute sessions, 3 times a week, the participants experienced:
• 143% improvement in physical function; 77% improvement in equilibrium (balance); 60% improvement in vitality; 57% improvement in the quality of walking; 41% reduction in pain; 23% improvement in general health.
All this in only 12 minutes a week! Dr. Keith DeOrio, M.D., explains that all your muscles, as well as your internal glands and organs, benefit from WBV. The mechanical stimulation caused by the vibration plate causes the muscle spindles to fire rapidly. This creates a neuromuscular response that leads to physiological changes in your entire body, including the brain.
According to Dr. DeOrio, only 12 minutes of training on a WBV plate is equal to a 1.5 hour traditional workout, using weights!
Since it produces very little stress to your joints, tendons and ligaments, WBV can be an excellent form of exercise for you if you are elderly or have chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia or MS, which would normally limit your ability to exercise.
Also, if you have suffered physical trauma or injury, cellular memories remain in your brain and body tissues even after the injuries have healed. These cellular memories unfortunately impede normal body movement and function. However, WBV stimulation allows your brain and body to remove the cellular memories of trauma and injury, and re-imprint them with positive, healthy information! This allows total healing to occur.
WBV, as simple as it is, benefits athletes as well as beginners. For example, athletes can improve their speed and vertical jump height, while cutting warm-up time in half. It also speeds up cool-down time, since it eliminates lactic acid and pumps oxygen and blood to all tissues for repair.
WBV can be used for your specific and unique needs, whether you must start by sitting on a chair, and placing your feet on the vibration platform, or whether you are sedentary, slightly active, moderately active or already fit and athletic.
Is your health worth 10 minutes of easy as pie exercise a day? I know mine is! Call us for a free demonstration. This column is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Whole Body Vibration has definitely helped me recover from my mercury poisoning. I believe WBV is what God is using to heal me and help others.


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