Monday, March 3, 2014

Detoxification Is A Marathon NOT A Sprint

Most Americans are unaware of the chronic disease and pain caused by inflammation and toxicity. 

Inflammation is now linked to heart disease, stroke, arthritis, fibromyalgia, type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, various cancers and a vast array of other chronic health conditions. Toxicity, on the other hand, is an inescapable part of modern life. From environmental hazards like contaminated tap water and mercury poisoned fish to household threats like cleaners, solvents and food additives, toxins must be proactively diffused or they can wreck havoc on health.

For those of you who have been following my blog, you know that I am still recovering from mercury poisoning from an amalgam filling. 

It is important to realize that mercury detoxification is a marathon and NOT a sprint. You do NOT want to do this quickly. Even if you believe you are healthy you want to start this process SLOWLY as you could easily cause severe flare ups. Some people may need to do it far more slowly and may need a few years to effectively eliminate the mercury safely.

It’s an interesting fact that some people with high mercury exposure don’t become toxic, yet others with relatively low exposure do. Why is this? Why does one person get really sick from his/her amalgams while another is perfectly fine?

The difference lies in your ability to detoxify naturally. You already have a system in place for removing mercury and other heavy metals from your body. Mercury’s half-life can range from 40 to 120 days, and the faster you can clear it out, the less you’ll be affected.

"My journey to health continues and today I am thankful to say that Whole Body Vibration has assisted in this journey. I am healthier than I have been in decades!" ~ Dalinda Powell, Co-owner of Circulation Nation of Simpsonville.



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