Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Consider The Opportunity Life Gives

Consider the opportunities live gives: a chance to be, become, do, achieve, give, receive, serve, laugh, and love.

If you are stressed out all the time, something will have to change in order for the stress to be relieved. It will not just go away as long as you keep doing the same thing. If you want different results, you have to change the ingredients.

Most of us are afraid of change. We want the safety of sameness. It is amazing to me how some people spend their lives resisting change while others thrive on it. Change keeps life fresh and adventurous. And most importantly, we grow through change...we become fully alive.

Life is like a flower. It needs both rain and sunshine as its buds open and blossom with time.

We have to treat every single day as if it's opening night. Being a follower of Christ isn't easy. It carries much responsibility and my prize at the end isn't a trophy awarded by the people. It isn't seeing my name on the marquee. It isn't even rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. No, the prize is far greater than anything I can hold in my hands or see with my eyes. Serving God brings a prize with eternal value and significance. It brings a prize that shines brighter than the lights of Hollywood. It is a prize that goes beyond myself and changes the lives of those I come in contact with.

How sweet it is to seize life's moments while waiting for life's milestones.

Life's a gift from God, so unwrap yours and enjoy!

In Him,

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