Monday, July 16, 2012

Many Of Us Have Discovered That When We Get Our Glass Slipper, It Doesn't Fit

Many of us strive to create a life for ourselves, only to find the outcome - not to mention the process - just isn't as satisfying as expected. We discover that when we get our glass slipper, it doesn't fit.

Don't 'cha hate it when that happens? 

Me too. That means we have to go back to the drawing board and rethink our answer to the question, "How can I find contentment, satisfation or joy?"

For many the list goes something like this. I'll be happy when.... I lose 20 lbs, get a great job, get married to a good looking husband who earns enough money to buy us a really nice house that the housekeeping service cleans once a week for me. Maybe your list is different. Maybe you are certain you will be happy once you get rid of your job, or your house, or your spouse.

My point is, we imagine certain circumstances will be our happy points. And when the contented bliss we expected doesn't roll in with the reaching of those circumstances, we're left a bit confused.

And we wonder with a slight sense of panic, if I am not content and happy now - with all of this - will I ever be?

We are all supposed to live a life that is pleasing to Christ. I should want to conform my mental happy list to God's mental happy list for me. Because God's list is always better than mine.

When I stop striving to create a life for myself, I find the life that God creates for me and then my glass slipper fits to a tee.

Life makes sense when we accept our place in God's will. The gift of pleasures, the purpose of problems, - all for Him. The God-centered life works. And it rescues us from a life that doesn't.


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