Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who Are They Anyway To Say What I Should Or Shouldn't Do?

Who are they anyway to say what I should and shouldn't do? They are the people who aren't much different from you and me but they have set standards by doing certain things in certain ways, and now everyone seems to think what they say is right! WRONG!!!

There came a time in my life when I realized that comparison and competition are worldly, not godly. The world system, which includes them, demands these behaviors, but God's system condemns them.

Jesus has set us free from needing to please people and from the division that competition creates. He has delivered us from jealously and from being controlled and manipulated by them; and He has liberated us to discover and be what God created us to be. You are free from the influence of them....whoever they are!

When people judge or label you because of the way you live your life, follow Jesus' lead....keep living out your faith. Because who knows? The same people who judge you might make the connection between the way you live your life and your Savior.


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