Thursday, July 25, 2013

For HIS Recognition

How often do we charge off in one direction without stopping to see if we are following in His footsteps?

You did not create yourself so your life really is not yours. God has called us, as believers to do things that sometimes go against the flow of the world around us. It's not always easy, either. There are many mighty and miraculous victories that God desires to demonstrate in our lives, if we would only be willing to go against the flow and follow in His footsteps.

So what you think you can't handle might actually be God handing you a gift. He wants to use us but we must be ready for His use! If you are willing to be available, God will do the rest.

Sometimes we do things for God without God. Don't do things for your recognition. Only do things because The Lord wants you to do them. Do them for HIS recognition. 

This weekend, as I attend the She Speaks Proverbs 31 Women's Conference, I want my heart to be opened to His calling in my life. If I never have the following or whatever it is I am supposed to have by the world's view, it has no bearing on the validity of God's calling in my life. 

Thank you, Father, for doing the most remarkable things, in spite of my very unremarkable faith. 

God is such a good and merciful God. He blesses us beyond measure and so many times we don't take time to really look at His bounty. We need to become less interested in wowing others, and more focused on being wowed by God. With less of ourselves, we see more of God. I want to live the words that made me who I am; I want to live the words that are still making me. 

You and I have been given a job. To tell others about the immense joy of knowing Christ, but more than that to impact a world with a message that God is Who He says He is, and to bring that message to the broken hearted, to the bound, to those impoverished, to those blind to His power and His love. 

I can't wait to see God move in the lives of 600 ladies at She Speaks this weekend. May we all be open to hear His calling for our lives. GOD BLESS!


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