Friday, July 5, 2013

He Makes My Story Beautiful...

There have been seasons in my life that have been far from perfect, yet the Lord has opened my eyes to the beautiful hope I can find in Him. It’s a Hope that reaches far beyond the here and now.
There have been times in my life when I’ve tried to hide my imperfections and my sins from the rest of the world and I discovered that the beautiful I was searching for could only be found on my knees crawling along the broken road.

Growth = Life. And often times, growth = pain. Don’t mistake growing pains for death. Push through the pain and you will be able to look back at tremendous growth. 

Freedom is discovered behind the doors we are most reluctant to open and even more resistant to walk through. Freedom is discovered when we become willing to step down off the platform of unspoken pride and admit our weaknesses and our struggles.

Each chapter of my life has been a lesson and a reminder to me that the beautiful we seek is discovered along the journey to our destination. It’s His grace that takes even the ugly parts of our stories and somehow shapes them into something useful, something incredible,…something beautiful. 

If you have been following my blog on a regular basis, you know that my peripheral vision loss, terrible headaches, swelling, rashes, fatigue, numbness in my fingers and hands, rapid pulse, and border line high blood pressure is due to mercury poisoning from a silver filling....Heavy metal poisoning is serious stuff: In the worst cases, victims may suffer from changes in heart rhythm, liver and kidney damage, high blood pressure, paralysis, bronchitis, damage to blood vessels, loss of vision and/or hearing, dementia and even death. In pregnant women, overexposure to these harmful elements may even trigger miscarriage.

Mercury Poisoning is just one of the chapters in my story that He has made beautiful. Since staring Whole Body Vibration and using a far infrared sauna, my symptoms have improved dramatically and some are totally gone! Praise The Lord!!! My peripheral vision is continuing to improve in my right eye. I am doing some heavy duty, heavy metal detoxes to help speed up the healing process.

My posts are to give God glory, not me. There is no way I could be making the progress I have been making without Him!....HE MAKES MY STORY BEAUTIFUL!

Also, I have lost 2 more pounds! My total weight loss since Valentine's Day has been 36 pounds. Just 4 more pounds and I reach my goal weight! I just keep getting healthier and healthier! Poo on you, mercury poisoning!



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