Thursday, December 13, 2012

Backwards Thinking

Kindnesses is so rare these days that when someone really is kind, it shocks everyone. We have come to expect rudeness and are shocked at kindness. That is backwards thinking.

When you serve others in Christ's name, with no strings attached, people will notice something is different about you. You can clean someone's house, make a meal, mow a yard, watch someone's kids, or run an errand for someone. When we serve others in love, our lives look like Christ's life to the watching world. It's amazing what a difference the little things will make.

God wants us to be encouragers - not discouragers. We all love to be encouraged and made to feel really good about ourselves, and we hate to be around negative, discouraging people who tend to be fault finders.

We need to look for and magnify the good in every person. The Bibles teaches us to do unto others as we want them to do unto us, so all we need to do is think about what we want and start to give it away. If you want to be encouraged, then be encouraging!

We cannot expect everyone and everything around us to change so we can be comfortable while we are passive and do nothing.

Rudeness, quick tempers, and holding grudges seems to be very common today. People don't realize that they are playing right into the devil's hands when they allow these negative and poisonous emotions rule them. Sometimes I think we have more people in the world who are angry and offended than those that are not.

Living in a fallen world can bring disappointment and disillusionment to some. But Jesus came to bring light to our darkness and to bring healing to our wounds. When God's spirit is alive within us, HE compels us to take ground back for the Kingdom of God.

What if Heaven and God became our normal? Wouldn't that change everything? - Jennie Allen, Anything


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