Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tough Faith

"What wouldn't be on His calendar for me today? Of all the things that I have on my calendar, what are the things that God doesn't have on His?"

Update on my Rheumatology appointment today: It looks like a trip to MUSC or Mayo Clinic is in my near future. I have a consultation appointment with my Primary Care doctor on Tuesday to get a referral. I've never been sooooo frustrated in my entire life!!! Lord, please give me strength! Amen

Sometimes when we think the answer is "no," it is just "not yet." We may not see or feel the inner workings of His silent power, but rest assured it is always mightily at work. And it will work for us, if we will only quiet our spirit enough to be carried along by the current of its power. - Hannah Whitall Smith

For the past eight months I have been searching for health answers, like Dorothy looking for a way home from Oz. But sometimes, in our best efforts, we do not get what we wanted - Because there is a greater plan, laid by the Master in which our needs are always taken care of....and with perfect timing.

Your greatest limitation is God's greatest opportunity. But with greater opportunities comes greater opposition.

We live in a dying, hurting, depraved world and many of our life lessons are learned through tears. But may we never run from a difficult lesson or flinch from the rod of discipline. Richer will be our crown, and sweeter will Heaven be, if we cheerfully endure to the end.

I believe God will fulfill His promises even though I don't see those promises materializing yet.

When we believe God's character and believe He will fulfill His promises, then we can demonstrate true faith. People need the gift of Jesus in our dying, hurting and depraved world. I can't assume someone else will give Him; I have to take the responsibility on myself.

Christ can never be taken from Christmas as long as He shines through us.



  1. Bons Mots as quoted for hand-out at The Church at London, Cottage Grove, OR 12-16-2012 Thank you, Mrs. Powell. Your words are inspiring to us.
    Bill Wimpenney,

    "People need the gift of Jesus in our dying, hurting and depraved world. I can't assume someone else will give Him; I have to take the responsibility on myself. Christ can never be taken from Christmas as long as He shines through us.
    Dalinda Powell
    Faith, Friends and Fruit Loops"

  2. Wow! I am truly honored that God would use me to inspire and encourage you and your church family. Thank you for encouraging me! The Church at London will certainly be in my prayers! God Bless!
