Tuesday, April 30, 2013

God's Training Ground Transforms You

Seasons are like training grounds for what is up ahead, and sometimes the training seems to be a little bit like overkill. The more vulnerable you are, the more powerful you will be. When we hide our weaknesses, we hide the grace of God from others.

I don’t know what's waiting up ahead for me, I am not privy to that information. We may not see right away what God is training us for but if we remain in Him and stay open to His teaching, when the time comes we will know what to do and not turn from it.

I can't promise that you will always be comfortable and never taste the evils of the world. After all, Satan knows the power a testimony of faith can have and he will do whatever he can to keep you from sharing it! I can’t promise you will never grow weary and tired, but I can promise that if you cry out to Jesus, it will be through His power and the power He has given you that you can get back up again.

Think of God being the outlet and we are the cord, plug it in and it comes to life, leave it sitting on the floor and the only thing it is really good for is to trip over.

The power of Jesus, He transforms the inside so the power of his light can shine on the outside.


Monday, April 29, 2013

God's Big Jigsaw Puzzle

I sometimes picture my life as a big jigsaw puzzle and God only hands me one or two pieces at a time. I place the pieces where he directs and then try to make sense of the picture forming in front of me. I wait for more pieces.

I am thankful that I am part of God's bigger picture! But I am also thankful He doesn't decide to reveal all the pieces to me all at one time. He hands me a couple of puzzle pieces and says, “Here, let’s just focus on these.” I want to trust that He will hand me the pieces I need right now.

God has given me some small pieces of the puzzle over the past few weeks. One of these small pieces is leading me to attend the She Speaks/Proverbs 31 Women's Conference in July. I just need to focus on these small pieces until He gives me some bigger pieces of the puzzle.

Learning and growing and putting all the pieces of our lives together is a fascinating process!

I love looking back and seeing God’s fingerprints all over the puzzle....Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” John 13:7


Friday, April 26, 2013

Are You Power-Packed?

Witnessing doesn't start with what you say or how well you say it. Your staring point is knowing who you are in Christ. You are God's beloved child - unique and useful to Him just the way you are.

Be focused on His purposes for your life. Then go do your best at anything and everything He has gifted you to be.

You may never realize the impact you have. Your story is important. You are the answer to someone’s prayer. Don’t be afraid to obey. Remember, God uses small. God uses average. God uses you.

God isn't limited by your age, your weaknesses, or your lack of experience. Whoever you are and wherever you are in your spiritual growth, you're most useful to God if you let His Spirit empower you daily. Just watch what He can do through you when you give His Spirit control!...You become "power-packed."

He is the only one in the universe who has the power and authority you need to meet and beat all of life's obstacles - physical, mental, social, or spiritual.

When you give His Spirit control, you have everything you need to succeed at doing exactly what God wants you to be doing!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Risk-Takers And Change-Makers

In my effort to not fail in life, I settled for easy. I’ve learned that when it comes to living a good life, aiming for easy will seldom lead to beauty. Sometimes, it only leads to empty.

I’ve learned that a pain-free/risk free life is a lie, because the pain of settling is far worse and far more costly than the pain of failure.

Through our journey in life we will all come face to face with struggles. Situations that will make us want to quit. And sometimes we do....But we are called to be risk-takers and change-makers for the Kingdom.

I often reflect on the times in my life when I finally starting taking some leaps of faith, those pivotal moments when I started living as if God was big enough to catch me when I let go. Amazing things have happened in my life each time I’ve made the choice to trust Him with the scary. For this is the only way we become risk-takers and change-makers.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

He's Not A Road Map; He's The Road

If we walk in His ways, we will be in His will.

We can study God’s will, we can debate God’s will, we can deliberate over God’s will, but until we actually DO what God has told us to do we won’t see God move in our lives. God doesn’t show us His will so we can know it, he shows it so we can do it.

No one ever said the Spirit-led life would be trouble free. Remaining faithful in the face of the temptation to flow with the crowd can be tough.

Even when the burdens of life take us down, through Christ we can be renewed in spirit every day....God does not spare us trials, but He helps us overcome them. Amen!

The deepest level of knowing God’s will, and doing God’s will is in desiring God’s will. God wants me to want to do His will. And as I grow in my relationship with Christ, He moves me out of the duty, and into the desire.

God has given you special abilities, talents, and gifts. He's equipped you for what He wants you to do. So, we must boldly step out and do what God has made us capable of doing.

I want to give The Lord permission to interrupt my plans today. He has a way of taking me on some incredible paths, if I just have the courage to trust Him....Because He's not a road map; He's the road.

Thank you, Father, for never wasting a crisis, but for using them instead to deepen my relationship with You and strengthening my ability to trust Your plan. I am so thankful for being a part of something so much more important, so much grander than myself. Today also brings thankfulness for the promising days ahead. For Your promises are all "Yes!" in Jesus Christ.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Put God Into The Equation And Watch Everything Balance Out

Trusting God is not always easy, but I make the choice to trust Him no matter the outcome in this life. He NEVER stops being faithful no matter how bad it gets.

Put God into the equation and watch everything balance out. The school of suffering graduates exceptional scholars.

Jesus didn't instruct His disciples to cook up a batch of evangelistic sermons or memorize a bunch of spiritual principles. Jesus told them to tell about their own experience with God. That is everyone's basic plan for one-on-one witnessing....what Jesus has done for you!

Sermons and underlined verses are good, but the message we all know best is the awesomeness of what Jesus has meant in our life. When you mess up everything else, you still know what God has done for you, and you can talk about that with confidence and authority.

If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. - 2 Corinthians 11:30. It is good to have weaknesses, because God shines through them.

Please be in prayer for me. I am considering attending the She Speaks/Proverbs 31 Women's Conference in Concord, NC in July. I feel God may be leading me to further my service to Him through my writing. Thanks!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Forget The Rules And Play By Your Heart

Because most people associate following a bunch of rules with following Jesus, they walk away from both.

Jesus doesn't expect His followers to be perfect, but He does call them to be authentic. Jesus wants someone who isn't pretending on the outside to have it all together....Professional pretenders - on the inside their faith has grown cold and is dying, but they are determined to keep up appearances.

When we learn to truly follow Jesus, we find that obedience to God comes from the inside out. You don't often get to see people without a mask, but when it happens - it's such a beautiful thing!

When people put rules over their relationship with Jesus, they get so caught up in keeping the letter of the law that they don't show love to others. They are technically obeying commands of Scripture but they are missing the point of the commands.

When laws become more important than love, and rules take precedent over relationships, it's a good sign that we are aiming at the wrong target.

There is something more important than the letter of the law: the person. When we make rules and policies more important than people, we are no longer following Jesus.

Rule followers are all about the "do," but Jesus followers celebrate the "done." Jesus came to free you from religion...follow Him. Don't miss out on God's amazing grace.

Love rules, without rules.


Friday, April 19, 2013

You Can Discover The Treasure Within The Trouble

There is enormous positive power in adversity!

Trying to avoid adversity is like trying to avoid life. If you are somehow able to hide from adversity, you are unlikely to be really living.

Adversity is what molds our character. When we view adversity as natural, normal, and in fact even necessary, it empowers us to take advantage of its potential for growth.

EVERY moment I give over to hurt or worry or anger or painful memories is a moment when I should/ could be praising God for how He's brought me through it!

Adversity, regardless of its origin, can be turned to our advantage when we trust God to be bigger, stronger, and more tenacious than anything we ever face.

Our life and each new day are true gifts from God. We're being hypocritical if we start each day by asking Him to be Lord over all I do and say, only to give in to thoughts that destroy and tear down our joy. It's the enemy who wants our joy, our happiness and our love for the Lord. We cannot forget to "whom" we belong. :)

You can discover the treasure within the trouble, but you must train yourself to look for it!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

We All Lead Toxic Lives

I am just amazed at all the things I have learned and am learning about my body and toxins throughout these past few months. Basically, toxins are why we all get sick and are overweight.

I have learned and am constantly learning new information about things in our everyday life that are dangerous to our health and are making our bodies toxic.

From the moment of conception to your current age, you have been around "stuff" that has gotten into your body (and even your mind) and could possibly causing you to suffer from health problems. Sometimes it's easy to make statements like "A little won't hurt me!" or "Everything's going to kill us some how so what's the big deal?" However, God gave us wisdom to make the right decisions for ourselves and our families.

I am almost certain God planned for us to choose to live a healthy life! In the modern age of convenience, it's true, we simply can not avoid everything, however, there are steps we can take to help our children and family lessen our toxicity in our bodies and live a healthier life.

Always shop in the horseshoe: Try to avoid going down middle aisles at the grocery, that is where the pre-packaged junk resides. Eat vegetables and fruits as much as you can. Also, be aware of hormones and antibiotics in your meats. Also, avoid foods with hydrogenated oils, words with numbers like Polysorbate 8O, MSG, aspartame, sucralose, hydrolyzed yeast extract and Red 40.

I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis which is a thyroid disease that has caused me to be hypothyroid....my thyroid function is slow. I have Reverse T3 Dominance. A measurement of rT3 is valuable in identifying a Reverse T3 Dominance. But many doctors do not check all the things that they should when it comes to thyroid function. What Causes Reverse T3 Dominance?....Prolonged stress and toxicity are the major causes of reverse T3 dominance.

Over the past year, I have experienced some pretty severe swelling at times. One of the symptoms of an Advanced Level of Toxicity: Having a lymphatic system where the lymphs in your body do a poor job of draining fluids from tissues.

Over the past year, I have also experienced some pretty severe headaches as well. The EMG that I had at the Mayo Clinic showed some abnormal nerves in my head and face. A headache is the body's chief warning signal of body toxicity. The toxic load in the body has increased so fast that poisons are circulating in the bloodstream and cause irritation to the brain and nerves.

Ten weeks ago, I started Goga....Whole Body Vibration. Goga is a lifestyle change that gives you the opportunity to improve your life forever. The Goga machine activates the body through muscle contractions, the circulatory, lymphatic and digestive systems.

I also use a Far Infrared Sauna to help detoxify my body. It helps release toxins, like: heavy metals, chemicals, and plastics that may have accumulated in your body. The sauna's light rays stimulate the body's metabolism. The body burns approximately 300 calories in a 15 minute session.

The third component that is useful to me is the alkaline water. Alkaline water balances the ph levels in the body and helps flush out toxins.

Goga is truly been a lifesaver for me! I have only had two headaches in the past 10 weeks and they have not been as severe. I have lost over 20 pounds and the best news of all is....my eyesight has improved! PRAISE GOD!

I like to write about the lessons God is teaching me along the road of life. You may wonder...why am I making myself so vulnerable? Because God has done so much that I cannot keep quiet. I have to share. Jesus's last words to his desciples were, "Go,tell." We are His disciples too and this is just one of the ways of telling. I like to spread hope and encouragement by sharing my own experiences in order to help others that may be experiencing similar situations.

God’s power is made perfect in weakness. This stirs my heart. Weakness is hard, but weakness doesn’t have to mean defeat. It is my opportunity to experience God’s power firsthand. - Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food

God....He makes it all an awesome incredible journey. Even when I get down I can't stay down. He carries me....sustains me.....It's the best feeling ever!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Through you and me God can touch another, perhaps save a life. The possibilities are endless if you only have the nerve.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How Is Today Just As Important A Part Of The Journey?

God takes us on the path we need to go on to prepare us for where He wants us to be.

God is moving our family in a new direction. We know that God is leading us somewhere. . . whether that is taking us deeper in our faith or physically moving us to be in the center of His will.

Personally, I’d love for God to tell me that He’s moving me in a new or deeper direction, and then poof it just happens. But then it would not be faith. It would just be promotion without perseverance. Destination without the benefits of the journey to get there.

Sometimes there is so much mess is this journey that we can’t see straight, but even in the blur, even in doubt, there is Glory!

God puts the evidence of what He is capable of accomplishing in our lives right in front of our face and we miss it. The miracle is right there but we’re too distracted trying to figure out all the details. We get wrapped up into the work of trying to connect all of life’s dots. We become preoccupied with our attempts to fit God into some sort of tidy box.

Today, I don’t want to miss the miracles God puts in my path. I want to see them and rejoice!

I am so thankful for the incredible things God is doing! He will either give you what you ask, or something far better....God will move mountains for you! ❤


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sometimes We Are So Busy Searching For Answers, We Miss The Blessing

God is bringing us to a decision: Do we trust God or do we trust in "man"?

Isn't it reasonable to trust good Christian experts, like doctors and counselors? Doesn't God work through them?

Sometimes I miss God’s blessings because I am looking for the wrong thing. Up until a few months ago, all I was searching for was a diagnosis (answers), while God was waiting to heal me. In my searching for answers, I was basically saying to God, "Okay, I am sick and am going to be this way for the rest of my life, so I just need a name for this disease so I can move on."

Even if what we hope for does not turn out the way that we want or possibly even expect, He holds a gift in His hand for you, He holds the truth and He holds love and peace and joy for every situation.

I had my follow up appointment with the neurologist this afternoon and got some awesome news. He did the colorblind test on me again. Six weeks ago, I missed three. Today, I only missed one. He said he didn't know how to explain it, but my sight had improved. God is good!!!

God gets all the glory!.....As I was driving home form the doctor today, I looked back and remembered where I was a year ago in my health and to see the miracle healing he is doing on me now, I just cried with thanksgiving. Chris Tomlin's song, "Jesus Messiah" was playing on the radio and I turned it up as loud as it would go and sang my heart out. Thank you, Jesus! ❤

God IS a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Not those who seek merely His blessings, but those who seek Him, are the ones who find their reward. For He is the reward.

Sometimes there are no answers, just a God who is there to comfort and heal. That is really all we need!


Monday, April 15, 2013

God's Grace Is An Unlimited Gift

Grace calls you to get up, throw off your blanket of helplessness, and to move on through life in faith. - Kay Arthur

You can't climb the ladder of life with your hands in your pockets. - Barbara Johnson

We limit ourselves when we limit our lives. There is so much we won’t understand. That doesn’t mean those things are bad or wrong. It may simply mean they are from God....Often the trials we mourn are really doors into the good things we long for.

God's grace is an unlimited gift. Grace is an outrageous blessing bestowed freely on a totally undeserving recipient. I thank God for His amazing grace every single day, because none of us deserve it!

Grace is not about finishing last or first; it is about not counting. We receive grace as a gift from God, not as one thing we toil to earn. - Philip Yancey

Lean not on our own understanding…but TRUST in Him. Trust His heart and His vision for us. If we do, I think our lives will start getting a whole more exciting.....Because the grace of God rains down on those who are emptied and vulnerable, on the ones who admit that they struggle.

Our circumstances may be difficult, but our strength will be sufficient....If God can raise Jesus from the dead, He can raise us above our circumstances.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Memories...They Help Tell Our Story

Our lives are filled with memories. I am so blessed to have so many happy memories in my life already.

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.” - Kevin Arnold, The Wonder Years

It actually is possible to bring a memory back to the surface and experience some of the same familiar feelings. And that is the beautiful thing about memories—pleasant or unpleasant, we deal with them each and every day. They become what we fondly refer to as our story.

Each and every one of my memories reminds me of God’s wonder – acts of love; friendship; creation; humor; and creativity. Although He may not be so obvious in some of our memories, God is present in them all.

I have memories where God is more centre stage...Tomorrow is our 16th wedding anniversary. Sixteen years ago tonight, Jody and I had just finished our wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner and were on our way back to my house. I remember both of us being very excited and very, very nervous - so my Dad made us both a shot of Rock and Rye to calm our nerves. LOL ....Nervous then, blessed now - and always! ♥

Memories can be very precious to us. It’s these memories that I have of God that help me to continually have faith in my Creator, who loves me and desires to be a part of my life. It’s these experiences/memories that I can share with others to help point them to our Savior.

God is so amazing! He is definitely worth remembering.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

His Glory Shines Through The Mess

What do you think of when you read the word “glory”? I think of giving credit to whom credit is due, honoring someone, holding someone in high esteem, praising someone or giving all the accolades to someone who deserves it. That may work for human form of glory, but God’s glory is something entirely different.

God’s glory is the way in which He chooses to make Himself recognizable in our life. That’s right, how He displays Himself in our very life brings glory to Himself. The Bible tells us everything He made brings Him glory. Psalm 19:1 NKJV “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.”

Sharing brokenness with one another is a gift. Why? Because by showing our brokenness to one another, Jesus and His power can more clearly shine through. When we keep it to ourselves, try to clean up our story, our sin, and only show our beauty to one another, that is what they see...Our beauty. Beauty that is man-made and hollow.

But when we take the brave step of sharing our ugliness, our pain, our broken pieces, then His beauty can shine through, and it is truly beautiful.

He gets the glory of a life redeemed. Not us.

His glory shines through the mess. He picks up the pieces and begins to fit them all together to form the most beautiful mosaic, so much more beautiful than we could ever dream or imagine.

And that is why I share my story through my blog. I give you this gift of my brokenness, my family’s brokenness, that His glory might shine brightly through us.

I am thankful to God for using me to further His Kingdom.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Trials Will Always Put Our Faith To The Test

Sometimes what we think is our problem is not our problem. Our problem is the way we respond to it....Trials will always put our faith to the test.

Though life gets you down...people let you down...don't let circumstances keep you down. Pick your self up and trust in the Lord that He has everything in His control and He is right there beside you.

Thankfulness lifts you up above your circumstances. Blessings brighten when we count them.

I am so thankful that the Lord is my light! He gives me a reason to keep going. Whether if feels like it or not, when we serve God, His love attends every moment of our lives - even the toughest, loneliest, most painful and desperate. God is there. Always. He never leaves us and never forsakes us.

Just a little light from Heaven fills our souls! He is what we need! Jesus is the answer to it all! In His strength we can crush the army that is attacking us. We can climb our way out of anything! We can keep going because the Lord gives us strength! He is alive and well and He lives inside of us!

I have found in my own life that when God reigns in my heart, blessings and opportunities pour down faster than I can make them happen myself. The quickest way to get where you’re going is to surrender your dream to God and let Him work to fit YOU for it.

God is still working on me. But in the meantime, I am "unshakeable" with Him by my side.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Faith Sounds So Backwards

Jesus is asking us to put our faith in something we can’t see. The miracle, he says, comes after we make the choice to believe and trust. It’s almost like Jesus asks us to put the “cart before the horse.” It sounds so backwards.

Jesus is always reminding us to look beyond what our eyes can see.

In His world, look at what comes after…

God’s will is more about the who than the where. Sometimes God will hide His will from us so we will dig deeper to know His ways....WOW! Powerful words from Steven Furtick

God doesn’t move. He doesn’t change. His words are true. He keeps the promise.

My staking claim of the promise isn’t contingent on God performing it—it is already done.

My staking claim of it is contingent upon me—my pursuit, my persistence, my principles, my presumption.

God's promises are real. If God said it, it is. It came into being the moment He spoke it. It’s not a matter of it materializing; it already exists. It’s a matter of me being willing to take the journey to get to where it is—no matter what the journey looks like, no matter where the promise is kept....Because the promise is kept....God is keeping it, holding it in place until I get there.

God doesn’t dangle carrots in front of our noses. He doesn’t say something is ours and then change His mind. It is we who lose heart. It is we who stop pursuing.

The promise is mine to stake claim on, but it’s up to me to make the land run. I have to go hard after it, raise my flag on it, and hold my ground. I have to believe it exists, act like it exists, declare it exists, find where it exists, and move to where it exists.

Faith sounds so backwards...Our world teaches us to focus on the before and then believe, but in God's world he asks us to walk by faith, not by sight.


Friday, April 5, 2013

God Knows The Dead Ends

The same God that opens doors will close doors. God knows the dead ends. He won't let us go for years and end up right back where we started. - Joel Osteen

It's been a week today that our latest trial blindsided us.

My boys, ages 13 and 9, have had to endure many hard times in their short life. They lost their Nana and Papa in just a four year span. Then their mom was sick for a year and no one could figure out why. My youngest son would cry every morning going to school, worried that his mom was going to die like his Nana and Papa did. :(

But Praise the Lord, He started healing me just a short time ago... And then last Friday we were blindsided with another trial. Just a reminder that Satan may be stopped on one front but he is always searching for another way in - especially if you are doing God's work and giving Him the glory.

By no means am I sharing all of this for anyone to feel sorry for our family. I have always been transparent in the past by sharing all my struggles so God will get the glory.

One of the great problems in our world is how weak people are. Human beings are too often weak in the face of temptation or weak in the face of the obstacles that come their way. But a believer does not have to be plagued by such weakness because we have the power of God to rely upon. The apostle Paul said in Phil. 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

God is so good. He is with us always. He gives us strength for each day. We are seeking His wisdom & guidance. There are lessons to be learned in the wilderness and apparently we have a lot to learn! As much as I would love for us to be out of the wilderness, I refuse to go without my God. So, we will stay until He leads us out.

Always remember - your goal shouldn’t be to get your way, but to remain stable no matter what comes your way. God will give you double for your trouble if you stand strong on the Word of God.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Transformation Begins When We Embrace Forgiving As A Way Of Living

Jesus said that anger is a sin, yet he himself got angry.

In Mark 3:1-6, Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand, "Stand up in front of everyone."

Then Jesus asked them, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" But they remained silent.

He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.

Jesus is indeed shown as displaying anger in the passage above. Jesus was angry with the Pharisees, who wanted to catch Jesus breaking one of their laws, yet were unwilling to consider the morality of the law or to believe in Jesus despite seeing the miracles he did. In both cases, Jesus was angry with people who were doing wrong and refused to listen to God.

There are different types of anger. Indignation stresses righteous anger at what one considers unfair, mean, or shameful. Indignation is what could be called righteous anger - anger at wrongdoing. This is Jesus' anger, for Jesus is angered by wrongdoing. Clearly some forms of anger are wrong, and this is the anger that Jesus spoke out against in Matthew 5:22 - anger that is destructive and unnecessarily demeaning.

Personally, I have been angry at a few people in my lifetime. It's tempting to just give in to anger. While clearly not all anger is bad, the Bible reminds us in James 1:19 to be slow to get angry. I have come to realize that God's plans for me are not altered by other people's choices. In spite of all the assaults upon my heart, whether it be by friends, co-workers, or relatives, I can be released and set free simply by forgiving.

Forgiveness changes you. It allows you to climb up and out of the past and live fully today. It shows you how to accept who and what you cannot change.

Forgiveness is key to God-sized healing.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God Opens The Right Doors and Closes The Wrong Ones

When one door closes, another door opens. But we need to focus on God so He will lead us to the right ones when He closes the wrong ones. We should never let feelings be the determining guide in our lives.

When God closes one door I always hope the next door I step through will lead somewhere. But even if it doesn’t, I want to remember to be thankful for the doors. I want to celebrate these opportunities. The more I praise God and celebrate life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

Blessings brighten when we count them.

I want to rejoice over the possibilities that come when doors open and close. Each one has the potential to lead some place beautiful. I want to remember that today.

Thank you, Lord, for my husband! Thank you, for his love and dedication to our family.

After 7 weeks of Goga, Jody has lost 20 pounds and I have lost 18 pounds...Team work! I am so very thankful for my wonderful, loyal husband. He has never left my side this entire time I have had health struggles...That's what team work is all about! I love you, Jody! ♥

And, yes Lord, thank you for doors. Continue to lead us through the right ones.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's About God...And It's About Faith

I cannot expect others to see what I don't show. It's doesn't matter if people know who I am, but it matters that people know who He is.

God is my portion. I'm so very, very thankful for His amazing grace. He is my rock. When the world is in turmoil and changes swirl around me, He is my anchor and my center of balance. Sometimes it seems like every part of our lives is affected by change. And I am so grateful that He never changes.

When people wrong you, it's not up to you to make it right...It's up to God. For it's about God and it's about faith. He will show up. He will act in response to your faith and obedience. Because when we follow in faith in spite of all the variables, God shows up, and He does far more than we could ever imagine. God can take "Plan B" and make it better than "Plan A" ever would have been.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His strength does not diminish over time. That same mountain-moving power you read about in the lives of people from the Old and New Testaments still exists today. The same power that caused the walls of Jericho to fall, an ax to float, and a dead girl to live again is available today. The force of God that formed the world, brought the dry land above the waters of the sea, and raised Jesus from the dead is available to work out the details of your life.

We can rely - absolutely depend on - His unchanging nature. Take comfort in the stability of the King - He's our leader now and forever!


Monday, April 1, 2013

God's Not Duped....He Knows Everything

Others may fool you, but God's not duped....He knows everything.

Some folks will kiss you today and kick you tomorrow. But we must not become bitter because Jesus refused to become bitter in His betrayals.

Betrayal is something others do to you; bitterness is something you do to yourself. It’s impossible to go through life without being hurt. It may be an unfaithful mate, a person who slanders you, or a friend who turns his back on you.

Jesus was betrayed by "one of his own." Not only that, he was betrayed by an act of loving greeting. Everything about this event was hurtful and horrifying.

Unfortunately, it happens all too frequently in our broken world. However, when we go through such trials, we can be assured that Jesus knows our pain and lovingly draws alongside us to comfort us. He has been there. He has suffered excruciating pain all set up by the betrayal of one of his closest friends. So in our hurt, let us draw near to him and know that he is there to help us make it through because He's been there.

When others betray you, God has a way of opening doors to new levels of blessing you’d otherwise miss. Your greatest spiritual growth will generally result from your greatest trials. The truth is, without some pain and opposition you wouldn’t get to sit at God’s table and enjoy His best.

Jesus endured his trials with dignity and integrity and even forgave us all for betraying Him. What love, what grace, what mercy!

We all must remember that if what we say doesn’t match what we do, no one will believe us or the God we serve.
