Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Worldly Influences Are Toxic

What a challenge to continually evaluate what is influencing us! We are bombarded by so many messages each day that it's hard to not be influenced by them. Our only hope is to know what His truth is, to keep our eyes fixed on him...a daily struggle

God has called us, as believers, to do things that sometimes go against the flow of the flow of the world around us. It's not always easy, either. There are many mighty and miraculous victories that God desires to demonstrate in our lives, if we would only be willing to go against the flow. 

The influence from the world around us can be polluting. We must purposely choose to be influenced by His Word. I don't believe in fairy tales, I believe in Gospel truth. 

If we find that we are listening to something other that God, we're in deep yogurt! 

Each day, I pray that I seek God first! Let's choose to start swimming in the other direction today! 


Monday, February 24, 2014

More Friction For More Power

When God desires to create more power in our lives, he creates more friction. He uses this pressure to generate spiritual power. Some people cannot handle it, and run from pressure instead of receiving the power and using it to rise above the painful experience that produced it. 

Opposition is essential to maintaining true balance between forces. The pressures of temptations and trials and all the things that seem to be against us further our progress and strengthen our foundation. 

Afflictions are often the dark setting God uses to mount the jewels of His children's gifts, causing them to shine even brighter. 

Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins but are sometimes the trials resulting from God's extraordinary gifts. 

Let us thank Him for both the weights and the wings He produces. 


Monday, February 17, 2014

The "Wait" Is Part Of The Answer

No one likes to be kept waiting. The line at a popular restaurant, the crowded waiting room of a doctor's office, the plumber who is late, a lunch date who keeps you waiting -- these are all time wasters.

But waiting on God is a different matter. You may go through periods during which you feel He isn't listening to your prayers. During those times, it is important to understand that the "wait" is part of the answer God gives to you. Waiting is part of the mystery of His plan and the degrees by which it will be unfolded to you. God answers you in His time, not yours or mine. That is when we grow as we learn to listen for His time, His answer, His time. But He is there, hearing your prayers.

The longer we have to wait, better the answer will be. Zacharias and Elizabeth had no idea that their prayer for a child as a young married couple started a chain reaction of events that would change the world. And so if you've been praying for something and God seems silent, just remember your role models, Zacharias and Elizabeth. 



Monday, February 10, 2014

Another Chance

PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Early cystic change with no inflammation to indicate bad cells. Thanks to Whole Body Vibration my lymphatic system is clear! Thank you Jesus!!!!!! 

Today, I feel like I have been given another chance....Every day we wake with breath in our lungs God has granted us Another Chance…let none of us take that for granted. ✞ ✞ ✞


Saturday, February 8, 2014

It's In God's Hands

My family and I really appreciate your prayers over the past week. I just wanted to send out an update so you all will know what to pray for. I am having a thermography screening on Monday morning. The thermography screening will show if there is inflammation around the area of concern (hence, signs of bad cells). This procedure is a second opinion before they biopsy me. They already have a biopsy scheduled for me but my family and I have decided that if there is no inflammation around the suspicious area, I will not proceed with the biopsy. If there is inflammation around the suspicious area, I will go ahead with the biopsy as soon as possible. I have placed this situation totally in God's hands and feel your prayers. You all have been wonderful in sending your love and prayers for me and my family. Thank you! 


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Next Step Of Faith

Just another step in the process of my faith....Biopsy next.

Sometimes it's hard to understand why He lets stuff happen....the bad stuff.....the stuff that drives me crazy. But I'm discovering, that with every situation, I'm getting stronger, more sure of me and most importantly, more sure of Him. ✞

I have decided to have a thermography screening before they cut on me. I will have this screening done on Monday morning. If it shows abnormalities, I will go ahead with the biopsy. It took them from 8:15 to 11:45 to decide to biopsy me. They were just not certain and I don't want to be cut on if I don't have to be. The thermography screening will show if there is any inflammation around those cells.

Thank you so much for your prayers!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Prayer Request

PRAYER REQUEST: Got a phone call this afternoon from my mammogram from Friday and have to go back first thing in the morning for more viewings and an ultrasound. This is the same spot they had to look at again last year. It has gotten bigger and changed shape. I know God's got this. He already knows what I need and will provide. HE IS FAITHFUL!


Monday, February 3, 2014

The Things That Truly Matter ✞

What will I look back and smile about at the end of my days?  It’s not going to be the new boots I bought, the restaurants I ate at, the movies I saw, the clothing I had, nor any of the material things.  When I think about what would make me smile at the end, it would be the lives I touched, the people I affected, and the love I demonstrated.  To me, those are the things that truly matter. ✞ 
