Thursday, July 31, 2014

He Who Calls Us To An Adventure Will Equip Us For The Journey

Tomorrow, August 1st, will mark our tenth month serving our community. Our business, Circulation Nation of Simpsonville, was blessed to be Voted Best of The Upsate in two categories: Best Health Club and Best Wellness Center. We are truly honored to serve our community and surrounding areas with our Whole Body Vibration Studio. 

We are only successful when we are earnestly seeking Him first in everything because God’s plan for our lives never guarantees success. It’s how we are living our lives when He graciously gives and takes away. We will never be successful when we’re relying on our own strength or believing we’re entitled to any of His blessings. 

We all need to take a step back and realize being promoted is less about us and more of what God is purposely doing in our lives to display His glory. My husband and I have been so greatly humbled watching how God is changing lives through Circulation Nation, A Whole Body Vibration Studio....our personal lives included. ✞ 

Look for us on Twitter and Instagram and be sure to share our Facebook page with your family and friends! #socialmedia #wbv #wellness


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Good News

Many of us frequently complain about the negativity of the news because there is so much of it. I did this very thing early this morning. I told my husband that I was going to start a TV station called Good News and nothing would be on it but good news. 

Have you ever woken up in a good mood, seen the sun shining outside and felt good, only to switch on the news or see a paper and suddenly the joy seems to have disappeared? Unfortunately, it seems that the only news we hear or see, all too often reeks of doom and gloom. 

Even people who don't watch television or read newspapers are getting hit with nuggets of negativity through social networking and informal conversations. Media studies show that bad news far outweighs good news by as much as seventeen negative news reports for every one good news report. There is so much good news that goes virtually completely unreported. Positive news is all around us, and it can be discovered if we stop and look around for it. 

Everywhere there is an evil, there is a virtue to combat it. The exciting fact in this regard is God has not left us at the mercy of the devil. We do not have to succumb to the powers and principalities of this world. Yes, awful things may happen to us as a result of this fallen world, but our hope lies in God's everlasting and unchanging love. 

God has created us with the freedom to be the best we can be with the set of circumstances life has imposed upon us. He does not require us to build a financial fortune. He expects us to be fruitful and multiply. He wants the spot we inhabit on planet earth to be productive.

Our lives have purpose....Your life has purpose....My life has purpose...My words will probably never reach millions, or even thousands, but they will reach those who God has prepared to receive them. But I must first do my part. People can't read words that aren't written and cannot receive hope that isn't shared.

The worst thing that can happen to a person is never to know the love of and forgiveness of God. ✞ 


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Counting My Blessings

Whew, it's been a big week around the Powell household! Jake got his beginners permit, Circulation Nation was voted Best In The Upstate in two categories: Best Health Club and Best Wellness Center, AND I had some more dental work done today that is going to really help the inflammation in my face and head. I can already tell a huge difference! A big thanks to Dr. Grant Smith! I am so grateful for all of God's blessings! ✞ 


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Changing Lives One Day At A Time

For those of you who follow my blog on a daily basis you know I have been blogging periodically recently. I have been devoting most of my time to ministering to others through our new business, Circulation Nation of Simpsonville. We have been in business for nine months now and God had blessed us so much. We have seen many people's lives change and that is such a beautiful thing to experience. We are humbled everyday at God's miracles! 

I do plan to get back to blogging more frequently, although I can't promise I will do it everyday, but I miss it so much! 

You can also follow me on Twitter @dalinda_powell
