Monday, August 31, 2015

Be Confident In His Design

What do you think of yourself? You may feel you are not what you are supposed to be. You spend years trying to be like other people because you feel that you are strange or unusual. 

News Alert: Feelings don't convey truth; only God's Word does that. The truth is we are all uniquely created by God for a special purpose. Be confident in His design. 


Monday, August 24, 2015

Don't Take Satan's Bait

We are to forgive and pray for our enemies and those who hurt and abuse us. (see Luke 6:35-36)

We meditate to much on what the offensive person has done to us, and we fail to realize what we are doing to ourselves when we take Satan's bait. 

Sometimes the best solution is to simply walk away. 

Just because some people are fueled by drama doesn't mean you have to attend the performance. 


Monday, August 17, 2015

New School Year, New Beginnings

As a new school year begins, it reminds me of the new challenges and new opportunities we have as parents to be Godly role models for our children. It is our God given responsibility to guide our children to make wise choices because sometimes our sweet children make some not-so-sweet choices. 

A new school year brings with it a season of change. Change can be one of the greatest sources of stress for us, but it is also where we have the most opportunity to grow and experience God in new ways. 


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Kingdom Shakers

If you had cancer and you discovered the cure and you kept it and locked it in a vault and never told anyone about it, everyone else would still die from cancer. The same thing is true about the Gospel. You know the good news of Jesus Christ, but refuse to tell people and they die in there sin.

God has commanded us to share our faith with others (Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15). Don't smile and wave at people feeling good about yourself and how tolerant you are while people are heading for Hell. 

It is most evident that our country is going to hell in a hand basket because as Billy Graham quote states,
"Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone - except God." - Billy Graham

Have you tried to be a kingdom shaker for the Lord or have you been content being the peacekeeper and staying behind your safe walls?


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Cloaked By Our Limitations: Part 2

Just a few days ago I found out through some testing that I am highly allergic to heavy metals and (EMF) electro magnetic fields. This is going to be a challenge for me since cell phones, computers, radio towers, etc. all have a high EMF. There are also many, many uses of heavy metals in our society today. Thankfully, there are some companies out there that make devices that can be put on cell phones, etc. to protect my body from receiving the EMF. 

You may remember that I got mercury poisoning from an amalgam filing a few years ago and lost some of my vision in my right eye. I see now that this is why it wreaked so much havoc on my body. And looking back over the past three years, I also see how God used this situation to not only bring me closer to Him, but to help others see that it was God, ALL GOD, behind my success. 

GOD IS SO AWESOME!....He delights in using our limitations because He wants others to look at us and know He is the one behind our success. The great news is: If we aren't perfect, then we're in perfect position for God to use us. How awesome is that!!! 
