Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An Anchor Of Peace

Prayer is more than just having a celestial butler handle your requests. Prayer is communion with God. If you want things to change in your life, you need to pray, and learn to trust that when you pray God hears and responds.

Prayer changes things, but most importantly, prayer changes you. No prayer goes unanswered. It may not be answered in the way we want, but it will be answered.

We get to know people by spending time with them and learning about who they are. As a relationship grows, so does a level of understanding, peace, safety, and rest.

Spending time with God does the same thing. As we seek Him by intentionally spending time with Him, we have an opportunity to learn about Him, hear His heart, and be transformed.

During my prayer time, I've experienced clear leadings, godly insight, inexplicable peace, and an ever-growing trust and devotion to my Lord. Our time together is precious and fulfilling, and because of God's growth in me. My anxious heart has found peace, safety, and rest.

In Him,

Monday, January 30, 2012

Live A Story Worth Telling

We don't need any extensive resume to work for Jesus, just a willing heart.

God scoops up all of our pieces and parts and makes it whole. Watch how He takes our little and magnifies it into something so incredible that we will NEVER be the same!

You've been given your life. No one else has your version. You will never bump into yourself on the sidewalk. Your life will never be lived by anyone else.

Life is racing by, and if we're not careful, you and I will look up, and our shot at it will have passed us by. Some people don't bother with such thoughts. They grind through their days without lifting their eyes to look. They live and die and never ask why.

I want to be more like Jesus and a lot less like the world. I want to see Jesus everywhere; I want to pray about everything. I believe that God is in control so I don't have to be. It's all about Him, for Him and because of Him. I don't believe in luck, coincidences or chance. I believe in God.

God wants to do reconstructive surgery on the hearts of each one of us. We live lives of quiet desperation, yet getting trapped in the mundane was never God's intention for our life! He wants us to not only LIVE victoriously, but to display that victory so others will be drawn to Him!

Jesus should be the main character in your story, not you! If your story doesn't revolve around God's glory, it's not worth telling!

I pray that God challenges me to fall ever more before the throne of God begging for more of Him to show in my life and less of me!

I'd love to hear your thoughts. I promise to let them nourish my heart, not enlarge my head.

For His Glory,

Friday, January 27, 2012

Joy In Jesus

I loved playing hide-and-seek as a child. When we are young, the point of the game is not hiding, but being found. It's not very satisfying to stay hidden for so long that it takes the finder forever to find them. No, kids want to be found, because that's what brings the most joy.

We sometimes treat life like it's a game of hide-and-seek from God. Only we, as adults, get it backward and think the point is in the hiding. We can easily be deceived into believing that satisfaction is found when we're off by ourselves, out from under God's watchful eye, doing whatever we want to do. We couldn't be more wrong!

Joy is not found in trying to hide from God. In fact, that's what hell is - permanent separation from God.

If only we realized about our lives what kids know about hide-and-seek: the best part of the game is being found.

What an incredible blessing that we have a God who even wants to look for us. We should be so delighted about being in God's presence that we spend all of our time looking for ways to be with Him instead of trying to hide from Him. We should strive to keep Him within sight, not to hide ourselves so well that while He can still see us, we can no longer see Him.

Let's remember that joy comes not when we can't see Him, but when we can. :)

Oh, the joys of those who put their trust in Him! - Psalm 2:12

Joyfully His,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Don't Run Ahead

You and I are not God, and we don't know everything He knows. We can't see the big picture like He can. Therefore, we are not the best judge of when the wait is over and it's time to move ahead.

I know it can be really hard to wait when it seems like there's no good reason not to go ahead. Believe me, I've been there, chomping at the bit. But I've learned through trial and error that when I rely on my own judgement, things don't turn out nearly as well as when I rely on God. So I've decided to wait on His timing, not only because He deserves my obedience, but also because I want the best for my life. And I'm sure you want the best for yours too.

We've been given one piece of life's jigsaw puzzle. Only God has the cover of the box.

God sees all, we see in the moment. He knows are needs far better than we do. We need to learn to trust God, just because He is God. And remember, God will never call you to do what He hasn't already done.

In His Magnificent Grace,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

God's Favor

So many times we expect 100% of His favor and blessing when we are only willing to give Him 20% of our lives. We have to be proportionate in our giving. He will only work with what we give Him. He has given us free will and though He has good plans for us, if we do not fully cooperate with Him, we will never receive all He has for us.

I pursue HIM and HE pursues His perfection in me. He desires me to see the world through His eyes, with His heart. There's no way for me to do that in my own strength.

Favor isn't about what you get from God, it is about the way you view your world. Expectation.

When I am looking for God's favor, I am able to recognize that it can sometimes come in the form of God removing something from my life. Sometimes we fail to realize that in order to have a new beginning, there must be an end.

Sometimes God has to delete stuff from your hard drive to make room for an upgrade. :)

There are times when God allows us to go through hard places to get our attention. Because He is merciful, He stops us. He doesn't let us ruin the plan for our life. He let's us take a long detour, and He allows us to wander around. It is during this time of drifting that we realize He is taking us somewhere else and that He had to take drastic measures to get us off the path we were on, otherwise we would have kept going in the wrong direction.

Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see. - Corrie Ten Boom

For His Glory,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Our Lifeline

Prayer is an acknowledgment of our need for God.

Prayer is not just asking for things, although that is certainly part of it. Far more importantly, prayer is talking with God...a two-way conversation. It's getting close to and spending time with the One you love. It's acknowledging Him as the source of power upon whom you can depend. It's partnering with Him. It is aligning our spirit with His to see that His perfect will is done. It is establishing ourselves and our lives as being connected to God.

It took me a while to realize that those spur-of-the-moment prayers were not accomplishing much. I guess I thought the idea was to do the best I could on my own, and then if I needed a lifeline from God, I grabbed for it. The only problem was I needed a lifeline every other minute.

Every time you pray, you're advancing God's purpose for you. Without prayer, the full purpose God has for you can't happen.

Prayer is our lifeline to God.


Monday, January 23, 2012


I have two boys who love to to play outside in the neighborhood with their friends. I have trained them on what to do if they see a car approaching or if I call out to them, and they are diligent about obeying.

I have chosen a neighbor's driveway on either side of our house as boundaries beyond which the boys are not allowed to go. I can see them easily if they remain within this area, and they are well within hearing range if I should call to them. Beyond these boundaries, I can't see them as well, and they may get too far away to hear my warnings. So I require them to stay within the area I know is safe, in other words, within the sphere of my protection.

God does the same thing for each of us. He encourages us to have fun in this life, but He also sets up boundaries beyond which we must not go. He chooses the limits of what will keep us well within the influence of what He knows is good or us. Beyond those borders lies danger, both physical and spiritual, from which He wants to protect us.

Be let's be honest. Most of the time we see God's limits as confining, not liberating. We're sure that fun and freedom lie just on the other side of the fence, in the unexplored country. We get it into our heads that freedom means not having any boundaries, and we start to resent God for imposing them on us. Then we either sulk while remaining within the appropriate borders, or we ignore them and ride right across, because the other side looks so fulfilling.

True freedom lies not in being allowed to do anything we want, but in knowing that if we just follow the rules, we can do anything we want without messing up our lives.

I am serving jury duty this week. It took awhile this morning to select all the jurors for six cases, so we were not excused until lunchtime. I decided to grab a quick bite to eat before heading home to do my blog.

When I got to the restaurant, it was already pretty packed because of lunch hour. I placed my order and sat down. I was sitting at a table close to the register. Two gentlemen came in and one of them kept looking my way. He then continued to look my way after they sat down. It made me very uncomfortable. Praise God my phone rang, and it was my husband! We were chit-chatting about the times I have to go serve jury duty this week. While I was still on the phone with my husband, the gentleman slowly walked by my table and slipped his business card under my napkin that was sitting on top of the table. NOW, I WAS REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE! I finished my conversation with my husband and finished my lunch and left the restaurant. I called my husband back and told him what had just happened. Needless to say, he was not very happy. He wanted the gentleman's number, but I just told him to let it go.

These days, people could care less if you are wearing a wedding ring on your finger...this is a big boundary that says "TAKEN!" "YOU DON'T WANT TO GO HERE!"

As long as we stay within the boundaries God has clearly laid out, we can do anything we want. Better yet, we can be assured that we won't mess up our lives or anybody else's.

Within the boundaries, we know we are completely safe. Outside of them, we can never be sure.

Remember, Satan doesn't usually try to tempt us with the ridiculously evil, but with the seemingly good.

Which do you want? Do you want the kind of freedom that might be exciting for a little while, but is certain to bring consequences crashing in upon you at some point? Or do you want the security of knowing that you can't mess up because you're within the sphere of God's blessings?

Let's stay between the driveways. And let's be grateful we know exactly where they are.

In His Grip,

Friday, January 20, 2012

Everyday With Jesus Is An Exciting Adventure

Wouldn't it be great to know the plans He has for you...today?

Instead of trying to make your day into what you want it to be, open your eyes to all the things He has prepared just for you. Each day is His precious gift to you and you only have one chance to live it.

When you live your life for Him, no day will ever be boring or predictable. Don't take the easiest path. Just because it is more convenient or faster doesn't mean it's the best way. Sometimes being open to what you weren't expecting is the best way to find what you were looking for all along.

Remember there are no short-cuts to anyplace worth going.

I've learned that we should be thankful to God that He doesn't give us everything we ask for.

Sometimes things that seem like the biggest inconvenience to us, end up being the greatest gift from Him!

It's all about knowing He loves us. God loves us extravagantly, ridiculously, without limitation or condition. GOD IS IN LOVE WITH US! And because His love is perfect, we can trust His perfect plans, no matter what they are.

If you walk with the Lord, you'll NEVER be out of step.

In His Mighty Hand,

Thursday, January 19, 2012

High-Quality Choices Lead To A High-Quality Life

God has a plan for your spiritual, physical, and emotional health.

God is the Potter, we are the clay. He is the one who gives the commands; we are the ones who obey. He never has to explain Himself; He never has to ask permission. He is shaping us into the image of His Son, regardless of the pain and heartache that may require. Those lessons are learned a little easier when we remember that we are not in charge.

This past Tuesday, I completed 12 weeks of a nutritional and exercise training program with my internist. I feel much better, physically and spiritually. I have seen a change in my body, both inside (through test results) and out. I'm still not model-thin, by any means and I never will be. And most days, I'm okay with that.

I finally came to the conclusion that unless I wanted to remain at high risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, I had to make a lifestyle change. That meant I was going to have to alter my habits and let God give me some discipline (uh-oh!) God challenged me to start looking to Him to meet some of my needs that I was filling through unhealthy eating patterns.

I've learned that my spiritual life is a lot like my eating habits. It's a daily battle to let Jesus, the Bread of Life, be my sustenance. It's much easier to run to the freezer and reach for that chocolate ice cream and French fries than it is to take the time to tell God what's bothering me and let Him work on my problems.

God loves me. French fries don't love me. The only lasting things they give me are cholesterol and cellulite. Living in victory tastes sweeter than any unhealthy delicacy.

Spiritual, physical, and emotional health go hand in hand. They are not a result of a single decision that is made "once and for all." They are results from thousands of decisions that are made day after day, week after week, and year after year.

Every step of your life's journey is a choice....and the quality of those choices determines the quality of the journey.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Whose Attention Are You Seeking?

Are we too busy lifting ourselves up to pay attention to God? Pride is ugly. Your attitude should be the same as that of Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:5

God reminds me everyday that it's not me that does the work, it's Him.

The thing is, we can spend so much time worrying about what others think about us, that we have no energy left for what God thinks.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, we MUST remember whose we are on order to behave like we believe. What we should be concerned about is whether or not our actions and attitude are glorifying Him. Am I taking the credit for the work He has done in my life? We need to keep Christ and our reflection of Him at the center of our lives at every moment. The more we do that, the more instinctual it becomes. And instead of being prideful we become humble in His sight.

When we try to exalted ourselves above others, we set ourselves up to be dumped on.

God will use whatever it takes to get our eyes on Him and off ourselves.

Joseph dreamed of having authority and being a great man. However, he was young and impetuous. Joseph's brothers hated him and sold him into slavery. God used the situation as an opportunity to test and train Joseph. He spent thirteen years in prison for something he didn't do, but whatever happened to Joseph during those years definitely equipped him for his God-ordained role in history.

The Lord has to humble us before He can use us.

We have to trade in our self-confidence for God-confidence.

"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up" (James4:10)

My personal challenge is to look at my life not the way a perfect stranger would, but the way a Perfect Savior would.

Humbled and undeserving,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Love Is A Verb

I've been thinking a lot about what makes a lasting marriage.

This day and age marriage is thrown away. Get married today and divorce tomorrow, no big deal. I think sometimes people think new is equated with better. Maybe that is why the divorce rate is so high. If I can just get a new husband things would be better. New things are often used to buy happiness. New things can't make us happy. Why? Because the new soon becomes old.

A marriage bound by beauty only lasts as long as the beauty.

Great love isn't two people finding the perfect match in one another. Great love is two people making the choice to be a match.

Marriage takes work. Sometimes fun work. Sometimes hard work. If you see a good marriage, you can guarantee it didn't just happen. That couple has worked on their marriage. Marriage takes humility.

Love, especially in marriage, takes a strong commitment to give even when we feel like we have nothing left to give. It requires a power that reaches beyond who we are. It requires a power that can only be found in Jesus Christ. It does not hinge on feeling, because feelings come and go. It hinges on the Everlasting One.

By letting Christ be the center of your marriage, your marriage can move from, "Oh...that's nice" to WOW THAT'S GREAT!"

We are who we are because of the circumstances in our lives which mold and shape us. We grow. WE CHANGE! Who would we be without change? Change is the only constant in life. Given the option to choose between my husband as the man I first married or the man to whom I am currently married, I'll choose the Jody of today, hands down.

Humbled and undeserving,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jesus Is The Answer For All Of Our Storm Tossed Seas In Life

There are some things we go through in life that we just aren't sure if we will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Some defeats are only installments to victory. Success isn't the key. Faithfulness is.

We all mess up. We all make mistakes. We get distracted and take our focus off of what is important. We deserve to suffer the consequences, but instead, we are given grace. Grace...because of a personal relationship.

Jesus never said it would be easy. Faith on faith is pointless. Faith in a living, active God moves mountains.

Life's storms redirect my focus on God. It doesn't matter what happens to us, but what happens in us.

You messed up yesterday. But you'll mess up more if you let yesterday's mistakes sabotage today's attitude. God's mercies are new every morning.

Sometimes you just have to let go and let God. God does and can use all circumstances in our lives for His glory, most of all He does His best work in the messiest situations.

Sometimes the most amazing things happen in the midst of chaos when we are meeting with the Almighty.

God is faithful and He loves us!

The secret to having it all...is knowing you already do.

In Him,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Are You Walking Wholeheartedly?

Physically speaking, the heart is the most important bodily organ. Spiritually speaking, I believe the heart is the most important aspect of the spiritual body.

When God asks for your heart, His is asking for your entire life, which includes our personality, character, body, mind, and emotions. The heart is the real person, not the person everybody sees.

We can do the right thing, and still not be acceptable to God because we do it with a wrong heart. Many believers only have a halfhearted interest in the pursuit of God. They want God to take care of them, but they don't want to make the sacrifice of time and devotion it takes to grow in knowledge of Him and His Word, and they don't want to commit time to pray.

Through prayer we get what we ask for, or what we should have asked for.

Do you only pray in times of crisis? If we treat prayer like a Chinese takeout menu and God as the delivery boy then we will very quickly be disappointed. Prayer is more than a crisis resolution. Prayer is a two-way conversation.

Prayer is an acknowledgement of our need for God.

It is not our job to give God guidance, council, or direction. We can pray for the desires of our heart, but we must be ready for disappointing answers because God knows what is best for us. Sometimes He gives us what we need instead of what we want.

It is our job to listen to God and let Him tell us what is going on and what we are to do about it, leaving the rest to Him to work out according to His knowledge and will, not ours.

God is God- and we aren't. We need to recognize the truth and simply trust ourselves to Him, because He is greater than we are in every aspect and area. We are created in His image, but He is still above us and beyond us. His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. If we will listen to Him and be obedient to Him, He will teach us His ways. But we are never going to figure Him out. We shouldn't even try.

All God is looking for is a sincere heart that chooses to love Him more than self.

In His Mighty Hand,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Faith, Without Doubt, Gets God's Attention

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

I have a feeling that some of my readers have no even begun to live yet, and NOW is the time for you to stop "playing it safe" and start being bold and courageous.

It's easy to get down when we're constantly let down. It takes a powerful amount of trust to believe God has our best interests at heart when the world is crashing down. But remember, we can't ever learn how to live real faith if we never need real faith.

When we depend on our own power we will fail, but when we depend on God's power we will have victory. When you form a working relationship with the Creator, there's no limit to the things that the two of you, working together, can do.

Faith is first a decision, then an exercise in obedience, then a gift from God as it is multiplied. The obedience part is where a lot of us fail. When we pray over a certain situation in our lives and do not see immediate results, often times we just give up and stop praying, thinking God is not listening. We forget that our timing is not God's timing. God is not in a hurry, but we are.

Choosing faith over feeling is a choice we have the power to make. Faith leads the way to answered prayer.

Faith is a spiritual muscle that needs to be exercised in order to prevent atrophy, which makes our entire spiritual being weak.

When it comes to our health and fitness, we make the decision to start, but we eventually fail when we rely, only, on our willpower instead of God's power. If we do not see the results of our efforts immediately, we give up.

We must remain obedient and do what we can and trust God to do the rest.

Depend on it, God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies!

A lot of everyday life is spent surviving the "in between" time, en route between where we are and where God wants us to be. Without faith, we're only left with the daily grind.

Have the faith to move mountains!

Faithfully His,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Run To Him

Running from God does not help us to be at peace with Him.

What happens when we go in the opposite direction from where God has directed us?

"Okay, you can lead this time...as long as you go where I want." I know for myself personally this can often be at least my first reaction to God. I might eventually come around to follow Him wherever He's leading, but all too often I first dig in my heels and insist that we go my way. The main problem with that though, is God knows best and although He'll let me choose my way over His, it's never the best option. EVER. Regardless of how long I have waited or how many ways I've tried on my own, or how far I've ever run down my own path, His is always best. Beyond my best is His best, perfect.

Many of the storms we face in life are the result of our own stubbornness. In many instances, we have been disobedient to the voice and leadership of God.

No matter how long we avoid God's instruction, it is still there for us to deal with when we stop running.

God's will makes us uncomfortable only as long as we are not pursuing it. Eventually we see that being in God's will, not out of His will, is what brings peace and joy to us. We have to surrender our own wills, because walking in our self-centered ways is what keeps us unhappy.

Satan wants to exhaust the energies God has given is by keeping us too busy and stressed out trying to handle all the things complicating our lives. He knows that if we learn to simply obey God, we will turn that power and energy against him by hearing and doing the work God directs!

The transformation many people desire in different areas of their lives come through forming a pattern of obeying God in the little things. God uses our obedience in the little things to transform our lives.

Stop trying to do everything on your own or running to others with your problems rather than running to God.

We struggled and strain, wearing ourselves out trying to do something that the Lord could do for us with no effort at all- if we would just ask Him.

God wants you to run to Him, not away from Him!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Why would you walk in your own strength when you could ride with the Spirit?

A lot of people get frustrated and just give up on the whole idea of finding God's will. But here's why you shouldn't: God has His best in mind for you.

We need to remember that just because something doesn't make sense to us or it's not the way we would do it, doesn't mean that it is wrong...especially when it comes to God. We don't have to understand, we just have to trust.

Following Jesus isn't about taking all the right steps to get to Heaven; it's a process of knowing Him, having Him shape you and make you more whole as a citizen of His Kingdom, and walking with Him through this great adventure.

Rest in the assurance that if it is to be, it isn't up to me. It's up to God. I give what I can give. And then wait for Him to give what only He can give. So, if He makes it happen without all my chaotic self-effort, then I know it is His best...And if it doesn't happen, I will praise Him for saving me from myself.

Not knowing God's will for a situation can be a good thing because that's how God often chooses to draw us into a closer relationship with Him. If you knew the direction you were supposed to go, you could just say, "Thanks God. See You later!" There's something about the praying and searching process that develops a bond between you and God that you can't get any other way.

What's so amazing about this process is that in the searching and seeking you don't just end up with guidance, you end up knowing the Guide. And that's the point.

Keep the faith,

Monday, January 9, 2012

Do The Next Thing

God is the God of right now. He doesn't want us to regret yesterday or worry about tomorrow. He wants us to focus on what He is saying to us and putting in front of us right now. The Enemy's voice will focus on the past and the future, but the voice of God will focus on today. God's voice tells us what we can do now. Satan's voice tells us what we could do "if only."

Are you waiting for things to change before you try to discern God's voice? If so, maybe that's why things aren't changing. He's waiting for you to listen for Him now. His directions for the next season will come as you faithfully serve in the situation you're in right now.

Nature understands the seasons, do we?

Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of my now. -Elizabeth Elliott

Faithfully His,

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Journey To A New You Begins With God

God needs to be your priority in EVERYTHING you do.

If you are about to begin a regimen of vigorous physical exercise, then you'll find it helpful to begin a regimen of spiritual exercise, too. Why? Because physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life are interconnected. In other words, you cannot "compartmentalize" physical fitness in one category of your being and spiritual fitness in another, every facet of your life has an impact on the person you are today and the person you will become tomorrow.

Willpower sure sounds like a great thing. We are led to believe that we have enough of it to fight off every temptation that comes our way. And sometimes it works. But let me tell you a little secret about willpower. Willpower is your best friend when things go well, but it's the first friend to check out when you get weary. I have found that if I really don't want to do something, my mind gives me plenty of reasons why I don't have to. My emotions even join in, saying, "I agree because I don't feel like doing it anyway."

The Bible says we are to be led by God's spirit. We are never instructed to be willpower-led, we are told to be Spirit-led. Willpower and discipline are important and vitally necessary to a successful life, but willpower alone won't be enough. Determination gets you started and keeps you going for awhile, but it is never enough to bring you across the finish line.

What happens if, instead of turning first to willpower in your time of need, you turn to God instead? God releases His power into your willpower and energizes it to bring you across the finish line. Willpower does not get the credit for our success, God does.

John 15:5 says, "apart from Me you can do nothing."


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Surprise Showers

Do you find yourself saying, "The only thing normal about my life is that it's never normal. I'm ready for life to follow a plan!"

Like it or not, into every life a little rain must fall. The good news is that God knows just how much rain will make us thrive, and provides a storm shelter for those unexpected cloudbursts.

If everything in life was predictable, not only would life get awfully boring, but we would never have the opportunity to stretch our wings of faith to soar.

I am thankful for "Surprise Showers" that remind me He is my strength.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sometimes For Things To Grow, They Need Rain

Life is not easy. Most of us can attest to that fact. When doctors warn, when rivers of tears flow down our cheeks, we realize how difficult life can sometimes be.

At these times, we have two choices: we can buckle under the turmoil, or we can look to God above. We can decide that we cannot and will not take another step, or we can ride on God's mighty shoulders.

Storms may pass, but God's love is forever!

We can be happy, praise, and rejoice in God's faithfulness, or we can whine, complain, and cry as we struggle along. Personally, I have found that my heart can sing regardless of the storms around me, as long as I allow Jesus to live inside me. When I try to follow His will for my life, Jesus is faithful to show me the way.

I have learned that during trials, my strength is magnified. If I never had to face adversity, I would never fully appreciate the calm, joyful times that come my way. The times when God has strengthened my faith most greatly were the times I completely surrendered my cares and concerns to Him.

In the midst of the darkness you will learn lessons you might never have learned in the day.

When God permits His children to go through the furnace experiences of our lives, He keeps His eye on the clock and His hand on the thermostat.

Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes it's jewels with.- Robert Leighton

Don't forget that each of us is an ever-growing, changing and becoming individual. None of us is a finished product.

I'm a child of the King...still living in palace preparation mode.

Humbled and undeserving,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life Isn't Tied With A Bow, But It's Still A Gift

Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will effect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood. The bottom line is: It's your choice how you live life.

We don't see things the way they are. We see things the way WE are. Our thoughts and attitudes determine the emotional reaction we have to any event. Each of us determines the meaning and value of whatever we face in life.

When things go wrong, remember to dwell in the presence of the One who alone can make it all better. Don't let the enemy whisper all sorts of things to your soul that simply are not true. At those times I have a crucial choice to make. Am I gonna give in to the dark or run to the light?

Discouragement happens, and I'm grateful that I'm not condemned by those feelings and that place, but I'm also grateful that I can lift my eyes up so that I can take a step up and out...Peace in the midst of chaos. I am pretty sure there is no better feeling in the world.

Choosing to open my hands to all of His blessings, because y'all know it's always our choice. It's our choice if we will receive what He gives us as a blessing, or if we will label it otherwise. I believe that God is ALWAYS Good and ALWAYS Perfect, regardless of my often times misperceptions. On the days I fail to see His graciousness as a gift, it's only my seeing that is distorted, NEVER His Love.

Adversity will either turn us against God or draw us to Him. The choice is ours!

Every single day we can choose to remember that He has already crossed the finish line, that He has already thrown the last punch. Our job is to just keep running until we reach the tape. Our job is to stay on our feet (or get back on our feet) and continue until we hear the boxing bell. What a day that will be!

For His Glory,

Monday, January 2, 2012

Keep Your Temple In Tip-Toe Shape

If you don't take care of your body, how can you expect your body to take care of you?

The journey toward improved health is not only a common-sense exercise in personal discipline, it is a spiritual journey ordained by our Creator. God does not intend that we abuse our bodies by giving in to excessive appetites or to slothful behavior. God has instructed us to protect our physical bodies to the greatest extent we can. To do otherwise is to disobey Him.

If you're not determined to be the master of your body...then you might just become a slave to your impulses.

It's not that some people have the willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not. The benefits of exercise are both physical and emotional. But no one can exercise for you; it's up to you to exercise, or not.

If you're on a new health regimen, you may relapse back into your old, unhealthy habits. If so, don't waste time or energy beating yourself up. If you've "fallen off the wagon," simply pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, and get back on it. God was with you when you were riding that wagon the first time, He was with you when you fell, and He'll welcome you back on the wagon when you're wise enough to climb back on.

If you want to form a new habit, get to work. If you want to break a bad habit, get on your knees.- Marie T. Freeman.

Discipline matters. It takes discipline to strengthen your faith; it takes discipline to improve your fitness.

"I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13

In Him,