Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Since it is Halloween, Jody and I decided to take the day off. But don't worry, we left the studio in good hands. Former Race Car Legend and the "Darlin of Darlington" Middle E and his sweet "Diva of Darlington" Darleenda will be there all day. Stop in and say hey and maybe you can get a picture with this racing legend and his sexy diva.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Focus Oriented

I’m convinced that whatever we focus on determines whether we are happy or miserable, whether we have faith or fear. 

A hopeful person absolutely refuses to be negative in any way.

Choose to encourage and refuse to be discouraged.

Being positive does not mean we deny the existence of difficulty; it means we believe God is greater than our difficulties. ~ Joyce Meyer


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Worry's Track Record Is Terrible

We are aiming for long-term significance, but we get stuck in short-term worries.
Because of worry, people commonly do less, not more. It is a horrible motivation because it is a short-term motivation that often leads to paralysis. 
No one associates worry with success. People consider worry a negative emotion, not a positive emotion. Worry is to be escaped, not promoted.
In the arena in which worry typically functions, long-term productive efforts are the “bottom line.”  The truth is this: Worry is rarely productive; therefore, worry is a bad investment. Worry is more likely to consume energy and productivity than it is to produce energy and productivity. 
Time and energy spent in worry is lost time and energy.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Just Keep Pressing On

The reason we are so often sidetracked by difficulties is that we expect to see barriers removed before we even try to pass through them. We stand still, waiting for the obstacle to be removed, when we ought to go forward as if there were no obstacles at all.

God has so much for us, and though we may not have arrived at our final destination, we can thank God we are on the pathway that will take us there. As long as we are making progress, it really doesn't matter if we are crawling, walking, or running. Just keep pressing on!


Friday, October 25, 2013

A Month To Manliness

Our oldest son, Jake, has been doing a study with our church called, "A Month To Manliness".He started high school this year, which means the dating stage has begun. My husband and I have been trying to teach our son the proper way to treat a young lady. Teaching him that boys lead ladies closer to themselves, but men of God lead ladies closer to Jesus. Boys holler at girls. But men respect women. 
We are so thankful for the godly men in our church that are teaching our son how to be a godly man!

In courtship, in order to remain accountable there should be a few older godlier men in your teen's dating life (their pastor, father, etc). If two people date in isolation it won’t go well. Guys listen to guys, so get guys in their life that can speak truth into them and keep them accountable.

Some good advice for the young ladies: Watch the way your guy speaks to, reacts and interacts with his mother – how ever he treats her is how he will treat you when the ‘new’ wears off.

Ladies, before you get too serious about a young man make sure he has the finances to support you, is responsible, loves God, His Word, is a man of prayer, a leader, has a servant’s heart. ✞ 

Every day I pray for the women my boys will love. I hope they will be drawn to real beauties, the kind of women who will leave them better people in the end. I also pray that my sons will be worthy of this kind of woman, that they will be patient – and act honorably – while they wait for her.

Gents and young ladies, It's amazing to think that God is refining you and your future spouse into the people He created you to be. They're worth the wait!


Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Faith That Will Not Falter

People and circumstances are not your enemy; the enemy is your enemy. He works through everyday situations and people to try to steal your focus, trust, dreams, peace, and joy—

We may not be able to rule our life situations, but we can rule our hearts. The root of all contentment: When there is an evenness and proportion between our hearts and our circumstances. 

We will have many moments in our lives when we have to get out off the boat and walk in faith. As long as we keep our eyes on the Lord, we will walk in victory and in peace. It is when we try and handle the trials in our own strength that we begin to sink. I am so glad that when we have a lapse in faith or lose our way our heavenly Father is IMMEDIATELY ready to intervene.

The most beautiful truth about following Christ is His ability to reveal to us His limitlessness as we journey through the tough times. Often times God will use the same situation that has destroyed our faith to build our faith back up again. And let me tell you this from personal experience, when God builds back your faith…it is a faith that will not falter.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Miracle

The miracle isn't the life we've's the life we've got!

The life I have now is the life the Lord had planned for me all along!  The people that mean so much to me now....I may have never known had my life been different. This life I've got now is my miracle!  I have had a crazy, full life and I wouldn't trade it for anything else because now I can fully appreciate all that the Lord has done for and given me.  

God is carefully teaching us through circumstances He permits in our lives. He has lovingly crafted a curriculum for each one of us. No one has the same schedule, classes, or lessons. It is tailored exactly for us. What a beautiful thing! 

It's just amazing watching God work out every little detail of our lives. We serve an awesome God! ✞

If you have been redeemed....Speak out!  People need Jesus and you just might be the one with the right life story that will show them the way.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Next Step

Ask Jesus to show you just the next step. Not ten steps. Not the whole path. Not the Google map with the highlighted route. Just the next step. ✞


Monday, October 21, 2013

God's Marathon

Whatever we're facing today, we need to think of it as training for a marathon. Once we cross the finish line, we will look back and say it was all worth it.

We shouldn't try and resist what God intends for our good. The pain of discipline is not an excuse for us to avoid it. He also reminds us that while things may seem painful at the moment, the good that discipline produces will far outweigh our temporary pain. 

Sometimes life is hard. However, we can decide which side of the ache we will stand on. Satan accuses us so we will give up, but God corrects us so we will grow up.

God has a plan for our deliverance before our problems ever appear. God is never surprised!  We can always expect God's best, because He always gives it.

We have a limited view of what’s out there for us. God, on the other hand, sees the whole marathon route. He isn’t limited by the huge hole in the road. He knows just what is needed to get where He is taking us. He knows the next step.

God will use our trials to show His love and faithfulness to us and we will be strengthened in the knowledge that He is leading us towards that promised goal of finally standing at the top of it all; knowing that it was Him who saw us through. 


Friday, October 18, 2013

Either We Rule Over Our Circumstances Or We Let Our Circumstances Rule Over Us

There are intimidating mountains calling out my name and taunting me. And, today, a part of me will conquer them simply by making the choice to climb them rather than run away from them.

Avoidance from the difficult usually just amplifies our fears!

I think about my own weaknesses and rejoice because God figured out (and continues to figure out) a way to redeem them for His glory.  It still amazes me that God wants to take the struggles we once worked so hard at trying to hide from the world and shine His spotlight of grace on them so the world can hopefully see His great and powerful hand at work in our lives.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Will The World Miss If We Don't Tell Our Story?

We are here for a reason: to tell a story, His story. Every one of us has a unique story to tell - what we have done, where we have lived, but most importantly, what God has done in our lives. 

We need to be open, transparent. We all need to tell our story, warts and all. Let people see the real you. Don't put on appearances. We think that to be humble and meek, we must keep quiet. But infact, we should be more ready to share what God has done in our lives and give Him the glory. 

What will the world miss if we don't tell our story? Let's not keep our story to ourselves because there is someone out there in the world that needs to hear about the blessed hope.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Focus Choices

In this life, we have focus choices. We can focus on ourselves, we can focus on our circumstances, we can focus on other people, or we can focus on God. When you think biblically you focus first on God. Regardless of what you want, regardless of the circumstances you are under, regardless of what others say or think, regarless of how you feel, God and God alone is working out His great plan. And in the final tally, it will be fabulous! 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Detox With Whole Body Vibration For Optimal Health

Because disease is due to the accumulation of toxins in the body's cellular terrain, the appropriate therapy is to drain these toxins out of the terrain.

Toxins overload the body and cause our cells to malfunction. 

Toxins need drains to help exit the body. These drains are eliminatory glands: the liver, the intestines, the kidneys, the skin, and the lungs. The main problem is that these drains are functioning too slowly and they are confronted by a quality of toxins higher than those they manage to eliminate, hence the clogging of the terrain. They must be stimulated, which is to say their level of performance needs to be increased. Whole Body Vibration stimulates these eliminatory glands.

Cells are created and maintained by extremely complex actions and interactions, but nature takes care of that complexity. Our job is rather simple: Make certain that your cells obtain what they need. Choosing health means learning how to supply your cells with what they need while keeping them free of what they don't need. Cells have great powers to take care of themselves and to repair themselves - to stay healthy - unless they are overwhelmed by poor diets, unhealthy habits or environmental hazards. Our daily choices determine whether our cells stay healthy or get sick. 


Monday, October 14, 2013

But God Has Other Plans . . .

Write your plans in pencil and remember that God has the eraser.

God has plans for each one of us and at times his plan must intersect with our plans. Sometimes God’s plans line up with our expectations, but often, they surprise us. We have plans for our life, but God may have other plans. His plans are always the best, though they might come in the midst of disappointment, discouragement and difficulty. They might also lead us into greater challenges than we would have chosen for ourselves.

We are supposed to run the race God has set for us. Not the race we set for ourselves, not the race other people set for us, and not the race culture sets for us. We only run the race God has set for us.  If we try to run any other course, we are going to fail and get discouraged. However, we must be aware that not all closed doors are really closed…not all barriers are erected by God…some are mirages authored by the enemy to discourage and misdirect..

If our plans don't work out we're not to worry, because God has better ones. That wonderful plan God has already designed for your life and mine contains the very best of Purpose, Adventure, Fulfillment, Joy, and new lessons. It will open doors and bring the right people to us. God’s purpose always carries with it God’s favor! 

Surrendering to God’s will is no little game…but rather the ultimate in adventure.  Yes, God’s Will includes trouble, trials, and tragedy…but it also includes the problem-solver and God of all comfort, our Savior.

We must remember that our comfort is not important–God’s purpose is!


Friday, October 11, 2013

Embrace The Wait

How many times are we placed in a difficult position, or forced to deal with an "impossible" situation? Or perhaps, an "impossible" person? These circumstances are always opportunities to grow in patience – or to learn to submit to God's providential will, and often, to minister in some special or unique way.

Although God does want us to have a good life, there will be times when we must be patient and endure not getting our way. These disappointments test our character and level of spiritual maturity. They actually show whether or not we truly are ready for promotion. 

What I am learning, slowly but surely, one baby step at a time is this – it is SO worth it to press through the difficult. And still, at times it’s a struggle for me to live in the moment and to embrace the wait. But when I do, I never regret it. And my life becomes that much richer because of it. 

God doesn’t want to do a half-work in you, but a full-grown work! 


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Prospering Our Souls

There is purpose in prison time; God is working while we are waiting. One day we will look back on this season and it will all be clear. 

We have to understand that even though we can and want to move on, He may require us to stay where we are because it’s what we need right now, because it is prospering our souls and preparing for the place He will eventually move us to.

Because sometimes it takes a stretch of time in a place we don't want to be to prepare us for the place God designed for us to be.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

God Is Up To Something

I want to thank those who have been praying for our family as we begin this most exciting journey with our Whole Body Vibration studio. Our first week was a very productive week. A lot of hard work and long hours goes into starting your own business but it is so rewarding to see people's lives changing right before your eyes. God is definitely up to something! ✞ 


Friday, October 4, 2013

Walk The Journey Out

I know God is always faithful. I know God is always good. I know God has nothing but good plans and intentions for me. But the plain truth is I can’t really appreciate God’s faithfulness if I’ve never needed him to be faithful. I can’t really understand how good God is until I’ve experienced some bad. I can’t really see how His good plans and intentions unfold until I’ve walked the journey out.

God has big plans for each of us. Sometimes we ask for too little. God wants us to trust Him for more. Sometimes our no is because of a yes in the future that is far greater than we could have imagined. 


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Detox For Life

A toxin is a substance that interferes with normal cellular function, thereby causing malfunction, which is disease. All disease is the result of malfunctioning cells, no matter if the disease is a "common" cold, a mental illness such as depression or a life-threatening cancer.

Why are we willing to ingest chemicals in the form of prescription drugs that are alien to our body, but we are skeptical that natural substances can heal? Why are we willing to recognize the damage of an obvious poisoning - a major chemical spill, for instance - but we ignore the devastating effects of small amounts of toxic substances, which accumulate in our bodies and make us a little bit sicker everyday?

Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal, but they are more vulnerable than you may realize. There are many dangers around us that go unrecognized, but they take a toll every day. 

I have suffered from mercury poisoning for the past 15 months. Because of this, my cells stopped working right and made me sick. (You may be surprised to discover what is toxic to your cells.) But God lead me to self-healing through detoxification with Whole Body Vibration, a far infrared sauna and drinking alkaline water. I am now well on my way to healing my cells. PRAISE GOD! 

Healthy cells refuse disease; no one with healthy cells has any reason to become sick. 

A healthy life, well past one hundred years old, should be our birthright. John 10:10 says, "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." 

Health doesn't happen by chance, but by choice, you can take steps now to ensure that you will live free of diseases that plague our society. Choose health over illness; wellness over disease. 


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

When The Sun Goes Down The Stars Come Out

The process of pursuing your dreams in the midst of trying to live life is hard. And yet, that’s the only way to do it. 

Our greatest limitation is God's greatest opportunity....with greater opportunities comes greater opposition. 

God builds character before he calls a leader. God humbles a heart before He calls a servant.

Before God can work through us, He must work in us!

We are to be grateful for all the obstacles in our lives. They have strengthened us as we continue with our journey. 

There is no testimony without the test. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

To Show Our Brokenness, That His Name Be Lifted High

We're all broken in one place or another. But when we stay connected to the Vine, He strengthens us so that we may bear fruit-even through our brokenness.

Sometimes it takes a big blow to get us where we are meant to go. 

Sharing brokenness with one another is a gift. When we take the brave step of sharing our ugliness, our pain, our broken pieces, then His beauty can shine through, and it's truly beautiful. He gets the glory of a life redeemed, not us.

*The picture on the right is showing my face and neck swollen from mercury poisoning. 

*The picture on the left is me last November. At this point the mercury poisoning had gotten into my blood stream and I had body wide inflammation. The picture on the right was taken in May of this year after I had been doing Whole Body Vibration for 3 months.

Now my husband and I own our very own Whole Body Vibration Studio. GOD IS GOOD....ALL THE TIME!
