Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Game Plan To Defeat Satan

Some people think that believers must always be on the mountaintop of extraordinary joy and revelation, but this is not God's way. Those high spiritual times and wonderful communication with the unseen world are not promised to us, but a daily life of communication with Him is.

No one can stay on the mountaintop of favor forever, for there are responsibilities in the valley. Christ fulfilled His life's work not in the glory but in the valley, and it was there He was truly and completely the Messiah.

This morning I had a great appointment with my primary care doctor. He agreed with the doctor at Mayo Clinic that I needed to have a MRA of my chest done to make sure I do not have Vasculitis. He also started the process of getting me referred to a neurologist here in town. Everything seemed to be looking up -- until late this afternoon when I received two phone calls -- one was to let me know that I could not get in to see the neurologist for 5 weeks....and the other phone call was to tell me that our insurance denied my MRA of the chest at the request of two doctors, one being a Mayo Clinic doctor and the other being my primary care doctor. You could say that my blood pressure went through the roof when I received this news.

Satan has really been working overtime trying to discourage me and trying to steal my joy. He will succeed if I let him, but I will not let Satan win. I have faith that God will carry me through. He has never proven unfaithful. Satan wants me to think my situation is hopeless. He has tons of minions to help him do his dirty work.

Satan knows that God's work can't be done and answers don't come if we are sitting on the sidelines feeling sorry for ourselves. God's work is done and answers come when we choose to actively and openly engage the journey.

Doubt creates mountains. Faith moves them.

Success isn't the key, faithfulness is. If you don't climb the mountain, you can't see the view.

Faith holds on and prevails. Faith assists God. It can shut the mouths of lions and quench the most destructive fire. Faith still honors God, and God honors faith.

We ALL need to remember that Satan won't let one victory go unchallenged....But God's work done in God's way will NEVER lack God's supplies --Depend on it!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Revelation Comes While We Are En Route To The Destination

We tend to make time for things that have no eternal eternal significance at all. When we allow other things to take precedence over our time with God, we open the door for Satan to step in and do his dirty work in our lives. He attempts to keep us on probation; he endeavors to detain us from living in freedom and forgiveness by making us think we have to work to pay for our wrongs. He holds us captive through guilt and regret. We are bound by Satan's shackles.

We practice spiritual disciplines like reading the Bible, and praying - not so God can love us more, but so we can love Him more. - Steven Furtick

Sin is ugly! It is ANYTHING that moves us away from our life source -- God.

Satan also loves to make us focus on the little that's wrong so we miss the big picture of all that's right!

The older I get, the more trials I endure, I am learning about the way I want to live my life. I want to get in the picture. I don't want to be content to sit on the sidelines. Answers don't come while sitting on the sidelines. Answers come when we choose to actively and openly engage the journey. I don't want to miss the action. And I want to be able to remember it long after the action is over.

Sometimes growth is a slow process. But any type of significant growth in our lives, anything worth learning, usually involves some uncomfortable times. Sometimes we make mistakes, but those mistakes are an important part of really living. You can't grow without them.

I sometimes I see my walk of faith much like the way I see my blogging journey. Progress and growth are discovered as I journey down the road. Sharing our brokenness with one another is a gift. When we take the brave step of sharing our ugliness, our pain, our broken pieces, then His beauty can shine through, and it is truly beautiful. When we allow God to take what Satan meant for evil and let God use it for good, it takes healing to a whole new level. God frees us from the shackles.

Our brokenness is a far greater bridge to reach people for Christ than our pretend wholeness ever is.....Heard this on the podcast with Lysa TerKeurst and Sheila Walsh.

It is good to suffer in this life so we will reign in the one to come; to bear the cross below, to wear the crown above; and to know that not your will but His be done in you and through you.

Revelation comes while we are en route to the destination. God uses adversity to prepare you for great blessings. He stretches your faith in Him -- not to harm you, but to teach you to draw near to Him. Every day with Jesus is an adventure, full of opportunities to know Him and love Him more. It's up to you to find beauty in the ugliest days. ❤

Be encouraged today. God loves you. He loves you so much that He sent His only son to die so that you can be forgiven and free. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or how you’ve sinned. If you have truly repented and asked Jesus to forgive you, then He has, and there is no one who can take that away.

God cancelled the record of debt that stands against us...AMEN!!!


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed To Be

I opened a Dove dark chocolate today and inside the wrapper were these words: You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Think about it, we are ALL exactly where we are supposed to be if we are following God's will instead of ours, even if it seems uncomfortable. If we aren't a little bit uncomfortable every day, we're not growing. All the good stuff is outside our comfort zone.

Trusting God is not always easy. But He never promised it would be, that's why we need faith. So I make the choice to trust Him no matter the outcome in this life. He NEVER stops being faithful no matter how bad it gets.

God's will is the most hopeful, pleasant, and glorious thing in the world. Yes, I have problems, lots of them! But I have a God who has promised to walk with me through those problems, a God who refreshes me with His mercy. How awesome is that!!!!!!

Sometimes I get distracted by life and I get caught between God's unlimited potential and power and my nearsighted vision of the situation. However, the space between my reality and my expectations will only change if I do. His promises are yes and amen in Christ. He will do what He has promised.

Faith grows during storms. These are just four little words, but these four little words have great significance to those who have endured life-threatening storms! Let's forget what our situation looks like, how impossible it is and do what He's called us to do in spite of it. When we act in faith, he will bless us abundantly.

Storms bring blessings, and rich fruit will be harvested later. - Harvey Ward Beecher

Where would our faith be if not for the trials that test it; or patience; without anything to endure or experience and without tribulations to develop it?

Never pray for an easier life -- pray to be a stronger person! Be thankful for your trials. I think that being thankful, and realizing my blessings keeps me grounded. Counting our blessing lets us see that God is truly in control and He really does see us. If you're being tested, you're being perfected. Which means you have a divine purpose and reason to rejoice. Our ultimate purpose in life is to be a light for Jesus so everyone can go to Heaven. What better reason can you have than that??!!


Monday, January 28, 2013

I Will Not Dwell On What Is Lost, But On What Remains

We all have times of discouragement, but we aren't supposed to live there. When things are going bad for us we need to press on and engage more than when things are going great!

I have had two doctors tell me that I will not regain the part of my vision that I have lost in my right eye. The first doctor said my vision loss was due to Optic Neuritis, but the doctor at Mayo Clinic said that it was from a stroke of the optic nerve. Most of us know that a stroke means there was a lack of blood supply to that particular nerve. I had a Neurology EMG on Thursday that did show abnormalities in the nerves in my head and face....Trigeminal Neuralgia, which is the largest nerve in the head. It has three branches of nerves. One of the branches reaches the eyes. When the nerves are inflamed they can press on the blood vessels. This could explain why I had a stroke of the optic nerve. The doctor at Mayo Clinic told me that there is a chance it could happen to my other eye so I have to be preventative and take a baby aspirin every day. They still want to make sure I don't have Vasculitis by doing a MRA of the chest. I have to see a Neurologist in town to see what my next step will be. I have a consultation appointment with my primary care doctor on Thursday to get all of this in the works.

I am most confident that things could have been much worse. I could have lost all the vision in my eye or eyes. I could have had a major stroke. I could have had an aneurism. I could have died. And through all this, I've come to the realization that little everyday things need to be noticed. Appreciated. Celebrated.

I will not dwell on what is lost, but on what remains.

I have also come to learn that blindness of the soul and mind is much worse than any physical sickness. When we think we are too tired to go on...too sick to go on...the GOD of our lives gives us the strength to keep going. When my semblance of power is lacking, His perfect power is excelling. He is all we really need!

Our faithful obedience and loyalty UNDER PRESSURE is the most powerful testimony we can give of our love and faith in God. But sometimes we lose our perspective. We get defeated and discouraged. We eat too many Hot Now doughnuts from Krispy Kreme. We order fattening cheeseburgers and awkwardly burst into tears. And so God uses His Word and encouragement of others to get us back on track. To remind us to keep doing the things He has called us to do.

So Without God's touch my vision will not be restored. But I refuse to get stuck in the depressing quicksand of what I've lost. Tucked within the crevice of loss usually a gift can be found. When the worst thing happens, the best remains.

My feelings are indicators, not dictators.

We cannot put the whole of our identity into the smallness of our situation. Because we have been given fullness...In Christ. We can place the wholeness of our identity in that reality...and see everything else as small in comparison.

We each have our own God given assignments. We cannot judge ourselves against someone who has a different assignment from us. When we live out of fullness in Christ, we no longer live up to something, we live out of someone....Jesus.

We all must remember that if we aren't a little bit uncomfortable every day, we're not growing. All the good stuff is outside our comfort zone. I definitely don't want to miss all the good stuff!...Do you?

Choosing to follow the will of God is the most important choice we will ever make! Nothing is impossible with a willing heart!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Mayo Clinic: Day 5 Update

I finally got some answers this morning at my last appointment. PRAISE GOD!

I have a several things going on. I do have an issue with my thyroid in getting my medication at the right dosage. I was taking Synthroid 100mcg 5 weeks ago and had it lowered because my TSH was .06. After being on my new dose of 88mcg for 5 weeks, my TSH is 3.4. That is a big jump. The problem is there is no "in between" dose between 88mcg and 100mcg. So the endocrinologist at Mayo suggested that I take 88mcg and one day a week take an extra half to get that "in between" dose. I really wish he was practicing medicine in Greenville because he seems to be a great doctor. I guess that's why he is employed at Mayo Clinic.

I had a Neurology EMG yesterday morning and then had to go on "stand by" to see one of their neurologist, but was unable to get in to see one. So I have to see a Neurologist here in Greenville. My coordinating doctor was my Endocrinologist and he said that my EMG showed some abnormalities in the nerves in my head and face...possible Trigeminal neuralgia. This is a chronic pain condition that effects the Trigeminal or 5th cranial nerve, one of the largest nerves in the head. The disorder is more common in women than in men. There is some evidence that the disorder runs in families, perhaps because of an inherited pattern of blood vessel formation.

The Endocrinologist still wants me to have the MRA of the chest to make sure I do not have Vasculitis, which is an inflammation of your blood vessels. Vasculitis causes changes in the walls of your blood vessels, including thickening, weakening, narrowing and scarring.

There are many types of vasculitis. Some forms last only a short time (acute) while others are long lasting (chronic). Vasculitis, which is also known as angiitis and arteritis, can be so severe that the tissues and organs supplied by the affected vessels don't get enough blood. Hence, could be the reason I had a stroke of the optic nerve in my right eye. This shortage of blood can result in organ and tissue damage, even death.

I feel so blessed because I know that God probably saved me from a massive stroke or aneurism. I had much rather live with some vision loss than be paralyzed in a wheel chair, or worse.

My mother in law sent me a devotion before my last appointment this morning. It is by Max Lucado....God Knows More. This statement spoke to my heart: "God hears our requests. But His answer isn’t always what we’d like it to be. Because He knows more about life than we do. Don’t panic. Don’t bail out. Talk to your heavenly Father. He’s still in control!"

God has given us tools that we need to win the battle. It is in the fight that we gain strength. The struggle makes us stronger. While I am struggling, God is strengthening me. I am becoming stronger for the next battle.

God saves us everyday! He saves us from things we have no clue he has saved us from. And sometimes we won't know everything he has saved us from until we meet Him face to face.

Today, I consider every breath a gift from God. He gives life and He takes it back. It is His choice. Obviously, He still has more work for me to do. And I will proudly serve the One who died to set me free.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mayo Clinic: Day 4 Update

"Praying in faith is not an inner conviction that God will act according to our desires if only we believe hard enough. It involves believing that God will always respond to our prayer in accord with His nature, His purpose, and His promises." Alvin VanderGriend.

This morning I had a neurology EMG, which is a test designed to detect any abnormalities in the nerves of my head and face. Because I originally did not have an appointment with the neurologists at Mayo, we had to try to be worked in on "stand by" to see a Neurologist this afternoon. Unfortunately, we were not able to be worked in (after waiting in the waiting room for 3 hours).

Still no answers for my illness and we only have one more appointment in the morning before we head for home. There are still tests that we have yet to hear back from so it is possible that we may know more tomorrow after my appointment. However, I have to deal with the possibility that I won't find the answers here. I have prayed for answers and on the surface, it would seem that my prayers have fallen on deaf ears. But I look deeper and realize that God has been listening and providing me with answers. My MRI was clear so I have no brain tumors or signs of MS. He is faithful and I praise Him for those answers. Just because He hasn't answered my prayer in the way I wanted does not mean that He has not answered my prayers.

We have not heard from Mayo or our insurance about the MRA on my chest that the Rheumatologist ordered on Wednesday. So, it would seem that I won't be having that test here. And I praise God for that because that is an answer.

So many times the trials of life can cloud our perspective and the way we see things. I was reminded of this as I read the book "To Heaven and Back" by Mary C. Neal, MD while waiting to see the doctor. She says this:

"My point is this: interpreting something that happens as being inherently "good" or "bad" is entirely a matter of perspective. Do bad things happen to good people? I'm not so sure. Jesus was certainly a "good" man. His crucifixion would certainly be interpreted by many as a "bad" thing. His disciples were devastated, yet the Old Testament prophecies would not have been fulfilled and a new covenant with God would not exist if Jesus had not been crucified. From this perspective, it is difficult to declare that the crucifixion of Jesus was a "bad" thing. In fact, it is the very heart of the "good news" that Christians celebrate.

Even when we are frustrated by our inability to understand a circumstance or event, there are unseen angels bringing comfort and protection as directed by the wisdom of God. Our only reasonable option is to rely on the word and promises of God."


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mayo Clinic: Day 3 Update

It has been a long, tough day. We met with a rheumatologist this morning and he felt like the pain in my face and the side of my head, as well as the swelling, may be nerve related. So he scheduled a neurology EMG for tomorrow morning and an MRA of the chest (whenever insurance will pre-certify it). After that, we hope to be able to see a neurologist here before heading home. He did say it may take awhile so we may have to make a trip back to Mayo. We also have an appointment Friday morning with the Endocrinologist to go over the results of the tests he ordered.

Meanwhile, I had a brain MRI this afternoon and received those results right away. There was no sign of MS or any other abnormalities or tumors. This certainly is a praise, however no news from this test means that we still don't know what is causing my problems.

I must admit that I am a little frustrated. I know God is in control and all of this is for His Glory. But the human side of me, the broken side, can't help but feel frustrated. We've seen so many doctors and had so many tests. You'd think that they would have been able to find something. We are still waiting on some results from other tests so I just have to be patient. Please pray for me because patience is not a strength of mine!

I can get overwhelmed and frustrated by my lot in life so this quote by LB Cowman is very encouraging! "Stand up in the place where God has put you, and there do your best. The grandest character is grown in hardship."

Hebrews 11:6 says, "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him."

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please keep the prayers coming.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mayo Clinic: Day 2 Update

I am so thankful for a beautiful and restful day with my husband, Jody. We also did a little sightseeing and ate some great Mexican food.

We took my 24 hour Cortisol test back to Mayo and are still waiting for authorization from our insurance company so I can have the regular MRI with contrast.

My next appointment is in the morning with the Rheumatology Department. Continued prayers are appreciated!

I am so thankful to God for blessing me with such a great husband/best friend! He has stood by me for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I couldn't have asked for a more caring husband! ❤

But most of all, I am blessed to be called a child of God. Even though I have a great husband/best friend in Jody, Jesus is the best friend I'll ever have. And I thank Him for the kind of relationship that supersedes all boundaries. Because in my weakness I can always rely on His perfect strength.


His Saving Grace

In this on-my-knees-moment, Jesus reminds me that today will not be perfect, but it has purpose. Will I wait until my own problems are gone before helping someone else? I hope not, because this will never happen!

Living sent, engaging those around us, being mission-minded isn’t something God invites us into. It’s what we were saved for. It’s a purposeful, intentional initiation on our part to share Christ with those who have never been told.

My life is definitely not perfect. It's a day by day walk with lots of God's grace, lots of His mercy! And more than a few touch-ups here and there. ;-) I don't know of all He has saved me from, but I have no doubt He has saved me from stuff I am unaware of. I know His grace extends way past what I can see or imagine and I want others to know of His saving grace.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Mayo Clinic: Day 1 Update

Today I saw the Endocrinology Department and the Neuro Ophthalmology Department. The Endocrinologist ordered a lot of blood test and also a test to check my cortisol levels.

The Neuro Ophthalmologist believes I had a stroke of the optic nerve instead of the original diagnosis of optic neuritis. He wants to do some more tests to make sure I do not have any tumors anywhere due to all of my pain and swelling in and around my eye and face. A normal MRI with contrast was never done, only a MR Angiogram without contrast was done back in June.

I have to complete my 24 hour cortisol test and carry it back to Mayo tomorrow, while waiting for authorization from our insurance company to do the MRI. I am scheduled to see the Rheumatology Department on Wednesday.

Will continue to update throughout the week. Please continue to keep me and my family in your prayers! Love and hugs to you all!


Friday, January 18, 2013

The Road To Greater Things Is Not Marked By Easy Answers

Often our feelings and emotions are mistakenly substituted for faith. Trials, conflicts, battles, and testings are tools God uses to shape us into the people we are meant to be. Our job is to rely on the in dwelling of Christ in our hearts, regardless of our feelings, as we walk obediently before Him. We get into trouble when we walk by feelings rather than by faith.

I have found in my own life that when God reigns in my heart, blessings and opportunities pour down faster than I can make them happen myself. The quickest way to get where you’re going is to surrender your dream to God and let Him work to fit you for it.

We are always in a hurry. God never is. While He has given us the vision of what we are to become, it may not be a reality in us yet. We have to let God work in our lives until we are ready. The dream is not what needs shaping. It’s us. Usually, God prepares us for our dreams though the adversity in our lives. Although, you shouldn’t become discouraged if it seems you’ll never reach your dream. No matter what your circumstances look like, God is at work shaping and preparing you for it. You and I may achieve some sort of success by our own pursuit, but it will never satisfy us like pursuing Jesus and waiting on Him to bring our dreams to pass.

Don't miss being a part of God's plan. There's a man in the Bible that almost missed Christmas. His name was Joseph. He was focusing on his feelings and emotions rather than his faith. He just couldn't see how his current circumstances were a part of God's plan for his life. What at first looked like a huge problem, a troubling circumstance, a total reputation-wrecker to Joseph, turned out to be the most glorious thing in his life when seen from God's perspective.

From this new viewpoint, Joseph saw what an honor it was to bear this burden. What a thrill to raise and know God's own son!

God's ways are not our ways. And sometimes in our greatest difficulties we find our greatest opportunities and blessed responsibilities.

If Joseph had walked away from Mary, he would have missed Christmas. And he would have missed the life-defining lesson that God's plans aren't always logical in human eyes, but they can be trusted!

This weekend my husband and I are traveling to Jacksonville, Florida to Mayo Clinic. We are leaving our boys here with my husband's parents. Both my boys, especially my youngest, are a little anxious because of the unknown. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as it will be hard for my husband and I to leave our boys here to travel to another state for medical advice. However, I am very optimistic that the doctors at Mayo Clinic will figure out a diagnosis for me and be able to incorporate a treatment plan. This has been a very long journey for me and my family and we are praying this trip will result in some long, awaited answers. I've never been so excited to be going to a place in all my life!!!! I know whatever I find out at Mayo Clinic this coming week, God intends it for my good. I am privileged beyond measure to be on this journey with our God. It is all about knowing He loves us and because His love is perfect we can trust His perfect plans, no matter what they are. Jesus is not my security against the storms of life, but He is my perfect security in the storms. He has never promised me an easy passage, only a safe landing.

Jesus is the answer for all our storm tossed seas in life. So spread your sail toward the storm and trust in Him who rules the raging seas. Sail away!

*I will be giving Mayo Clinic updates on my blog throughout the week, next week. Thank you for your prayers for me and my family.*


Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Lop-Sided Scales Of The World

Sometimes we get too concerned with what others think or say about us. We are more worried about man's rejection than God's.

God has chosen you to do His work in this time. He knows your heart. He is faithful. He will not forget your sacrifice. So be faithful, even in the wilderness, even when no one else is looking—He is preparing you for the great work ahead.

It seems to me the people most qualified to talk about hope are the ones who have been hopeless and lived to tell about it. - Emily Freeman

At this particular time in my life, God has called me to be a blog missionary. I know my words will probably never reach millions, or even thousands, but they will reach those who God has prepared to receive them. But I must first do my part. People can’t read words that aren’t written and cannot receive hope that isn’t shared. I must trust. I must obey.

So trust Him and never push away the instrument He is using, or you will miss the result of His work in your life.

Life is not wreckage to be saved out of the world but an investment to be used in the world.

The school of suffering graduates exceptional scholars.

Sometimes I lose sight of the fact that my work or worth isn’t measured by who does or does not like my page or follow my links or retweet my blog posts or give me a shout out. The importance of what I do isn’t defined by the rules of cyberspace or the number of followers on my blog. The secret of life isn’t in being discovered or having my work shared or being a part of so and so’s group. It’s in Jesus.

Yes, I get excited every time a new country visits my blog, not because they have found me, but because God is using me as a tool for those who need to hear the gospel truth and who need hope. In Mark 16:15, Jesus says, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."....This excites me!!!!!

There is no limit to what God can do through you, provided you do not seek your own glory. If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. (see 2 Corinthians 11: 30)....It is good to have weaknesses because God shines through them.

God has used my blogging to teach me some things. He has taught me that little is much when He is in it, that He works in the details and small places we least expect, that He cares about all things that pertain to us, that He will honor faithfulness. And what He thinks about me, what He says about me trumps anything that anyone, anywhere, at any time has ever said.

What God thinks is all that matters. What He says goes. And what I do and say and write and live should be evaluated by those facts alone.

As for me and my blog, we will serve The Lord.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Realize The View Is Worth The Jump

Each passing day we are searching for what we are to learn. The lessons keep coming. The humility keeps rising....

Affliction is never meant for nothing....and I'm grateful for it. Admitting and accepting my weaknesses seem to have a way of proceeding the most empowering times in my life. But, we often consider our weaknesses inconveniences. However, God intends them to be opportunities. The Lord is not wanting me to just be okay with inconvenience. He wants me to choose to let my story collide with the inconvenience. For this is when inconveniences become opportunities....God opportunities.

In the beginning, I looked at my illness as an inconvenience, but God has shown me that it is more of an opportunity....An opportunity for me to let God use me and my story for His glory.

The fear of the unknown is not only nerve-racking; it can also cause us to live on pins and needles as we spend precious energy anticipating the worst-case scenario. What I’ve learned is this. Worrying about the future doesn’t change the future. I don't know what my future holds, but I trust the One who holds it. ❤

I also know His plans are hardly ever equal to our ideas on what's best. Sometimes what seems like a bad deal is actually God inviting us to experience Him in some way. If we don't submit to the situation, we may miss the opportunity. God doesn't need anything from us, He wants something for us....Realize the view is worth the jump.

Sometimes it comes down to deciding what is more important—the thing we need to do or yielding to our fear. Courage is not absence of fear as you might think. Rather, it withstands fear. Being courageous is being brave enough to move through our fears. How? We put our hope in God who will see us through. That’s the incredible truth about courage. It transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary.

Whatever God is calling you to do this is His promise. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Through you and me God can touch another, perhaps save a life. The possibilities are endless if you only have the nerve.

God doesn’t want us to run from fear but to be strong and courageous. He wants us to experience life abundantly! And yet, I’ve always found it interesting how the concept of playing it safe makes people choose to be miserable over being happy.

To have a life that you love requires some type of risk taking. You must learn to step out of your comfort zone and confront your fears....Realize the view is worth the jump. When I took a lean on faith, confronted my fears and trusted in God’s provision, a new life began to emerge based not on what I felt or feared, but what I believed. I believed God.

I know what you’re thinking. It’s easier to say we believe than it is to actually do it. So often we trust God in the abstract. Yes, he is a trustworthy God. Yes, he can save sinners in general. Yes, he will work it all out, generally speaking, for my good. But when the rubber meets the road, how do we take that first step of faith? What’s holding us back? Why do we give our cares to God and then retrieve them?

God doesn’t respond to our times of weakness by telling us to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. No! He provides real help. God gives us supper natural strength when we call out in our weakness. In fact, God sometimes provides the answer to our cry before we ask, we just don't see it because it is overshadowed by our fear.

Sometimes God works in small quiet ways. Other times His actions are up there with the parting of the Red Sea. Whatever way God decides to work, experiencing Him always fills us with inner peace and strength for our journey.

Awful things may happen to us as a result of living in this fallen world, but our hope lies in God’s everlasting and unchanging love. The worst thing that can happen to a person is to never know the love and forgiveness of an Almighty God.

So I choose to let my story collide with the inconvenience: the inconvenience of unanswered medical questions, the inconvenience of feeling bad for nine months, and the inconvenience of the unknown. For now I see, all these inconveniences have become opportunities....God opportunities.

THE VIEW REALLY IS WORTH THE JUMP! Take that leap of faith!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Main Thing Is To Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

All of the world is ablaze with evidence of God's presence if only we'll choose to see. God uses lots of things to talk to us. But actually hearing from God isn't so much a matter of if He's talking, but rather, whether we're listening.

There is something in everyone's life where the main thing will become the main thing for you to hear God's voice....whether that main thing is cancer, divorce, bankruptcy, etc. God who often speaks in whispers sometimes will speak in thunderclaps.

Sometimes the only way God can teach us something is to allow circumstances in our life to lead us to and through the very thing we need to discover. One of my favorite authors, Joyce Meyer, says "There's no such thing as a drive-through break-through."

Hearing from God is a learned skill. God will not start blessing my efforts until I have made one. Why would He do all the work for me? I know this is so much easier said than done. And progress can feel so slow sometimes. But one thing is for sure, change comes by doing. Not reading. Not thinking. Not dreaming. It comes by doing. "The doing causes the changing." - Beth Moore

God doesn't test us to be mean. He tests us to see if we are ready for what He has next.

Sometimes growth is a slow process. Any type of significant growth in our lives, anything worth learning will most likely involve this frustrating dance of three steps forward and two steps back. But making mistakes are an important part of really living, you can't grow without them. The biggest lessons I have learned in life have always come on the heels of major wrong choices. Sometimes it takes a big blow to get you where you are meant to go. I know I wouldn't be who I am and where I am today without having chosen poorly, confronted the choice, and made a better choice. Growth is still matter how small. Celebrate that growth.

We won't see the supply until WE step out in faith!

Unbelief keeps both feet in the boat. Doubt takes one step out of the boat and keeps one foot in. Faith steps completely out of the boat. Take a step of faith and trust God. It will be much more fulfilling for you to walk on water than to stay inside your boat.


Monday, January 14, 2013

My Brokenness + His Faithfulness = My TESTimony

Well, my friends, I have to say today has not been a good day! I have been in a lot of pain. The right side of my face and neck is swollen and numb. (photos below) And my eye has been killing me! But the good thing about it all is, I'll be at Mayo Clinic this time next Monday! PRAISE GOD!!!....PRAYERS ARE MUCH APPRECIATED!!!

There is no TESTimony without the test!

God has given me a TESTimony and writing with transparency has always been something that I have done since I begin my journey in the blog world. I want people to see my brokenness so they can see His faithfulness. I have come to the conclusion that the messy years are only part of my story. My testimony is not just in the messy years – my testimony is also in what has come out of those trials and what will come out of the trials to come. These experiences shape me, strengthen my faith in God and create a passion in me to help others who have had similar experiences. And most importantly, my testimony reflects God's glory!

True faith demands true living. It’s hard to experience growth and progress if you are not moving forward. If I’m not moving, I have a tendency to sit back and settle for the comfortable and the familiar. Comfort zones can become deep trenches where we can become downright stagnant, spiritually.

God has called me a child of God but I have to choose to live this legacy. I want to live a faith filled...whole heartedly doing what the Lord has for me to do.

I have come to believe that God created us all with the potential to do big things, positively affect the lives of others, to love, to give, to have peace, to be MORE. "The courageous person feels afraid. But they use the fear to energize them forward rather than letting it hold them back." - Lysa TerKeurst.....I am just like Joshua. Joshua was scared too. God had to remind him several times to be strong and courageous. God reminds me that I am designed to be put in situations where I am scared. For these are the places that can’t be explained without the presence of the Holy Spirit. So I soak up courage that comes from following the will of God like a sponge. Because, in following the will of God, He gives courage in just the right amount, at just the right time. And that's where I want to be.

You may be going through life with blow after blow. And you may be wondering why God keeps sending these storms your way and when they will end. But, these are opportunities for you to draw closer to what you need most…your Heavenly Father. The thing is, God knows what it will take to move your heart. Some of you may find yourself in the middle of a hurricane, or perhaps right now you are trying to piece together your brokenness because that hurricane has already blown through without mercy. Give your brokenness to God. He will prove faithful and in turn you will have a testimony to share with others who need hope.

God wants His highest and best for your life. Jesus never said growth in Him would be pain-free. Pain-full indeed, but with such refining and worthy results. I’ll take it any day....And I do it joyfully/painfully clinging to His promises. Father, may I keep my focus on You today, not on the water that threatens to drown me or the fire that threatens to engulf me. I am Yours, and You will enable me to walk through the dangers that surround me....Amen!

No matter what challenges swirl around us, no matter how difficult or dark the road, we can count on our God. And when we are so weak we cannot stand, He will carry us through.

Today, ask Jesus for His perspective with your situation. Pray that He will give you eyes to see the end and by faith, trust Him in the middle!


Friday, January 11, 2013

Whatever You're Doing Inside Of Me

There may be great work occurring in your life when things seem their darkest. You may see no evidence yet, but God is at work.

The real work of God for the children of Israel did not happen when they awoke that morning to find they could cross the Red Sea, but it occurred "all that night." God was just as much at work "all that night" as He was the next day, when the Israelites finally saw the evidence. The next day simply revealed what God had done during the night.

God works through the night until the morning light dawns. You, may not see it yet, but through the night of your life, as you trust Him, He works.

Faith can move mountains. Doubt can create them.

I am not one to complain much, although I have been guilty of doing it every now and then. My trip to Mayo Clinic is quickly approaching, but it has felt like an eternity to me. My symptoms have gradually gotten worse. I have felt awful, but have tried to continue my daily routine however, not without struggle. I am not telling you all this to complain, but to share my story. God's story. To show my brokenness, that His name be lifted high. I am thankful! Because even in my brokenness I have found so many gifts. I have been so blessed by my faithful God!

There is a Christian song by Sanctus Real that actually helps tell my story. It is called 'Whatever You're Doing.' The lyrics are so fitting and I would love for you to take a few minutes after you read my post to listen to the song.

My story, and the song goes something like this....There's a wave crashing over me. Whatever You're doing inside of me feels like chaos, but somehow there's peace. Am I doing everything to follow Your will or am I just climbing aimlessly over these hills? It feels like chaos, but I believe You're up to something bigger than me, larger than life, something heavenly. Show me what You want from me....I surrender to whatever You're doing inside of me. I'm giving in to something heavenly.

Lord, whatever You're doing inside of me feels like chaos, but now I see this is something bigger than me....Larger than life....Something heavenly.

God is ALWAYS working!....We just don't always pay attention. We become so focused on things we don’t have that we completely lose sight of things we do possess. And isn’t that what Satan does best? He tries to debilitate us through our perception. But being equipped with Truth enables us to face our trials from an entirely different perspective.

Do you have a need? God hears your prayers and will answer. Sometimes we have to be willing to look beyond our hopes for the answer and settle on the reality of the answer. God is good. He is faithful. He knows what is best and answers accordingly. Trust Him.

Before God can work through us, He must work in us! My old view: Focusing on the obstacle.
My new view: Focusing on the opportunity.

Sometimes our suffering is a backdrop for a ministry. The people who offer the most practical and beneficial advice are those who have walked in our shoes - and who kept walking even when their soles wore through.

Such people have helped me - and I, in turn, can help others. We may feel as if we have nothing to offer, but that is simply not so. By holding tightly to the hope we have, we can benefit those around us who are struggling to find hope of their own. In so doing, we help ourselves better understand the God in whom our hope lies.

It's hard to surrender to what we can't see. Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. When we run from God, we aren't merely just running - we're shrinking. We're aiding the Enemy! Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light....Jesus Christ!

So God, whatever You're doing inside of me, now I see...It's something bigger than me.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Life Is Too Short To Have A Victim Mentality

Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. I've learned that our back ground and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life.They have strengthened you as you continue on your journey.

How can God use you for bigger things, if you can't even handle small inconveniences? Don't stumble over something behind you. Have the mentality, "I am not going to be bitter, I am going to be better." Life is too short to have a victim mentality. Always look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Let the challenges make you strong ... Let God make you strong. A strong person knows they have strength for the journey, but a person of strength knows it is in the journey where they will be strong.

Everybody wants happiness ... nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. We must remember that there is no testimony without the test. I am grateful for all of my problems. After each one was overcome, I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come. I grew in all my difficulties ... and still am.

Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So ... get on your way! But remember ... Faith can move mountains. Doubt can create them. Faith is like Wi-Fi, it's invisible but has the power to connect you to what you need.

Life is a matter of choice. I choose .... to live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not compete. I choose self-esteem, not self-pity. I choose to listen to the Holy Spirit inside me, not the random opinion of others. Beautiful things happen in your life when you distance yourself from all the negative things. Be cheerful, it's contagious! There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy. The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect. It means I appreciate what I have and what God has blessed me with.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I Don't Have A To-Do List, I Have A To-Be List

I want to live a story worth telling. Jesus is the main character in my story, not me! If my story doesn't revolve around God's glory, it's not worth telling!

I want to be the person God intends for me to be. This means I have to give up my plan and accept His. When I set my life on His cruise control, everything falls perfectly into place - for God's pace is steady and His road is straight. Significant growth will be found when I hand my plans over to the Lord and allow Him to add and delete things as I go about my day. Because my plan wasn't THE plan...God's plan. I have learned that God's plan is beautiful and well worth the detour.

I want to serve Him passionately, not dutifully. I want to be the person who sees EVERYTHING God brings into my life as a good thing ... I want to be grateful in all circumstances. God is never going to show us the whole picture with every detail. If He did we wouldn't need faith. We would simply follow the blueprint and not The Lord.

I want to be a gospel carrier, a light shiner and a missionary. I want to be a blessing to others. But how do you know you're serving God from your heart? The first telltale sign is enthusiasm. When you're doing what you love to do, no one has to motivate you, or challenge you, or check up on you. You do it for the sheer enjoyment. You don't need rewards, or applause, or to be paid, because you love serving in this way...I absolutely love blogging and I want to be a blessing to others through my blogging. I pray that whoever reads what God has led me to write, that it would minister grace to the hearers.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Let Your Weakness Be The Doorway To His Presence

We want to understand everything because it makes us feel that we are in control. Some of us are not good at "not knowing." It makes us feel weak and uncomfortable. But you know what? As Ken Davis says, "A comfortable life is not the path to be fully alive. It's a ticket to boredom and despair."

The whys in our mind make us miserable. We wonder, reason, fret, imagine, and are anxious to the point where it leaves us completely exhausted at the end of most days. When we ask why it becomes about us, our plans, and dreams. It becomes our need to determine the outcome. But only One knows the outcome.

Reasoning causes confusion and can easily make us vulnerable to deception. Satan, the enemy of our souls, does not want us to grow in faith; he wants us to be filled with worry, anxiety, and fear. He works hard to distract us from God by encouraging an excessive focus on our circumstances.

Trust requires some unanswered questions, and being satisfied to know that God knows what we don't know. We know in part, but God knows EVERYTHING. He is NEVER surprised or without a solution.

God will not go to work until we turn our problems over to Him. He is a gentleman and does not interfere without invitation. The Bible refers to this simply by saying that we "have not" because we "ask not" (see James 4:2)

Seeking to control the uncontrollable is an exhausting way to live. What if we learned to simply do what we can, and let the rest play out as it will? Would we find treasures just waiting to be discovered ... whether in us or all around us? Perhaps there are things that He'd like us to release so that He can better fill us up. Hmmmm???

There have been many times when I’ve asked God why. I don’t know the answers to these questions. However, I do believe that God has taught me some amazing lessons because of these questions. He has grown me in ways I wouldn’t have grown had my heart never had to ask these questions. God continues to bless me even when I don't deserve it.

As long as I'm uncomfortable I know I'm living. I know I am fully alive. It's when things get comfortable I know it's time to reevaluate. I can’t even begin to explain to you how this works. I just know that each time I willingly and openly admit my limitations and my need for help, God takes me by the hand and leads me some place beautiful ... His presence.

As I reread the last paragraph, I realized just how crazy theses words would sound to someone who is not a believer in Christ. How can you possibly pair joy and any adversity together? From a human perspective, joy in the midst of pain and trials, seems backwards and just plain crazy ... And yet, it is completely possible. I think this must be the part of my relationship with Christ that I cherish the most. I love the way He is able to inject joy into our lives despite our circumstances. His Spirit gives us the ability to see things through His eyes. And, we are able to say with confidence the same thing Paul tells the church in Corinth. “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

The trials of our faith are precious because in and through them we grow closer to God and share in the praise, glory and honor of God. Can there be any better place?

God is always a gentleman, He's not going to force His life on us. But when we admit our weakness and rely on Him alone, He'll enable us to not only survive but thrive in our daily routine.

Each day, let's make a conscious decision to take hold of what Christ offers us ... LIFE, TO THE FULL. I'm going in God's direction, not my own. I'm learning from pain instead of wallowing in it. I'm choosing victory over victim.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Folded Arms Can't Fly

Appearances are deceiving. We are quick to judge based solely on what our eyes can see. Beauty and redemption are often discovered in the most unlikely places.

Opportunity doesn’t knock…opportunity is found when we choose to open our eyes and look for it. Sometimes we must walk down inconvenient paths to find it. But, the blessings along the way are life changing.

Each time I’ve stubbornly pursued a certain direction in my life without allowing God to do the leading and arranging, I’ve ended up disappointed and anxious. There is no peace when I reach my destination.

I know people often joke that they wish God would give them a billboard telling them which way they should be going. I would have to argue that God is constantly giving us billboards. And so often it says the same thing: Follow Me...Following takes action. Following is a decision. Following is an incredible, life-changing journey!

And you can’t follow and stay at the same time.

We need to change the way we change.

Remember that having the opportunity to journey into new territory is a privilege and an adventure. Life is more interesting and rewarding when we are put into situations that stretch and grow us.

Faith is sometimes both comforting and confusing. Although it's tempting at times to want to know why God allows things, how He could love us in a certain way, it's also comforting to know that I do not fully understand God. Would He be much of a God if my measly, mortal brain could fully fathom His ways?

Human tradition focuses on the thing we are trying to accomplish, the habit we are trying to start, or stop. But God wants me to focus on the person He wants me to become and the Person He wants me to know. The point of the process is relationship. The most beautiful truth about following Christ is His ability to reveal to us His limitlessness as we journey through the tough times. I think this must be the part of my relationship with Christ that I cherish the most. I love the way He is able to inject joy into our lives despite our circumstances. His Spirit gives us the ability to see things through His eyes. And, we are able to say with confidence the same thing Paul tells the church in Corinth. “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

Life is one big lesson for us to learn. Each day is a new day to understand that lesson just little bit more. There is always a chance I will hit a wall or fall on my face…but I won't know until I take the next step…and you won't know either. The one lesson I keep learning over and over as I journey down this road is: The fear of starting is always worse than the act of doing. And the act of doing, whether you fail or whether you succeed, will always reap growth. There is always a lesson tucked away in the doing. Always! That is one thing I have to continually remind myself about change. It’s sometimes inconvenient. It’s sometimes uncomfortable. But we survive. And we normally come out the other side a little bit wiser and a lot more blessed!

Folded arms can't fly. But sometimes the butterflies need a little reminder where to fly. I am so thankful for the reminder that if we are willing then He is faithful to lead us into His beautiful presence.

I love that I serve a Guide who invites me to go with Him behind the scenes every single day in order to show me glimpses of His glory. "It’s not about finishing what you started, it’s about continuing what He has already finished.” - Steven Furtick


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Friday, January 4, 2013

Faith Doesn't Make Sense, It Makes Miracles

Believing is the first step towards becoming greater. The second step is realizing that sometimes the journey to God begins through an unlikely source. Faith doesn't make sense, it makes miracles. The third step is knowing God's faithfulness is most effectively learned when experienced. And the fourth step is knowing and believing that God's grace never runs dry. It is ALWAYS enough!

What makes faith valid is not its subjective strength, but the trustworthiness of its object. Jesus is the object of our faith. It is Him in whom we trust…not ourselves, not our emotions, not our abilities…but in Him alone.

Before God can work through us, He must work in us!

Being equipped with Truth enables us to face our trials from an entirely different perspective.

We must remember that there is always a rainbow surrounding Christ. Whatever His gifts, He designed them just for you, to bring ministry to His hurting world. I always want to have open hands to God because He can never fill clenched fists. Remember and never forget BLESSINGS follow OBEDIENCE!

The devil loves to make us focus on the little that is wrong so we miss the big picture of all that's right. We live in a world full of noise. It drowns out, covers up and pushes aside the bigger picture. Life doesn't make common sense, yet we serve an uncommon God. The one who formed you. The one who has a plan. We should never dwell on tomorrow. Remember it is God's not ours. We tend to focus on the obstacles when we should be focusing on the opportunities...God's opportunities - To show our brokenness, that His name be lifted high. Sharing brokenness with one another is a gift. When we take the brave step of sharing our ugliness, our pain, our broken pieces, then His beauty can shine through, and it is truly beautiful. He gets the glory of a life redeemed, not us.

We all want God's highest and best for the New Year. But committing to a New Year's resolution will not bring profound lasting life change. Why? Because we focus on the end result, not the process. God builds character before He calls a leader. God humbles a heart before He calls a servant.

Committing your heart to God...studying, learning, and praying God's Word...that is what will bring eternal, lasting life transformation...A TRUE MIRACLE!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Having Some Fun

Do you believe God wants you to enjoy life? Part of His will is for you to enjoy every moment of it. However, it doesn't mean that all of life becomes a huge party or vacation, but it does mean that through the power of God we can learn to enjoy all of life, even the things others consider ordinary or boring.

God has created all things for our enjoyment and it begins by enjoying Him. He also wants us to enjoy one another and He wants us to enjoy ourselves. We need to enjoy life not only for ourselves, but also for Jesus. He paid a very high price for us to be able to do so.

My family and I just got home from the beach about an hour ago. We had the best time together! You have probably seen a few pictures already if you read my blog on a daily basis. But I wanted to share a few more at the end of this post.

We live in the midst of a very driven society and can easily fall into a pattern of surviving and enduring rather than enjoying. Make every moment count!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Track Of His Glorious Plan

Your story, the story of your life is a hope story....especially in the messiness. But we seem intent on avoiding the messiness of life.

Jesus told us that we are to love our God with all our heart, mind, body, and soul regardless of the circumstances. We don't point to Jesus or grow to be more like him alone. In the messiness of sharing life, weeping and laughing, giving and receiving we bring glory to God and joy to others.

It is easy to thank God for a good gift, but gratefulness for a perfecting gift comes years later. The key is not to resent the difficulties but rather to embrace their perfecting nature. The One who does not change wants to change me and embrace the good gifts along with the perfecting ones.

On this second day of the New Year, I am thankful for a God who is using my story, with all of its messiness, to perfect me and glorify Him. Our lives are living letters written so that God might be glorified. Through these stories, we are reminded that we serve a powerful God who still works miracles in the lives of everyday people. I am also thankful for a few extra days at the beach with my family before my husband and I head to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. As we embark on this journey, I am thankful...thankful that the birth, glory, and grace of my King wrecks my life every day, in a good way. I am thankful that the Spirit of God leads us through a process of reclaiming the wreckage and putting us back together again and on a new track, the track of His glorious plan.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

God meets all our needs abundantly. Clearly, all the resources of Heaven and Earth are at His disposal, so there is nothing we need that He can not provide. Because there is no one He would rather share His blessings with than His children. Happy New Year from my family to yours! Wishing you all of God's blessings in 2013!
