Monday, December 1, 2014

Make Sure Your Vacancy Sign Is Always On

Each of us is an Innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus. - Neal A. Maxwell

God will never force Himself on us. Jesus knocks on the door, but leaves the decision on whether or not to open that door to us. Sadly, I think about how many things I must have missed out on. How many times has God come knocking on my heart only to discover I have left no room for Him? God’s plan will be carried out regardless. I am the one that missed out on the blessing of being able to participate in that plan.

Don't miss being a part of God's plan. There is a man in the Bible that almost missed Christmas. His name was Joseph. It wasn't because he was distracted with holiday parties, visiting relatives or completing his shopping list. He just couldn't see how his current circumstances were part of God's plan for his life. 

If Joseph had walked away from Mary, he would have missed Christmas. And he would have missed the life-defining lesson that God's plans aren't always logical in human eyes, but they can always be trusted. 

What at first looked like a huge problem, a troubling circumstance, a total reputation-wrecker to Jospeh, turned out to be the most glorious things in his life when seen from God's perspective. 

God's ways are not our ways. And sometimes in our greatest difficulties we find our greatest opportunities and blessed responsibilities. 

Make sure your vacancy sign is always on! 


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Surviving The Holidays And The Blindside Reminders

There is an expectation during the holidays that people should be cheerful. But for those of us who have experienced loss during the holidays, the Holidays can create fresh memories of our loss and a fresh experience of pain and grief. The thought of facing another holiday season causes some people to wish they could sleep from the Wednesday before Thanksgiving until January 2. Loss is always hard, and at the holidays it can seem crushing. The thought of being in a festive mood for two months is just too much to bear when our heart is breaking.

During the holidays, we must navigate a difficult path in deciding how to handle decisions about family activities and rituals. I decided to attend my husband's side of the family Christmas party, just three days after I buried my mother. This was a terrible decision because I was not ready to be around a lot of people, nor did I feel like pretending to be in a festive mood. Well what do you know,  I did the very same thing four years later, after my father passed away. So now, during the holidays, I am often hit by powerful feelings that are evoked by some reminder of the loss. I like to call these "blindside reminders",  if you will. For me, doing the usual traditions and celebrations makes the loved one’s absence all the more painful.

The past few Christmases we have done things a bit differently. Last year, we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at Great Wolf Lodge and then headed to the beach Christmas Day night. We had a blast! And it made it much easier for me to deal with my parent's absence by doing something other than the normal routine.

My advice to those dealing with loss during the holidays, whether it's been 6 days, 6 months, or 6 years since you lost your loved one: Allow yourself to grieve. American culture has a tough time with death. For some reason, there is pressure to get on with life within a year after a loss. That expectation is unrealistic and unfair. Most people take three to five years to fully accept the loss of someone they loved. If someone dear to you died during this past year, remind yourself that it’s normal and healthy to want to bow out of some of the events of the winter holidays that emphasize family and togetherness when you are feeling alone in a new and painful way.

- Let others know that you may not be able to do the things that you have done in the past.

- Avoid social events that seem more like an obligation.

- Accept that feelings of anguish are difficult to avoid during the holiday season. Do not expect too much of yourself, and recognize that you are doing the best you can.

I want to love the Christmas season again. I really do! And I believe I will love Christmas again one day. It’s helpful for me to do some things that aren’t shadowed by the fact that the last time we did them, the deceased person shared it.

It is very important to remember that when people are already experiencing the great stress of grief, the additional strains of the holiday season can create distress that is almost unbearable.

Time does indeed heal most things. But everyone has his or her own sense of timing. If this is your first holiday season since the loss of a loved one, give yourself permission to feel what you need to feel and do what you need to do to get through it. Find ways to honor the memory of your loved one and to accept the support and care of those who love you.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

For Me, The Game Of Pretend Equals Suffering

Yesterday, I released myself from a toxic situation. I am so tired of pretending that everything is okay to appease everyone else. It’s beyond exhausting!

Some people think there is bravery in hiding your emotions and courage in pretending as if everything is dandy and that the world is your oyster. 

Pretend as though everything is “fine”? No thanks. Just hearing the word “fine” triggers a bit of anger in me. How many times did I answer the question, “How are you?” with “FINE”, when in fact, I was far from feeling fine! I quit. I quit the game. The game of pretend is over for me. I refuse to do it. I choose healthy behavior, and pretending is not a part of healthy behavior. I've spent years playing the “fine” game, and it is a really unhealthy game. I understand why we do it. We do it to avoid having to feel the truth of any given situation. We do it to avoid being vulnerable. Most of us have been trained well at the game of pretend. Yesterday, I changed the rules. Many people around me will most likely not be too happy. That’s okay. If they choose to continue playing, that is their choice. For me, the game of pretend equals suffering. I no longer choose to suffer. I chose the path of looking at my life and feeling the pain that was blocking my authenticity. I chose the path of truth. In order to be authentic, we have to feel. We have to be real with the emotions that come up in our lives.

In this situation, I will most likely be viewed as the person who "rocked the boat"  And really, “rocking the boat” to me just means I started speaking up and saying what is true. I think of this as a positive thing, but not everyone will agree. Some are not yet willing to own their actions. But that doesn’t mean I am going to stop saying what’s true for me. And it doesn’t mean I will go back to pretending all is well. 

I have to take care of myself. I will allow people in my life who are authentic and respectful of the real me. They love and support me for who I am. They encourage me and lift me up. They show up for me in ways that I never thought possible. 

Pretending is a strategy that won't effectively solve your problem. Some people believe mistakenly that by pretending, or ignoring issues that need be addressed, everything will work out. The maxim fake it till you make it, if you will. Or, the idea that if you just act positively and think positively all will be well. Most of these situations stem from our tendency to avoid pain and discomfort in the moment. We don’t want to do the difficult work that is required to have happiness. Unfortunately, happiness doesn't result from living a life where we have constant pleasure, but from thoughtful and intentional choices and lifestyle. 

Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice and move forward. ✞ 


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Take Time To Pray

God's been teaching me a lot about His strength in the past few years. He's been showing me that so often we go at it backwards. When you want to be first, you need to be last. When you want to be at the top, you need to start at the bottom, and when you want to be strong, you must admit you are weak. Only then can we create room for God to work in us and FOR us. ✞


Monday, October 6, 2014

Let Jesus Take The Wheel

Sometimes we allow stress and fear to take the wheel, even though we know better.  The Word reminds us that “The Joy of the Lord is our strength”.  This doesn’t just mean in the easy times.  This is at all times. He promises to meet us, even in those times that seems like we are alone.  When we give our burdens over to Him, we too, can sing praises in “our jail cell”. 

If you are believing God for something don't put Him in a box, let Him take the wheel. Ask according to HIS will and watch Him bless you above and beyond!!!

Whatever it is that you are believing God for, He is able to give you far MORE than you can possibly imagine.  Too often we pray for such and such and God is wanting to give us more.  I think all too often we put a limit to our blessings because we see with finite minds when God sees infinitely! 


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Are You Feeling Defeated And Discouraged?

In this life, we all yield to something. We give way to pressures or duties or calls or desires, but we all give way to something. 

Sometimes we lose our perspective, we get defeated and discouraged. We order fattening pizzas and awkwardly burst into tears. And so God uses His Word and the encouragement of others to get us back on track to remind us to keep doing the things He has called us to do.  

It is obvious to me at the moment, that God wants me to be patient. He wants me to have a better attitude in the waiting. He wants me to inhale, exhale, and praise Him and show faith by waiting with a heart that KNOWS the Lord will not let me down. He wants me to exude patience! He wants me to "talk" and "walk" faith in the waiting. 

Thank you, Father, for doing the most remarkable things, in spite of my very unremarkable faith. ✞ 


Monday, September 22, 2014

Whatever The Mind Expects, It Finds

Do you ever get tired of all the negativity on social media: Facebook, Twitter, etc? It has always been bad, but lately it seems to have gotten worse. Frankly, it's just plain depressing! I always try to post positive thoughts, etc to help encourage others, and do you know what? Most of the time, I find that I am encouraging myself as well. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. 


Monday, September 15, 2014

God Wins

Today has been a pretty rotten day! But no matter what is happening, no matter how I feel, I choose to praise God! I am thankful for the sweet reminder that God can handle my problems even when I can't. No matter what I'm facing, God wins! ✞


Saturday, August 30, 2014

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Both Clemson and Carolina football teams lost this weekend and there are some disappointed fans (me for one). We all know the saying, "You win some, you lose some." So it is with the history of this world. Satan and his followers, as well as the natural circumstances of mortal life, will inflict many bruises and win many battles. We're all going to fail, sometimes more than once. But as long as we're on God's team, we're on the winning side and we know we will have victory. For this I am thankful!  Happy Sunday! 


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

God's Best

I have to admit that sometimes I miss God’s best by playing it safe and being satisfied with good enough. But this only leaves me depressed and unsatisfied. 

“How many times have you wanted to do something, plan something or even dare to dream, but you were too afraid?” You know deep within that your torment isn’t right. You know you’re missing out on life and opportunities, but you’re too scared to do anything about it. 

What if the one situation we're clinging to is the last piece of the puzzle, but He can’t get His hands there to shift it into place because we won’t move ours?

Sadly, most people stay in the safety of their comfort zone their entire lives and then wonder why life seems so empty, miserable, and dull. They go through life missing opportunities because they’re afraid to really live the way God intended. 

What’s Christ response to all of this? “O man of little faith. Why do you doubt Me?"


Monday, August 11, 2014

Our Creator's Glorious Creation

Celebrate all the good things that God has given you and your family....

Sometimes life can get so overwhelming, and I personally get lost in the business of balancing all of the responsibilities I have. It’s a wonderful gift from God to spend some time away from your worries and distractions and get to spend time with your family, refocusing your heart and your mind. 

This past week my family and I spent a glorious week at Indian Rocks Beach, Florida. I hope you enjoy what I’ve captured and will be blessed by what our Creator has designed for our pleasure. 



Thursday, July 31, 2014

He Who Calls Us To An Adventure Will Equip Us For The Journey

Tomorrow, August 1st, will mark our tenth month serving our community. Our business, Circulation Nation of Simpsonville, was blessed to be Voted Best of The Upsate in two categories: Best Health Club and Best Wellness Center. We are truly honored to serve our community and surrounding areas with our Whole Body Vibration Studio. 

We are only successful when we are earnestly seeking Him first in everything because God’s plan for our lives never guarantees success. It’s how we are living our lives when He graciously gives and takes away. We will never be successful when we’re relying on our own strength or believing we’re entitled to any of His blessings. 

We all need to take a step back and realize being promoted is less about us and more of what God is purposely doing in our lives to display His glory. My husband and I have been so greatly humbled watching how God is changing lives through Circulation Nation, A Whole Body Vibration Studio....our personal lives included. ✞ 

Look for us on Twitter and Instagram and be sure to share our Facebook page with your family and friends! #socialmedia #wbv #wellness


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Good News

Many of us frequently complain about the negativity of the news because there is so much of it. I did this very thing early this morning. I told my husband that I was going to start a TV station called Good News and nothing would be on it but good news. 

Have you ever woken up in a good mood, seen the sun shining outside and felt good, only to switch on the news or see a paper and suddenly the joy seems to have disappeared? Unfortunately, it seems that the only news we hear or see, all too often reeks of doom and gloom. 

Even people who don't watch television or read newspapers are getting hit with nuggets of negativity through social networking and informal conversations. Media studies show that bad news far outweighs good news by as much as seventeen negative news reports for every one good news report. There is so much good news that goes virtually completely unreported. Positive news is all around us, and it can be discovered if we stop and look around for it. 

Everywhere there is an evil, there is a virtue to combat it. The exciting fact in this regard is God has not left us at the mercy of the devil. We do not have to succumb to the powers and principalities of this world. Yes, awful things may happen to us as a result of this fallen world, but our hope lies in God's everlasting and unchanging love. 

God has created us with the freedom to be the best we can be with the set of circumstances life has imposed upon us. He does not require us to build a financial fortune. He expects us to be fruitful and multiply. He wants the spot we inhabit on planet earth to be productive.

Our lives have purpose....Your life has purpose....My life has purpose...My words will probably never reach millions, or even thousands, but they will reach those who God has prepared to receive them. But I must first do my part. People can't read words that aren't written and cannot receive hope that isn't shared.

The worst thing that can happen to a person is never to know the love of and forgiveness of God. ✞ 


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Counting My Blessings

Whew, it's been a big week around the Powell household! Jake got his beginners permit, Circulation Nation was voted Best In The Upstate in two categories: Best Health Club and Best Wellness Center, AND I had some more dental work done today that is going to really help the inflammation in my face and head. I can already tell a huge difference! A big thanks to Dr. Grant Smith! I am so grateful for all of God's blessings! ✞ 


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Changing Lives One Day At A Time

For those of you who follow my blog on a daily basis you know I have been blogging periodically recently. I have been devoting most of my time to ministering to others through our new business, Circulation Nation of Simpsonville. We have been in business for nine months now and God had blessed us so much. We have seen many people's lives change and that is such a beautiful thing to experience. We are humbled everyday at God's miracles! 

I do plan to get back to blogging more frequently, although I can't promise I will do it everyday, but I miss it so much! 

You can also follow me on Twitter @dalinda_powell


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

With God, We Will Grow Older And Better

Society is filled with television programs, articles, and advertisements telling us how to stay young, lose weight, and be more desirable.

I think sometimes new is equated with better. Maybe that's why the divorce rate is so high. A marriage bound by beauty only lasts as long as the beauty.

If I can just get a new husband things would be better. New things are often used to buy happiness. If I had a new house, or a new body, then I would be happy. New things can't make us happy. Why? Because the new soon becomes old.

Thankfully, God offers us better hope than this. With God, we will grow older and better. Despite the emphasis modern culture places on youth, a person whose self-esteem and self-identity are rooted in a relationship with God is a person who can age with dignity and grace. If we invite God's spirit to live in us, then our spirit will be made brand-new every day.

You're not old unless you get wrinkles in your heart!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Stress Is Dangerous

Stress is dangerous, very dangerous! 

Stress is everywhere. We stress about our finances, we stress over our jobs or potential jobs, we stress over our to-do lists, we even stress over the little things like our internet connection and speeds. 

The thing about stress is that we never react as well to it as we would like. It affects our emotions, our physical health, our pride, our self-possession, and even our self image. Stress attacks our body, mind, and even our soul! Of all the detrimental things that stress does in our lives, the worst is how it affects our relationship to God. 

Stress drives a wedge into our walk with God, first by eating our time that we spend with Him. It takes more of our thought and concentration to deal with stress and we suddenly have less time to spend in prayer and study. Secondly it throws doubt into our minds. “Does God really have everything under control? I don't see anything getting better”. Finally stress tends to drive us to more self-concentration and preservation. We just have to take care of this one issue. We take control back into our own hands and away from God who can see the big picture. Once we have that control back it is even more difficult to give it back to God again.

God tells us to give Him all our burdens, all our worries, all our cares. Let Him deal with everything. He is more than capable, and more than prepared to deal with anything that can stress us. And though sometimes it seems that He is taking His time or not dealing with it, when we look back we can always see His guiding hands working through the problem, and always differently than we would expect Him to.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Remembering The Fallen

Remembering those that made a sacrifice for our freedom. Happy Memorial Day!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Renewed Perspective

Sometimes, the thing we most need in our life is to see clearly or to view things in their true relations.  In other words, what we need is to have the proper perspective.

One should seek out life and not death IN ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE.  God is everywhere, even where people have not yet found or acknowledged Him, He is there, to be found! 

We cannot allow ourselves to be weighed down by the facts, our feelings, or our failures.  Instead we must learn to give glory to the things God has shown us.  We have to let God remind us of his promise so He can renew our perspective. 

In the noisiness of this world, God makes known His love and care for us through creation (Psalm 19:1-4). The beauty of a sunset, the height of a mountain or the glimpse of a shooting star all were created by God's words. In that same way, we’re reminded everyday God spoke life into us, showing His affection for us through creation (Psalm 19:7,12-13). We had no say or part in it, but out of God's goodness He reminds us that we are His sons and daughters.


Monday, May 19, 2014

A Confident Person Is One Who Walks In Faith

The prefix, “con” means “with” and the root “fid” means faith.”  So a confident person is one who walks in faith.

Confidence isn't something we lose. It's something we forget to apply. Confidence comes from God. Anything we do outside of God is insignificant. So the first step toward applying confidence to any situation, is to trust God to handle it. 

Confidence means trusting God and walking in that trust. Confidence is having the faith that the LORD will do everything He has promised. Confidence is knowing that the source of your faith and trust is bigger than your circumstances, bigger than your problem, bigger than your illness. 


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hope Isn't Something We Wish For - It's Something We Already Have

The world is in ongoing trauma. Everybody is uncomfortable! We are in transition and we have to get okay with that. We are in a labor and delivery room, so to speak, until the day we die. Let me explain, when women are in labor they are uncomfortable because of the pain. But they have to experience the pain to get through the transition to give bring new life. Same with our lives here. We are in labor daily and experience discomfort, but we must take up our cross (sacrifice) and follow Jesus in order to transition to new life....Our eternal life in Heaven.

True contentment is having an identity outside of the moment...I'm stable regardless of the circumstances...I'm connected to something outside of the circumstances. People think if circumstances change, it will fix the heart - the contentment they are longing for. But true contentment comes only from God. - Matt Williams, Grace Church (See Phil 4:10) Saturate yourself in the Word today. It's comforting to know that God's Truth rises above our troubling circumstances and calls us to see life from a perspective outside of our screaming realities. - Lysa TerKurst

All that you are designed to be finds its fulfillment in the world to come. We will be transformed so that we will fit there. And in Heaven, we will be set free. If you have that kind of hope then it frees you to be powerful now. 

God's perfect plan is to bring each of us into fellowship and communion with Him, and so he allows circumstances and incidences which bring our wrong attitudes to our attention. 

Jesus didn't promise to change the circumstances around us, but He did promise great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things. 

Because of Jesus, I am God's child. That's my identity. That's the reality of who I am. I am accepted in the Beloved. When I live in this reality, the affirmation of others, or even myself, is not necessary. 

I'm finding my balance, slowly but surely. In the beginning I was just holding on for dear life. 

Jesus is all about choices. I've heard people say they could never believe in a God who let's bad things happen to good people. What they're really saying is that they can't believe in a God who would allow people freedom to live their lives according to their own choices. These people want a God who legislates love. 

The real God is above that. The real God allows His creatures to make evil choices, and He will not negate the results of these choices. But He died to give us freedom to repent of those choices if we choose, and He will redeem the evil as it affects our lives if we let Him. Often, however, we are too busy screaming and protecting our wounds to let Him. 

The future disciplines the present. This is a moment of preparation for something else. It's not about our comfort. There is a part of you that is noticeably collapsing (your earthly body) and their is a part of you that is getting stronger (your soul- spiritually) So be encouraged, our present struggles are only for a short time....Praise the Lord!

Physical death is coming like a train. It is a curse and a blessing. Death is a product of sin. Death is unnatural. It was not an original part of life. But it creates transition to be relieved from this sinful new life....a life of true Heaven - all because of Jesus Christ.

We are all in transition. Some of us are content in our circumstances because we have an identity outside of the circumstances. 

My identity is in Jesus Christ. I am a Child of God because of His sacrifice, and because I chose to accept Him as my personal Lord and Savior. As believers, we need to be pursuing those who are searching for their identity. We need to be verbal about our faith. Your faith is personal, but it's not private. I want my light for Jesus to shine so brightly that you'll need a dimmer switch!


Friday, May 2, 2014

Purpose For Every Year Of Our Lives

My family and I will celebrate my 43rd birthday in a few days. As we get older, birthdays can be somewhat depressing. It is too easy just to think about the negatives of growing older. We may see a new wrinkle and several more gray hairs and forget that each birthday is a gift…to us! Instead of seeing age as our enemy, we need to think about the fact that God loves us the way we are. Even though those signs of aging may not fade, God wants us to live our lives to the fullest. Jesus said, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). He wants to rejuvenate our spirit and give us purpose for every year of our lifetime.

On Monday, I will celebrate another year, knowing that God is at work in my life to accomplish his will. "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28).

Life is a journey of learning, growing, risking, falling down, getting back up, learning, growing, and moving forward again. We are ALL a work in progress.



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

His Chosen Agents

We are in a fight.

Satan will relentlessly strike as long as we take it. He will beat us down and the injuries we sustain from our attempts to block him will hamper our abilities and keep us from operating in our callings. But when we fight back, when we become aggressive and offensive, he will be the one hurting and hampered; he will be the one unable to operate.

We are not victims. We are victors. We need to decide to stand our ground and fight. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world, and He will fight for you.

We are the light of the world, the salt of the earth. We bear Christ’s name and we are His chosen agents. We must be mindful of the things we say and do. Others are watching. Others are listening. Others are following. Are we leading?


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Wise Words

Happy Saturday morning to ya! Here's some wise words from Joyce Meyer: "Your thought life is directly related to your attitude. In other words, what you think secretly in your heart is expressed in your words, facial expressions, and attitude. Would you rather be around people who have rotten attitudes or people with humble attitudes, thankful attitudes, positive attitudes, and responsible attitudes?" People without peace don't like peace. They thrive on drama.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

So Thankful That God Is Not Fair

We cannot realistically expect to understand God's perspective, especially when it comes to pain and suffering. If you're like me, when something bad happens, you feel like your pain is unjustified. I say to myself, "It's just not fair. I'm a good person." There is just one major problem with my defense: I'm not good! I'm a sinner.

But the good news is God is not fair. If the wages of sin is death and we're sinners, then we deserve death. We're guilty. We deserve to be punished. To die and suffer eternally would be fair punishment for our disobedience. But thank God, He's not fair. He is just, but He is not fair...PRAISE GOD!

If we know Jesus, He doesn't give us what we deserve. I think that's just pretty dang AWESOME!!!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Humbling Adventure

When my husband lost his job at the end of March last year, we knew God had closed a door for our family. But what we didn't know was the great adventure He was about to take us on.

He who calls us to an adventure will equip us for the journey. Even when things remain unclear, he will lead us.

Everything in life must never be done out of selfishness but with humility. Our promotion was not about us, it was about what God wanted to do through us in our workplace. He had called and equipped us for something beyond our scope of understanding....a humbling adventure. 

God wants to see good things happen for His children but not until they’ve been through test and trial and learn to be faithful with little. It’s when God’s children learn to be faithful with little when stripped of everything they learn to rely on Him through everything. 

We are only successful when we are earnestly seeking Him first in everything because God’s plan for our lives never guarantees success. It’s how we are living our lives when He graciously gives and takes away. We will never be successful when we’re relying on our own strength or believing we’re entitled to any of His blessings. 

We all need to take a step back and realize being promoted is less about us and more of what God is purposely doing in our lives to display His glory. My husband and I have been so greatly humbled watching how God is changing lives through Circulation Nation, A Whole Body Vibration Studio....our personal lives included. ✞ 


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

To Have Faith Is....

Sometimes our good intention to meet a need isn’t the healthy output God desires from us. I once heard a pastor sum it up this way: “God doesn’t need us…Don’t focus on the need focus on ME.”

Willingness to serve God leads to receiving His guidance every step of the way. 

To have faith is to trust ourselves to the water. When we swim we don't grab hold of the water, because if we did we would drown. Instead we relax, and float. - Alan Watts

We come wanting to fill a need, we want to be fixers. But, God doesn’t need us to be fixers.  God simply desires for our hearts to be focused on Him.

God has a plan that goes far beyond our attempts to fix things.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

We're The Seed Planters, Not The Crop Grower

Over and over God ministers to me through someone I thought I came to minister to. He shows me His heart and His Word in new ways right here in the life I am living and through the people I am serving.

Yesterday, my husband and I celebrated six months of Shakin' N Bakin' at our business, Circulation Nation of Simpsonville. Thank you Simpsonville and Golden Strip for allowing us to serve you.

Sometimes we forget to be obedient in the small and anticipate His faithfulness in the big. Maybe we forget we're the seed planters, not the crop grower.

How blessed we are to be called His servants. I am thankful that He who sits on high would bend low upon people like us and use us as his vessel. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

God Honors Faithfulness

A year ago, Jody lost his job on Good Friday. A tough pill for anyone to swallow is being as faithful as you know how to be on the job only to get the shaft in the end. What appeared to be devastating news at the time, turned out to be a HUGE blessing! Jody and I have been running our own business, Circulation Nation of Simpsonville, for almost six months now and our clientele is multiplying rapidly, so much that we are having to get a third sauna and a couple more machines. ~Sometimes the world doesn't honor you when you do what is right, but God sure does!~


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

God's Not Dead

Our ten year old son posted this on his Instagram page, made it his profile picture and his wallpaper on his phone with no prompting from me or his Dad. Sure does our hearts good knowing that He recognizes God at work. 


Friday, March 21, 2014

The Journey Continues

Just wanted to give everyone an update on my health journey. Most of you know that almost two years ago, I lost my peripheral vision in my right eye, due to mercury poisoning from an amalgam filing. Since doing Whole Body Vibration and several detoxes, my vision is 90% improved. The past couple of weeks my massage therapist has been using dry cupping around my eye to help bring more blood flow to my nerves. I am so excited to say that my vision is continuing to improve. This has definitely been a long journey, but I am continuing to heal....All in God's timing!

Dry cupping – This procedure involves creating a vacuum into the cup bringing blood and lymph to a pacific area, promoting circulation and healing, In addition it will help break adhesions between the skin and underlying connective tissues, allowing for freer movement, pulling the local underlying tissue up into the cupping vessel. 

The most common and misunderstanding regarding one of the most powerful and beneficial after effects of cupping is the marks that are left on the skin. Cupping can leave marks which indicate that the stagnation or disease has been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the surface, allowing fresh oxygenated blood to nourish and heal the underlying areas. 

Cupping is considered with others to be the oldest natural healing therapies.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Go Ahead, Take That Step Of Faith

We live our lives, staying within our comfort zone. The thought of taking a new step and learning a new hobby or venture, stay rigidly in STOP mode.

We are all guilty of similar behavior. I can stay in one spot thinking myself incapable of attempting more or living life differently; knowing full well that all I need to do is try, to discover that maybe I can do it.

Our tendency is to give up too easily. I am so glad that God does not give up on us. He pursues us and guides us. He forgives us and chides us. He bestows great and wonderful gifts upon us, then waits for us to use them.

I am an authority of nothing, it is only by the grace of God I am here to tell my story in hopes of encouraging someone else to take a step of faith. 


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The One Constant In Life Is Change

Change can be hard. On the other hand, some change can be easy but in the end, we can learn from it. Sometimes it helps make us stronger. Sometimes we look back and see how God worked through it and that is such a blessing. 

Change is something that we all go through. We have big changes in our lives and we have little changes. Some of us get set in our ways and we don't like change and I'm not saying that all change is good. There are some things I don't want to change myself but the fact is in life we all go through some type of change and it affects us in some way. 

From day to day we need God to help us get through whatever may come our way. Some days we may be shouting, "Praise God!" while other times we may be crying out, "I need a miracle!" Whatever the day may bring, changes will come and we need to have a godly mindset in order to handle them.

Change can be frightening and foreboding. It is often unsettling because you don’t know what to expect. It is also essential – if you are going to grow. Every new thing you learn, every new idea, every new piece of information changes you in some way.
May we each keep an open mind and teachable spirit and may the things we
learn and experience this day change us…for the better.

Everything changes in the blink of an eye. I'm just thankful that God never blinks.


Monday, March 10, 2014


Life is a long lesson in humility. When I think back on all the ups and downs my life has had, I am actually grateful that I didn’t have the ability to see it all coming days or months ahead of time. Even if I knew it was all going to turn out okay, even if I knew it was my job to simply hang on to the Lord’s hand and trust Him, I wouldn’t have wanted to know beforehand some of the twists and turns that have occurred along this road. Because those twists and turns taught me many lessons and without them, I would not be the person I am today.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Adversity Prepares Us For Great Blessings

God uses adversity to prepare you for great blessings. He stretches your faith in Him -- not to harm you, but to teach you to draw near to Him.

The earth if full of the glory of God - His absolute majesty inhabits every corner. Nothing you face today can or will change this truth -- no heartache, no sorrow, and no disappointment. This may be a fallen world -- one that has been tainted by sin -- but soon God will return in power and might. He will restore all that has been broken.

The darkness reminds me how much I crave His light.

No matter what situation we may find ourselves in, we must remember it is temporary. This too, shall pass. The one constant in life is change. Circumstances will not always be what they are now. But while we are waiting for the next transition, we must be able to find the positive in the place we are in now. We have to learn to focus on the One Absolute—God. He never changes; He is always the same.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Detoxification Is A Marathon NOT A Sprint

Most Americans are unaware of the chronic disease and pain caused by inflammation and toxicity. 

Inflammation is now linked to heart disease, stroke, arthritis, fibromyalgia, type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, various cancers and a vast array of other chronic health conditions. Toxicity, on the other hand, is an inescapable part of modern life. From environmental hazards like contaminated tap water and mercury poisoned fish to household threats like cleaners, solvents and food additives, toxins must be proactively diffused or they can wreck havoc on health.

For those of you who have been following my blog, you know that I am still recovering from mercury poisoning from an amalgam filling. 

It is important to realize that mercury detoxification is a marathon and NOT a sprint. You do NOT want to do this quickly. Even if you believe you are healthy you want to start this process SLOWLY as you could easily cause severe flare ups. Some people may need to do it far more slowly and may need a few years to effectively eliminate the mercury safely.

It’s an interesting fact that some people with high mercury exposure don’t become toxic, yet others with relatively low exposure do. Why is this? Why does one person get really sick from his/her amalgams while another is perfectly fine?

The difference lies in your ability to detoxify naturally. You already have a system in place for removing mercury and other heavy metals from your body. Mercury’s half-life can range from 40 to 120 days, and the faster you can clear it out, the less you’ll be affected.

"My journey to health continues and today I am thankful to say that Whole Body Vibration has assisted in this journey. I am healthier than I have been in decades!" ~ Dalinda Powell, Co-owner of Circulation Nation of Simpsonville.



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Worldly Influences Are Toxic

What a challenge to continually evaluate what is influencing us! We are bombarded by so many messages each day that it's hard to not be influenced by them. Our only hope is to know what His truth is, to keep our eyes fixed on him...a daily struggle

God has called us, as believers, to do things that sometimes go against the flow of the flow of the world around us. It's not always easy, either. There are many mighty and miraculous victories that God desires to demonstrate in our lives, if we would only be willing to go against the flow. 

The influence from the world around us can be polluting. We must purposely choose to be influenced by His Word. I don't believe in fairy tales, I believe in Gospel truth. 

If we find that we are listening to something other that God, we're in deep yogurt! 

Each day, I pray that I seek God first! Let's choose to start swimming in the other direction today! 
