Friday, July 31, 2015

Did You Know Satan Is Afraid Of You?

Satan is afraid of you! He knows that if you are willing to obey God completely, you'll become dangerous to him! 

The enemy often uses others to intimadate us. He wants others to make fun of us or cut us down so we feel rejected, lose our confidence, and stop trying to do anything in life, better yet anything for God. 

Don't let anyone cause you to doubt yourself or abandon the things God has called you to do. Move forward with confidence in His love for you and with a healthy love for yourself. Remember, your sense of worth is not based on how other people treat you or what they think about you. It's rooted in the fact that God created you and Jesus died to redeem you! 


Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Comparison Trap

In society today, we have been trained to dislike ourselves as long as we have imperfections. We compare ourselves to others. We say to ourselves: why can't I look like her, why can't I be as smart as her, why can't I have great hair like her? 

Don't fall into the comparison trap. It gives an unrealistic view of how life should really be. Competition and comparison is a cancer that eats you alive. - Whitney Capps

We all need to accept ourselves, knowing that although we are not where we need to be, we are making progress. Jesus died for us because we have weaknesses and imperfections, and we don't have to reject ourselves because of them. -Joyce Meyer

We have to love ourselves before we can love others. If we want to demonstrate love to the world around us, we must become examples to others instead of merely following the crowd. Remember your identity; remember whose you are. ✝ 
