Monday, September 30, 2013

For A Higher Purpose Than My Own

I feel like a kid the night before Christmas. So excited! I have been born in this place, in this time, in these circumstances, for a higher purpose than my own. 

Praying that my husband and I can make a difference in the lives of others with our Whole Body Vibration Studio. We're just real people wanting to make a dent, but only God can redeem. 

On your marks, get set...let's do this thing! All of the glory of God!


Friday, September 27, 2013

God Blesses Those Who Bless Others In His Name

God wants to comfort you in your problems so you can go out and help other people and comfort those who face the same kinds of problems. 

Everything isn’t perfect in my life, but what I have I’m giving to God. I want Him to use it to help others. If the problems I have experienced can help somebody else then I want Him to use me. There is no greater thrill than that!

Think of all the problems you have gone through in your life and you have just defined the major part of your ministry. God never wastes a hurt. Helping others in their hour of need is one of the greatest ways God can use your own life, and you will be blessed beyond your imagination for your faithfulness.

God does not want to bless you just for your own benefit. He wants you to share it.

I am so excited to announce that my husband and I are opening our Whole Body Vibration Stuido this coming Tuesday, October 1st. Whole Body Vibration has had so many benefits for us that God has led us to share our success with others. 

God blesses those who bless others in His name. Look for opportunities to bless others – you never know who you may be helping! 



Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Big Day Is Approaching

You can't see me but I'm totally doing a happy dance. We are getting very close to the opening date of our whole body vibration studio. WooHoo! Stay tuned for the big announcement. GOD IS GOOD!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Through Him The Impossible Becomes Possible

We all have a destiny and everyone is here for a reason. 

God tells us that through Him the impossible becomes possible. We must listen to God, do whatever He says to do, and we must fulfill our purpose – His dream must become our dream.

One very important thing is to never give up no matter who or what tries to stop us. Let no one get in the way of us living in God’s will. 

Nothing is impossible when we give it to God! 

God is interested, not only in the destination, but also in the journey. God uses us, teaches us and prepares us during the process, the journey of getting from here to there. I see Him right now leading me into things that I didn’t even know I was destined for, and it’s exciting!

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought my husband and I would be opening our own Whole Body Vibration Studio. Just proves that God's dreams for us are a heck of a lot better and more exciting than ours...Through Him the impossible becomes possible. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our Attitude Either Makes Us Or Breaks Us

It can be hard to be grateful when we face challenge after challenge – but that is what God calls us to do. Your attitude should be the same as that of Jesus Christ. ~ Philippians 2:5

If we want to get to a place of gratitude we must walk in that direction. We will live in the place of negativity if we walk that path. We have our choice of destinations.

Our attitude either makes us or breaks us.  I’ve learned that a positive attitude can change my perspective in any circumstance. A positive attitude doesn't change our circumstance, instead it changes our perspective.

Even if you can't change the circumstances, change your attitude—that will make all the difference in the world.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships can be measured by God's Word and are characterized by mutual respect, affirmation, trust, honesty, and accountability.
Unhealthy relationships display specific character traits as well, including manipulative behavior, lying, selfishness, and a lack of concern for the needs, feelings, and emotions of others. They often make degrading comments and seek to further their own agendas regardless of the cost. 
A bad/toxic person is worse when he/she pretends to be a saint. 
While we may not purposefully align or partner with toxic people, we do that when we passively accept or participate in their behavior. When we don't remove ourselves from the situation or confront the behavior, we endorse it by default. (This can be one of those "it's not what you say or do; it's what you don't say or do" scenarios.)
There may come a time in your life when you must decide to completely disengage from a toxic person—to end a relationship. It's helpful to remember you aren't moving them. You are moving you. You are making a healthy choice for your life.
Sometimes we have to come to the realization that we just need to no longer hang around and associate with some people. True friendships require trust and respect.
Oftentimes friendships aren’t built around the truth. Because, quite honestly, most people would rather hear a beautiful lie than bother with facing an ugly reality. 
We need to be the friend that tells them the truth even if it hurts. Because in all actuality, although this won’t make us their favorite’ friend—doing this will make us the best kind of friend they can have.
Error does not become Truth because it is widely accepted; Truth does not become error, even when it stands alone! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Real "Page-Turner"

Change is a part of life and requires our willingness to accept it even though it isn’t always easy to do.

We want what God has for us but are not willing to move to get it. Comfortable in a carefully prepared and scheduled routine of life, the thought of everything changing or the current season ending brings much fear. People become caught up in the details of the season that they are living in and fail to understand that summer cannot exist in fall for it prepares the way just as spring is a precursor to summer triumphantly proclaiming its arrival. Each season lays the groundwork for what is to come. Flexibility comes from faith. Faith in God that what He has for us is better than where we are now and what we are doing.

His Goodness awaits those who are willing to fully trust Him and His Plan. It is a detailed account for your life creating a real “page-turner” at times but with a happy ending beyond anything that you can imagine. 

When we walk by faith and not by sight, it’s amazing where God will lead us. When we allow Him to use, transform, mold, create, and prepare us…things happen! New things…bigger things…God things!  


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Forgiveness Simply Sets Us Free

Forgiving doesn’t mean excusing a wrong or denying that it ever happened. It means we don’t allow ourselves to be consumed with anger towards the one who has done something to us. Instead of cursing the person/people who have wronged us, we pray for them.

Forgiving those who do not deserve forgiveness does not mean that what they did was right. Forgiveness does not grant approval. Neither does forgiveness grant them access to us and our life. Forgiveness simply sets us free. 

Forgiveness releases the accused from our custody and turns him over to God…the righteous Judge. The one and only One who is both able and responsible for carrying out justice.

Jesus taught us that we are to forgive those who hurt us, pray for those who despitefully use us, and bless those who curse us. That is hard! But there is something harder…being full of hatred, bitterness, and resentment. In reality, we are keeping ourselves imprisoned by our offender.

We need to set ourselves free! Let's not try to get people back for what they have done to us. Leave it in God’s hands.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our Spiritual Temperature

Little problems in life often appear harmless. If we ignore God's warnings to pull them up by the roots, those problems will eventually grow large enough to erode our spiritual foundation. What starts in one small area, if left unchecked and not dealt with, will spread to other areas of our life, infiltrating, debilitating, and ultimately causing break down of the entire structure. God sees everything we do so we shouldn't act like it will go away if we ignore it. 

We can avoid needless costly mistakes by listening - and heeding - God's words.

Realize that what we do in one area of our life impacts every other area. We are souls with a body, mind, and spirit. We have to be attentive to each area because what happens in one manipulates all.

Let's not allow the weeds of life to choke out what God is doing for us! 


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Darkness Reminds Me How Much I Crave His Light

This may be a fallen world -- one that has been tainted by sin -- but soon God will return in power and might. He will restore all that has been broken. But until then, God uses adversity to prepare you for great blessings. He stretches your faith in Him -- not to harm you, but to teach you to draw near to Him.

With all that is going on in life it's so easy to feel completely overwhelmed. We all know that worrying doesn't change anything, yet we continue to fret and make ourselves miserable.

We are all facing something. Health problems, strained relationships, financial troubles, exhaustion, emotional stress, there is something we are all facing. But even still, Jesus has a few surprises, called blessings, for us each day. They are a part of His ongoing creation in our life. But His surprises are aways custom-designed for us on the rock-solid foundation of His love. It is always His desire that we experience the highest and best in our life. 

The earth if full of the glory of God - His absolute majesty inhabits every corner. Nothing you face today can or will change this truth -- no heartache, no sorrow, and no disappointment. 

You can count on Him! 


Monday, September 16, 2013

God Can Turn Our Scars Into Stars

Life is filled with grand opportunities cleverly camouflaged as devastating disappointments. With God's help we can turn our scars into stars. 

God has a plan for each of us. The stakes are often very high. The game plan will be interrupted many times by the devil. We will doubt, be discouraged,and face what seem to be impossibilities. However, God promises us that if we seek Him first, we have whatever we need ~ all of His blessings and all of His promises. 

Our living is determined not so much by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life; not so much by what happens to us as by the way our mind looks at what happens.

Each of us can have our scars turned into stars if we simply believe the promises of God and become dead to doubt, dumb to discouragement, and blind to impossibilities. 


Friday, September 13, 2013

Why Worry?

I believe that God has a plan for each of us and it’s not as mysterious as we make it out to be.

He knows what we will face today, tomorrow, and forever, and how we should navigate through every twist and turn that life holds.

We do not ever have to worry and be anxious about things in our life! God blesses us with good things every day, and has gone before us to prepare our lives for us. So why worry?


Adversity Prepares Us For Great Blessings

God uses adversity to prepare you for great blessings. He stretches your faith in Him -- not to harm you, but to teach you to draw near to Him.

The earth if full of the glory of God - His absolute majesty inhabits every corner. Nothing you face today can or will change this truth -- no heartache, no sorrow, and no disappointment. This may be a fallen world -- one that has been tainted by sin -- but soon God will return in power and might. He will restore all that has been broken.

The darkness reminds me how much I crave His light.

No matter what situation we may find ourselves in, we must remember it is temporary. This too, shall pass. The one constant in life is change. Circumstances will not always be what they are now. But while we are waiting for the next transition, we must be able to find the positive in the place we are in now. We have to learn to focus on the One Absolute—God. He never changes; He is always the same.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

God's Path

We will never be able to finish our journey in our own strength. We must join hands with the One who gives us the strength. It's okay to make plans, but we must be open to changes in those plans. He may have other ideas. 

God's path is definitely not easy. Jesus said we would have trouble. We must remember that the road to greater things is not marked by easy answers. Never pray for an easier life, pray to be a stronger person. 

shudder to think all I would have missed had I not gotten on God's path! The good thing is; we will have a story to tell when we take God's path. Life is not wreckage to be saved out of the world but an investment to be used in the world.

We shouldn't try to skip ahead and take shortcuts. We need to concentrate on the task that is right before us and do our very best at that. Then trust God to show us what to do next. He will guide us step by step, leading us along a path of peace. 

God's plan encompasses everyone. Every nation. Every race. All cultures. His message of peace through faith in Christ is universal. 

Nothing is too difficult for Him....We can't, but He can! He chooses to work through us - with all our weaknesses and struggles - to carry out His plans. It's because of our weaknesses that we are able to receive His power. Our struggles teach us to depend on Him. 

Under Heaven's lock and key, we are protected by the most efficient security system available ~ the power of God. Let's forget how impossible our journey looks and do what He's called us to do in spite of it. When we act in faith, He will honor our faithfulness. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

God Will Open Doors But Sometimes We Have To Knock

I've learned one thing in life and that is, God will not magically fling open a door just because we step in front of it. 

Sometimes we've got to reach out, turn the knob, force the door open and step through to the other side. It’s this little thing we call faith. It’s action. It’s movement. It’s trust. I don’t think God wants us to stand in the hallway waiting for Him to open all the doors. He wants us to have enough trust in Him to take some initiative. He wants us to jiggle some handles and pick some locks and pry into some places. Satan wants us to think we can’t go just because the door didn’t magically fling open the moment we stepped in front of it.

God will honor our action. When we do our part, God does His. He always keeps His word. 

Movement is the key to reaching the next level—tenacity and resolve and persistence and insistence. Our capacity to attain the goal doesn’t lie in our knowledge of the moves but in our willingness to move. We've got to put our trust in God understanding that He can take our steps—even the ones leading to certain failure—and order them, causing them to produce good.

It matters. We matter. We have an impact. Our assignment will always attract the attention of those who need it.

Remember, it is when you move that He can work. God can’t meet you where you haven’t arrived. For it is in our movement, in our willingness to meet Him that God can take the road, even the one leading to failure, and order it, creating opportunity where there once was none.

He makes all things new, including you.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Joy Sometimes Needs Pain To Give It Birth

I think that sometimes things are the hardest when we are headed in the direction God wants for us. 

Life is hard. Oh man, is it hard! I've been through some hard things. I can only imagine if I'd been allowed to flee and run away as I'd wanted. How I would have missed some deep blessings.

During hard times, we are too trust God and never push away the instrument He is using, or we will miss the result of His work in our life. 

Valleys are the most fertile places on earth and I believe this is true in our lives as well. For in the valleys of life, it's this fertile place that He speaks tenderly to us and the Holy Spirit gently goes to work cultivating our hearts.  

I believe God allows trials to bless us. God never alters the robes of righteousness to fit the man, He alters the man to fit the robe.

Trails present opportunities for thankfulness. I promise my first step is rarely thanksgiving, though surely it ought to be. I AM thankful that though the going appears rough at times, it is always abundantly paved with His mercies. 

Joy sometimes needs pain to give it birth. Someday we will know that the most exquisite work of our lives was done during those days when it was the darkest.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Satan Paints The Bad Road With Pretty Signs

We have to be able to see life God's way to know that Satan is blinding us.

Faster than a speeding demon, more powerful than our sin nature, and able to crush Satan with a single thought. God is within us, and watches our every move. However, He will rarely interfere if we get in the cage and stick our head in the mouth of the lion.

We need to read the handwriting on the wall instead of listening to the snake in the grass.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Stop, Look, And Listen

There is no such thing as an accident for a child of God. Every single thing you see or hear is something that God allowed you to notice for a reason.

In order for God to speak to us, He must first have our undivided attention. But sometimes we are so engrossed in the details of our lives that we can't hear God at all. 

God had big plans for Moses and needed to get his attention. So The Lord arranged something that he just couldn't ignore: a burning bush. Sometimes God has to shout through unusual circumstances so that we have no choice but to stop, look and listen. 

Speaking through tragedy is an intensely personal way in which God communicates with His people. 

We should meet our own hardships by looking for His divine purpose and instruction.


Thursday, September 5, 2013


I am thankful for the ability to 'count my blessings' and the freedom to share my blessings with the readers of this blog. Each and everything that is in our life...even the something for which we can and should be thankful. I think purposefully counting our blessings is an amazing way to fully realize just how amazing our God is. 

I am thankful for my past. Because of my past...good & bad...I am who I am today.

I am thankful for my eyesight and for God's healing. What a blessing to be fully able to see this  beautiful creation God has given us. ✞ 

Even though I complain about a lack of time, I know the 'busyness' of my life right now is a blessing from God and that I am completely in His will! I am thankful for this wonderful journey on which God is taking me and my family. 

Yes, I am thankful for EXERCISE! I's weird that I would say that but I have honestly started LOVING to workout. Perhaps the reason is because of WHOLE BODY VIBRATION and the fact that I get to do it with my handsome husband every single day at our studio, CIRCULATION NATION. (*smiles*)  

I am thankful that God uses this willing vessel and for the opportunities to share with others what God has done in my life. I am thankful for the wisdom that reaches far beyond my own imagination and comes only from God. 

I am so thankful for my husband and his unconditional love for me.  I don't deserve his devotion! I am so very thankful and excited for the journey that God is taking me and my hubby on. I never thought we would be going where He's taking us but I know He won't take us and leave us...He's right beside us the entire way! 

I am also thankful for my boys, to be able to witness their spiritual growth. They are my heart!

I am most thankful for God's presence, for God's timely answer to prayers, for the knowledge to know that He is in control and, peace...particularly the peace of God that passes all understanding! No matter the chaos that surrounds me, I have the peace of my Creator!
There is so much for ALL of us to be thankful!...God is a good God and He is full of mercy and grace!  ✞ ✞ ✞ 


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Challenges Are Actually Chances

The teen years are challenging! You wonder how you will handle all the things you need to do. Friends will shout for attention and hobbies, sports, and schoolwork all want some of your time. Satan is going to constantly throw things in front of you that tempt you to make them more important than God. 

When you're trying to obey God and live for Him, you will face one problem after another because Satan wants to stop you. He doesn't want any success for God's team. This is when it is crucial that you fix your eyes on your goal and keep your focus there. Don't let anything pull your focus from the finish line, which is the goal of becoming more and more like Jesus. 

The teen years are also challenging for the parents as well. God entrusted His precious children to us. We, as parents, have a huge responsibility of guiding our children to make wise, godly choices. But we know we can't do this alone. We are to see our challenges as chances -- chances to depend on Him more than usual.

Our oldest son just started high school, which means the dating stage has begun. My husband and I have been trying to teach our son the proper way to treat a young lady. Teaching him that boys lead ladies closer to themselves, but men of God lead ladies closer to Jesus. Boys holler at girls. But men respect women. 

Our church has done a wonderful job with guiding our son! His youth group did a study on the three things you should be able do before you get into a serious relationship with a young lady: Pursue, Protect, and Provide. Gents, before you pursue a lady, pray about it. Ladies, before you allow a man to pursue you, pray about it. 

Every day I pray for the women my boys will love. I hope they will be drawn to real beauties, the kind of women who will leave them better people in the end. I also pray that my sons will be worthy of this kind of woman, that they will be patient – and act honorably – while they wait for her.

Gents and young ladies, It's amazing to think that God is refining you and your future spouse into the people He created you to be. They're worth the wait!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Grace Triumphs

Everything changes in the blink of an eye. I'm just thankful God never blinks.

God sees what people cannot. 

Affliction is never meant for nothing… and I’m grateful for it. Jesus never said growth in Him would be pain-free. Pain-full indeed, but with such refining and worthy results.God doesn't need anything from us, He wants something for us. 

Today, in a world that is constantly changing, I am thankful for the One who doesn’t. God allows us to experience situations and seasons that aren’t perfect so that we might learn to run to the ONE who is. 

At the bottom of our bad is a God who is there. God’s love for us is infinitely bigger than a bad day. His love for us covers our worst seasons. A crop is made by ALL the seasons and the only way to have it all is by letting one season bring its yield into the next. 

Proverbs 16:9 says, " We can make our plans, but The Lord determines our steps." 

God's love...It's greater, bigger, more far-reaching than our trial. 

Sometimes we must go through the hard because we know what waits for us on the other side.

I am thankful that though God doesn't need us, He wants us. 


Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Blessings

To spend a day with all the people you love is a blessing!

Our family at the Labor Day Car Show with Papa Jerry's 1963 Chevy Super Sport and his 1954 Chevy Pickup Truck.

My boys with the Sanford and Son truck.

My boys and their "Prom Ride". 

Ending the day with my ❤ in the sauna.
