Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Is Your Focus The Problem Or The Promise?

We have the choice either to let doubt beat us up or to let God's truth build us up.

When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful. Proverbs 29:18 (NLT)

Everything in our lives has its own appointed season. Whether good or bad, our circumstances have a specific beginning and a defined end. Situations are temporary, but many times in the middle of a storm we speak in terms of the eternal, failing to recognize that our troubles are temporary.

God speaks directly to us through His word. The answer for every problem is contained in His book, but sometimes we mishandle situations because we don’t know what He has said about them. We speak contrary to His word because we don’t know what it says. We have forgotten His promises and have focused on the temporary rather than His eternal, unfailing word.

What we do during a time of storm will determine its length and our state when it is over. If we focus on the difficult, the I-don’t-know-how-it-will-ever-work-out moments, the times we want to give up, we will stumble. But, if we focus on His words and promises, His hope and love, we can rest in His assurance that although it is hard, He is with us and this, too, shall pass.

We have full access to God's power and His promises to live with a confident heart. Yet it won't just happen because it's possible. We have to take action.

A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.

We cannot control the wind but we can direct the sail.

He is strength in our weakness. He is light in darkness. He is the waymaker. He alone makes survival of the worst possible.


Monday, July 30, 2012

Growing In The Process

Today, I am bragging on God because I am celebrating my 300th blog post. Because without Him I could not blog...or do anything for that matter.

I LOVE blogging! I am so thankful to God for giving me the gift of encouragement. I truly believe that sometimes God uses my blog to encourage me more so than others.

One of the most beautiful and scary things about blogging is the power it has to transform me when I share my personal story.

I’m learning over and over that when I choose to share my story, the main goal isn’t to see how many pairs of eyes view what's been written, the main goal is for me to learn and grow in the process.

Our stats mean nothing to God…our souls mean everything.

It never fails, I’ll write about something that is on my heart and it becomes the learning portal for the day. Blogging, if I allow it to, will: convict me, challenge me, and correct me.

As I was writing this post, I realized that this not only goes for writing down our stories but for living out our stories as well. When we choose to share our stories and our lives with others, when we choose to live fully engaged, when we choose to live with our eyes wide open…we are shaped and changed in the process.

Life is one big lesson for us to learn. Each day is a new day to understand that lesson just little bit more.

Thank you all so much for reading my blog posts which God has inspired me to write. I hope you have and will continue to be encouraged. But most importantly, I pray that you and I will continue to grow in our walk with the Lord.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Another Glorious Day Full Of Life And Adventure With Jesus

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sea gulls were gathered along the shoreline. They were singing, as though their hearts were just happy to be on the beach! And I joined their praises as I walked the beach!

The warm glow of the sun made me know that I was not alone. I felt loved and as I shared the glory of the morning watching the new day my Father was creating for me! I felt especially loved and special in my Father's eyes.

I felt so thankful for the blessing of knowing that my life belongs to Him. I have the honor of serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who created this beautiful seashore that gives me such a vivid picture of His glory every day!

Today was another glorious day full of life and adventure with Jesus!

Each day we have the opportunity to look at life through His eyes, or the world's. To see a life in the Kingdom of God, full of glory, abundance, new life. This is what we should express to a world that is full of lack, death, unrest, and weariness. Life -- abundant life! What a gift we have to share with those we meet every day. That is our job as His ambassadors on the earth -- to bring life and light to every person we touch.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

He Is Omnipresent

The Lord of heaven cannot be confined to a building or a single location. He is omnipresent -- everywhere at all times. He is awesome in nature, and He is near to you now!

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sun was shining gloriously from behind the clouds on this early morning. I felt so free from the cares of the world... listening to the waves and watching the dolphin playing freely in the ocean! What a joyous way to live!!!

I was so encouraged and excited to know and acknowledge the power of the God I serve!

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I could only express my love for Him in prayers along the shoreline. We were having wonderful conversations -- heart to heart! What a glorious way to start the day.

Prayer to many is just a ritual reserved for church services or special occasions. To others, it is something they do when they have a problem or get sick. But prayer is not some ritual or mechanical function. It is something you should live out all day long, just like breathing.

Prayer demonstrates humility; it's a symbol of your dependence upon God. And the humble get the help.

Some would say that they go to church to worship God, but can't we worship Him anywhere? Shouldn't we worship Him everywhere? I know that God does speak to us through the songs or the Pastor's teachings, but He can speak to us everyday in anyway He chooses. Worshiping God, speaking to Him, and listening to His voice are definitely a part of our church services, but we should be doing those things on a daily basis....not just Sunday mornings....Because He is Omnipresent.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God Always Rewards Simple Faith With His Abundant Blessings

To say that the beach is my favorite place in the world would be a profound understatement.

I love all the sights, smells and sounds of the surf, but most importantly, I treasure the sweet feeling of closeness to God that warms my heart as I fully immerse myself in the beauty of His creation.

God longs for us to embrace the faith of a child, even when we are grown because a child does not need to research the Internet, read books, weigh all the facts, consider scientific theories, and compare various religions - to believe in the One true Savior. A child has not been influenced by the world's opinions, or poisoned with prejudice or judgement. A child is teachable. A child is humble. A child is trusting. A child thrives on being loved, and is always willing to give love to others, unconditionally. A child is thankful. And a child keeps things simple, including faith.

How easily we tend to forget that out of all the great things Jesus has done for us - His death on the cross is the most special thing of all, and even the greatest earthly blessings pale in comparison to the gift of life itself.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My God Is An Awesome God

It is good to have love for God in your heart, but even better to express it with the words of your mouth. It blesses God when we verbalize our love and praise for Him. Verbal expression of love and gratitude improves all our relationships, including our relationship with God.

Offering our continual gratitude to God for His goodness and mercy in our lives moves Him to want to do even more for us....My God is an awesome God!

There is so much beauty around us, if we will only take the time to notice it. Beauty has a way of totally capturing our senses, making us forget the fact that we are struggling. For a few brief shining moments, nothing else seems to matter. And the wonderful thing about beauty is that we can store it in our minds to be played over and over again or we can snap a few pictures to capture the moment.

Today was our second full day here on Anna Maria Island and we have seen many more amazing views that God so preciously gives to us to look at and enjoy. I want to share a few of those shining moments with you all.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Thank You God

This week my family and I are vacationing on Anna Maria Island. It is located south of Tampa, Florida and north of Sarasota, Florida. This is our second trip to the island. This week is a great reminder to me and my family of how awesome and breathtaking God's creation is. I am so thankful for this time I am able to just sit and soak it all up.

Our first day on Anna Maria Island has been awesome! We have played our hearts out. We swam in the beautiful aqua blue Gulf of Mexico, played some volleyball, found some pretty conch shells, saw tons of beautiful tropical birds, and watched a baby dolphin swimming with its mama while enjoying a great dinner at Rod and Reel restaurant on the pier. God is so good!

When our strength is in God, even difficult places in life can be turned into blessings. That's why we need to constantly keep our hearts and minds focused on Him and not our circumstances.

I never want to take God's goodness for granted. I want to celebrate all He has done, is doing, and will do in my life.


Friday, July 20, 2012

You Can't Earn His Blessings Because They Are Freely Given

The truth is no one deserves anything from God. His kingdom is not about earning blessings. And life with Him is not some sort of game in which you earn points to buy prizes. Good behavior doesn't buy blessings.

Instead of trying to work for His blessings, He wants you to receive them thankfully. He gives you good gifts because He loves to see your joy when you receive them. So open your hands and your heart, and accept His blessings gratefully. This brings joy to you and God!

God created you to glorify Him. This means you can never spend too much time praising and thanking Him. Praising Him says you know that He is God and you trust His control over your life. Thanking Him opens your heart to receive His Presence and His Peace...the richest, most awesome blessings of all.

♥ I hope today finds you in absolute awe of God and the blessings he continually showers over you. ♥


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life's A Voyage That's Homeward Bound

Whatever battles you're facing, praise God ahead of time for your victory.

Learning to worship God before the battle gets God's attention, demonstrates our faith and inspires us to boldly enter any challenge we face.

Gideon was a shy, inexperienced man whom God called to lead troops into battle. Not only that, but he had far fewer men than he thought he needed in order to win the battle. God said to Gideon, "Arise, go down against their camp, for I have given it into your hand." As soon as Gideon received this personal word from God, he began to talk about the battle before him as though it were already won. Judges 7:14,15

Every single day we can choose to remember that He has already crossed the finish line, that He has already thrown the last punch. Because God loves us, He rejoices when we experience His power and strength and stand up under the pressure of life for His name's sake.

I may not always have power to change a circumstance, but I do have power to face it in Christ. Jesus is my ROCK N' I'm on His ROLL. So let's boogie!

Life's a voyage that's homeward bound. Let's sail away on God's boat! The seas might get rough, but the Captain knows the way!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Fact That We Have Problems Is A Sign That We Also Have A Promise

Life's been a bully lately hasn't it? I know that so many of you, just like me, have been "going through". The key word is "through". We're going somewhere. We have a destination. There's another side that we're going to reach victoriously, if we endure. I don't want to just endure. I want to endure well, don't you? I want to cross the Jordan and stand on the ground of my promised land and hear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant". Thank God we're not going through it all alone!

I thank God, not for every time He's heard me, but for hearing me EVERY time.

God could have kept Daniel out of the lion's den....He could have kept Paul and Silas out of jail....He could have kept the three children out of the fiery furnace....But God has never promised to keep us out of hard places....What He has promised is to go through every hard place, and bring us through victoriously.

So the fact that we have problems is a sign that we also have a promise. It's only a matter of time before He reveals His good intentions - so until then, let's stick to the plan! His!!!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

God Calls Us To Change The Way We Look At People

Jesus was all about including people, not excluding them.

Our fleshly society teaches us to label others. Categorizing others creates distance and gives a convenient exit strategy for avoiding involvement.

Labeling even occurs in our churches. Jesus intends for churches to be a place where people come in and find renewed life, not just go through the motions. A place of community, not clicks. A place where healing starts, not departs. Where ordinary people are sent out as missionaries to the world, not missionaries to a click. Where families are strengthened, not destroyed. Where we feed the poor, not just ourselves. A place that reaches out instead of closing in. But most of all a place where they will know us by our love, not a label. Sometimes I struggle with the love we fail to show, not just in our churches, but everywhere. The things we say that are political and not necessarily scriptural. The times we say a loud amen to sins that we weigh as heavier than others. The times we fail to see our own shortcomings as sin that is just as grievous, and covered in the same mercy.

What can we do about it? Stop labeling! Remember, Jesus was all about including people, not excluding them. Not to see them as Gentiles or Jews, insiders or outsiders, liberals or conservatives. Let's view them as we view ourselves. Blemished, perhaps. Unfinished, for certain.

We can choose to label them or love them. We know Jesus' choice. Just look at what He did with us.

And let us never forget that salvation glorifies the Savior, not the saved.

"Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked. - Corinthians 13:5

"As we have opportunity, let us do good to all. - Galatians 6:10


Monday, July 16, 2012

Many Of Us Have Discovered That When We Get Our Glass Slipper, It Doesn't Fit

Many of us strive to create a life for ourselves, only to find the outcome - not to mention the process - just isn't as satisfying as expected. We discover that when we get our glass slipper, it doesn't fit.

Don't 'cha hate it when that happens? 

Me too. That means we have to go back to the drawing board and rethink our answer to the question, "How can I find contentment, satisfation or joy?"

For many the list goes something like this. I'll be happy when.... I lose 20 lbs, get a great job, get married to a good looking husband who earns enough money to buy us a really nice house that the housekeeping service cleans once a week for me. Maybe your list is different. Maybe you are certain you will be happy once you get rid of your job, or your house, or your spouse.

My point is, we imagine certain circumstances will be our happy points. And when the contented bliss we expected doesn't roll in with the reaching of those circumstances, we're left a bit confused.

And we wonder with a slight sense of panic, if I am not content and happy now - with all of this - will I ever be?

We are all supposed to live a life that is pleasing to Christ. I should want to conform my mental happy list to God's mental happy list for me. Because God's list is always better than mine.

When I stop striving to create a life for myself, I find the life that God creates for me and then my glass slipper fits to a tee.

Life makes sense when we accept our place in God's will. The gift of pleasures, the purpose of problems, - all for Him. The God-centered life works. And it rescues us from a life that doesn't.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Catch A Glimpse Through God's Eyes

The way we panic at the sight of change, you'd think bombs were falling on Greenville.

There's a massive contrast when you view things in the flesh and then catch a glimpse of them through God's eyes.

It’s the big changes that tend to throw us for a loop. I’ve always loved this quote… “Hold everything lightly and nothing tightly.” It’s solid wisdom because things in life absolutely change. There is such a sense of security in the familiar. And that sense of security goes under attack when we face big change. Perspective is an important thing in the midst of big change. God’s perspective especially is paramount. When everything else feels strange and unknown I’m learning to turn my heart to Jesus. The security I find in the familiarity of Him who is the same yesterday and today and forever makes the big changes in my life a lot less alarming.

God is eternal. He does not live sequential moments, laid out on a timeline, one following then other. His world is one moment, or better stated, momentless. He doesn't view history as a progression of centuries but a single photo. He captures your life, your entire life, in one glance. He sees your birth and your burial in one frame. He knows your beginning and your end because He has neither.

Sometimes our focus is so concentrated on the destination that we lose sight of the One leading us there. Maybe the destination is God Himself.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Brokenness Equals His Love

Let's be honest, don't we all need to be upheld, carried, sustained, rescued?

God uses us far more in our brokenness than in our togetherness. - Roger Hershey

Our failures shine a spotlight on God's grace.

We don't need to have it all together because Jesus is our togetherness. Brokenness equals His love. Embrace brokenness and remember....He never picks perfect, He transforms us into it.

Perhaps because our brokenness brings us to the end of ourselves, it is here, in these jars of clay that we offer up to His very special grace, that God's all-surpassing power is made known and He, indeed, makes us strong in our broken places.

God is not asking you to be perfect. He is asking you to allow Him to be perfect in you.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

He Who Sends The Clouds Can Just As Easily Clear The Skies

God often seems to place His children in places of deep difficulty, leading them into a corner from which there is no escape. Your situation is filled with uncertainty and is very serious, but it is perfectly right. The reason behind it will more than justify Him who brought you here, for it is a platform from which God will display His almighty grace and power.

He will not only deliver you but in doing so will impart a lesson that you will never forget.

You could say that my faith has been tested several times over the past 8 weeks with with my optic neuritis, possible MS, possible pseudo tumor, and now possible breast cancer. But God has been faithful to answer my prayers.

I went in for my mammogram recheck this afternoon for a suspicious spot on my left breast....NOT CANCER!!!!! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!!!!!!

As a child of God I could easily get overwhelmed by the number of afflictions that seem to have targeted me over the past two months. But we should never question the number of trials in our lives. Here is a good analogy for why we shouldn't: the Gardner stops pruning and trimming the vine or weeding the soil only when he expects nothing more from the vine during that season. He leaves it alone, because it's fruitfulness is gone and further effort now would yield no profit. In the same way, freedom from suffering leads to uselessness.

It is only human to want to see before we step out on the promises of God. Yet our Savior said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" - John 20:29

It is in these places of severe testing, with no human way out of our difficulty, that our faith grows and is strengthened.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

He Is The God Of Limitless Resources - The Only Limit Comes From Us

God is the God of limitless resources, therefore there is no limit to what we may ask and expect of our Almighty God. The only limit comes from us. Our requests, our thoughts, and our prayers are too small, and our expectations are too low. God is trying to raise our vision to a higher level, call us to have greater expectations, and thereby bring us to greater purpose.

Genuine faith puts its letter in the mailbox and lets it go. Distrust, however, holds on to a corner of the envelope and then wonders why the answer never arrives.

Genuine faith hands its circumstances over to God, allowing Him to work.

He will never work until we commit.

"Cast all your anxiety on him" - 1 Peter 5:7

If we truly have cast our burdens upon the Lord can they continue to pressure us? If we carry them with us from the throne of grace, it is obvious we have not left them there.

In my own life I test my prayers in this way: after committing something to God, if I can come away with no more sadness, pain, or anxiety in my heart, I see it as proof that I have prayed the prayer of faith. But if I pray and then still carry my burden, I conclude my faith was not exercised.

Last week I went in for my routine mammogram and was called to come back in because they found a suspicious spot. I go back tomorrow for my recheck. I have been praying that it is just a cyst and nothing cancerous. I cast this burden upon the Lord last Thursday when I received the call. I truly believe His divine promises and believe everything God allows to happen He brings good from it. But He still wants us to pray audacious prayers.

Great men and women of God are not made on the peak, they are formed in the valley. What a comforting thing to know that if God is testing your faith, it's because He has somewhere He wants to take you. God has to prove you before He can promote you.

It is the audacity to believe that God has bigger plans for me than I could ever ask or imagine. And that not only does He want me to pray audacious prayers, He wants to answer them.

God is not merely able but abundantly able, bountifully and generously able, with an infinite surplus of resources, and eternally able to do what he has promised.


Monday, July 9, 2012

When We Take Him At His Word, Our Hearts Are At Peace

Broken, struggling, suffering - that is the believer who will have a faith that in the end is of greater worth than gold.

The strength of our faith is in direct proportion to our level of belief that God will do exactly what He has promised. Faith has nothing to do with feelings, impressions, outward appearances, nor the probability or improbability of an event. Faith rests on the Word of God alone. And when we take Him at His Word, our hearts are at peace.

God does and can use all circumstances in our lives for His glory. Most of all, He does His best work in the messiest situations.

God delights in causing us to exercise our faith. He does so to bless us individually, to bless the church at large, and as a witness to unbelievers. Yet we tend to retreat from the exercising of our faith instead of welcoming it.

We are to honor the Lord in the trial, in the very thing that afflicts us. It is through our most difficult trials that God often brings the sweetest discoveries of Himself.

Tribulation is the door to triumph.


Friday, July 6, 2012

He Is In The Middle Of The Muddle

The messy mixture of sunshine and sorrow, happiness and heartache, triumph and tragedy, rest and toil is not the easiest recipe for a full, vibrant life. But it is the recipe. We need to recognize God's presence beside us every step of the way, leading us through the good times, guiding us through the hard times, and carrying us through those times when we couldn't make it on our own. HE IS THERE ALL THE TIME!

UPDATE: I had an appointment today with the ENT. He believes I may have a blockage in my sinuses. And of course, on the side where I had my optic neuritis. He wants to do a sinus CT but can't right now because I have infection. He put me on an antibiotic for 14 days. He wants to wait and do the CT in 4 to 6 weeks to make sure the infection is gone. CT is scheduled for August 13th. I go for my mammogram recheck this coming Wednesday. Thanks for all your prayers!

I have found it helpful to begin and end my prayers by focusing on His character traits. He is the Almighty God. He is the God who heals. He is the God of peace. He is the God who forgives. He is the God who provides, and He is the God who is in control. He knows everything that is happening. He is not caught off guard. His love is perfect.

As I consider Who He is instead of focusing on myself or another person or my situation, I am better able to pray with faith. When I look at what God has to work with, me, my mate, my child, or my extended family, my expectations can be small, but when I focus on Who He is, it is easier to believe.

In the middle of the muddle our holy Lord is calmly at work. - Elisabeth Elliot


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Some Days You Need A Double Shot Of Faith

"Fight the good fight of the faith." 1 Timothy 6:12

Jesus asked, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" - Matthew 9:28

If you and I want to receive anything from God, we must first believe that He is God, and then believe that He is good.

There have been many times in my life when I have been discouraged and not known what to do, or felt that nothing was working. Some days you need a double shot of faith and today is one of those days for me. I have another doctors appointment tomorrow. This time with the ENT. Still having bad headaches and eye pain. I am also very swimmy headed. I have stumbled several times. The right side of my face and neck is also slightly swollen. I had my routine mammogram on Monday and they called me this morning and said that I have a suspicious place that they want to recheck. Please say a prayer for me!

Our life journey can bring us to many crossroads, however, we are not traveling our life journey by ourselves. We know that God is with us. But the enemy tries to place obstacles in our path to impede our journey. Satan's desire is to make believers feel discouraged, depressed, and defeated. He does not want us claiming God's promises, because he knows God's promise for today gives us hope for tomorrow.

Satan's desire is to keep us in darkness and make us doubt God. Satan also wants us to feel that God has abandoned us and does not care what happens to us. LIES! LIES! LIES!

The greatest time in the world to keep your commitments to God is in the midst of difficulty and adversity. When Satan sees that trials and tribulations won't stop you, he will stop troubling you for a while.

To be prepared for the next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, practice saying, " I am going to be faithful to God, and God is going to give me double for my trouble. Satan, you thought you were going to hurt me, but I am going to get a double blessing, because I am one who diligently seeks the Lord."

Standing on the promises of God will create a firm foundation when the bottom of your world falls out.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

True Freedom

Freedom doesn't give us the right to do what we please, but to do what pleases God.

Happy 4th of July!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who Are They Anyway To Say What I Should Or Shouldn't Do?

Who are they anyway to say what I should and shouldn't do? They are the people who aren't much different from you and me but they have set standards by doing certain things in certain ways, and now everyone seems to think what they say is right! WRONG!!!

There came a time in my life when I realized that comparison and competition are worldly, not godly. The world system, which includes them, demands these behaviors, but God's system condemns them.

Jesus has set us free from needing to please people and from the division that competition creates. He has delivered us from jealously and from being controlled and manipulated by them; and He has liberated us to discover and be what God created us to be. You are free from the influence of them....whoever they are!

When people judge or label you because of the way you live your life, follow Jesus' lead....keep living out your faith. Because who knows? The same people who judge you might make the connection between the way you live your life and your Savior.


Monday, July 2, 2012

Faith Is Knowing That My Trials Are Developing Something Greater In My Life

Faith is waiting patiently for God to make me more Christlike through people and circumstances when I want Him to give me a quick, preferably painless, fix.

When you have a problem that goes on and on, with no end in sight, see it as a wonderful opportunity. An ongoing problem is like having a tutor who is always by your side. If you are willing, you can learn so much from your trouble.

Ask God to open your eyes and your heart to all that He is doing through this problem. He may be teaching you patience or persistence. He may be strengthening your faith or your courage.

Faith is developed through hardship, disappointment, disillusionment, conflict, frustration, failure, and loss. "The testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 1:3-4

Faith is the handle by which I take God's promises and apply them to my particular problems.
