Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Seasons Have Reasons

Our faith is incredibly important to Him, so much that He will take everything away so the only thing we have left to stand on is our faith in Him to show us that is all we need.   
Faith that He will keep His word even when it looks like nothing is happening.

Faith that He has a plan even when our lives go completely off the rails.
Just like all the other seasons we have been through, a lesson will be learned, blessings will be found and perhaps the opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. 
As I remember how I have seen God use terrible circumstances in my life as stepping stones to increase my faith and provide opportunities to glorify Him through those experiences, I cannot help but smile at His sovereignty and wisdom. ✞
God is carefully teaching us through the circumstances He permits in our lives. He has lovingly crafted a curriculum for each one of us. No one has the same schedule, classes, or lessons. It is tailored exactly for us. What a beautiful thing!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Some People Will Kiss You Today And Kick You Tomorrow

Others may fool you, but God's not duped....He knows everything. 

Some people will kiss you today and kick you tomorrow. But we must not become bitter because Jesus refused to become bitter in His betrayals.

Betrayal is something others do to you; bitterness is something you do to yourself. It’s impossible to go through life without being hurt. It may be an unfaithful mate, a person who slanders you, or a friend who turns his back on you. 

Jesus was betrayed by "one of his own." Not only that, he was betrayed by an act of loving greeting. Everything about this event was hurtful and horrifying. 

When others betray you, God has a way of opening doors to new levels of blessing you’d otherwise miss. 

One of the best resolutions some of us can make is to learn to say goodbye more. To be willing to part with the things, people, situations that inhibit us from experiencing God’s best in our lives.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Toxic Overload

Toxicity is seldom recognized as a primary cause of our health problems. 

Once we understand the role toxins play in cellular malfunction, we can understand the importance of minimizing toxic exposure and maximumizing the body's ability to detoxifiy. In order to protect yourself and your family, you must learn how to spot these silent and hidden dangers, and how to keep your defenses strong in order to avoid toxic overload. Never before has the human body been faced with such challenges of personal and global pollution. To respond to theses challenges and move yourself in the right direction on the toxic pathway, learn to make daily choices that will reduce your toxic exposure and support your detoxification systems. 

My husband and I started our business for the purpose of helping others detox with Whole Body Vibration, far infrared saunas, and alkaline water. Our studio, Circulation Nation is located in Simpsonville, SC. We offer monthly memberships with no contracts. We also sell Whole Body Vibration  machines, far infrared saunas and alkaline water machines. 

Visit our website for more information:


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Valley Experiences

Our sucky situations don't have to dictate our actions or define us. Our peace and joy originate not in the circumstances of life but in our relationship with Christ.

Does God have to fix something for us to be happy? If He removes the situation, we may never learn that He is sufficient for everything we need.

If we were capable of handling everything that comes our way, how would others ever realize that His strength is what makes us strong?


Monday, January 20, 2014

Faith Stretching

I don't know about you but I'm so thankful for a new week. It's so important to be thankful. Today in the world there are so many things that try to trap us. There are so many things trying to bring us down into depression or anxiety or anger. It's all in your perspective.

Since the beginning of time, Satan has been working against God trying to get God's children to doubt His word, His goodness, His wisdom. 

Worrying and anger won't change a single thing, so it's better to remain faithful and keep trusting God, and keep moving forward...keep growing...He will guide you through any struggle, any mountain...remember, faith stretching is a good thing.

God reminds me daily that He wants to be first in my life, front and center in the midst of all "my" plans. 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

We Look For God's Hand Instead Of His Heart

We look for God’s hand instead of His heart.

Often times, when I am praying I am just asking. I subconsciously want to leave the thanksgiving part for after the prayer has been answered. But this is not how God wants me to pray. When I phrase my prayer in a way that is thanking God for His power and His ability to answer my request, my mind begins to think more positively about the situation and I begin to have a thankful frame of mind rather than a worried frame of mind. And then my faith grows because I am reminding myself of the power of the One I am praying to. - Holly Furtick

I am learning that in everything there is purpose and grace, hope and help; knowing that even though our questions may not be answered, our cries for help will; understanding that even though not all things are good, He is good and He works for our good in all things—those are miracles, too.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Satan Has A Soft Spot

The enemy will always plant a "why bother" in the face of God's "it's possible."

Satan may laugh over our struggles and mock our wisdom, but he is defeated when we pray. I find comfort in knowing that Satan has a soft prayers! 

When we allow God to take what Satan meant for evil and let God use it for good, it takes healing to a whole new level.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Today Matters

TODAY MATTERS and how we take on the challenge of shaping today will somehow ensure that we have better tomorrows. 

Our hope is not in a "what," but a "who."

God rules my life, not my emotions or circumstances. Knowing He's there always...arranging pieces of my life...bringing loose ends together...making sense of the confusing...pumping me with hope and peace and joy...not because of perfect circumstances...but just the knowing that He's there...working behind the scenes for my highest good.


Monday, January 13, 2014

The Focus Is Not On The "Hard" But On The "Life"

The way is hard that leads to life. But we must be careful of our emphasis. The focus is not on the “hard” but on the “life.” The eternal (John 3:16), abundant (John 10:10), exceedingly joyful (Psalm 43:4) and forever pleasurable (Psalm 16:11) life is so worth the fight that we will someday look back at the very worst, darkest, horrible battles and see them as “light and momentary” (2 Corinthians 4:17), Piper.
We cannot put the whole of our identity into the smallness of any situation.
One very important thing I have learned during my health journey is I must believe in my health if I am to maintain or regain it. I must actively pursue wellness when I am ill. When my own body was in progressive deterioration during the depths of my illness, I began to realize that, for survival, I needed to employ my mind as well as my body. I began to repeat a version of an old affirmation to myself, again and again, a mantra of sorts: Every day, in every way, I get stronger and stronger and better and better. ✞ 


Friday, January 10, 2014

God Is Into Wild Variety

Our family and clients are celebrating our Grand Openimg Celebrtion of our new business tomorrow. We are so excited! 

Just in the short three months that we have been open, we have seen God use us to help and encourage others. Our Whole Body Vibration Studio is a unique concept, one that is different from other exercise studios. But different is good!

Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out.

You are unique. Of all the six billion people alive right now on this planet, there's no one just like you. If there's only one you - out of all those billions and billions of people - why would you want to be like someone else? Multitudes go through life envying the build, hair, talents, or abilities of other people. I think it is an insult to God for me to spend my time and energy trying to be someone I am not. So start fixing your thoughts on the fact that God made you one of a kind and, as one child put it, "God don't make no junk."

God has given each of us gifts that make us significant not only to God but also to each other. Whether you realize it or not, you are a vital part of God's plan. No one else can do what God has planned for you to do.

When I first got the idea in my head to start a blog, I thought, that's a crazy idea. But wasn't crazy because it was God's idea! The key is to believe in yourself and persevere. Trust your crazy ideas. They could change the world!

Oh, just think how different our lives would be if we didn't let fear make us shy away from God's plan.

God will use anyone who has a willing heart as a means to advance His kingdom. I am thankful that God can take the smallness that I have to offer and use it for something BIG. If others knew what a blessing it is to serve God, more would do it! 

I am so thankful for chances He has given me to grow and trust Him as never before. Opportunity to let His light shine through me. So thankful! Because only Jesus can make something God glorifying out of all our stuff! We surely can't!

I am honored that the Creator of all chose this beautifully crazy life for me! 


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Believe In Spite Of The No

God's responses don't require our justification or understanding. Because God loves us too much to give us what we want when it's not what we need. Because God knows what He is doing. Maybe He wants to see if we'll believe in spite of the no, because the plan for his yes is worked through His no. 


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

All The Good Stuff Is Outside Our Comfort Zone

The Lord is not wanting us to just be okay with inconvience. It's one thing for us to stand in line and observe. It's a whole other story to choose to let our story collide with the inconvience.

Remember, if we're not a little bit uncomfortable every day, we're not growing. All the good stuff is outside our comfort zone. 

Sometimes God is so inconvenient, but some of the best things in life usually are.



Monday, January 6, 2014

Choose To Be Motivated, Not Manipulated

Many people conform to the trends of this world. 

Sometimes we get too concerned with what others think or say about us. We are more worried about man's rejection than God's. 

Our culture believes we can create reality as we go. Too often, people struggle to remake their circumstance (health, marriage, finances, addictions), when we should be asking God to help us remake our minds. 

I live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not compete. I choose self-esteem, not self-pity. I choose to listen to he Holy Spirit inside me, not the random opinions of others.

As long as I'm uncomfortable I know I'm living. It's when things get comfortable I know it's time to re-evaluate.

If we are not a little bit uncomfortable every day, we're not growing. All the good stuff is outside our comfort zone. 


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Our Limited Vision And Perspective

Sometimes we get a 'no' because of a 'yes' in the future that is far greater than we could imagine. ✞

We humans have a very limited view of what is good and bad.  We equate what is good with what is convenient and immediately beneficial to us, and "bad" is what is disadvantageous and injurious to us.
What if God views only what is done for His glory as good, and whatever is NOT done for His glory as bad? Looking at it this way, the events in our lives then are completely inconsequential. What is truly good or truly bad in God's sight has absolutely nothing to do with us FEELING good or bad about any given circumstance.

