Friday, November 29, 2013

Take Him At His Word

God is just waiting for someone to take Him at His Word. He is actively watching to see if anyone will. If we will take His Word and mix it with faith (just believe it to be true), the Bible says that He will perform It. That is what Mary did. That’s what you and I need to do.

God desires for you and me to take Him at His word no matter how unmanageable our situation seems. Why—because nothing is too hard for God. - Micca Campbell 

God is trustworthy. We can take him at His word, and believe Him with 100% certainty. We can count on Him to be there for us, even at our lowest moment. How reassuring that is! ✞ 


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

He Is The Key To Our Significance

Just take a look around this world we live in, it offers up self-worth solutions at every turn. Sadly, this worldly treasure hunt only produces fools gold. It’s shiny and promising, has the feel of significance, but really it’s worthless.

Satan is in the very lucrative business of answering our desperate want ads and using the very available and equipped world to do it. People can’t make us feel significant and the world can’t make us feel significant. The love of people often increases with performance and decreases with mistakes. Not so with God's love.

Heaven invites us to set the lens of our heart on the heart of our Savior and make Him the object of our life. Because our significance is found in Jesus alone. 


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Brokenness Is A Tool In The Hand Of God

The photo below was taken Janruary of this year. It shows the inflammation on the right side of my face caused by mercury poisoning from a silver filing (amalgam filing) in my tooth. I lost my peripheral vision in my right eye as a result of the mercury poisoning because it damaged my optic nerve. Six different doctors told me that I would never regain my vision. I am thankful that they were wrong! I have 90% of my vision back and continue to detox daily at our studio, Circulation Nation of Simpsonville. God is so good!!!

We're all broken in one place or another. But when we stay connected to the Vine, He strengthens us so that we may bear fruit-even through our brokenness.✞ 

Brokenness is a tool in the hand of God.

* It is painful, but God supports and provides the strength we need to keep going.
* Brokenness is a sign of His love and activity in our life. He breaks our self-reliance because He loves us. He knows if we are left on our own, we would yield to pride and selfish feelings.
* Any discipline we experience in times of brokenness is God's way of changing and preparing us for future service. Brokenness stops at the point where our spirit yields to God's will. The moment He senses a true desire within us to obey His Word is when He eases the painfulness.
* God will never allow brokenness to crush us.

God uses brokenness to deepen our understanding in three ways:
* We gain a new perspective of His mercy and provision.
* We have a more complete comprehension of ourselves.
* Our compassion and understanding for others' suffering is developed.
God uses brokenness to reveal our need for Him. We need the fellowship and love of family and friends, but only Jesus Christ can meet all our needs perfectly and completely.
Only Jesus Christ can take our weakness and turn it into strength, hope, and honor. 
Will you trust Him to change your life?


Monday, November 25, 2013

Our Greatest Love

What better way to start than at the beginning – the creation of man and woman. One of the things that always stuck out most to me was how God truly provided for Adam. He saw that man was not good alone, and created Eve. It reminds me of how God knows everything about us and provides for us – even a spouse.

In marriage, your partner is also your helpmate and friend that can come alongside you and compliment you.

We have a precious couple in our studio that has been married for 48 years! This is pretty rare this day and time. You can tell that they are still madly in love with one another. He still opens the car door for her. :)

God is love. If you desire to truly love your spouse in a way that is perfect and complete, continue to know God. Seek God daily and allow His love to transform your heart. This will strengthen your understanding of love and your capacity to love in an extraordinary way. God brings other things, other people, into our lives. So that we learn to love Him supremely.

I am thankful for my husband, Jody. I love him dearly, but he is not my Savior; he is my fellow sojourner. 

Our marital relationships were never meant to become an Idol. We are to love God above all of the wonderful, amazing blessings He bestows upon us in this life. God does not want to be one of our many loves. He wants to be our greatest love. He wants us to see that even if we have the best of everything in this world, His love is still far better.


Friday, November 22, 2013

So Much More

My life isn’t what I pictured it would be, but it’s better. 

As I sit and look back over my life, I can see so many times when God had His hand on me and I didn't even know it! 

Trials only mean God is sifting through our life. He sifts what we don't need out, and gives us what we do need. 

am thankful that God didn’t give me what I thought I wanted -- He's given me so much more!

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to realize that God knows us better than we know ourselves. 

God has given me so much more than what I deserve. The least I can do is thank Him for it. ✞


Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Treasure Within The Trouble

There is enormous positive power in adversity. Adversity is what molds our character. Just as weight training develops our muscles. 

Weight training speeds up our metabolism and makes us look and feel better. It makes us stronger and more resilient in the face of accidents and all sorts of trauma. Our physical muscles become stronger when confronted with resistance, and the same is true for the "muscles" in our minds, spirit, and character. 

Remember, the presence of tension, conflict, and difficulty indicates that growth is trying to take place. When you view this adversity as natural, normal, and, in fact, even necessary, it empowers you to take advantage of its potential for growth. 

Adversity, regardless of its orgin, can be turned to your advantage when you trust God to be bigger, stronger, and more tenacious than anything you ever face. 


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What A Difference A Year Makes

Even in the darkest times, we should never doubt God. Even when it may appear like our life is over and He has forgotten us, He is actually growing us into our future. 

Here is one of my blog posts from around this time last year:

God chose you! 

Chosen: God separated you from everyone else to perform a specific task....And God consecrated You for that purpose. Wow! What an awesome thought! 

Nothing about us or our circumstances surprises God. He ordained that we should walk in those ways because we are uniquely qualified by Him to do so. He approved us, because He chose us for our specific situation. And He equipped us for every trial and difficulty we will ever face in life. What an awesome God we serve!

THANKFUL.....THANKFUL.....THANKFUL! Today, I am most thankful for "Answered Knee-Mail!" I got my report from my biopsy....NO Lymphoma!!! Another PRAISE GOD! THANK YOU JESUS! Prayer is not something to be taken lightly or used infrequently. Yet, in the rush of daily life, we often lose sight of God's presence. Instead of turning to Him for guidance and comfort, we depend on our own resources. I am thankful that though I focus too much attention on the "real" aka physical world, He is gracious and loving to prompt me again to pour myself more fully into the real world aka spiritual world. We can access His power anywhere. We don't need a wi-fi hotspot or a high-speed modem. We just need to look up. He's connected and waiting. ♥

God made us to fellowship with Him! If that fellowship demands trials for a season, rejoice that God thinks you worthy to share in the sufferings of Christ-and, eventually, in His glory. Praise His holy name! I am thankful to be a part of something so much grander than myself. 

Problems that seem insurmountable to us are simply a breath to Him. God holds each one of us in the palm of His hand.

What a difference a year makes! God was actually growing me into my future.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

We Become A Product Of What We Are Around Most

As young teens enter adolescence, one of their largest concerns is fitting in. Because of this, young teens might choose friend groups that will help them fit in rather than those that will encourage and support them.

Friends become strong influences on decisions as teens seek greater independence. Friend groups can determine what hobbies, interests, and beliefs he/she adopts.

The older your teen gets, the more his/her friends will shape who he/she becomes. Make sure you know who's doing the shaping. - Jessica Duble

Are your teens closest friends people who honor The Lord with their lives and with their relationships? We want our children to hang out with friends who will make them better. The standard you set for choosing your friends will likely be the same standard your children follow. Choose wisely!

We can't go to a higher ground if we are hanging on to a lower level! - Paula White


Monday, November 18, 2013

Being Christ-Like Doesn't Mean We Let People Run All Over Us

Today, I was grabbing lunch at a local deli and as I was ordering two other sets of people came in after me. You see, you order your food and then find a table. I ordered soup, which is already made and all they have to do is put it into a bowl. As the lady handed me my soup one of the members of each party had jumped in front of me and took the last two tables. I already had my food and their party was still in line to order. People purposely being rude is one of my pet peeves. It was pretty clear from the body language that this was intentional. It was one of the most blatantly unfair, infuriating actions I’ve witnessed in a long time. My temper flared, but I kept my cool and walked over and said “Excuse me, but I already have my food so can I sit here since I was first anyway? …” and one of the three arrogant men said "You can sit with us, we don't bite...We're not moving." So I sat down at their table. I think I shocked the guy that was reserving it for his group because he got up and joined his group ordering while he left his cell phone on the table. Another gentleman saw how rudely they were treating me and quickly finished his lunch so I could move to his table. 

While I do know that we Christians are supposed to love our enemies and not seek vengeance out of anger, surely there is some line that can be crossed where you’re not just a pushover. Right? 

Would love some thoughts on this. Thanks! 


Friday, November 15, 2013

Perspective Is Everything

Sometimes we can't see what's "right" for us when what's "wrong" for us is in the way. 

Our perspectives dictate our choices. Our perspectives dictate our attitude. Perspective is everything. 

How often in life is beauty right in front of our face and we miss it because we either don’t pause long enough to see it or we don’t take the time to invest in it when we see it.
Think about the beautiful moments and the beautiful people we miss along life’s path because the eyes of heart are closed or too distracted to care.
Because there really is hidden beauty in plain sight.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful For The Memories

Thankful I had 39 years to share with this man!
Happy Birthday Dad! Miss you lots!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Our Suffering Means Something

I am thankful for my health. A year ago we weren't sure if I would even be here this year. Looking back over this past year and where God has brought attitude has changed, I trust more...and I'm more willing to wait things out than to act impulsive and quick. Our circumstances aren't always pretty and fun and full of light. Sometimes they're confusing, horrifying and full of unbelievable sadness. But there's ALWAYS a plan and a purpose. Our suffering means something. Keep the faith! ✞


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Most Rewarding Journey

It sure makes you feel good when you know you're helping other people....To be encouraged you gotta be an encourager! Jody and I are so very thankful for this season in our life. God is leading us on a most rewarding journey. This journey is not just business to us, it's personal. We have met some awesome people and have formed some great, lasting friendships. That's what it's all about! Thank you Lord for blessing us with Circulation Nation.


Monday, November 11, 2013

We're The Artwork, God's The Artist

Often we stand at life's crossroads and view what we think is the end. But God has a much bigger vision and He tells us, "Relax my child, it's only a bend. 

I had to learn that God would not work as long as I worried, but the moment I trusted Him, He put His plan into action, and through faith and patience, I enjoyed the thrill of watching God work miraculously in my life. 

God answers prayer and rebuilds lives. No matter how messy we are, how messy we've been, we are going to be a masterpiece. He sees the masterpiece we can't see yet. We don't have to manipulate our circumstances or try to control the people around us. We just need to do our job as the artwork, and let God be the Artist. The result will be breathtaking.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Our Messiest Moments

Sometimes the messiest moments in our lives turn out to be the most beautiful, the most breathtaking, the most cherished. Our messiest moments can become living testimonies when we let God redeem them. 


Thursday, November 7, 2013

The ABC's Of Faith

When the sucky parts of life happen, we doubt. But when God gets His hand on them, watch out, amazing things start to happen. He turns our sucky parts of life into blessings. Then, we get to walk with others through their pain and their trials. We get to share our stories of hope. We get to share God’s story of hope. I am not sure there is anything more beautiful in life than that!

The ABC's of Faith: Admit God's ways are greater than ours. Believe His Word. Commit to love Him despite what we don't understand.

Faith is dead to doubt, dumb to discouragement, and blind to impossibilities. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our Greatest Weakness = God's Greatest Platform

When we put God into the equation we are changing the way we see the situation.

We are to embrace each season of life as an opportunity from God. When the timing is right, he will not fail to move in our lives to put is in a place of maximum influence for His kingdom. Our job is to listen to His voice, obey what we know to be true from His Word, and live our lives in radical service to those He has placed around us. 

Since the work itself matters to God, we should give our best to whatever He has called us to do. Our workplace is also His domain. This is why my husband and I try to create a Christian environment by playing Praise And Worship music in our studio. 

Our work really does matter to God, and it matters to others, too. Rejoice in that, and do your best for the glory of God. 

God always wants to bless us more than we can imagine  - most often using means that we cannot perceive. 

God has a mind-blowing plan for each of our lives. Even our everyday activities can take on exceptional meaning and have massive impact. But God's power within us is only potential until we convert it into strength - by faith and action.

Thankful that God uses this willing vessel. 


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We Meet People For A Reason...Either They're A Blessing Or A Lesson

Strangers can become best friends just as easy as best friends can become strangers. 

We need to be aware of those things in our life that might seem like a good thing but really aren’t when we take a closer look. There’s no need to get paranoid about people and situations, but we really do need to take time to evaluate our relationships and our surroundings to make sure they really are what we think they are.

We become like the people we hang around. When it comes to relationships, some are just not good for us and we have to choose to walk away. We aren't rejecting them, they're choosing not to come with us.

Some situations are not meant for you to change, but the situations are meant to change YOU for the better. We meet people for a reason...either they're a blessing or a lesson. 


Monday, November 4, 2013

His Bounty

We must choose to think about how blessed we are. Just this morning I was pondering my blessings in life and I had a fresh revelation of how blessed I really am and of all God has done for me in my life. Had I been thinking about what I did not have, and what I still need, that moment of realization would have evaded me. 

A client of ours at our studio asked me a thought provoking question this morning. She asked, "what were you doing a year ago?" I answered, "I was going to doctors." It is such a blessing to look back and see why I had to go through all I did in order to get to the place I am today. 

Honestly, just to be able to walk, see, and hear is a great blessing and one that people who are crippled, blind, or deaf would be extremely content with. We always think we will be content when...but why not choose to be content right now?

God is such a good and merciful God. He blesses us beyond measure and so many times we don't take time to really look at His bounty.

Looking for all of His good gifts! 


Friday, November 1, 2013

His Sweet Blessings

Counting the beautiful ways God blesses me...

Day 1: Jody and I are celebrating our one month anniversary of our business, Circulation Nation - A Whole Body Vibration Studio. God has blessed us with two and a half times the members we were expecting in our first month. GOD IS SO GOOD!
