Monday, December 31, 2012

Humble Yourself

The desire of my heart for 2012 was to be fit, not broken, but God doesn’t always “bring it to pass” the way we plan it. No matter how hard we try to plan and maintain a handle on (or control of) our own lives, each year all of us are faced with situations and circumstances that are completely out of our control....I love New Year's. And it's not because of the numerous college football games on television either. LOL I love New Year's because it signifies the end of a chapter, one that probably didn't reach my highest expectations yet holds the hopes, the dreams, and the possibilities of a whole new year. As we ring in 2013, you and I can rest in the truth that God is going to bring about the best for our lives no matter OUR plan. God never promised me I would be a happy, healthy middle-class citizen. He promised me something more. Himself. So my New Year's resolution for 2013 is: To live second by humbling myself and giving up my rights so others may know the goodness of God...Have A Blessed New Year! ♥

Friday, December 28, 2012

God Is Into Wild Variety

Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out.

You are unique. Of all the six billion people alive right now on this planet, there's no one just like you. If there's only one you - out of all those billions and billions of people - why would you want to be like someone else? Multitudes go through life envying the build, hair, talents, or abilities of other people. I think it is an insult to God for me to spend my time and energy trying to be someone I am not. So start fixing your thoughts on the fact that God made you one of a kind and, as one child put it, "God don't make no junk."

God has given each of us gifts that make us significant not only to God but also to each other. Whether you realize it or not, you are a vital part of God's plan. No one else can do what God has planned for you to do.

When I first got the idea in my head to start a blog, I thought, that's a crazy idea. But wasn't crazy because it was God's idea! The key is to believe in yourself and persevere. Trust your crazy ideas. They could change the world!

Oh, just think how different our lives would be if we didn't let fear make us shy away from God's plan.

God will use anyone who has a willing heart as a means to advance His kingdom. I am thankful that God can take the smallness that I have to offer and use it for something BIG. If others knew what a blessing it is to serve God, more would do it!

I am so thankful for chances He has given me to grow and trust Him as never before. Opportunity to let His light shine through me. So thankful! Because only Jesus can make something God glorifying out of all our stuff! We surely can't!

I am honored that the Creator of all chose this beautifully crazy life for me!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's The Who, Not The What

Our world is a rule-centered society, where it should be a people-centered society. I have witnessed many times when we bring politics and religion into any given situation, it causes division. God never intended for our world to be divided. After all, the words in the Pledge of Allegiance say, "One Nation Under God". We are the ones that cause the division because of sin.

I have also witnessed in many different situations that people despise what they don't understand. And sometimes that leads us to be obnoxious and offensive. For this reason some have even said that if they say anything about Jesus to their friends, they are going to be an instant reject. That's what most often keeps believers from sharing Christ. Satan and the world around you try to make you believe that what people think is more important than the message of freedom you have to share with them. As long as you focus on yourself instead of others, you'll be ineffective as a liberator. When you evangelize and disciple others, you liberate them from the power of sin and Satan.

Jesus was no plastic saint. His world was gritty, smelly, and dirty. And when His life ended, He suffered a filthy, sweaty, bloody death. Because he lived a nitty-gritty life, He understands the nitty-gritty of your life. He knows about your struggles with life and work and problems because He had to deal with them too. He's a real-world kind of Savior.

To be a Christian means to put people before rules. No one was more people-centered than Jesus. He taught, healed, blessed, lived, and died for people. He came to help people see that the Old Testament rules they had made cold, brittle, and brutal were actually guidelines for loving God and people. The conflict that ignited in Mark 2 between the people-centered Savior and the rule-centered Jewish leaders is what led those leaders to nail Jesus to the cross (see Mark 3:6)

If you only hang out with other believers, attend only Christian events, and buy only from Christian-owned stores, you're totally missing the chance to be people-centered "salt" in the world - to communicate God's love firsthand, as Jesus did, to those who need it most.

One warning: If you spend time with non-Christians to win them to Christ, you might catch it at both ends. Non-Christians may mock you because you won't get involved in some of their activities, and Christians friends might reject you because they assume you're diving into sin. If that happens, take heart. You're in great company. Because Jesus spent time with a tough crowd, the self-righteous Pharisees criticized Him.

I have been rejected by some of my friends because of my faith. You need people. But you need Jesus most of all. Some may say that I blog for my own glory. But if you will look back over the more than 400 posts on my blog, you will see only a handful of comments. If I were doing it for my own glory I would have stopped blogging a long time ago. Genuine love doesn't give with a payback in mind. Whether or not its actions or words are appreciated, love keeps giving.

In all our activities, our emphasis should be on honoring God, rather than ourselves. When God's spirit is alive within us, HE compels us to take ground back for the Kingdom of God.

Let your smile change the world. But don't let the world change your smile.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Jesus Made The Difference

Life isn't fair. Innocent babies dies. Good people suffer. Believers hurt terribly. And we tend to think we are entitled to lives free from big-time struggles, sorrows, and suffering. However, your loving Savior never promised you an escape from life's tough stuff, but He did promise to tromp through it with you.

When God made the world, he put in place natural laws, like the laws of gravity and the laws of motion. Most of the time we benefit from those laws, but sometimes they make us victims. Gravity yanks a disabled airplane to the ground, and people die. God also gives people choices, some make the wrong ones and innocent people suffer. God doesn't suspend those laws for good people.

And since Christ got through his own suffering and death to rise triumphantly, He can certainly get you through whatever you suffer.

The value of faith isn't in the one doing the believing, but the one who is believed. Jesus made the difference. The Christian faith isn't fuzzy. It's objective. It's focused on the real truth of what Jesus did for you. Faith in anything else - no matter how hard you may believe - can't save you.

My faith in God, who hears and answers my prayers, is what has guided me through my ordeal. I have prayed for skilled care providers and the courage to face all challenges in my life as a result of this undiagnosed "thing" I have. I feel that all struggles in life are a wake-up call from God for us to take a serious look at our lives and our future. I have a new outlook on life thanks to my struggles. And I wouldn't change anything...except for maybe, getting a name to this "thing".

WooHoo! I received my Mayo Clinic packet in the mail today! Next on the list is booking a place to stay. I have been doing a lot of research on Mayo Clinic and am very excited to be going to a place where a team of doctors work together to run tests, diagnose, and decide a treatment plan. I am starting out in the Endocrinology department. During my research, I found that Mayo Clinic has one of the largest group of endocrinologists in the world, with more than 50 endocrinologists who evaluate and treat patients for endocrine and metabolic disorders. State-of-the-art diagnosis and therapy options are available for endocrinology patients at Mayo Clinic.

So what can we do when darkness is all around? We can choose goodness!

We've had a rough year, haven't we? One that could cause our hearts to sink or make us cry our eyes out. Evil, with its tedious slash-and-burn methods is out there. But what I know this year is that I have been more drawn toward bedrock belief in the goodness of God. I somehow do not feel at all discouraged but even more sure that God's love is stronger than all that is tirelessly arrayed against it. He can carry us through ANYTHING!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Christmas Blessing

For unto us a child is born to free us from Satan's scorn.

God became man and moved into the neighborhood. He became like us in every way, excluding the sinful part, because He values us and yearns for relationship with us. His actions cut the chains of sin and its destructive, deadly influence in our lives.

Christ's birth placed Bethlehem on the map. And His birth in our common hearts erases our insignificance....A baby changes EVERYTHING!

The spectacular glory of God’s love for us was revealed in the coming of Jesus.

Christ came to bring peace on earth, not just a small part of the earth, but the whole earth. He came to make right what was made wrong by sin. He came to inaugurate God's kingdom and the peace that follows when God rules. Christ came to bring wholeness to broken people, broken relationships, broken families, broken nations, and a broken world. He came to bring the peace of God, which includes justice and blessing for all.

The real gift of Christmas is not more goodies under a tree, but a King and a Lord who came for every one of us. You can be wealthy or destitute, powerful or lowly. You can be burdened with all the shame that your sins have brought upon you. Yet this King will accept you, heal you, and forgive you as you kneel before Him.

God wants to REIGN on your parade.

God is not the grand marshal of the parade; He IS the parade. He's not the main event; He's the ONLY event. His Broadway features a single stage and star: Himself. He hosts the only production and invites every living soul to attend.

Praying that your life is enriched by the powerful reality of who Jesus is and the sweet gift of His saving grace.



Monday, December 24, 2012

Our Unexpected And Inappropriate Is His Expected and Appropriate

The only perfect Christmas was the Christmas Jesus came into our world. I believe that is by God's design. As long as we continue seeking perfection from anyone or anything but the Perfect One, we will never have peace with one another or with ourselves.

Over the years in my own life Christmas has meant different things to me at different times. As I have walked through the years I can say that I have resented the season and adored the season. I have mentioned before that both of my parents passed away during the month of December, but four years apart. I wonder if there is any other time of year that holds more power to inspire joy and cause great sadness simultaneously. One day that does unify and divide, regardless of where you are on your own spiritual journey. One that causes many to stumble or be sidetracked, distracted or distant.

A baby changes everything!

Christ was sent to earth to fill the void that was caused by man turning his heart on God. If we should turn our hearts toward the world's view of Christmas at the expense of not having Christ as the focal point, then the season won't have the power to fill the void in our hearts. Remember, it was Satan convincing Eve that she could find fulfillment outside of God's will that formed the void to begin with.

The world was never expecting the Messiah to be born in a manger with poor parents. The world never expected that the first people to worship the Messiah would be a group of shepherds who were working the night shift. This just didn't fit the idea of how God would come in and rescue His people. But His people didn't understand from what they needed rescuing. God wanted to save them for eternity, but they wanted circumstantial salvation.

The "Christmas" that the world portrays will leave you empty and hurting. However, the CHRIST-mas that is spoken of in Luke 1 will fill your hearts and lives with great joy, whether you have a worldly Christmas or not. Always remember that nothing can replace Christ and the joy that He gives to the human heart.

Christmas and hard times come in seasons. But Christ is year-round and will never forsake you, especially in your darkest valleys. If you are hurting this Christmas because of lack, separation, or the loss of a family member, then invite the Lord to fill that void with His comfort, peace and love.

Whether or not we want to admit, we all have a preconceived notion of who God is. We all have an idea of what He'll do in our situations (or what He should do). We all seem to know how God fits into our lives. But, the problem with all of that is, there is too much of God for us to know all of Him...God already has a plan and knows what He will do in our lives....God is too big to fit into our lives - we fit into His. John 1:10 (NLT) says, "He came into the very world He created, but the world didn't recognize Him." How could the world not recognize its own Creator? For the very reasons stated above! Please read Luke 2:16-20.

It makes me wonder how often I've missed a treasure because I was expecting something different. When have I expected God to behave in a certain way that made more sense to me? When have I expected God to fit in to a piece of my life when I should have been asking how He wanted me to fit into His life? This Christmas, as you worship our Savior who came to earth in such an unexpected way, ask God to search your heart and show you your possible stumbling blocks based on expectations.


The true meaning of Christmas....Our society teaches us that Santa says you have to be good to get presents at Christmas. But what human is good? Christmas isn't for those of us that measure up. Christmas is for all of us that couldn't. ♥


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Satan Is A Cold-Blooded Life Destroyer

Satan and his minions are still here, continuing their war against God and His creation - man. The world is in a mess today because the bad seeds sown by the devil have taken over the field.

But Satan serves God's purposes. Because Satan can only deceive those who reject the truth, that is why God permits him to operate. As Satan deceives people, the condition of their heart is made apparent. God will know exactly who loves Him and who hates Him.

The enemy is at work sowing seeds of discord in churches, seeds of unfaithfulness in marriages and seeds of discontentment in many people's hearts. Yet some people have never figured out that their troubles began as tiny seeds sown by a spiritual enemy while they were sleeping.

Because this world is so ignorant of God, Satan can tell them virtually anything, and they will believe it. But the Bible makes it very clear that demons are our major, major enemies, and deception that leads us into sin is their game.

We are not puppets on a string, and he cannot influence us unless we give him the opportunity. If we are spiritually aware - and not sleeping - we can see him at work, we do not have to submit to him.

Persistence means refusing to quit....We must keep going when everyone else has quit....We must keep being faithful to God even we it seems you aren't making progress....We must keep getting up after we've been knocked down....We must keep praying and don't give up....We can't do it in our own power, but we can get out of any rut through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We must remember that Satan's lies produce death through sin, and they are deliberate attempts to wipe us out. Satan is a cold-blooded life destroyer, and so are his low-level minions that help him.

God will not accommodate our doubt by bending His promises. Our disbelief doesn't affect God, it affects us. The promises are already ours, we just have to claim them.

Because I have put my faith and trust in Jesus, and He lives in me, then I know that GREATER is HE who is in me than he who is in the world trying to discourage me and defeat me. Jesus is our healer....emotionally, spiritually and physically.


Sometimes The Questions Are Complicated And The Answers Are Simple

Our God is a positive God. The Bible is Good News. The cross is the ultimate plus sign. What is your focus?

Living in a fallen world can bring disappointment and disillusionment to some. Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you HIGHER! Life is already filled with those who want to bring you down.

Jesus did not die on the cross just to get us out of hell and into heaven. He died on the cross to get Himself out of heaven and into us! That is resurrection life - and the very place where we get our enough!

The God who needs nothing, came needy. The God who came to give us mercy, was at our mercy. Our God who paid with Himself, incalculable sacrifice, to lay down on the bark of a tree just to pull us close. WOW!

And He who entered our world, He lets us say it in a thousand ways - that there is no room at the inn.

What our world and nation needs now is not more or less gun control, but rather to give God control of our hearts and lives, to speak truth in love, to be His hands and feet to a broken world.
Not saying it's easy, but how different might our world look if those of us who claim His name actually put Him first?


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Don't Be Swayed By Your Circumstances

Living in a fallen world can bring disappointment and disillusionment to some. Don't be swayed by your circumstances. Things aren't always as they seem! Sometimes when you think the answer to your prayer is "no," it is just "not yet."

Abraham waited nine years for God to fulfill His promise of giving him a son. Each passing day brought an opportunity for doubt. But Abraham looked past the facts. He was not swayed by the circumstances. Hebrews 6:15 says, "And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised."

We tend to think our faith should operate like a microwave. We pop a little bag into the microwave and two minutes later we have hot, delicious popcorn. Unfortunately, faith doesn't always work the same way.

In our life journey, maps and road signs are helpful, but what’s better is someone who has been there before and knows the way.

No matter what kind of guidance we need, God has gone before us and knows the best route.
I think sometimes we ask too little of God. We want a simple “yes” or “no” to our prayer. Maybe we think all we need is a short answer to our prayer and we’ll be able to take if from there. But what’s better than that is having the Guide himself. Don't make the answer to your prayers more important than the one you are praying to!

He’ll never lead us down the wrong path! He may take us on a few detours, but His route is the best route....because it gets us to where we need to be.

Trust the Guide that is ALWAYS by your side.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

No More Sting

When it comes to the seasons of life, we aren’t always prepared. We are to “expect the unexpected.”

And I for one really don’t like the unexpected. Never have. When I go to the doctor, I expect them to make me feel better. I want to know what horribly rare disease I have that is so completely unheard of that it got left out of the index.

Expectations are like carrying around a rulebook. We go into this journey totally unaware of what to expect. All throughout it, even when we think we know what’s headed our way, we find that we draw a complete blank. This was me today when the Mayo Clinic called me and said that I wouldn't be able to get in until April. So I am drawing a blank as to what is next. Could this be God telling me to go somewhere else? Or wait? I will definitely be praying for those answers.

So much along the journey here has been unexpected. It hasn't been what we've expected, but it has been what He planned. Our unexpected has been His expected for us. Remember that sometimes the answer to our prayer may look different than what we were expecting.

The space between my reality and my expectations will only change if I do. Maybe God has an appointment for me in the midst of this disappointment. He may want me to see, learn, know, or grow some way while I work through this unmet expectation. Disappointment only stings as long as I let it.

God hears our pleas even when He seems silent. The problem is that we cannot hear Him because of physical and mental exhaustion. When we come to the end of our rope, God ties a knot.

Nothing gets slipped past our Father. He leaves no stone unturned, no need unfulfilled. And it’s when we learn this simple truth of our Father’s love that we let God out of our box of expectations. It’s here that we take the limits off His grace and here that He is given free rein to rock our world in ways we can yet to imagine.

When you don’t know what to expect take comfort in these great expectations. If you are waiting on the Lord, whatever it is you are waiting for, it won’t be anything less than everything that you need.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Fix Your Mind On God

The Bible instructs us to live by faith - not by feelings. But we often tend to let our moods dictate our actions. And those actions aren't always positive actions. Satan loves it when we do his work for him. In light of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday, Gov. Malloy hit the nail on the head when he said, "Evil has visited this community."

I find it ironic that we ask, "Where was God when these innocent kids and teachers were killed" or "Why would God allow this to happen" when we are the ones who have removed God from our society in an effort to be tolerant and coexist. Good and evil will never coexist, nor will they tolerate one another.

Emotions mislead us. God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it. Ephesians 6:12 says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

I know that if I am listening to a message that makes me depressed and defeated, that's from Satan. Satan wants us to focus on the evil and negative things of this world so that we take our minds off of God and the good things.

We can't always fix our circumstances, but we can fix our minds on God. When we fix our minds on God we can face things that are out of our control and not act out of control. Self-effort alone can't tame our raw emotions. - Lysa TerKeurst

Impulsive Peter asked to meet Jesus on the water. He stepped out of the boat and, briefly, walked on the waves like His Lord. As long as Peter's eyes were on Jesus, he stayed atop the water, but the moment he looked away, he sank. Peter learned a valuable lesson.

The lesson works for believers today: Keep your eyes focused on the problems and you'll have mayhem. Focus on Jesus and you'll have peace.

God will only do as much for us as we allow Him to do in us.

In today's culture, it is easy to follow "my way." Nevertheless God wants us to live life His way. Our good and upright God tells us that when we come before Him as humble, meek, needy, or afflicted, He will teach us what is right and just. God will teach us His way of living.

God is always a gentleman - He's not going to force His life on us. But when we rely on Him alone, He'll enable us to not only survive but thrive in our daily routine.

Too often, it seems the negatives of life outweigh the positives. But God's Word shows us the lie - and the "liar" - behind those defeating thoughts. We have an enemy who delights in our believing such negative thoughts, an enemy who wants destruction for our souls. But Jesus came to give us life! We only have to choose it, as an act of the will blended with faith.

Faith assures us that daylight will dawn in our darkest moments. We can be encouraged that God can redeem anyone in any situation; even more, He can use their trials for their good and His glory. We must remember that it is not all about us, it's about Him and how to get His message to His people.

So if God places or allows anything difficult in our lives, we can be sure that the real danger or trouble will be what we will lose if we run or rebel against it. Jeremiah 32:27 says,"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"

When circumstances would have us believe there is no hope for our situation, God shows us otherwise. He is in the business of overcoming the impossible. He holds the universe in His hands, yet He cares about the details of our lives. He is totally trustworthy and true. His every promise is fulfilled through His Son, Jesus Christ - the ultimate example of God giving hope to the hopeless. We can trust God and believe that He is working out something good even from things that seem no good? There is ALWAYS potential good hidden within each chaotic situation if you put your faith in God.

Fix your mind on God! Each day, let's make a conscious decision to take hold of what Christ offers us - life, to the full.


Friday, December 14, 2012

A World Of Love Is What We Need

We must take the sin and corruption of our world seriously. We need salvation, without delay. We need You, Jesus! More than ever as a nation, we need to come together to ask God to help this nation that has become a cauldron of violence – it is everywhere, at school, at church, in our homes, workplaces, at the movies – everywhere. “Lord, hear our prayer”. Prayer Warriors unite to lift up the families, communities, classmates and coworkers of the victims in Newtown, CT. Lord please be present in the midst of this tragedy. Heal our nation as we need your presence in our schools, where our society has asked you to be removed. A world of love is what we need! In Jesus' name, Amen.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Backwards Thinking

Kindnesses is so rare these days that when someone really is kind, it shocks everyone. We have come to expect rudeness and are shocked at kindness. That is backwards thinking.

When you serve others in Christ's name, with no strings attached, people will notice something is different about you. You can clean someone's house, make a meal, mow a yard, watch someone's kids, or run an errand for someone. When we serve others in love, our lives look like Christ's life to the watching world. It's amazing what a difference the little things will make.

God wants us to be encouragers - not discouragers. We all love to be encouraged and made to feel really good about ourselves, and we hate to be around negative, discouraging people who tend to be fault finders.

We need to look for and magnify the good in every person. The Bibles teaches us to do unto others as we want them to do unto us, so all we need to do is think about what we want and start to give it away. If you want to be encouraged, then be encouraging!

We cannot expect everyone and everything around us to change so we can be comfortable while we are passive and do nothing.

Rudeness, quick tempers, and holding grudges seems to be very common today. People don't realize that they are playing right into the devil's hands when they allow these negative and poisonous emotions rule them. Sometimes I think we have more people in the world who are angry and offended than those that are not.

Living in a fallen world can bring disappointment and disillusionment to some. But Jesus came to bring light to our darkness and to bring healing to our wounds. When God's spirit is alive within us, HE compels us to take ground back for the Kingdom of God.

What if Heaven and God became our normal? Wouldn't that change everything? - Jennie Allen, Anything


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tough Faith

"What wouldn't be on His calendar for me today? Of all the things that I have on my calendar, what are the things that God doesn't have on His?"

Update on my Rheumatology appointment today: It looks like a trip to MUSC or Mayo Clinic is in my near future. I have a consultation appointment with my Primary Care doctor on Tuesday to get a referral. I've never been sooooo frustrated in my entire life!!! Lord, please give me strength! Amen

Sometimes when we think the answer is "no," it is just "not yet." We may not see or feel the inner workings of His silent power, but rest assured it is always mightily at work. And it will work for us, if we will only quiet our spirit enough to be carried along by the current of its power. - Hannah Whitall Smith

For the past eight months I have been searching for health answers, like Dorothy looking for a way home from Oz. But sometimes, in our best efforts, we do not get what we wanted - Because there is a greater plan, laid by the Master in which our needs are always taken care of....and with perfect timing.

Your greatest limitation is God's greatest opportunity. But with greater opportunities comes greater opposition.

We live in a dying, hurting, depraved world and many of our life lessons are learned through tears. But may we never run from a difficult lesson or flinch from the rod of discipline. Richer will be our crown, and sweeter will Heaven be, if we cheerfully endure to the end.

I believe God will fulfill His promises even though I don't see those promises materializing yet.

When we believe God's character and believe He will fulfill His promises, then we can demonstrate true faith. People need the gift of Jesus in our dying, hurting and depraved world. I can't assume someone else will give Him; I have to take the responsibility on myself.

Christ can never be taken from Christmas as long as He shines through us.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sometimes God's Will Is Not Pleasant Or Easy

Sometimes, God's will can feel like a chore. There will be things God asks me to do that are uncomfortable. Some how we think when we are in God's will we will enjoy every part of it. But often, God's will is not pleasant or easy. It can be a place we don't like. But God doesn't call us to like or enjoy it, He calls us to be faithful in it.

Operating in the flow of God's power is so much better than working against it. - Lysa TerKeurst

When we choose to live selfishly for ourselves, our lives shine more brightly here on Earth, but less glorious in His kingdom. For it is good to suffer in this life so we will reign in the one to come; to bear the cross below, to wear a crown above; and to know that not our will, but His will be done in us and through us.

We each have a choice: stretch ourselves, be willing to leave the coziness of our contentment and trust Him with the details or stay where we are and refuse to accommodate His greater plan because we're too lazy and self-absorbed to realize that it's not all about us.

When things don't follow my timetable or God doesn't "perform" the way I think He should....instead of getting mad at God, shutting down, or walking away....I hold onto Him even tighter. ♥


Monday, December 10, 2012

Sometimes I Need Reminders

For me, today has been one of those days where I needed a double shot of faith.

Our faith is incredibly important to God so much that He will take everything away so the only thing we have left to stand on is our faith in Him to show us that is all we need. Faith that He will keep His word even when it looks like nothing is happening. Faith that He has a plan even when your life goes completely off the rails. It is hard, incredibly hard to keep the faith when the silence is so loud; I get that, oh my goodness do I get that.

Wow! Now that I'm over my itty bitty, thyroid induced, pity party I can give you all an update on my first appointment of the week. I'm guessing you can already tell how it went. I've been a little down in the dumps today. Number one, it's the 6th anniversary of my mom's passing. And Number two, let me just go ahead and set the stage on how my appointment went this morning. It was like I walked into the doctor's office with my hair on fire and the doctor said, sorry, but I'm not going to give you any water to put it out. I mean really, my thyroid antibodies are sky high and I found out that my thyroid is in the hyper mode now vs the hypo mode. It continually goes from hypo to hyper. When they first diagnosed me with Hash's in 2007, my TSH was 111.65. Today my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was .068 and the normal range is between .045 and 4.5. My T4 was high also. It's always been on the high end. I am currently taking 100 mcg of Synthroid but my doctor would not adjust my Synthroid dose. I mean REALLY??? I have lost my peripheral vision in my right eye. I still have pain in my eye, head, neck, shoulders, arms and back.- I have had an unspecified rash for almost three months now.- I have swelling all throughout my body, but especially in my face and neck. - I am constantly tired! - I have tremors in my hands and arms. I lose approx. six pounds when my inflammation is not so bad. My doctor is aware of all this but does NOTHING!!!!! She just says to get a second opinion on my eye. And says that she will probably adjust my Synthroid dose next time being in 7 weeks.....Can you tell I'm frustrated?!?!

We learn what faith really is when the only thing we have left is Jesus, when we are stripped bare of everything and realize how little we have to offer, and the only thing we have left to hold onto to is our faith that our God is bigger than anything this world can muster up.

God has definitely challenged me to trust Him fully, and to watch and wait for Him to move in His timing. Jesus is reminding me that difficult times should not steal my joy in Him. Satan is the one trying to do that. A good friend of mine, Kristin, reminded me of this tonight as well....."Dalinda, as I read your words this was instantly clear: Because you are such a loving and Godly woman who praises God all day every day, and you share your testimony with all of us....the devil is trying to discourage you to take your focus away from God. He's trying to hit you when you're vulnerable and what better time than when you are at a "trusted" doctors office desperate for answers. I certainly agree with Jody about getting a new endocrinologist - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that your fluctuating thyroid levels need attention. I'm so sorry for this setback but confident that an answer is just around the corner. I'm always praying for you sweet friend."

Despite what we are going through, despite our circumstances, we need to have joy through it all. My life, like yours, is shaken to the core sometimes. But I know as long as I stay close to Jesus, I will be okay. But sometimes I need reminders!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Jesus Lives Here

As we celebrate this joyous season, hearts and minds are turned once again to the wonderful story of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as recorded in the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke. It is a story that is very familiar to most of us. Yet, I wonder just how many of us take the time to fully understand the full meaning behind this story. It is more than just a nice story to be read with our families at this time of year, but rather, the story contains a very important lesson for all of us today. Luke 2:7 which reads, “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” The fact that there was no room for Jesus’ birth was a sign that there would be no room for Him in this world.

Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus.

Christ is too great to be ignored; yet we live in a world that seems determined to ignore Him. Some have allowed religion to become more important than salvation.

The night of Jesus' birth I can imagine Joseph and Mary going from place to place asking if there was room but time and time again they are told there was no room. Finally, they come to an Inn and I am sure they were about to give up. The Inn Keeper tells them there was no room in the inn. Their only choice for a place to stay was in a stable.

There was no room at the inn, but God could have changed that....but He choose not to. God had a plan....Why did God let His Son be born in a stable?

The fact that there was no room for Jesus’ birth was a sign that there would be no room for Him in this world. God’s plan was for His only begotten son to come into this world in humble surrounding that show total surrender.

Isn’t it ironic that there was no room for Jesus at His birth, but there was room made on a cross at His death and he was the center of attention with a sign that says King of the Jews....God had a plan....First, Christ, the Son of God, willingly left Heaven's throne, took on a human body, and grew to manhood so He could die on a cross. God's only Son was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger, sent from Heaven to save us from our sin and give us everlasting life.

God will use any negative circumstances to refine our spiritual mind, prove His merciful power and teach us to further trust Him. And those who live in The Lord never see each other for the last time.

I have to tell you there is a blessing when you make room for Jesus in your life. He comes into your life and he doesn’t leave you the same. He cleans up what you have messed up. He gives you an extreme makeover. He washes away your sins and prepares you for a new life to come. Jesus makes room for you not just here on earth but He promises you a mansion in Heaven. I’m so glad that one day I made room for Jesus in my life. My life has not been the same and my future is very clear. I don’t have to worry about life after death because my life has be sealed by the blood of Jesus and my new home is guaranteed. I can testify that Jesus lives here. What about you.....have you made room for Jesus? - Rev. Dr. Henry Johnson

Remember, we are not promised tomorrow! If you haven't invited Jesus to stay in your Inn, this year let Christmas stay....Invite Him to stay in your Inn. Let the Christ of Christmas make every day a little happier, a little brighter, a little bigger. Make LIFE the special occasion, not just December 25.....JESUS LIVES HERE - all year, every year!!!


Those who live in The Lord never see each other for the last time. Photo of me, my mom and my dad at Capri's.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

When Defeat Seems Very Near

God knows how to change our circumstances in order to isolate us. This is when your faith is tested. This is when your troubles can cause the most harm. The devil comes and whispers to you, "God has forgotten you" or "God has forsaken you," and when defeat SEEMS very near, your unbelieving heart cries out, "If The Lord is with me why has all this happened to me?" God has allowed difficulty to come upon you, in order to bring you closer to Himself. It has come not to separate you from Jesus but to cause you to cling to Him more faithfully, more firmly, and more simply.

Seven years ago when my Mom was diagnosed with Endometrial cancer, my world and my Dad's world felt like it was coming to and end. Mom fought the cancer for sixteen months. During those sixteen months I witnessed her pain and her fragile little body slowly deteriorate. This was undoubtably the hardest thing I ever had to go through in the 35 years of my life. I struggled to stay strong for my Dad. I was an only child so I didn't have any siblings to share in the responsibilities. I also had a husband and two young boys to care for, which made it extremely difficult. Dad had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and I knew sooner or later I would have to search for an assisted living facility for him to live. He put up a fight about this because he didn't want to leave his home that he shared with my Mom for 45 years. I can't much blame him.

After several falls, Dad finally agreed that he needed to go somewhere that could assist him in his daily routines of living. Ten days after he moved, Dad had a major heart attack. Upon arrival at the emergency room the doctors told me that they thought he had had a stroke along with the major heart attack and that he wasn't expected to live longer than 48 hours.....My heart sank! I had just lost my mother 2 years before this and how in the world could I manage losing another parent in such a short time. I was pleading with God, why me? I got down on my hand and knees and prayed. The next morning the doctor met with me and said that things weren't as they seemed. I asked him what he meant by that. He said that Dad did not have a stroke, his kidneys were no longer failing, but he did had a major heart attack that caused damage to his heart. He wasn't sure how long he would live. I was praising God because He had given me more time with my Dad. No matter how long it was, it was more than 48 hours.

He lived for sixteen months, just as my Mom did. During these sixteen months I watched him struggle to breath, I watched his fragile little body slowly deteriorate. I was reliving my heartache all over again.

My Dad passed away two years ago tomorrow.....December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. My Dad was in the Navy and was stationed at Pearl Harbor so I thought this was kind of special that he passed on this day. And my Mom passed on December 10th, 6 years ago. They both went home to Heaven in the month of December, just before the celebration of Jesus' birth. Wow! What an awesome God we serve.

In our own pain and frustration, there are times when our eyes don't see the beauty God sends. But if we'll ask, He'll show us. God is faithful to build us up with everything we need to serve Him with joy.

Seven years ago, I would have never thought that I could give thanks and praise God for allowing such heartache in my life. I have lost my Mom to cancer and my Dad to heart disease during these years, and am now battling health issues myself. But these years have been the most spiritually beautiful and enriched years which I have experienced in my entire life!

I realize now that I have an amazing testimony of God's hand in my life....that testimony says to trust God and have faith that He knows what is best for your life, even when it doesn't make sense. Because it doesn't matter what happens to us, but what happens in us.


Want to know how a Christmas Blessing Bank works? Like my Facebook page at

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life Can Be Understood Backward, But It Must Be Lived Forward

God is always there, always waiting for us to take the time to seek, ask, and find Him. We are the one's who are too busy with life to notice Him.

So much along the journey here has been unexpected. It hasn't been what we've expected, but it has been what He planned. Our unexpected has been His expected for us.

My circumstances are not perfect. I have struggles. I don’t fully understand what God is up to…BUT, through it all, God has been with me.

The most beautiful truth about following Christ is His ability to reveal to us His limitlessness as we journey through the tough times.

When you and I are lost in an ocean of ups and downs, only God is outside the boat. Only God can see beyond the waves. Only God can calm the storm and lead us safely to our destination.

Suffering is trying and difficult to bear, but hiding just below its surface is discipline, knowledge, and limitless possibilities. Each of these not only strengthens and matures us but also equips us to help others.

Joy sometimes needs pain to give it birth.

I am thankful that though the going appears rough at times, it is always abundantly paved with His mercies. God extends mercy to us each day. We're designed to live, love, and grow. Along the way, we'll also fall. It's part of being human. God's mercy gives us the courage to risk trying again. He's sentenced us to life - eternal life - and to freedom to grow in the shelter of His love.

Someday we will know that the most exquisite work of our lives was done during those days when it was the darkest. Life can be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

"Life is a steep climb, and it is always encouraging to have others ahead of us "call back" and cheerfully summon us to higher ground. We all climb together, so we should help one another. The mountain climbing of life is serious, but glorious business; it takes strength and steadiness to reach the summit. And our view becomes better as we gain altitude, and as we discover things of importance, we should "call back" our encouragement to others." - L.B. Cowman

God delights in using His people - right in the middle of all that appears crazy and wrong and hopeless. Now is the time to serve God, not next week or next year or when things get better. He wants our cheerful, obedient service right in the midst of - in spite of - our difficult circumstances.

When you rejoice in the midst of your difficulties, you're giving the enemy a black eye! He doesn't know what to do with people who keep giving God praise despite their circumstances. Learn how to smile and laugh. Quit being so uptight and stressed out. Make your choice to enjoy your life to the fullest today. Go ahead and move forward with joy in your life and knock the enemy out!

Every difficult stretch of road on which you see His footprints and along which He calls you to follow Him leads unquestionably to blessings. And they are blessings you will never receive unless you travel the steep and thorny path.

God’s presence trumps pain.

As I typed that last sentence, tears came to my eyes. I hate pain. I long for the day when the pain we endure in this life is gone. And yet, each time the Lord has led me through one of life’s valleys, I have found beautiful peace because He was there walking in the valley with me. Sometimes, it’s in the valleys where we discover the stillest waters and the greenest meadows.


Want to know how a Christmas Blessing Bank works? Like my Facebook page at

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Keep Moving, Growing and Transforming

Sometimes the smallest gesture of joy can mean a lot to a person in pain. It's not always easy being a joyful person. Most of us are more experienced in grumbling than glowing. But to those who've learned to "count it all joy," the boomerang blessings far out number the bruises.

Each morning when I rise I remind myself, through God's Word, that He is at work in my life. Therefore, I know something good is going to happen to me. You could see your whole life turn around if you would simply start thinking thoughts that are consistent with the positive principles of God's Word. Just meditate on them and see how your life will change!

We have to have faith to accomplish great things in our lives. If you don't think your dreams will ever come to pass, they never will. If you don't think you have what it takes to rise up and set that new standard, it is not going to happen. The barrier is in your mind, which the Scripture calls a "stronghold." It is a wrong thinking pattern that keeps us imprisoned in defeat. And that is why it is so important that we think positive thoughts of hope, faith, and victory.

We are created in His image. That means we have the ability to do great and mighty things in our time on this earth! But all too often, we allow complacency to keep us in mediocrity. We get comfortable where we are, and we use that as an excuse. How sad is that!

A powerful step toward living at your full potential - to keep moving, growing and transforming - is to discover the power of your thoughts and words. Many people are not reaching their full potential because their thinking patterns are defective. You cannot think thoughts of failure and expect to succeed.

You've got to quit dwelling on the negative. Don't magnify your problems. Magnify your God. The bigger we make God, the smaller our problems become.

God didn't spend seven days creating things and then put His creation abilities on the shelf. He is continually creating wonderful things for His people. When we look at the seven says of Creation, let's thank God that He didn't set things in motion and then walk away.

God's thoughts will fill you with faith, hope, and victory. They will build you up and encourage you. So, if you will get your thinking lined up with God's thinking, nothing will be able to stop you. No obstacle will be too high, no situation too difficult. If you believe God's Word, all things are possible.

To live your very best life every day, you must trust God and believe you are a victor and not a victim. When you go through disappointments in life -- and we all do -- or when you face a setback and it looks as though one of your dreams has died, keep believing, keep moving toward the finish line, don't stop! When it looks dark and dreary and you don't see any way out, remind yourself that your heavenly Father created the whole universe. He is in control of your life, guiding and directing your steps. His plans for you are good and not evil. Don't make the mistake of sitting around grumbling and feeling sorry for yourself. No, put on a fresh new attitude. Bask in the glow of God's grace. Take what God has given you and make the most of it.

You know the truth; it is time to allow that truth to set you free.

1 Corinthians 15:57 -- But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!


Want to know how a Christmas Blessing Bank works? Like my Facebook page at

Monday, December 3, 2012

I'm Connected To Something Outside Of My Circumstances, So I'm Content

The world is in ongoing trauma. Everybody is uncomfortable! We are in transition and we have to get okay with that. We are in a labor and delivery room, so to speak, until the day we die. Let me explain, when women are in labor they are uncomfortable because of the pain. But they have to experience the pain to get through the transition to give bring new life. Same with our lives here. We are in labor daily and experience discomfort, but we must take up our cross (sacrifice) and follow Jesus in order to transition to new life....Our eternal life in Heaven.

True contentment is having an identity outside of the moment...I'm stable regardless of the circumstances...I'm connected to something outside of the circumstances. People think if circumstances change, it will fix the heart - the contentment they are longing for. But true contentment comes only from God. - Matt Williams, Grace Church (See Phil 4:10) Saturate yourself in the Word today. It's comforting to know that God's Truth rises above our troubling circumstances and calls us to see life from a perspective outside of our screaming realities. - Lysa TerKurst

All that you are designed to be finds its fulfillment in the world to come. We will be transformed so that we will fit there. And in Heaven, we will be set free. If you have that kind of hope then it frees you to be powerful now.

God's perfect plan is to bring each of us into fellowship and communion with Him, and so he allows circumstances and incidences which bring our wrong attitudes to our attention.

Jesus didn't promise to change the circumstances around us, but He did promise great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things.

Because of Jesus, I am God's child. That's my identity. That's the reality of who I am. I am accepted in the Beloved. When I live in this reality, the affirmation of others, or even myself, is not necessary.

I'm finding my balance, slowly but surely. In the beginning I was just holding on for dear life.

Jesus is all about choices. I've heard people say they could never believe in a God who let's bad things happen to good people. What they're really saying is that they can't believe in a God who would allow people freedom to live their lives according to their own choices. These people want a God who legislates love.

The real God is above that. The real God allows His creatures to make evil choices, and He will not negate the results of these choices. But He died to give us freedom to repent of those choices if we choose, and He will redeem the evil as it affects our lives if we let Him. Often, however, we are too busy screaming and protecting our wounds to let Him.

The future disciplines the present. This is a moment of preparation for something else. It's not about our comfort. There is a part of you that is noticeably collapsing (your earthly body) and their is a part of you that is getting stronger (your soul- spiritually) So be encouraged, our present struggles are only for a short time....Praise the Lord!

Physical death is coming like a train. It is a curse and a blessing. Death is a product of sin. Death is unnatural. It was not an original part of life. But it creates transition to be relieved from this sinful new life....a life of true Heaven - all because of Jesus Christ.

We are all in transition. Some of us are content in our circumstances because we have an identity outside of the circumstances.

My identity is in Jesus Christ. I am a Child of God because of His sacrifice, and because I chose to accept Him as my personal Lord and Savior. As believers, we need to be pursuing those who are searching for their identity. We need to be verbal about our faith. Your faith is personal, but it's not private. I want my light for Jesus to shine so brightly that you'll need a dimmer switch!


Want to know how a Christmas Blessing Bank works? Like my Facebook page at

Friday, November 30, 2012

Just Because We Feel It Doesn't Make It Real

Our attitude toward unpleasant things is a vital part of going through them successfully. Although God never authors bad things, He does use them for our spiritual growth. God may use a grouchy person to help us become more patient. God did not cause them to be grouchy, but neither does He remove them from our life when we asked Him to. Instead, He uses them to change us!

I love this time of year for what it means spiritually, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Physically, I don't like this time of year because it gets dark at 5:30 in the afternoon. When we start our day it's dark, and when we finish our work day it's dark. SEEMS dark all the time. Just because we feel it, doesn't make it real. But I've come to realize we base our understanding on how we look at things, not on how they actually are. I believe God allows time changes so we can appreciate the light when all seems dark. Same with our trials...we wouldn't appreciate the good if we didn't have the bad. But there is always something good in every situation, season, and heartache. If we can't see it, then we're not looking hard enough.

God has given us the gifts, talents, abilities, and grace we need to do His will in life. God's grace is actually His power and He will not only give us grace, but promises grace and more grace - and His power is available to us! Now, if we don't keep the right mind-set, the enemy can defeat us with thoughts of inadequacy, which he loves to do when he sees the opportunity. He is always prowling around.

Don't speak out of your emotions because how we feel does not always agree with God's Word. That's why it's important to realize that even though we feel it, it doesn't make it real.

We can easily deceive ourselves into thinking we have great faith but if we are easily defeated by challenges, then perhaps our faith is not as great as we thought it was.

Do your thoughts and words reflect your complete dependence on God, realizing that His abilities (not your own) empower you to do anything you need to do in life? I asked myself this question and did some self-examination and it did open my eyes to understanding that I need to make some changes, but changes for God are always good.

We must remember that negative words and words that speak of failure come from the enemy, not from God. God tells us to have courage, so always remember if you feel "dis- couraged," that is from Satan and if you feel "en-couraged," that is from God.

On this last day of November - I am, and always will be thankful for God who is forever on His throne. I am also thankful that though my little mind can't even begin to imagine the beauty and goodness of Heaven, this earth is not my home - all because of the hope I have in Jesus Christ!


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Scrooge Didn't Create The World; God Did

The world tells us how to look, how we need to behave, and what we should find entertaining. People seem to have an opinion on everything we think, say, and do. People can find all kinds of reasons to say, "Something's wrong with you." We, believers, must remember that Satan wants us to become self-focused by making us figure out what's wrong with ourselves.

The world is wrong!

Scrooge didn't create this world; God did. We are "in" this world, but we don't have to be "of" this world.

What would happen if I stop making everything about me and consider others?

What would happen if I made it my mission to be the best person I can be every single day, to reflect Christ’s attitudes and actions and compassion no matter what that day holds?

What would happen if I had the courage to stop dreaming and start doing?

What would happen if I started praying for those who hurt or annoy me instead of rehearsing every offense for days after it’s done?

What would happen if I let go of my fear of others’ opinions and did what God’s put in my heart?

What would happen if I took a break from things that overwhelm or distract me and replaced them with quiet time with Him?

What would happen if I began to focus on only the positive things in my life?

What would happen if I stopped begging God and started trusting Him to handle it in His time, His way?

What would happen if I took God’s promises and directives personally, like they were written specifically for me?

And yet we live as if we don’t know the answers to these questions.

What would happen if we stood in line to see Jesus just as we line up for Santa, good deals, new electronics, sporting events and concerts? But have we ever done that for Jesus? Have we been as excited over Jesus as we get over an expensive new phone or our favorite football team? Oh friends, let's get excited over JESUS!

Don't be the Scrooge "of" this world! Get excited over the one who laid down His life for you! Because of Jesus, we have hope of eternal life in Heaven with Him....NOW THAT'S SOMETHING TO GET EXCITED ABOUT!!!!!!!

Our hope isn't built on our performance but on Jesus' righteousness.

The Gospel isn't a one time message for the unbelievers but a constant miracle for the imperfect - the message that cleans up every mess.

The Gospel isn't just the hope of the unsaved - the Gospel is the very heart of the already saved.

Absorbing the truth of the Gospel daily isn't a cliche, it's critical. Otherwise, it's your very life that's in critical condition.

This world doesn't have anything that can burn down the faith of a heart on fire for God. AMEN!

We become what we believe we are; therefore, as we become convinced that we are right with God, our behavior will improve....NO MORE SCROOGE!

Don't wait another minute to believe that God accepts you. He views you as being in right standing with Him, and loves you unconditionally.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

No More Same Old, Same Old

Same old is comfortable. Same old is familiar. Same old is easy. But....Same old doesn't challenge us. Same old doesn't change us. Same old doesn't prepare us for the greater things ahead. Same old doesn't grow us in our spiritual walk with the Lord. Same old, doesn't bless us.

I believe God allows trials in our lives to bless us. Pain means we are being loved by God enough that He is pruning us to bear fruit. We, as believers, need to recognize God's pruning as being helpful, not painful. Life is too short to miss out on God's wonderful opportunities and blessings. Life is too short to go through trials and come out empty!

Seven years ago, I would have never thought that I could give thanks and praise God for allowing such heartache in my life. I have lost my Mom to cancer and my Dad to heart disease during these years, and am now battling health issues myself. But these years have been the most spiritually beautiful and enriched years which I have experienced in my entire life!

Trials present opportunities for thankfulness.

I am thankful for one more day, one more moment to live this life. Thankful for memories made, and memories revisited. As treasured as the material things can be, the things felt with the heart and soul are even more treasured.

God doesn't need your things. He needs you - your heart, your mind, your willingness, your all.

Lord Jesus, how awesome it is that You send or allow these trials that prepare us for greater things. May we recognize Your hand in them today and praise You for them. In Jesus' name...Amen!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Where The Mind Goes, The Man Follows

It's amazing how quickly and completely our thoughts can change our moods. Negative thinking of any kind quickly steals my joy and causes a variety of bad moods because negativity is a trait of Satan.

No matter how dark your circumstances, God can redeem them.

Plan A is always our first choice in life because it's our choice. But God sometimes has a different plan...Plan B. This plan sometimes SEEMS to be the upside-down, inside-out version where nothing goes as WE think it should. It's at this point the real test of our character comes in. We need to be more concerned with our character than our reputation...because our character is who we really are, while our reputation is merely what others think we are. When our life doesn't go as WE planned, do we wallow in self-pity and negative thoughts and play the victim or simply shift gears and make the best of the situation? The choice is ours. After is all about how you handle Plan B.

When must stop merely waiting for something good to happen and take action to ensure something good will happen.

When we are negative and gloomy, other people don't enjoy being with us, and when our thoughts are down, everything else goes down with them. People who tend to be negative in their thoughts and conversation are usually unhappy and rarely content with anything very long. Even if something exciting happens, they soon find something wrong with it. As soon as they see one thing wrong, they tend to fix their minds on it; any enjoyment they might have is blocked by focusing on the negative. Satan is always fishing, hoping to catch someone in his trap; don't take his bait!

We have the ability to make ourselves happy or sad by what we choose to think. We can control what we think, and we can choose our thoughts. We don't have to meditate on everything that pops into our minds. We can break up with bad habits and form good habits. Learning to think great thoughts on purpose is the key to a great life. Lord, may Your light be the fire in my soul!

If we want rainbows in this life we gotta have rain. When the rain comes we gotta pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and go out and look for puddles to play in. We gotta train ourselves to look for the good in every situation. For when we focus on the Lord, He will bring us through. He's always giving us more opportunities to glorify Him in the daily events of our lives. There is ALWAYS a rainbow surrounding Christ.

However good or bad a situation is, it will change. But His light is always on me, even through darkness, even in rain. So no matter what is happening, no matter how I feel, I choose to look for the good and praise God!

A positive thought: The blue sky of Heaven is much larger than the dark clouds.

Don't take a chance with your life because life doesn't end here. Life goes on for eternity. Your eternity will either be in Heaven or Hell. It's your choice.

There are no surrogate promises with God. So stop talking trash and start talking truth to your heart.


Monday, November 26, 2012

My Focus, My Choice

The one who holds the tongue, holds the power.

There are often contributing factors that lead to volatile reactions. Stress overload often weakens your resolve to respond to situations in a Christlike manner. Often times it is very difficult to respond with the gentleness of Jesus. But pure and simple, you learn to respond like Jesus even when you don't feel like it! How do you do this? You determine to. You make yourselves aware of where you are on your personal stress scale and, you adjust your schedule. For example, if you are weighing heavy on the stress side, you may want to avoid some situations or people, if possible, until you feel calmer. And if avoiding them isn't an option, ask the Lord to help you remain calm and respond with His gentleness.

When I think of the gentleness of Jesus, I think of power under control.

It takes great strength to contain your anger instead of lashing out. It's the Jesus thing to do, and it is His power, not yours, that enables you to respond this way. (See Luke 8)

My feelings are indicators, not dictators.

As we discern what is pleasing to the Lord, we will do what is good, right, and true.

Wherever we focus our attention the most, that will become the driving force in our lives. The more I focus on trying to figure out how to please God, the more of a magnified force He will become in my life. My focus, My choice.

Every year, the last Saturday of November is Football Rivalry Weekend for most college football teams. This event is usually fun. When I was a little girl, our neighbors across the street from us pulled for our rivals. We used to have the best time kidding one another about our teams. I remember a particular year, their team won. When we drove in the driveway from the football game, a stuffed Tiger was hanging from our basketball goal by its neck. The next year, our team won and we took the stuffed Tiger and my Mom sewed garnet and black chicken feathers in its mouth. We took an old shoebox and used green construction paper to make a football field. We placed the Tiger with the chicken feathers in its mouth, in the center of the football field, put the cover on the box, and took it to our neighbors. We had the best time with them! This is what rivalry games are supposed to be about....having fun!

On November 24 of this year, our team lost to the rival team. But not without volatile reactions by the opposing team...on national television. How sad that this sporting event has become so fierce when it is supposed to be fun! Two of their good players "showed their tail feathers", so to speak in a hostile fashion. But I am very proud to say that our players did not retaliate. In another incident, a different one of their players hit one of our players helmet to helmet and then taunted him. Still our players showed class and did not retaliate.

"A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinion." Proverbs 18:2 NIV

We must remember that the chaos isn't from our circumstance, it's inside us. It is very important to remember that the one who holds the tongue, holds the power.

There have been several of my Facebook friends who have made their feelings their dictators. Some examples of these include people posting a picture of the taunting after the sack. Two of their players got in the face of our player while he was still on the ground.

People have bragged about this player's behavior saying things like,"Cracking skulls is his job!" and "it's Football, Not Sunday School." So obviously some people chose to place their focus on football, not on pleasing God.

Other people have complained about having their friends delete them from Facebook because of negative comments they made. The focus of the people that deleted them is obviously in a much different place...on pleasing God.

Philippines 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

*The one who holds the tongue, and the temper, holds the power. Focus on God, not your feelings.*


Friday, November 23, 2012

Hope Is An Attitude

We all experience moments of hopelessness in our earthly journeys. The death of our dreams, the crashing down of our hopes, the promises of God seemingly unfulfilled...we are no more immune to disappointment than Jesus' disciples were.

Many people fail to enjoy the abundance God has for them because they have an "I'm needy" mindset. I think acting as if God will not meet your needs or doesn't want us to have our needs met is rather insulting to Him. We should compliment Him by believing He is good and by expecting Him to meet our needs according to the promises in His Word.

Fearing we will not have what we need is exactly what Satan wants. We can open the door to his will through fear just as we can open the door to God's will through faith.

Hope is a mental shift that we choose for ourselves as we tap into our spiritual reserves. When we decide to be hopeful, we open ourselves to discover the wisdom and strength we may have not known existed. When we ask ourselves to stay positive and we answer the call, we are rewarded with knowledge of what we have learned in life. Our lessons, when viewed from this perspective, show us that things generally work out as they should. With hindsight, we are able to understand how a greater plan has been working in our lives.

Hope and a future, prosperity and peace - we can trust that, even when things seem hopeless, God is still at work, carrying out His promises.

My life is not without challenges, but I enjoy a lot more good things than bad ones. In the past, when I expected trouble, I often got it, but now that I expect good, I often get that. Sometimes I even get better than what I have hoped for or expected because that's the way God is. I am so glad God has taught me to aggressively expect good things to happen in my life. He gives us exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all that we dare to hope, ask, or think. (see Ephesians 3:20)


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Is The Highest Form of Worship

I believe it’s especially important to thank our Lord during our deepest struggles.

Our thanksgiving is not dependent upon our circumstances. We can learn to give thanks even under the greatest provocations. Job is a perfect example to us!

The smallest of inconveniences often tip us over the edge to irritation, frustration, and anger. We certainly are not thinking of giving thanks. Every one of us struggles with adjusting to our situation when it isn’t in accordance with our will. How much better it would be for us if we did.

It’s not easy to be thankful when our world is falling apart, and God has yet to answer our prayers. It’s not easy to be thankful when our pain is so great. With the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in our heart, we can overcome our feelings and position ourselves to be thankful.

Because gratitude is a gift you can choose every day. This is a time to look forward...but also a time to look see what has brought you here and give thanks for all that has happened on the road of life. It is the love and joy we attain that warms our lives and hearts, but it is the challenges we overcome that allow us to truly feel the glow of accomplishment in our spiritual growth.

So I am very thankful when I hear friends praise God for the dark times because even in those dark times, God is there.

We have much to be thankful for. So let us count our blessings and acknowledge God’s providential care for us. Let us rejoice in His love and mercy and grace.

The most important thing to remember this Thanksgiving is that Christian contentment is a convection that Christ's power, purpose and provision are sufficient for any and all circumstances. Contentment is saying out loud in your heart and soul: "I have Christ and that is enough." (see 2 Corinthians 12:9)

I am thankful for God who is forever on His throne. AMEN!

I am thankful that though I cannot imagine Heaven, this earth is not my home because of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.

Today also brings with it thankfulness for the promising days ahead. Knowing that through the terrifying events of the tribulation, I will be sitting at the feet of my Father in Heaven.

I am thankful for being able to share the Gospel truth with friends around the corner and across the world. For my soul purpose in sharing the Gospel with my friends is because I want to see all of you sitting at the feet of our Heavenly Father along with me. For all of God's promises are "Yes!" in Christ Jesus.


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Love Is Why We Are Here

As Thanksgiving approaches, I want to really focus my heart in the right place.

It’s easy to get caught up in the holiday shuffle. And most times, this flurry of activity doesn’t cultivate in me a thankful heart.

Although we may be busier than ever, the key to slowing life down lies within the simple things.

The things that we sometimes overlook.

Love is the greatest force on earth, and is why we are here.

Love is a verb. Love is not just a feeling; it is an action. It is most evident in what you do, for there will be days when you will be called to love even when you may not have feelings of love.

Love is a choice. Understanding this concept will change your life significantly and may determine your ability to maintain lifelong happiness.

Love never ends.

Bumps in the road are an inevitable part of life that softens us, make us grow, and bestow upon us the virtue of compassion. For everyone we meet is carrying a cross.

How grand God is! He knows how dependent we are on Him for the everyday joy we need to carry on. And every day, He provides us with beauty all around to cheer and help us.

It may be through the smile of a child or a grateful face of the one we care for. Just today, as my youngest son and I were going to pick up my oldest from school, we saw a elderly lady walking with a cane, slowly making her way to her mailbox to get her mail. I stopped the car and told my son to get the sweet lady's mail for her so she wouldn't have to walk the entire way. He jumped out of the car and told the lady that he would get her mail for her. She stopped and gave him a big smile. He walked over to her and handed her the mail. She was so grateful! It's the little things that mean so much.

A smile of encouragement at the right moment may be the turning point for a troubled life. Sometimes we feel that we are all alone, as life brings us challenges to overcome and hardships to bear. But when we least expect it, help can appear. It may be a kind word from a stranger or a phone call at just the right time, and we are suddenly surrounded with the loving grace of God. Miracles happen every day because angels are everywhere.

Remember that what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. Be someone's angel today....and every day.


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Monday, November 19, 2012


God chose you!

Chosen: God separated you from everyone else to perform a specific task....And God consecrated You for that purpose. Wow! What an awesome thought!

Nothing about us or our circumstances surprises God. He ordained that we should walk in those ways because we are uniquely qualified by Him to do so. He approved us, because He chose us for our specific situation. And He equipped us for every trial and difficulty we will ever face in life. What an awesome God we serve!

THANKFUL.....THANKFUL.....THANKFUL! Today, I am most thankful for "Answered Knee-Mail!" I got my report from my biopsy....NO Lymphoma!!! Another PRAISE GOD! THANK YOU JESUS! Prayer is not something to be taken lightly or used infrequently. Yet, in the rush of daily life, we often lose sight of God's presence. Instead of turning to Him for guidance and comfort, we depend on our own resources. I am thankful that though I focus too much attention on the "real" aka physical world, He is gracious and loving to prompt me again to pour myself more fully into the real world aka spiritual world. We can access His power anywhere. We don't need a wi-fi hotspot or a high-speed modem. We just need to look up. He's connected and waiting. ♥

God made us to fellowship with Him! If that fellowship demands trials for a season, rejoice that God thinks you worthy to share in the sufferings of Christ-and, eventually, in His glory. Praise His holy name! I am thankful to be a part of something so much grander than myself.

Problems that seem insurmountable to us are simply a breath to Him. God holds each one of us in the palm of His hand.


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Friday, November 16, 2012

Steps Of Faith...The Jesus Plan

Pride prevents us from acknowledging that God's plans are always better than our own. We should be humbled and grateful for any opportunity He gives us to serve Him. The closer we grow toward Jesus, the less we are concerned with ourselves.

Today, I am thankful that My Father never wastes a crisis. Instead, He uses them to deepen my relationship with Him and strengthen my ability to trust His plan. I'm amazed and humbled that He would choose me. I want to give Him praise and glory for Who He is and for what He has done in my life.

The past three days have been rough for me health wise. But once again God has proven faithful in lifting my spirits. Today, I received an email from the Christian website that I submitted my Christian quotes to. ALL OF THEM WERE PUBLISHED! THEY ALSO PUBLISHED THE LINK TO MY FAITH, FRIENDS, AND FRUIT LOOPS BLOG. God is ALWAYS faithful, ALWAYS good, and ALWAYS by my side! ♥

Read the email below:

Hi Dalinda,

Thank you for your three quotes. They are very good ones. They have now been added to our quotes page at:

I also included the link to your website. Scroll down the page a little until you get to the quotes. All the best.

In Him,

Remember that it is a privilege to serve God at all. Be willing to do even the most basic and unappealing job for Him. Be faithful even in the desert season. Because God's glory often appears in desert places. We experience growth spurts of faith not when life is going smoothly, but when it's so out of control that only God can fix it.

The Lord is a strong anchor amidst life's storms. If He allows a crisis, He knows I am strong enough for it. As I've seen firsthand so many times, God won't allow anything that He hasn't prepared to ride out with me, provide for, and keep me strong through.


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Thursday, November 15, 2012

With Less Of Myself, I See More Of God

My yours is shaken to the core sometimes. But I know as long as I stay close to Jesus I will be okay. I am thankful for knowing that God is before me, behind me, and beside me and I NEVER have to fear.

God grants us with numerous miracles throughout our days. But all too often we continue to overlook them until something goes wrong with them. For me, things such as two eyes that behold the beauties of the world, and the defenses programmed into this body of mine that are working to ward off any invaders.

I didn't realize that I took these two things for granted until something went wrong with them. I have lost some vision in my right eye and my immune system, which is suppose to protect me from disease and infection, is now attacking healthy cells in my body by mistake. This is due to some kind of autoimmune disease. My rheumatologist is trying to figure out which one because there are over 80 different kinds.

God is teaching me so much in this school of affliction. Number one, don't take His blessings for granted. He is also teaching me that sometimes God builds your faith because what He has for you down the road is even more difficult. Kinda like you can't learn to multiply until you first learn to add.

Sometimes the crashing waves of your trials don't wash you away, but wash you alive. We all have different seasons in life. A full crop is made by ALL the seasons and the only way to have it all is by letting one season bring it's yield into the next. The seasons bring it all as He meant it to be. The only way to have it to have Jesus--and like Him--give it all away.

With less of myself, I see more of God. There are thousands of ways to be stretched thin and it's the stretch marks that I wear that can be my thin places, giving me more of God.

At the bottom of my bad thing is a God who is there. God has given me tools that I need to win the battle. It is in the fight that I gain strength. The struggle makes me stronger. While I am struggling, God is strengthening me. I am becoming stronger for the next battle.

Going forward when the going gets tough is not a test of how tough you are but how strong your faith is. For He is the One who gives you strength to fight the battle. And there is only One power that can make us victors in the battle....JESUS!


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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Faint Not! Fight On!

It matters not how the battle goes,
The day how long;
Faint not! Fight on!
Tomorrow comes the song.

God knows that you can withstand your trial, or else He would not have given it to you. His trust in you explains the trials of your life, no matter how severe they may be. God knows your strength, and He measures it to the last inch. Remember, no trial has ever been given to anyone that was greater than the person's strength, through God, to endure it.

Difficulties and obstacles are God's challenges to our faith. The very hardships you are enduring in your life today have been given to you by the Master, for the express purpose of enabling you to win your crown.

With all that being said, today has not been one of my better days. I am hurting more than usual and very itchy. I feel like someone attached me to a helium tank and blew me up....swelling is bad today. It's so hard to hurt like this and not know what is causing it. And on top of all that it is my Dad's birthday today. I miss him so much! But I am thankful that he is pain free and healed. I can see him now, dancing on the Streets of Gold with my Mom and singing praises at the top of his lungs to his precious Savior, Jesus.

The trials of life are sent to make us, not break us. Wherever He places me, he does so to strengthen my faith and power and to draw me into closer communion with Himself. And even if confined to a dungeon, my soul will prosper.

He will only do as much for us as we will allow Him to do in us. The same power that saved us, washed us with His blood, filled us with the power of His Holy Spirit, and protected us through numerous temptations will work for us to meet every emergency, every crisis, every circumstance, and every adversary. - The Alliance

How important it is for us to learn to pray through our circumstances and to fully examine our hearts with God's message to us! Otherwise, we will never claim all the fullness of His promise or all the possibilities that believing prayer offers. - A.B. Simpson

Never despair. Faint not! Fight on! God's time for mercy will come. Ask in faith without wavering, but never cease to petition the King simply because He has delayed His reply.


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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

God Is Teaching Me To Glory In My Cross

The secret of knowing God's complete sufficiency is in coming to the end of everything in ourselves and our circumstances. It is then we will recognize these things as the necessary conditions for blessings. We will then turn from our circumstances to God, realizing they are the evidence of Him working in our lives. - A.B. Simpson

We ALL have crosses to bare. But do we make it a habit of thanking God for our struggles? We should! Yes, we thank God for all of our blessings, however, when carrying our cross we tend to look forward to the place where we will be rewarded for it, instead of thinking about our cross as a present glory itself.

2 Corinthians 12:10 says, "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

When God desires to create more power in your life, He creates more friction. He uses this pressure to generate spiritual power. Some people cannot handle it, and run from the pressure instead of receiving the power and using it to rise above the painful experience that produced it.

Opposition is essential to maintaing true balance in our lives. It is not enough to only have a propelling force. We need an equal repelling force. The struggles we endure further our progress and strengthen our foundation.

There is no shortcut to a life of faith, which is an absolute necessity for a holy and victorious life.

Have you ever heard of anyone being used greatly by God who did not experience a special time of waiting, or a complete upset of his plans at first? Have you been looking forward to telling about trusting Jesus, but instead He is asking you to show what trust is, by waiting?

My own experience is far less severe than Paul's but reveals the same principle. I have been on a roller coaster ride of waiting. I have had medical tests after medical tests over the last seven months trying to get a diagnosis of all my health problems.

I believe you can force a rosebud open, but you will spoil the flower. Same principle here: God often withholds our enjoyment and awareness of our progress, because He knows best what will actually ripen and further His work in us.

Life has blinding cycles of its own -- but our God is always blazing glory. When my semblance of power is lacking, His perfect power is excelling. God doesn't need anything from me, He wants something for me.

I am thankful for being a vessel used daily by an almighty God who doesn't have to use me, but wants to use me. I am thankful for both the weights and the wings He produces. For both work together and they work for good. We experience real growth in grace as a result of our struggles being sanctified by Him.

For how can you know if you have faith, until your faith is exercised?


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