Friday, August 31, 2012

Worship...Is It A Service/Duty To You Or a Response?

Sunday mornings at church are often referred to as a "worship service." But worship isn't a service or a duty. It's a response. It's your personal reply to God's goodness, power, majesty, and love.

But what do you worship, really? Approval, financial security, youth, talent, or food?

Having the picture-perfect summer home or snacking on the world's richest cheesecake can make you feel good for a while. But they possess no real power - or answers to anything that truly matters.

Only God is worthy of our worship and our love.

Some people even worship their pastor and/or their church. It is wonderful to have a great pastor and even a great church, and especially wonderful if you have both - but we must be careful -The pastor is not the source of God's power, he is merely an extension cord to the source, Jesus.

Every now and then, I'll see someone post a Facebook status that says, "I love my church!" and rarely ever see them post "I love Jesus!" Jesus saved us, not our church or pastor. We have to remember that anything or anyone we worship before we worship God are idols and that includes a church or a pastor.

Psalm 40:4 says, "Blessed are you who give yourselves over to God, turn your backs on the world's "sure thing," ignore what the world worships.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

We Have Off-Peak Seasons In Life Too

Some experiences in life leave us devastated - things we have no control over, couldn't have predicted, and cannot explain nor justify. Events that simply happen to us. Situations that seem to offer no closure.

I am having an off-peak season in my life right now. After six doctors, they still can't figure out what is causing my eye pain, loss of vision in my right eye, and headaches. Optic neuritis was the culprit back in early June. But, by the end of June, I no longer had a swollen optic nerve - so I shouldn't be having problems. But I am.

So what next? I am scheduled to see an Endocrinologist on Tuesday to check for a possible auto immune disease. I already have one auto immune disease called, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - which attacked my thyroid and caused it to not function properly. I now have to take medicine in order for my body to get the hormones it needs that my thyroid used to supply. Anyway, I could possibly have another auto immune disease that is attacking my eye somehow. I also have some body wide inflammation and can't lose any weight no matter what I do.

I have learned that sometimes God chooses not to rescue us, but these are the times He walks with us, saying "This is the way, walk it." So we must take up our cross daily and obey.

Don't be discouraged if your prayers are not answered right away. Time is a great teacher. It teaches you to be patient and to trust in His perfect plan - even when you don't know what is going to happen next.

I have had to take this off-peak season minute-by-minute, but I trust God. Yes, I get frustrated and discouraged with the situation at times...lots of times! But I ask God to forgive me when I stumble and not let me miss a step on the path He wants me to go.

When everything seems way to hard, that is when you can truly see His power at work in your life. Don't let this world's craziness drag you into worry. Instead, choose to see all that He is doing around you. And remember, there is no limit to what He can do.

I have many miles to go as I'm traveling through this off-peak season in my life. But Jesus is right there beside me as my travel companion saying, "This is the way, walk it."


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Unlit Candle Does Not Shine, For Burning Must Come Before The Light

We crave peaceful circumstances. If we don't like a job, a boss, a salary, or a coworker, we move on. If a college class is too difficult, we drop it. If a commitment takes too much time or effort, we abandon it.

God hates it when we pass up on the real life and settle for the false promises of the world.

God's ways are not our ways. And sometimes in our greatest difficulties we find our greatest opportunities and blessed responsibilities.

Light is always costly and comes at the expense of that which produces it. An unlit candle does not shine, for burning must come before the light. And we can be of little use to others without a cost to ourselves. Burning suggests suffering, and we try to avoid pain at all costs.

We want God's benefits without changing how we live. We want His best, without our sacrifices. We don't fear God or share our faith. We still love the world. We'll pursue happiness at any cost. We get what we can from God without giving much, if anything, back.

Trials and distress are not something unusual in life; they are part of what it means to be human in a fallen world.

Pain will either turn us against God or draw us to Him. The choice is ours!

Our selfish world view believes that God exists for me, rather than I for Him. If he'd made my life better and pain-free, I'd believe Him more passionately. But anytime God didn't meet my expectations, we had a problem. God created me in His image. I returned the favor and created Him in mine. The kind of God I wanted to believe in was this: if He's not what I want, then He can't have my whole life.

But this is not at all how it works. It's Christ or nothing. We must take up our cross and follow Him at all costs.

Nothing in this world is more important to me than my treasure in heaven. No fear in my heart is greater than my fear of God. I desire nothing more than I desire all of God. Because God isn't just someone I believe in but is my life.

I am grateful for being used by God to deliver a message of His Great Love.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Noise, The Distractions, The Busyness

Maybe God speaks to those who have time to hear Him.
Maybe He reveals Himself to those who are looking for Him.

God is found in the quiet and stillness by those who are willing to look and listen for Him.

The noise, the distractions, the busyness of this world make it difficult to recognize God sometimes. And the devil also likes to do all that he can to keep people away from God.

The Devil loves to make us focus on the little that’s wrong so we miss the big picture of all that’s right. - Lysa TerKeurst

Busyness - or even business - are not bad in themselves but if such keeps us from spending quality time with God, then we are busier than He intends us to be. - Anon

Strength is found not in busyness and noise but in quietness...quietness with God.

You can always count on God to make the "later on" of difficulties a thousand times richer and better than the present, if we overcome them correctly. Spend time with your Bible, or in prayer, or just listening.

In order to see and hear Him, you have to seek Him.

Spiritual forces cannot work while we are trusting earthly forces.

Block out the noise of the world, and be still. It is then that your eyes will see and your ears will hear His message of Hope.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Do You Think A Fish Would Be Happy On A Sandy Beach?

I am reading a book called, ' The Christian Atheist ' by Craig Groeschel. It's about believing in God but living as if He doesn't exist.

In one of his chapters, he talks about when you believe in God but pursue happiness at any cost.

Groeschel uses a really good analogy when he talks about why the things of this world will never make us happy.

So the million dollar question is: Do you think a fish would be happy on a sandy beach? The obvious answer is, of course not. Why? Because he was made for the water. Anything apart from the water will leave him wanting for the place for which he was created.

Groeschel continues on by asking you to imagine we gave our fish friend $100,000 in cold, hard, tax-free cash. Do you think the fish would be happy now? Suppose we gave him a cold Corona and a Playfish magazine. Again, he would not be happy. No matter what we give the fish on the beach, it won't satisfy him. There is nothing that could make that fish happy on the beach, because he isn't made for the beach. The sand is not his home.

The same is true for us. The Earth is not our home. We are not happy with the things of this world because we're not made for the world! We were made to dwell forever with our Lord in heaven. (See Philippians 3:20)

That's why no amount of money, new house, new living room furniture, new kitchen appliances, new clothes, new hair, new baby, new vacation, new job, new income, new spouse, or anything will ever satisfy us, because we were not made for the things of this world.

When we believe the things of this world will provide happiness, we're settling for counterfeit. I don't know about you, but I want the real deal!

Real happiness is found only in the Lord, and when we find it we'll understand, perhaps for the first time, how blessed we really are.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Our Joy Shouldn't Be Found In Being Better Than Others, But In Being The Best We Can Be

The world consistently gives us the impression that we need to be something other than what we are.

If you put a clean, empty shell on a beach and it's spotted by a hermit crab, the crab will move in, and another will move into its abandoned shell. And so on. And so on. It's an interesting effect. All it takes is for one crab to make a move, and the others will follow. So very similar to how our society works.

Everywhere you look there is competition. You find it in companies, churches, families, friends, schools, music bands, doctors, sport teams, and the list goes on and on - all trying to be better than others or trying to be like others.

Advertising is on every corner in our society. Advertising is often geared to make people strive to look the best, be the best, and own the most. But this is the world's standards, not God's standards.

There are people out there who want what you have: your wardrobe, your spouse, your job, your lifestyle, even your faith. Do you have friends like that? Or enemies - or "frienemies," if you will? I think we all have some "frienemies"...someone who imitates your every move, but may or may not be very nice to you. We just need to keep pointing them toward the One we're trying to be like and disregard the rest.

A confident person avoids comparisons. Because God gives us value - and no one else can add to it nor diminish it.

Stop comparing and competing...Our joy should not be found in being better than others, but in being the best we can be, for God. Because His opinion is all that matters.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tough It Out, Stay Strong, And Endure

Don't freak out when bad stuff happens. Don't give in or give up, for you'll soon witness the victory.

You are going to have troubles in this life. The devil is your enemy. So he is going to throw everything he has at you. Fear, loneliness, and doubt. Expect these troubles, and stand strong. And when the devil attacks, give thanks.

Yes, give thanks! Thank God for being able to bring good out of everything. Praise Him for the chance to see His power in your life. Worship Him - the God who always has a purpose, and who will not let the evil one snatch you away. And thank Him for the spiritual strength you gain by enduring your troubles bravely.

James 1:3-4
New Living Translation (NLT)
For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Some days it seems that the world is spinning out of control . Worldwide turmoil increases, and we are alarmed. It is easy to lose courage. But God has given us ample warning that these things will happen. We need to remember that they are preparations for the end of time. But we also need to remember, ultimate victory belongs to God.

God and His Word are solid ground that will never shift beneath your feet.

Through it all, God will be your strength as well as your personal trainer. God will provide the strength you need when you need it to help you overcome whatever comes your way.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why Do People Think They Have To Live Up To The World's Standards?

The world has a very distorted view of family and there's distraction everywhere we turn to keep us from what God wants a family to be.

God is big on family!

Your greatest most important ministry is your family.

You've probably heard a million times, 'watch what you do your kids are watching you.' You've probably even said that a million times. There's even a song "O be careful little eyes."

I don't understand why people think they have to live up to the world's standards. The Bible says we are to be imitators of Christ, NOT each other.

We have been given such a huge gift. The gift of faith and we not only have the opportunity but we have the responsibility to share that gift with our family.

When our children see us spending time with God and when they understand what that means do you know they will want the same thing. They will want to learn more. They will want what you have!

You've been given a gift, share that gift with the people you love. They won't know or understand until you stand up and show them.

Ask God to draw you so close to Him that your children see God in you, even in the hardest of times. They see peace even when it makes no sense. They see joy when there's no reason to be joyful. So when they do come to the end of themselves, they remember parents who turned to Christ for strength. Parents who prayed. Parents who caught them doing things right and noticed. Parents who stood firm as they trusted their children to grow and become better individuals. They'll know God is real.

It's time to be brave and take your family away from the worlds view and show them Gods way.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Waiting On God

Every difficulty and every temptation that comes our way, if we receive it correctly, is God's opportunity.

As I remember how I have seen God use terrible circumstances in my life as stepping stones to increase my faith and provide opportunities to glorify Him through those experiences, I cannot help but smile at His sovereignty and wisdom.

Being a disciple comes with a cost to denying ourselves of the things we want, taking up our cross daily and putting to death all of our selfish desires and following Him no matter what storms are twisting in our lives that day.

If God did not spare His only son from the agony and pain of the cross, then we should not expect Him to spare us from the cost of being His disciple.

There is no loss that any one of us could experience that would hold a candle to what Christ endured on the cross for our sake.

Active faith gives thanks for a promise even though it is not yet performed, knowing God's contracts are as good as cash. - Matthew Henry

Whatever our cost, it will never measure to what it cost Jesus on Calvary's cross to secure our place in Heaven.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Many Of Life's Lessons Involve Some Sort Of Pain

We often pray to be delivered from afflictions, and even trust God that we will be. But we do not pray for Him to make us what we should be while in the midst of the afflictions. Nor do we pray that we would be able to live within them, for however long they may last, in the complete awareness that we are held and sheltered by the Lord and can therefore continue within them without suffering any harm.

Afflictions cannot injure when we blend them with submission.

I am ministering to myself right now. The Holy Spirit's conviction is all over me!

Most of you know that I have been battling health issues the past several months. I have been to five doctors and am now being sent to a sixth.

Today, I went to the ENT to get my Sinus CT results. I was so sure he would have all the answers I have been anxious to find, but the CT did not show anything. To me, this was good and bad news. It is good because he did not find anything that I would have to have surgery for. But, it was also discouraging because we still don't have the answers as to why I have been having terrible headaches, eye pain, and vision loss in my right eye. I did have optic neuritis in that particular eye back at the beginning of the summer, but went back at the end of June and my optic nerve was no longer swollen. So what now? My next doctor visit is to an Allergist.

God made me realize that by expecting the ENT to have all the answers, I was trying to direct God in my situation instead of surrendering my situation to be directed by Him. I wanted to show Him the way instead of submissively following where He leads.

It is the role of faith not to question but to simply obey.

Suffering is a wonderful fertilizer for the roots of character. The great objective of this life is character, for it is the only thing we can carry with us into eternity. And gaining as much of the highest character possible is the purpose of our trials. - Austin Phelps

The mountain of vision is won by no other road than the one covered by thorns.

God will examine your life not for medals, diplomas, or degrees but for battle scars.

I have a Facebook page and I link all of my blog posts to my page. This morning, when I updated my status, God was speaking to me directly through my status post. Here is what it said, "Today is a reminder for me and for you if you need it…to keep moving forward. Don’t get hung up on the distractions, don’t let things you can’t control slow you down. Don’t make excuses. It’s time to stop dancing around in place. It’s time to stop moving aimlessly through life. It’s time to get in the race and run. You don’t train for a marathon and then stay home on race day. No, you show up and you run your race."

May we also go forth to higher endeavors for Christ, never resting until we can shout from the mountaintop, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."


Friday, August 17, 2012

How Real Is God To You?

Know this--God is sure about you even if you're unsure about Him.

We need God. He is always watching over us. He is our Creator who knows us intimately and wants us to know Him in the same way.

God pursues us. He listens. He understands. He reassures us. He keeps His promises. He provides. He gives us good gifts. If any human being were to do this much for us, we'd most certainly let that person know.

Do you treat Him as though He is real? Just knowing about Him is not the same as knowing and having a relationship with Him.

God is a redeeming God and He can make all things new. God will move mountains for you. He can restore our souls in the valleys of life.

So many of us have the wrong perception about God. God is not "up there," waiting to zap us with a stun gun if we don't go through the proper religious motions.

We make things so complicated. All He wants is our hearts...a personal relationship with Him.

Jesus has shown me a love I have never known. I am not who I used to be because I am redeemed. Thank you, God - I am redeemed! I am covered by His grace - His blood - and that makes me enough.

Our God is very real. Our God is alive. He is powerful, and He wants us to feel His very powerful, very real presence.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Love Is An Initiated Action, Not A Knee-Jerk Reaction

Love is a choice, not a feeling.

So many times in life, we let love be a feeling. Oh he brought me roses, I love him so much! He never takes out the trash without me reminding him, He irks the devil out of me! Love is treated as a feeling.

But really, love is a choice. You may or may not do something romantic, but I choose to love you no matter. You may or may not say all the right things, but I choose to love you anyway. Love is a choice. A CHOICE WE MUST MAKE CONTINUALLY.

Great love isn't two people finding the perfect match in one another - there is no perfect match because none of us are perfect - Great love is two people making the choice to be a match, flaws and all.

My love advice for all you singles out there....Date someone you can be in love with, sure! But marry someone you can be in life with.

It is so easy to place our happiness and contentment in the hands of others. That means I am putting my everything in my husband and leaving no room for God. The Bible says that God should come first in your life, then your husband, then your children.

There is only One Who can fully satisfy us, fully bring us happiness and fully give us contentment...God. No one else can do this for us. If we are depending on our husband for this contentment, we will be let down over and over and over again.

When our relationship with God is on the right track, when we fully surrender to Him, all else falls into place in His timing.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Reward In Eternity Does Not Depend On Recognition In Life

Reward in eternity does not depend on recognition in life, but so many of us live like it does.

I think of all the seminars people attend in order to improve their careers, or the energy people expend following sports teams or popular music. My goodness, shouldn't we devote the same energy, if not more, to the most important issues in life?

We live in a society that is so caught up in numbers … in our churches – how many people are members, how much money have we collected, how many attended this or signed up for that.

In our blogging – our endless obsession with our stats, hits, comments.

And in our culture, where bigger is always better.

When we get caught up in sizes, it can easily be about us, what we can do. It can quickly turn into a performance – a way to entertain vs. teaching God’s truth.

We have great visions of what our callings can be, but the getting there is hard. And perhaps what we sense to be great may not be in size, but in impact.

Can we appreciate and live with the smaller audience, the one that is in front of us, whether it is an audience of 1 or a handful?

The challenge is to keep our eyes on God and not what the world dictates we should be. Staying focused on Him and serving with what I do have can have a ripple effect if I will let go of the reigns and trust God.

It’s sad how we let numbers define us. Age, weight, salary, pant size, blog followers, Facebook likes, re-tweets, checkbook balance, calories consumed, home square footage, books sold – the list goes on and on. It’s depressing, really, because each time I see the numbers, I'm reminded of what I'm not instead of who I am.

I’m not a spring chicken; I’m not light as a feather; I make a grand total of $0 a month; my pants aren’t in the single digits; I have fewer followers than 90% of the bloggers I read; on a good day maybe 5 people will like my Facebook posts.

It’s the numbers that make me lose focus, get me off balance, convince me to assign a value to things that don’t really matter. But I don’t think Jesus is going to make my entry to heaven contingent upon my home size or bank account. He’s not going to tell me I’m too fat to fit through the gates. He’s not going to require 1,000 blog followers.

To the world my weight and pant size are too much. To social networking experts, my followers, likes, and comments reflect obscurity, to me they attest that others need my story. Just last week nine different countries visited my blog. And yes, it was just one visitor from each country, but it showed me what a mighty God I serve. He uses me - yes me - to spread the Gospel to countries across the world, not because I'm the best, but because I am willing....scars, bruises, and all.

If God uses me to touch just one life for His glory, it will all be worth it.

Numbers can lie and they often do. Don’t use them to measure your value....they quantify but never qualify. You are of great worth. Your significance to God cannot be measured in corruptible terms.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Is God Like An ATM Machine To You?

God is not like an ATM machine, where you punch in the right prayer codes and receive what you requested within twenty-four hours. No, we all have to wait and learn to trust God. The key is, are we going to wait with a good attitude and expectancy, knowing God is at work whether we can see anything happening or not?

God often works the most when we see it and feel it the least.

We don't always understand God's methods. His ways don't always make since to us, but we have to realize that God sees the big picture. God isn't limited to natural, human ways of doing things. Consider this possibility: You may be ready for what God has for you, but someone in your life, who is going to be involved, is not ready yet. God has to do a work in them or another situation before your prayer can be answered according to God's will for your life. All the pieces have to come together for it to be God's perfect time.

We need to know that behind the scenes, God is putting all the pieces together. And one day, at the appointed time, you will see the culmination of everything that God has been doing.

Keep the faith,

Monday, August 13, 2012

Step Out And Find Out

God often waits for us to step out in faith before He promotes us.

Faith that goes forward triumphs.

When we see limitations, we tend to forget that He sees gateways to new opportunities.

We must remember that there is no testimony without the test.

Many people want the glory without the cross, and the shining light without the burning fire, but crucifixion comes before coronation.

There is no loss that any one of us could experience that would hold a candle to what Christ endured on the cross for our sake.

God has the power to take whatever you have been through, and whatever you are going through right now, and not only transform you from the inside out, but use your life as a shining, visible example of His sovereignty. God desires to do something "new" in you, and when you say yes, the adventure step out in faith and find out what good God has in store for your life.

Our failures shine a spotlight on God's grace.

Most of you know that I have struggled with some health issues over the past 4 months. The doctors first thought I may have MS, but MRI and spinal tap came back negative. PRAISE GOD! They also thought I may have a pseudo tumor, but tests confirmed this was negative as well. They finally diagnosed me with optic neuritis...inflammation of the optic nerve. My optic nerve is no longer swollen, but I am still having eye pain, headaches and can't see very well out of that eye. I have been on some type if antibiotic all summer for infection behind that eye. And through all of this, I also had a breast cancer scare. I went back for a recheck, but no cancer!....PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!

I had a sinus CT this morning to check for a sinus blockage. I have an appointment next Monday to get the results. I covet your prayers!

It's been a long process, but I know good will come out of all this. Most importantly, through this trial -- I want to be a vessel, used by God for His glory, but I have to be willing to go wherever He calls me and do whatever He asks....Step Out And Find Out!

God is good...all the time!


Friday, August 10, 2012

Choose To Be Free

Life is like a can't change the way it breaks, but you can change the way you ride it.

We do have a choice about how we respond to life's circumstances.

Pain is unavoidable in this fallen world. You will be hurt, wronged, and offended by others.

The outcome of your life and mine--who we are, how we function, our personal well-being, our future, our relationships, our usefulness--none of that is ultimately determined by anything that anyone has done or could do to hurt us.

We will be affected by the circumstances of our lives. They will carve grooves into our hearts that will always be a part of our experience. But those circumstances, horrendous as they may be, do not have the power to control the outcome of our lives.

When we as God's children realize that His grace is sufficient for every situation we are no longer victims. We are free.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pride Is Ugly

Your attitude should be the same as that of Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:5

We naturally want to draw attention to ourselves, to show off our accomplishments and abilities. Sometimes we think that life is all about us. But living like that is self-delusion at its worst.

According to the world's system, the best place to be is ahead of everyone else. Popular thinking would say that we should try to get to the top no matter who we have to hurt on the way up. But the Bible teaches that there is no such thing as real peace until we are delivered from the need to compete with others.

We should definitely do our best on the job, there is nothing wrong with wanting to do well and advance in our chosen professions. But I encourage you to remember that promotion for the believer comes from God and not from man.

In reality, our sinfulness has put us “in the corner,” from God’s point of view.

God can only use humble men and women. Humble yourself and be exalted.

The apostle Peter is a good example of a man who had to be humbled. In Matthew 26:31-35 we see that Peter thought more highly of himself than he should have. In verse 33, Jesus warned Peter that before that very night was over, his fears would cause him to deny Him three times; but Peter could not conceive that he would ever be that weak.

Peter needed to go through the experience of failing, falling apart in the crisis hour. He had to see his weaknesses before he could bring them to the cross and find God's strength.

The experience humbled Peter and brought him to the place where God could use him greatly.

Like a megaphone, suffering interrupts life and turns our attention to ultimate things. Some people ignore the megaphone and some pay attention.

So, give Jesus Christ the braggin’ rights of your life. Or, as Paul put it, “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord” (1 Cor. 1:31)—not in yourself!

Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves on your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalted you. - 1 Peter 5:6


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Legacy I Want To Leave My Children

I was blessed with two wonderful parents. Both of which are no longer here with us. Yes, there are days that I miss them terribly. But there are also days when I rejoice and remember the wonderful memories we shared together.

My family has always been huge Clemson Tiger fans. In fact, my parents started taking me to Clemson football games when I was four years old. Been loving football ever since! GO TIGERS!!!

I have some very fond memories of the times I shared with my parents at those games. We would always tailgate before and after the games. Clemson is famous for the agriculture department and make some delicious ice cream. So we made trips to the Clemson ice cream shop quite often.

When my boys were born my parents would take my entire family to the football games. Good times!

Football games, tailgating, and Clemson ice cream always bring joy to my heart because it reminds me of my precious parents.

When me and my husband are called home, I want my boys to have special memories of the times we shared together.

Three years ago today, my Dad had a major heart attack. He lived through it, but only for 16 months. Those 16 months were bittersweet. Dad suffered a lot those 16 months, but we also had some very sweet moments with God together that I would not trade for the world.

Today, on the 3rd anniversary of my Dad's heart attack, I took my boys on a field trip to Clemson. We went around the different parts of the campus, but most importantly by the football stadium --Death Valley-- Home of the CLEMSON TIGERS! We couldn't leave out a visit to get some of their famous ice cream. And what would a trip to Clemson be without buying some Clemson apparel?

The legacy I want to leave my children is remembering us enjoying each other wherever we were.

Children spell love with four letters: T-I-M-E. Not just quality time, but hang time, downtime, anytime, all the time.

Your children are not your hobby; they are your calling.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Relationship Status: Child Of God

God : is the filler of my heart;

: is always ready to listen;

: never gives me second best;

: is the glue that pieces me back together when I fall apart;

: will always make me happy;

: will never leave me unsatisfied;

: will never go out of style

Isn't it funny how "things" we can see and touch are constantly letting us down? The only One we can truly rely on is the One we can only experience through faith. He will always satisfy me and never let me down.

We live in a cranky world, but we don't have to be a cranky soul.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Life Is Not About Losing, It's About Overcoming, It's About Transformation

Jesus doesn't transform hearts only in the church, because life transformation can happen in any place. It happens to a woman at a well. It happens in the street. It happens in the brothel. It happens in the drughouse. It happens on the street corner where the gangs hang out. It happens in prison. It happens with a thief on a cross.

Jesus is God's promise that no matter what we do, we can be forgiven and no matter who we are, we can be transformed. Praise God!!!


Friday, August 3, 2012

Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone

God desires that we stand upright in a crooked world. But for many of us that means stepping out of our comfort zone and we aren't comfortable with that. Why? Because fear torments us and prevents progress. Fear causes people who should be bold and aggressive to shrink back, to hide and be cowardly timid. Fear is a thief. It steals our destinies. What we run from or hide from has power over us.

God works through our faith not our fear.

Christ's mission is our mission.

Always remember, people and Satan cannot stop God!

Satan loves causing people to dread and avoid confronting unpleasant issues, because he knows that he loses power when his lies are confronted. Even though a lie is not true, it becomes reality for the person who believes it. Don't believe the lies Satan tries to deceive you with.

So step out of your comfort zone and let your light shine - whether you are a candle in a corner or a lighthouse on a hill.

Stop letting fear control your life when you can live free in Christ.

He is perfect so you don’t have to be. He doesn’t ask you to be what you have no power to be on your own. You can rest in His mercy; He makes up for your lack. He does everything you can’t. When you give Him everything, mistakes and all, He takes it, siphons it through His love, transforms it for His purpose. He doesn’t need your perfection; He only asks you to rely on His.

If we hold on to God's truth, we won't be trapped by Satan's lies.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tolerance Of Sin Is Sin - Revelation 2:20

We must humbly follow what Scripture teaches, but we must not single out one sin above others, and we must always show a spirit of love and humility.

Jesus said in The Gospel of John in Chapter 14 verse 6 that He is the way, truth and the light that NO ONE comes to the Father but through Him. So with that said, why do people think we have to tolerate sinful beliefs? Does that mean when we see a person headed straight to a burning Hell for all eternity with no way to ever escape it we should ignore it because we do not want to hurt their feelings?

Can you not see that the Bible is being fulfilled every day? Can you not see the formation of a one world religion happening as you read this?

So are you really showing love for people when you do not point out the correct road they need to travel to get to God? Or are you just scared of what they will say or do to you or scared they will call you a hater or intolerant?

Think about this...How will you feel in Heaven if God tells you He sent you to tell a friend, family member or a perfect stranger about Jesus and because you were scared they died in their sins and now live in Hell forever?

Jesus died for everyone but everyone has to turn from their sin and accept what Jesus did for them. And, how will they know what Jesus did for them unless you tell them? Jesus is God's promise that no matter what we do, we can be forgiven and no matter who we are, we can be transformed. You may be their last chance to hear about Jesus. Now that you have read this what will you do with it, ignore the truth or tell people about Jesus.

From God we deserve anger and we get love; we deserve punishment and we get forgiveness.

The court of public opinion is strong and slowly but surely leading so many down the “wrong” road. We in the United States are blessed with so much yet are to the point of feeling as if we are entitled to what we have, and are no longer acknowledging these blessings as coming from our Lord, but thinking that we have somehow earned them or are entitled to them. It is time to stand up for Jesus and say NO to political correctness, time to take back our homes, our schools, our states and our country. Yes the United States of America was FOUNDED on Christian principals! In God We Trust should not just be a statement on our money but on our hearts!

Tolerance of sin means you are willing to allow sin to exist.

Remember not making a choice is making a choice.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fully Alive

God is concerned about everything that concerns you and His plan is to be intimately involved in every aspect of your life. Knowing and believing this truth has made my walk with Him an adventure rather than a religious obligation.

One of the churches I attended in the past presented a God who was scowling, trying to keep us from having fun. This is not at all the image I have of God, nor the image that I believe the Bible presents.

Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. In John 10:10 we are told that "the thief" comes to kill, steal, and destroy, but that Jesus came that we might have and enjoy life.

It is God's will for us to enjoy life!

A spiritually healthy person is usually very others-directed, globally. There’s a quote from a second century theologian that says a spiritual person is a person who’s “fully alive.” Not someone closed off, with blinders on, pulling in, afraid to sample the world. But, instead, someone utterly convinced this is God’s world, and here to explore and to reach out and to try to represent God in this world. Of course, that means caring for the needy, but it also means flat-out enjoying the great goodness of this world around us. I look at the spiritually healthy people in the Bible and they’re characters, every one of them. They’re wild people. They’re out of the box. We’re not supposed to be cookie-cutter, uptight people. We’re supposed to be fully alive.

I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). - John 10:10
