Friday, September 28, 2012

Remember Whose Team We're On

Tonight my family went to a high school football game. It was a great fall evening. But unfortunately, our team lost the ball game. But we still had a great time!

My family is also big Clemson football fans which lost their game last Saturday to Florida State. You win some, you lose some!

It's very sad to say but there are sore losers on every team. As believers, we must remember whose team we play on...God's team!

Clemson's rival team is the University of South Carolina. Last weekend, after the Clemson vs Florida State game, my oldest son, Jake, was sitting beside me on the couch as I was uploading a photo to Facebook. While we were waiting for it to upload, Jake was scrolling through my news feed and said, "Hey Mom, one of your Gamecock friends just made fun of one of your Clemson post." I said, "No honey, I don't think she meant it that way. Jake continued to read some of the comments under one of her posts. I had gone to use the bathroom and I heard Jake say, "But Mom, come here and read some of these post, they aren't very nice and I thought your friend was nice." Ouch!!! You see we must be careful and not let Satan rule our thoughts and influence our actions. And remember whose team we're on.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our Face-To-Face Opponent

God sends us trials or tests, and places life before us as a face-to-face opponent. It is through the pounding of serious conflict that He expects us to grow strong.

Stand firmly in the place where your dear Lord has put you, and do your best there.

Our life is very mysterious, but blessed are those who trust when you cannot understand. It is through pain that God gets the most out of us, for His glory and for the blessings of others.

Our Father, who seeks to perfect His saints in holiness, knows the value of the refiner's fire. For the strongest and greatest character is grown through hardship.

Oh, the burdens we lovingly bear but cannot understand! Oh, the inexpressible longings of our hearts for things we cannot comprehend!

When God sends no answer and the "the cloud remains", we must wait. We must wait when we are face-to-face with a threatening enemy, surrounded by danger and fear, or below an unstable rock. We must remember that He never keeps us at our posts without assuring us of His presence or sending us daily supplies.

God had perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and a lot of faith. But it's always worth the wait.

God never alters the robe of righteousness to fit the man, He alters the man to fit the robe.

So trust Him and never push away the instrument He is using or you will miss the result of His work in your life.

Genuine faith is believing and declaring what God has said, stepping out on what appears to be thin air and finding solid rock beneath your feet.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God Will Not Protect You From That Which He Can Perfect You

Every good life has a balance of duty and bliss. We will be called upon to do things we would rather not. That's why it's called, "Taking up your cross."

Life is not wreckage to be saved out of the world but an investment to be used in the world.

I read somewhere that valleys are the most fertile place on earth and I believe this is true in our lives as well. For in the valleys of life, it is this fertile place that He speaks tenderly to us and the Holy Spirit gently goes to work cultivating our hearts.

Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes off our goal. But God will make our obstacles in life serve His purpose.

I ran into one of those obstacles today...literally! Most of you know my optic nerve in my right eye was damaged from the optic neuritis I had back in June. Well, my peripheral vision is shot! This is the side of my body that is black and blue from running into things. Today, it was an arm of a bench. I really wish my eyeglasses would hurry up and come in. They were ordered 3 weeks ago.

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow by conflict. - William E. Channing

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably does not lead anywhere. - Frank A. Clark

My life is out of control! Yes, my life is out - with my control....but it is also IN control -- my life is in God's Hands, and I know that despite my current difficulties, I shall yet praise Him for His help and faithfulness, and this is truly a privileged and wonderful place to be.

Even if we confine our thinking to this life, it is true that God never touches the heart with a trial without intending to bestow a greater gift or compassionate blessing.

The person who knows how to wait has grown to an exceptional degree in God's grace.

Some believers think they must always be on the mountaintop of extraordinary joy and revelation, but this is not God's way.

No one can stay on the mountaintop of favor forever, for there are responsibilities in the valley. Christ fulfilled His life's work not in the glory but in the valley, and it was there He was truly and completely the Messiah.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Do You Have A 'Woe Is Me' Attitude?

Our circumstances and emotions change like shifting sand. If our happiness is based on our surroundings and circumstances, sure we'll have a 'woe is me' attitude. We will feel like we are on a roller coaster ride, and we will be left with an empty heart.

Confidence isn't something we lose. It's something we forget to apply. Confidence comes from God.

The first step toward applying confidence to any situation is to trust God to handle it.

Never pray for an easier life - pray to be a stronger person! Never pray for tasks equal to your power - pray for power equal to your tasks.

The road to greater things is not marked by easy answers. We must remember that Christ will not lead us to greatness through an easy or self-indulgent life. An easy life does not lift us up but only takes us down. Heaven is always above us, and we must continually be looking toward it.

Satan loves when we feel inadequate and insecure. He’s good at getting us to believe we’re not good enough and don’t have what it takes to be used by God. But we don’t have to let him trash us the way he does – and we definitely don’t need to keep agreeing with his lies and trashing ourselves and each other. In this broken world, we have come to expect rudeness and are shocked at kindness. That is backwards thinking. We all go through hard times, but a lot of us let our trials make us bitter instead of better. We need to stop sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves as if we are the only ones hurting. Be an imitator of Christ in what seems like a Godless place. Change is only going to happen if there is change. But remember, change takes time. It is not magically built. We are to do this one brick at a time. Some days we lay more bricks than others, but our goal should be to make sure that we are working to build, not tear down. So make a decision today to go out and fight the good fight! Make a difference in the world....Tick Satan off!!!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Your Words Have Power

We live in a world where one voice speaks loudly, but it's message is division, destruction, and death. The other voice is softer, but it's message is life, hope, joy, and peace.

We all have difficult people we have to deal with on a daily basis. But the most difficult person each of us has to deal with is ourself. If we are honest enough to admit it, we cause ourselves more trouble than others do.

Dealing with angry people tests our witness. People are watching. We can lose our temper as well, or we can respond calmly and with love. In the Bible, David succeeded because he turned to the One stronger and wiser than himself. We can learn from his example.

At times we need the help of a pastor or godly friend to help us see our situation clearly. In other cases, when we humbly ask God to show us the reason for our misery, he gently directs us to look in the mirror.

“Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

God's words are strong and powerful but He often chooses to speak in the softest voice. He wants us to be still so that we can clearly hear His heart.

Keep in mind that defensive people usually are acting from their subconscious and that they generally are not trying to create problems or difficulty. Defensive people often are working from a self-protective instinct and are trying to avoid others attacking them by preemptively attacking others first.

David had many faults, but he was the only person in the Bible God called "a man after my own heart." (Acts 13:22, NIV) Why? Because David depended completely on God to direct his life, including dealing with difficult people.

We can't control difficult people and we can't change them - only God can change their heart, but with God's guidance we can understand them better and find a way to cope with them.

I think we can all relate to someone in our lives who is hard to be around and makes it a struggle to respond in a Christ-like way. Dealing with difficult people not only tests our faith in God, but it also puts our witness on display.

One of the scriptures I remind myself of when I am faced with difficult people is Ephesians 6:12
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Always focus on the issue and not on the person.

It is not any one person that is our enemy, the devil and his forces are the ones we are called to battle! Remind yourself, that person is not your enemy. They may be under the influence of some of those “principalities and powers” that the scripture talks about, but the good news is: we have authority over those things! God didn’t give us authority for no reason, use it!

Hurting people, hurt people. But we are called to pray for them. It sure becomes hard to have a bad attitude towards someone you are praying for on a regular basis. One thing I have noticed, is that the more I pray for someone, the more my heart grows for them. I begin to feel God’s love and compassion for them. I also begin to earnestly desire God’s best for them (rather than vengeance). The more we pray for that person, the more we can sense their hurt and show mercy.

Hebrews 3:12-13 says, "See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelievingly heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called 'Today,' so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.

Which voice will you listen to today? The voice of the world or the voice of truth.

I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.


Friday, September 21, 2012

We Love Jesus, Yes We Do, We Love Jesus, How About You?

When we follow Jesus, we will always have victory!

Getting stoked about 'Football Saturday' tomorrow! We, football fans, travel far and wide to see our teams play. We brag about our favorite team's victories. But do we brag about the One who saved our soul so we could have victory? Just think what this world would be like if we got as excited about Jesus as we do our favorite football team!...."We love Jesus, yes we do, we love Jesus, how about you?”

The above passage was my Facebook status this morning. Only one person liked husband. Hmmm???

We have all been told “the truth hurts sometimes" and we will probably hear it a couple more times in our lifetime. It usually happens after we are told of some blaring sin in our life we choose to ignore. The truth tends to pierce our soul and show us our deficiencies.

If it's in your heart, it shows in your matter who's watching. Go Jesus, Go!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

We Are Warned About Being High-Minded

There is no limit to what God can do through you, provided you do not seek your own glory.

We are warned about being high-minded, that is, thinking more highly of ourselves than we should.

Remember in Genesis when Joseph paraded his new coat for his brothers' viewing? They in turn, stripped him of his colors and sold him into slavery. Yep, showing off tends to trip us up. Thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought means a downfall is probably up ahead.

God knew that for Joseph to grow up, he would have to live down his need to be the center of attention.

What is the central focus of your life? The Lord? Or your need to be center stage?

Uppity is a downer!

If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. - 2 Corinthians 11:30

It is good to have weaknesses because God shines through them.

I will show my weaknesses, for God's glory!

Why would someone ever want to openly boast about something? Let alone boast about their weaknesses? Aren't those things you shouldn't be proud of? But boasting about weaknesses somehow reminded me of how I articulated myself in my previous blog...Well, just talking about weaknesses reminded me of that blog, and it showed me how I SHOULD be boasting about them, not being ashamed of them. The verse I just referenced really convicted me. I am at a point in my walk with Christ where I can only make it through the day if I run to Christ. It is very good, but challenging because now more than ever every step I make is in surrender. It's funny because I thought I was living like that before. I was so wrong.

In honor of 2 Corinthians 11:30, I will boast in my weakness!

My prayer is that you all could understand this about weaknesses. This passage from 2 Corinthians 12 perfectly explains our weaknesses.

To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. -2 Corinthians 12: 7-10

This passage blows my mind. Have you ever sat down and thought about what God was saying to Paul when He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." God's power is made perfect in our weakness. That means it is acceptable to be weak, because God's power is made perfect through it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't go to God and repent of your sins and ask for help with overcoming sin issues. It means that God will bring you through something where there is no way you can get through it on your own, and it will bring God glory. There are so many other things that this verse says, but I want you to think about it for yourselves. What does this mean in reference to your walk with Christ? What does this say to you? I challenge you to apply this to your life, and see where it brings you.

Yes, I have problems. Yes, I have busyness. But I wanna be Heaven-minded, not high-minded!...All for God's glory!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pray And Just Wait Quietly Before Him

Yes, I have problems. Yes, I have busyness. But I wanna be Heaven-minded!

Most of you know that I have been having some health issues. I have had a problem since late April. All this time the Lord has been walking with me. Through all this I have been reminded that sometimes God uses medicine and doctors to help us. But He is the Great Physician that can also still heal me.

Some of what I am learning through all of this is. . .

God cares about us. Over the last few months there have been times when I was scared. There have been many prayers from some great friends being said on my behalf and God has heard everyone of them. I too have prayed a lot. I've prayed for courage, strength, rest, sleep, good test results and healing. He has heard every prayer and He has answered them in the way He has planned for me. Which reminds me of a verse . . .

Isaiah 55:8
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord."

It wasn't too long before this all started happening that He led me to this verse and reminded me that His ways are always better than ours . . .

Isaiah 55:9
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."

We might not fully understand why He allows what He allows in our lives. The pain and sorrow, the sickness and disease, the giving and taking and sometimes even . . . the losses we face. But we always know that whatever happens . . . God's way is the best way.

Sometimes a great need in our lives can be a good thing if it leads us to a greater dependence on God. We need to pray and just wait quietly before Him. That's when the calmness finally comes.

I am so thankful for the sweet reminder that God can handle my problems even when I can't.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Don't Treat God's Promises As Something To Be Displayed In A Museum

When a shipbuilder erects a boat, does he do so only to keep in the scaffolding? No, he builds it to sail the seas and to weather the storms. In fact, if he does not think of strong winds and hurricanes as he builds it, he is a poor shipbuilder.

In the same way, when God made you a believer, He meant to test you. And when He gave you promises and asked you to trust them, He made His promises suitable for times of storms and high seas.

Some people treat God's promises as something to be displayed in a museum. But we should use them as everyday sources of comfort. And whenever you have a time of need, trust the Lord. He keeps His promises!

God's will is the most hopeful, pleasant, and glorious thing in the world. It is the continuous working of His omnipotent power for our benefit, with nothing to prevent it, if we remain surrendered and believing.

Isn't it glorious to know that no matter how unjust something may be, even when it seems to have come from Satan himself, by the time it reaches us it is God's will for us and will ultimately work to our good?

Where would our faith be if not for the trials that test it; or patience; without anything to endure or experience and without tribulations to developed it?

God will make our obstacles serve His purposes. Our obstacles are God's mountains. He puts them there for a reason, and we know He will never fail to keep His promise.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Good Ideas Are Not Always God Ideas

A lot of junk is going on in this broken world; in our government; in our schools; in our churches; in our homes; and all around us! We must be on guard!!! The devil loves to hide out in all of these places. We must be able to discern between a "GOOD" idea and a "GOD" idea.

Yesterday in church, our pastor talked some about the biblical standards a church leader should follow. When he mentioned credibility he gave a very good analogy. Ex. Bill Clinton is a very good speaker, but has no credibility. Think about it....If you have a daughter, would you want her working for Bill Clinton? Really???

A church leader must not be a new believer because he may become proud. He may be more focused on how many people he can get to attend his church rather than focusing on the people and their needs. He will draw more attention to himself rather than to our Lord and Savior. Spiritual maturity only comes with time and suffering.

Sometimes good ideas are not always God ideas.

This makes me wonder how many "solutions" I've come up with in my past that were good ideas but not GOD ideas. Seriously, I always have the answer to tough problems. I sit and think about all the possibilities, weigh the options and consider every scenario. By the time I have a plan, you can be sure it's the best answer humanly possible. And right THERE is where I run into trouble. I come up with the best answer HUMANLY possible, but my heavenly Father has the plan that is MORE than humanly possible. In fact, His plans are only SUPERNATURALLY possible.

Knowing this, I have to wonder why we humans spend so much time scheming, dreaming and leading instead of praying, listening and following. I call it running ahead of God. It's much like King Saul in 1 Samuel 13. Saul was in such a hurry to please God, He offered a sacrifice without waiting for Samuel as he was instructed.

Here are a few questions to help you discover if you have GOOD ideas or GOD ideas: What ideas do I have
that I haven't cleared with the Almighty?
- What ideas do we have that we haven't cleared with the Almighty?
- What instructions from God are we willing to ignore to have things our way?

The leaders of Samuel's day got stuck in their "good idea." Even after Samuel shared all the consequences of their request, they wanted to move ahead. As you make decisions this week, consider Samuel and the Israelite elders. Pray about your ideas and get the opinion of an "elder" who isn't afraid to speak the unpopular truth to you. The Almighty King will help us learn the difference between our "Good" ideas and the better "God" ideas.

We must remember that as believers we are to be gospel carriers and light shiners. But when we do not treat each other with love, we are neither.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Waiting In The Hallway

Waiting is not an easy thing to do, but there is a lot of it in this world. We knock at each door we are lead to....yet for now the hallway is our home....Waiting.

Why do we neglect to praise Him in the hallway of Waiting? Same reason we neglect to praise Him in any raging sea, we forget {at least momentarily} that He knows best and He wants only the best for us.

But this hallway holds many whispers from our faithful Father of His assurances, His ability, His love, and so many other lessons of His heart. It's as if He has decorated the walls of the hallways of Waiting with beautiful graffiti, if only we take the time to see His brushstrokes. Graffiti in all beautiful stroke after another.

With all this graffiti how can we neglect to praise Him in the hallway of waiting?

Waiting on Him is different than waiting in long lines. You are waiting for the perfect timing of His plans in your life. Waiting on Him means trusting Him with every fiber of your being instead of trying to figure it out yourself. When you trust Him - when you wait for His timing - He will fill your life with blessings. He will give you strength and joy and hope. And He will give you His Presence - while you wait.

I for one am determined to praise God in the hallways. He deserves my praises whether I can look at earthly things and see what I label "good" or not, HE is Good and HE is Worthy. May I praise Him even until He opens the next door.

His timing is perfect & even His hallways are full of His mercy, glory & beauty. So until God opens the next door for you, PRAISE Him in the hallway!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

If God Is Everywhere, Why Does He Seem So Far Away?

If God is everywhere, why does He seem so far away? The answer to that question, of course has nothing to do with God and everything to to with us.

Are you tired, discouraged or fearful? Be comforted because God is with you.

I am a little discouraged today. Found out late yesterday that I have to wait until October 8th to see the Rheumatologist. My pain in my head and eye has spread to my neck, shoulders, and upper back and I continue to have the swelling. I am scared that I have Lupus or something very similar. But I know that trusting God isn't something you can just say, or something you can talk about. Trusting God is something you have to do. You have to trust that he will protect you, and lead you... you have to trust that he will not let you go astray. Trusting God is letting go of your worries, and letting him handle it. Trusting God is remembering that there is nothing that He cannot take care of, and there is nothing He cannot fix.

But God does not dispense strength and encouragement like a druggists fills your prescription. The Lord doesn't promise to give us something to take so we can handle our weary moments. He promises us Himself. That is all. And that is enough. ~ Charles Swindoll

God's silence is in no way indicative of His activity or involvement in our lives. He may be silent, but He is not still. ~ Charles Swindoll

God is working on our behalf.

The Lord is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. - Deuteronomy 31:8

I SOOO needed this today! I hope and pray it will encourage you as well.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We Teach People How To Trust Us, Over How To Seek Him

Why am I not being Missional WHERE I AM! How dare I be so audacious to think, "Lord, You send me somewhere that no one knows me, where I can pretend to be this Believer that has it all together and I will tell them how they can have it all together too." How dare I think that I could live my life any differently in a different location. If I'm not sharing the gospel - HERE- I doubt I will be comfortable enough with it to share the gospel -there.

If I feel that the Lord is telling me to "GO" - Why am I wasting so many opportunities to "GO" here.

We are believers who do not know how to share our faith in our daily setting. We teach people how to trust us, over how to seek Him.

How can I serve the Lord if I don't know how to follow Him?

Following God is not a Big Yes at one moment. Meaning God doesn't usually speak to your heart and say "Sue Ellen, I want you to go down to 54th street, say "Hulla Ballew" and thousands of people will come to know me."

Following God is learning how to remain in Him, moment by moment. It's not a "Yes Lord, glad to be of service... Got that checked off my holy to-do list."

He says Follow ME! "I (not My holy to-do list) will make you Fishers of men."

Kind of like taking a road trip with a friend, I'm in the drivers seat, not knowing the destination, as He gives me turn by turn directions - Will I trust His every turn and direction or do I have more faith in the map?

My son Jake was in his small group at our church's Student Ministry tonight and one of Jake's leaders made a good analogy: If you had cancer and you discovered the cure and you kept it and locked it in a vault and never told anyone about it, everyone else would still die from cancer. The same thing is true about the Gospel. You know the good news of Jesus Christ, but refuse to tell people and they die in there sin.

So when I say, "I will Go!" Will I "Go" - here, as well as there? Will I come up with excuses? Will I seek to Know Him, Remain in Him, Follow Him - moment by moment?


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Mask Of The World

God knows you, not the you that is perceived to the world but you...the real you, the deep down sometimes out of control you. Is that scary for you? Sometimes it is for me, but then again I've been taken on some wild ride's latley so I keep wondering what God sees in me, what He created in me to keep me going through all these things. I keep wondering what He sees that I don't?

Sometimes, when I am in a conversation with a friend or even a stranger, I've opened my mouth and the words that come out shock even me, where does this come from? Sometimes there's an inner strength that comes bubbling to the surface and spills out of my mouth.

I minister to people through my blog. When I sit down to write there's an electricity that comes out of my fingers and I can feel God's hand on me...where does it come from - Jesus living in my heart.

I don't see myself as anything special, maybe that's why God is having us go through this resolution together. I need to take some time to dig deep and begin to see the me that God created me to be...without the mask of the world.

It is the presence of God in your life that makes you strong and that defeats the enemy of this world that desires to destroy you. It is God who gives you the enduring strength and flexibility to withstand the severest storm in the darkest of nights. Again and again, there are seasons in my life when I cry out to God in my blog, expressing both my pain at the circumstances swirling around me and my deep love for God and my joy at His presence.

In this 90-mile an hour world we live in.....S-L-O-W down just a bit and take some time to count your blessings today!!! And stop wearing the mask of the world.

Write down five things every day for which you are thankful to God. Just this one simple act can change your perception greatly about who God is and what God desires to do in you, through you, and all around you.

Even if you don't have all these things at present, thank God in advance for what you believe He will provide for you! To do this is not an act of presumption or wishful thinking - rather, it's an act of faith.

Nobody but God can ever understand you as fully as you can know yourself. I challenge you: Discover just how fascinating you are! Nobody has a story quite like yours.


Monday, September 10, 2012

God Is Too Big To Be Contained In A Box Of Our Understanding

God wants to answer our why's...He wants to answer our cries, He wants to answer our questions, He HATES HATES HATES when His children are hurting, but He is sovereign. He is just, He is God.

We can't begin to think we know the complete will of God. When we try to determine how God is going to think and move in a situation we are limiting His power; God is too big to be contained in a box of our understanding.

Are you committed to following Christ, no matter what the costs...or are you tempted to return to what is convenient and comfortable?

God knows the pathway to our destination. And the journey is just as important as the destination because it prepares us for the destination.

Fact: Quitters never win and winners never quit. It’s impossible to win a race you don’t finish. The people who win the race are just as tired as the ones who quit. The only difference between the quitter and the winner is the stopping point – quitters stop early and winners run it out. Quitters are tired and have nothing to show for their hard work. Winners are tired but they gain a prize.

It’s hard work, it’s tiring, it’s a long journey, but God has it mapped out. He knows the end of the story, but if we don’t let Him lead us there, we’ll never find the good things He has in store. I’ve come too far to give up. I’ve worked too hard for too long to allow life’s troubles or what people think or say or do to keep me from my finish line. I will not quit. Will you?

I am weak, but God's strong! My problem is big, but my God is BIGGER! I can't, but God can!


Friday, September 7, 2012

How Do You Love Someone You Can't See, Hear, Or Touch?

How do you love someone you can't see, hear, or touch? The same way you love an unborn child. You learn everything you can about what that child is like. You speak to it, even though it doesn't speak back. When you finally meet face-to-face, you find you're already in love. Yes, you can love someone you cannot yet see. As for God, His love for you transcends eternity. You're the child He's loved since before there was time.

Ever feel like your identity is lost in a world full of people? We have a God whose heart is expansive enough to hold us all and yet who's so intently focused on each of us that He knows our rising up and our sitting down. Our faces are no surprise to the Lord, and our identities are engraved in the palms of His hands. Now that's love!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life Is One Giant Equation

Life is one giant equation. And the answer depends on me, and Jesus. I have to trust the rules, follow the steps, make careful calculations. I have to learn to think in terms greater than what I know. I must understand that there is more than just what I can see, control.

Boy, what an afternoon! I had an appointment with my Neuro Opthamologist today. Several tests were done. Basically my optic nerve has been damaged from my past Optic Neuritis, hence the reason I can't see well out of that eye. But he is not sure why I am having pain behind my eye, swelling in my cheek under that eye, and swelling in my hands, feet and legs. Says it could be from an underlying problem, possibly an autoimmune disease. I am being referred to a Rheumatologist to see if they can figure it out. In the meantime, the Neuro Opthamologist wrote me a prescription for eyeglasses to see if it will help with my headaches and, of course, my eyesight.

Jesus is at work. He is taking my life’s negatives and creating positive; He is re-writing my equation. He is ordering the terms, placing my factors in just the right place at the right time; He is showing me that opposition reveals my true identity.

He specializes in the difficult, the abstract, the contradictory, the incalculable. He isn’t bound by rules and formulas and laws; He makes them.

Whatever you are going through, don't let Satan discourage you. Instead, be encouraged because God knows, He sees, He cares. He holds the final answer to your life’s equation, and He’s actively working, ordering your steps and defining the variables. Trust Him—He knows what He’s doing.

My God is strong and mighty...My God is faithful...My hope is in the Lord...For He is able...Can you tell I'm using these lyrics as my mantra?

Please continue to pray for me and my family.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Triumph Through Trials

In Jesus' suffering He asked His Father for another way, a less painful way. Yet Jesus trusted His Father's will and purpose for His life and knew the ultimate victory was at the cross.

Give God the crushing weight of your circumstances, and go to Him in prayer. When it is time to leave the garden, He will walk with you across the valley and straight to the cross - where your trials will be transformed into triumph.

Friends, I am asking for you all to say a prayer for me, that this doctor's appointment I have tomorrow will shed some light on whatever in the world is going on with me. I know if the Neuro Opthamologist can't figure it out, he will send me somewhere that can. In the meantime, please ask God to give me the strength that I need to get through this until the answers come.

I love the song by Mark Schultz, 'All Things Possible'. These lyrics are powerful: My God is strong and mighty...My God is faithful...My hope is in the Lord...For He is able...

And so I walk in His confidence!

Thank you for your prayers.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Trials Are The Food Of Faith

We all like to be active. We want to be in control of our lives, but sometimes circumstances force us to accept that we can 'do' nothing. All we can do is be patient and pray.

But notice that life has to force us to this point because most of the world would rather have what we want now, and we'd rather be able to get it through our own efforts, rather than wait on God. And we strive and strive, and our lives become more and more hectic and complicated, as mine is now.

I had another doctor's appointment today that brought me no answers. They are sending me back to my Neuro Opthamologist on Thursday. If he can't get to the bottom of it, then the doctor I saw today suggested the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville or possibly MUSC in Charleston.

God must be really trying to teach me patience or possibly something else. I need to keep my eyes locked on the Lord, not my circumstances. He longs for us to truly trust Him and take Him at His Word.

If God has taken away all means of seeking remedy, there is nothing left but patience. - John Locke

In light of my own experience, I want to encourage you to ask God to either give you the desire of your heart or change your heart in accordance with his perfect He is in the process of changing mine.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Time Is Not An Issue For God

If I have learned anything from my personal experiences, it is that God uses everything – good and bad, ugly and pretty, common and extraordinary – to move us to the place He wants us to be. Most of the time, God doesn’t tell us what’s going to happen. Why? Because we’ll get so caught up in THAT that we’ll miss THIS.

We usually experience a waiting period when God tells us something, and in the stretch between His speaking and doing – the meantime – He performs an intervention. We are confronted with His love, asked to make a choice: be active and fight for the promise, or continue on our current path. We must choose.

What you do in the meantime is important. God hasn’t changed His mind – what He says He will do. But, your belief and behavior in the meantime will have an impact on your ability to receive.

The meantime isn’t for God – it’s for us.

God is outside of time. He has no beginning, and no end. That means he has no yesterday and no tomorrow. He just is. So for God, tomorrow is the same as today, same as yesterday. Was God in control yesterday? Undoubtedly, yes. Is God in control today? You know He is. Then He's in control tomorrow too. Time is not an issue for Him. He's already present in tomorrow. So no matter what happens, trust God.

I'm genuinely thankful. God has allowed me to see His faithfulness through enough yesterdays to realize that He will be faithful in today, and that I don't have to worry about tomorrow. I give it over to God.
