Friday, February 6, 2015

Be Content In Who You Are

Some girls define themselves through having a boyfriend by their side. Anyone is better than no one. They are sure that they have better standing in the eyes of their friends if they have a boyfriend.

You should be content with where you are in your life and happy with yourself before committing to anyone. Although it may sound selfish to be content with who you are before you add someone else to the mix, it’s actually the reverse. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect to love someone else?

All relationships should develop from a position of strength, not insecurity. For example, there was a young couple that met through a group of friends. They immediately started dating even before they really got to know each other. Their relationship didn't last long because one person was very insecure in who they were. This caused a lot of drama in the relationship.

Too many people nowadays expect to be happy in a relationship when they aren’t even happy with themselves. In the long run, a miserable person’s inner struggle will destroy a relationship, no matter how good he or she is at hiding it.

Young people, a boyfriend/girlfriend should enhance (add value) to your life, not define it. Be content in who you are - and if a boyfriend/girlfriend turns up, it should be because he/she shares and enhances life and makes it more enjoyable.

So get on with it, what are you waiting for? Get out there and experience life. Find out who and what you are. Live life by yourself; be happy by yourself. It’s your life; make it what you want. Don’t look for someone else to do it for you, because they can’t. Only you can know who you really are.

Remember, all relationships should develop from a position of strength, not insecurity. And the best way to strengthen relationships is by putting God first. When you put Him first, everything else will fall into place.✞
