Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Promiser Keeps His Promises

Faith is accepting the fact that God knows better than I do what is ultimately good for me. It is depending on God's enablement to live and be blessed in a fallen world rather than insisting He change it.

God has a greater purpose than our immediate comfort; that getting what we want, when we want it, is not always the best for us or glorifying to God.

I've realized that my trust in God sometimes comes with a clause. I trust God, if He acts the way I expect Him to. I trust God, as long as He solves this problem. I trust God, when I clearly see the answer.

We should trust God PERIOD!

Our faith in God gives Him the opportunity to demonstrate in a spectacular, unmistakable way that His power and grace are totally sufficient for our needs.

Trust Him when you can't see the big picture or the end of the story. Trust Him when the worst
happens and you just don't understand why.

Even when our hopes are crushed, there is glory ahead.

If we don't trust God, we set ourselves up for disappointment, discouragement, and
disillusionment. We end up blaming God, becoming offended with Him when He doesn't keep the
promise or fulfill His Word, as we understood it.

When Jesus was crucified the disciples thought it was a tragic mistake. For three days they
were lost in hopeless grief and terrified horror because they just didn't understand why God would do that! But Sunday came! Then they understood it had not been a tragic mistake but the glorious will of God, Who always knows best! Because it was through the Cross and the Resurrection that God's purpose for the life of Jesus was fulfilled and our redemption was
accomplished! For three days the disciples had totally missed the blessing of what God was
doing because they didn't trust Him to know best.

I don't want to live life missing miracles. They are all around us, if we just remember to look.

We all live lives of quiet desperation, yet getting trapped in the mundane was never God's
intention for our life. He wants us to not only LIVE victoriously, but to display that victory so others will be drawn to Him!

Faith is...cleansing to worry, leaving the future to the God who controls the future.

Remember, The Promiser ALWAYS keeps His promises!

In His Love,

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

God's Mercy and Grace

I'm striving for holiness and coming up WAY short. Praise God He's made up, not the difference, but the sum total. Grace that is greater than our sin!

I am the thorn in Your crown...But You love me anyway. I am the sweat from Your brow, But You love me anyway. I am the nail in Your wrist, But You love me anyway. I am Judas' kiss...But You love me anyway. Love these lyrics from Sidewalk Prophets, 'You Love Me Anyway.'

When I meditate on God and begin to give Him thanks for what He has blessed me with, I begin to feel joy. As I think about His everlasting mercy I can't help but begin to dance before Him...perhaps not physically, but certainly in my spirit!

Every day can be a good day when we keep our eyes on God. I am thankful for life's storms that redirect my focus on God. Focusing on my blessings keeps my heart from becoming bitter.

The Lord is Good...His grace and mercy are everlasting and He will endure forever!

In Him,

Monday, August 29, 2011

Marriage...God's Way

Date someone you can be in love with, sure! But marry someone you can be in life with. I found one and he's a keeper.

Don't we all enter into marriage on the blind side? If we had our senses about us, most of us wouldn't have married the person we did (not that this is true in my case). In any event there are just things that we wished we would've know before we took the big leap into forever.

I have to say that Jody and I have had some really hard times in our marriage. The first year was a hard one...trying to adjust to living with one another.

It was definitely tough when my parents became ill. Dad had Parkinson's disease when Mom was diagnosed with cancer. Both of our boys were a very young age, Drew was about to turn two and Jake was six. Here I was taking care of my two aging parents and my two boys with no siblings to help. This put a huge strain on our marriage because I was tired most of the time and there was no free time to do the fun stuff most families do together.

However, Jody was a huge help to me. I am so blessed to have him as my best friend and husband! He was and still is so understanding and compassionate. Jody helped me make some really BIG decisions concerning my parents. He stepped up and filled the role that a sibling would have, so to speak.

Jody and I both struggled to get through these trying times, but we never gave up, we worked through it.

I have to say that had we not believed in the institute of marriage and the fact that we were stuck with each other no matter what, we probably wouldn't have made the effort to work it out.

Unfortunately, as a society, we are seeing this a lot lately , even in church. People getting married because they think it will be fun, but when they find out it's not so much fun at times--they just give up and go their separate ways.

This is not what God intended when He created the institute of marriage. It is up to us, as Christians,to show them how to fight for their marriages and their families. If they don't see it in action, they'll follow the example of the world.

Marriage takes work. Sometimes fun work. Sometimes hard work. If you see a good marriage, you can guarantee it didn't just happen. That couple has worked on their marriage. By letting Christ be the center of your marriage, your marriage can move from "Oh...that's nice" to "WOW, THAT'S GREAT!"

Life with my best friend, what could be better!


Friday, August 26, 2011

Is Your Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Are you concentrating on what's wrong in your life and what you lack? Or are you looking at the good that is already available to you and trusting God's grace...a grace that can work all things together for good?

Did you know that it takes more energy to resist and complain than it does to have a positive attitude. A gloomy or negative view of life is often an unappreciated one, overlooking present goodness in search of some faraway desire or longing.

Facebook should be called, "Grouchbook" because many people just use it to complain. There are several people on my Facebook where I have never seen one positive status post. This is very sad. How you see your life is a choice. You either have a glass that is half empty or half full. Everyone goes through trials and everyone has a chioce as to how they will respond to them.

Think about your friendships. Who lifts you up and makes you feel better? Who drags you down and makes you feel bad about yourself? Avoid whiners and complainers. Spend your time with friends who encourage you. Invest your time with people who maintain a good attitude and have a positive outlook on life.

Cultivate contentment instead of complaining. By appreciating the riches you already have, you calm the all-to-human urge to complain about what you don't have.

As you grow closer to God, you'll find you have less interest in complaint sessions that once seemed so absorbing. Look for what inspires and motivates you instead of wasting energy on trivial complaints.

Take one mundane chore you tend to complain about, such as doing laundry or paying the bills and turn it into an act of love dedicated to God in gratitude.

In Him,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Enter into the Silence

We can choose to move beyond the time-bound limitations of a stressed-out-lifestyle to enter into the timeless and eternal. Whether it is fifteen minutes of silence in the beauty of His creation or doing devotions, the withdrawal from the noise and stress of the daily grind is essential to our spiritual growth.

A lot of everyday life is spent surviving the "in between" time- in route between where you are to where God wants to be. Without faith, we're only left with the daily grind.

To develop a quality of prayerful presence in our lives, we must begin by stilling the disjointed judgements and chatter of our minds, calming our emotions so we are free to move from conventional thinking to a more spiritual viewpoint.

When my day doesn't go as planned I could stress, but where's the benefit in that? I think I'll choose to trust God, to believe that He has His own ideas about what my to-do list should look like. When I invite Him into my day, He'll enable me to accomplish what needs to be done and give me the grace to let go of what remains.

So toss that Superwoman cape and let God be your Knight in shining armor.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God Always Remembers

I write down everything I want to remember. That way, instead of spending a lot of time trying to remember what it is I wrote down, I spend time looking for the paper I wrote it down on.

Wouldn't it be horrible if Jesus were so busy He couldn't remember what we talked to Him about?

Thank God we don't have to endure that kind of treatment from our Lord! Hallelujah, we are never forgotten! God can be depended on. We disappoint loved ones. We inconvenience people we care about. But how wonderful, how beautiful, how comforting to know we have a God who is always near to console and cheer, just when we need Him most.

In everyday things that no one sees, that is where God faithfully meets us because He sees.

Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget who gave it to us...and who gave it all for us.

In His Love,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Praise Defeats Selfishness

The opposite of focusing inward on self is focusing outward on God. How opposite this is from what the world promotes! We mistakenly think that an intense focus on ourselves will contribute most to our happiness and fulfillment, when actually the opposite is true.

Instead of being filled with thoughts about what we need and feel, we must be full of the Lord and thankful to Him that He meets all our needs better than we can.

The only focus inward we are to have is sincere self-examination, to see if we are living and thinking God's way. Even then, that should be done in God's presence because He is the only one who can reveal the truth in a way that convicts, but does not condemn.

Our complete focus must be on God alone. And the best way to focus on God is to thank Him continually for all He has given, praise Him for all He has done, and worship Him for all He is. It's impossible to be self-absorbed or self-obsessed while you are glorifying and praising God!


Monday, August 22, 2011

The Joy of Enjoying Life

Sometimes I think we responsible adults assume that being playful might be interpreted as being childish, maybe even silly. Admittedly, nothing is more tragic than an adult who fails to gain the maturity and wisdom necessary to live a productive life. But equally tragic are adults who forget how to vent their playful instincts.

I believe in having fun, because I know that she who laughs, lasts. Whatever you do, whether it's jumping from airplanes, visiting the sick, or goofing off, do it well. Never lose your ability to scatter joy. And never forget to smile!

Smiles are like two-for-one coupons. Each time you let them spread across your lips, they light up the face and heart of someone else. Sooner or later a smile will come back around to you just when you need it most.

You can be an encouragement to someone you meet today. Life has its serious moments, but being just a bit kooky may be the secret to seeing yourself and others through good times and bad. So go ahead and make someone's day...make them smile.

In Him,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Be A Fully Alive Person

When was the last time you met someone who approached life with zest and joy? Can you remember how it felt to be in his or her presence; how that person brought a special zing that made life seem exciting and worthwhile?

Are you fully alive? Do you celebrate the life God has given you...rain or shine?

Happiness is a choice. It's a matter of attitude as much as anything. Decide to like what you get instead of demanding that you get what you like. You can choose your attitude. You can allow fear to rule you. Or you can adjust your attitude and live out a fearless faith in God. A positive attitude makes it easier to navigate life and deal with challenges that come your way. I've discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude.

Happiness does not depend on big events or monumental achievements. It comes from the daily blessings we often take for granted. Enjoy spending time with friends. Embrace the gifts each day brings. Be open and receptive. Choose to greet each moment with the enthusiasm of a child.

When you relax into God's grace, you will discover that every day can be a good day. To be fully alive means that you don't have all the answers, because life is larger and more wonderful than you can yet imagine. When you say yes to life, you are saying yes to the unknowns. The unknowns are where the growing edge is, where life and creativity are most fertile and abundant. Be fully present in the miracle of this day.

The glory of God is a human being fully alive.

In His Love,

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stylin' With God

God cares about us. He cares far more than you and I care for our children. He already thinks we are wonderful, and He wants us to agree with Him. He doesn't want us to allow our sense of value to be determined by others. He wants us to accept His estimation of our worth. Yet, too often, we consider others' opinions accurate and God's a biased suggestion. We don't fully believe that He really thinks we're wonderful, or if we do, we assume it's because He's obligated to have some kind of positive opinion about everybody.

Nothing could be further from the truth. God's not obligated to do anything He doesn't want to do. He's certainly not obligated to flatter us. He knows all truth, and He can't lie. So why do we discount His opinion and look to faulty human beings for confirmation?

We are His dearly beloved creatures, and that is what determines our value...His assessment of us. It all comes down to whom we are going to believe: the omniscient, omnipotent God of the universe or an imperfect human being who doesn't have any better judgement than we do?

I'm stylin' with God!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dreaming of Home

Do you ever day-dream about the moment when you will encounter Jesus face to face?

I often think of what the world would be like if Adam and Eve hadn't sinned in the garden. Imagine: no sickness, no pain, no injury, no death. That means no flu, cancer, or epilepsy; no headaches, appendicitis, or arthritis; no broken bones, never having to tell someone goodbye that you love more than life itself. There would be no job loss, no divorce, no prodigal children.

Our world is broken, but God did not create it this way. He did not intend for us to die, to suffer physically, to hurt emotionally. He meant for us to have a face-to-face daily communion in His brilliant presence. He made us, and the entire earth as well, in goodness and beauty, without sin.

In wonder, I considered a beautiful world where only love, truth and beauty live. And I realized, I was dreaming of home.

In Him,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Sometimes we can get into a rut, doing the same things day after day. Your brain goes on autopilot, and you don't even think about what you are doing. Letting your brain go on autopilot is an invitation for the devil to slip into the pilot's seat. Before you know it, he'll have you pointed in completely the wrong direction....with lots of terrible detours and trouble along the way.

Kick the devil out of the pilot's seat, and put God in it. Focus on God, and He will set you back on the right course.

In Him,

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Reason For Your Hope

God's love is what holds everything together, and outside of that, there is no hope.

I often meet people who want to talk about their lives and dreams for the future. But so many, especially when life turns stormy, feel as if there is nothing for them to believe in any more. Stability seems fleeting , and the very things that once brought a degree of satisfaction and security no longer do. Whenever hope is in anything other than Jesus Christ, life will become very unsettling. Why? Because only God is unshakable.

The Lord is never out of control. He is completely aware of your circumstances, and He has promised to walk every step of the way with you. Whatever you have done in the past, whatever your present circumstances may be, or whatever suffering you are facing in the future, God will replace your sense of despair with a great sense of hope. But this can take place only within a heart that has been tuned to walk in step with His love. He is the reason for your hope- not the economy, not a relationship, not a position you long to hold.

When you place your trust in the One person who can never fail you, your life will change in an amazing way!


Friday, August 12, 2011


Waiting may seem like a passive pursuit. However, you actually have a choice as to how you'll spend your time. You can waste it, worry over it, or worship through it. It doesn't matter what you're waiting for, an overdue flight, the results of a medical test, an answer to prayer....choosing to worship turns waiting into watching. The more often you turn your eyes toward God, the better chance you'll have of noticing how His hand is in the details.

"Today is mine, tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of my now."~Elizabeth Elliott

Sometimes God's timing seems out of sync with our own. 2 Peter 3:8 says, "with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day," it's no wonder. God is on an eternal time schedule. Ours is more temporal. But God sees the big picture, which we cannot. That's why waiting on His timing is a wise thing to do.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Thursday, August 11, 2011


We define our good in terms of what brings us health and happiness now; God defines it in terms of what makes us more like Jesus.

God's purpose for our suffering is Christlikeness. That is our highest calling. If God answered all our prayers to be delivered from evil and suffering, then He would be delivering us from Christlikeness. But Christlikeness is something to long for, not to be delivered from.

What I wish is that I could have learned, grown and drawn closer to the Lord, just like I have, but that my Mom and Dad were still here. I wish I could have all the good God has brought me, and will bring me, through adversity, but without all the pain and loss. But it doesn't work that way, does it?

When a sovereign, all-powerful God predestines our conformity to Christ, all evil and suffering that intrude upon our lives form a part of that plan.

Everything that comes into your life---yes, even evil and suffering---is Father-filtered. Whether suffering brings us to Christlikeness depends, to some degree, upon our willingness to submit to God and trust him and draw our strength from Him. Suffering will come whether we allow it to make us Christlike or not---but if we don't, our suffering is wasted.

In Him,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God Is God And You're Not (It Bugs You, Doesn't It?)

God is God and you're not. (It bugs you, doesn't it?)

How can my limited mind understand the limitlessness of God?

Years ago I put God in a box. Perhaps my excuse was youth...or just being at the bottom of a steep learning curve.

I discovered that to really know God I had to stop trying to make Him fit into my world view. I couldn't define Him based on my values, or disregard those aspects of His character that didn't fit into my pretty little picture of Him. I had to accept God for who He is.

I'm embarrassed to admit that when I first accepted Christ as my personal savior, I didn't think God would have much work to do. After all, I was a pretty acceptable person by my standards. Was I ever surprised when I was confronted with God's standards!

I've come to understand that God values things differently than I do. My comfort is far less important to Him than it is to me. My "security" in earthly things is vapor to Him.

Knowing God has given me more joy, confidence and hope than ANYTHING in this world!!!

I don't pretend to say I know everything about God, but I know more than I did.

It all started with accepting Him for who He is, not who I want Him to be.

The Almighty God of the universe throws a party upon hearing the news that we have finally come to the end of our adequacy and acknowledged our need of Him.

In His Love,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where Is Your Focus?

Focusing on the Lord brings clarity to my life. He gives my life peace in ALL circumstances!

The gift of peace is priceless and what this world is looking for. God is the only way you can have peace. There is no music, no candle, no massage therapy, no person, no food, no amount of money or any other thing that can be a source of true peace except for Jesus Christ.

Like everything in our lives, none of these kinds of things are bad until we seek them to gain things that only God can give us.

Keep your head and your heart pointed in the right direction and you won't have to worry about your feet.


Monday, August 8, 2011

We Are Not Runners...We Are Not Quitters...We Are Warriors

Life is hard! Oh man, is it hard! But I think that sometimes things are the hardest when we are headed in the direction God wants for us.

God told us that we would have troubles and trials.

Satan doesn't usually try to tempt us with the ridiculously evil, but with the seemingly good. I think Satan knows that we are far too easy of a target. All it takes is some temptation, pushing of our buttons, some delayed outcomes, busyness, stress, and illness--and Satan knows he's got us. You see, he doesn't want us to fulfill God's will! That would make us more powerful because we'd be growing in the Lord and thriving. God's power would be unleashed in us! That's the last thing Satan wants. So when things start to get extra hard...we just may be on the exact RIGHT path.

If we can truly grasp the fact that everything the enemy throws our way can be an opportunity to experience God like we never have, what a freedom we could have. Free to to to love...just free!

I love that things, that are difficult (or downright impossible) for me as a human, will be accomplished with ease when my hope is appropriately placed in the one true God. God can make the impossible...possible. God can make the difficult...easy.

Just remember that the enemy will always plant a "why bother" in the face of God's "it's possible."

SATAN IS A BIG FAT LIAR!!!!! Satan is under my feet and I'm gonna stomp all over his head!

In Him,

Friday, August 5, 2011

Thankful For My Blessings

This week in Destin, Florida with my family was a great reminder to me of how awesome and breath taking God's creation is. I am thankful for the time I was able to sit in the sun and soak some of it up!

I thank God for the blessings in my life and for my family. I may not have a mansion, a fancy car, or fancy clothes, but I am one of the richest people in the world. I have the love of Jesus Christ, someone to help me through my difficult times and I have a home in Heaven to look forward to. My Mom and Dad are there anxiously awaiting my arrival. I praise, thank, and glorify Him for everything He has done and will do for me.

I am privileged beyond measure to be on this journey with God.

In His Love,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chasing After Acceptance

The thing is, we can spend so much time worrying about what others think about us that we have no energy left for what God thinks.

Stop chasing after acceptance! We must realize that we are already ACCEPTED! If we let everything we do, every decision we make, come from what we feel God is asking us to do, then what others think about our decision is irrelevant. Do we still want to be understood by the people in our life? Of course. Will we still seek the godly advice of those around us? Sure. But our ultimate approval and acceptance must come from our Father, otherwise, we will end up chasing a moving target.

If we have not anchored ourselves in Christ, no matter how confident we may feel about our integrity, we will be swept away by the crowd. But when we have found our confidence in Christ, we will not find our worth in what other people think, but in what God thinks of us as His precious children.

Speaking up for Jesus does not always win the crowds favor here on Earth, but it does ensure His approval in Heaven, where it matters most! If you meet opposition, maybe it shows that you are doing something that counts.

We need to stop thinking about ourselves. There is so much hurt in the world. People really need a touch from the Lord. When we fear rejection or what others think, it can keep us from sharing His love with them and they need His love.

All He wants is you, me, .... us. I don't know about you, but I think that's just pretty dang AWESOME!!!!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Out of disappointment comes direction.

Instead of denying our disappointments, hiding our wounds, rehearsing them, or judging them, we need to accept them as part of our story. There's an old saying that captures this principle well; "You've got to be where you are to get where you are going."

When God walks through our circumstances with us....the grass really is greener on the other side. Not because our location or our circumstances have necessarily changed, but simply because He is there with us.

I need Him. He is the only solution to my disappointments!

In Him,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do You Have a Badittude?

How I see God directly affects how I see myself and my daily experiences.

Just a small change in your routine can have surprising consequences, so a slight attitude adjustment can make a huge difference in the way you live you life.

When you choose a deep trust in God, you choose a new attitude toward life. Because you believe in a great God with great promises, you have every reason to choose a positive attitude, for he promises that all things work together for good for those who love him.

You can choose your attitude. You can allow fear to rule you. Or you can adjust your attitude and live out a fearless faith in God. Exchange your doubts for confident praise. Step out in faith. A positive attitude makes it easier to navigate life and deal with challenges that come your way.

I've discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Go On a Retreat

No matter how busy you are or how many obligations you need to fill, you also need to renew and replenish your spirit. Consider going away for a day, a weekend, or even a week for personal retreat. If you can't get away, take an hour of personal retreat at home. Take a long, hot soak in the tub or curl up with a good book. Let this be a time to meditate on the events of your day and ask for God's guidance for tomorrow.

Time away with God is a vital necessity. It's vitally important to give yourself simple time-outs for stress relief. A retreat offers an opportunity to view your life from a higher perspective.

As I am writing this blog, my family is on a retreat in Destin, Florida. To just sit and take in all of it's beauty is so refreshing all on it's own. But it reminds me of all the blessings that God has given me on a daily basis. Time in the beauty of His presence is so vitally important!

Over the past five years it has been difficult for me to really let go of everything when I have gone on my personal retreats because my parents were sick at home. You could say that I had my phone attached to my hip twenty four hours a day, seven days a week . I never knew if we would have to cut our retreat short or not.

This year's retreat to Destin is a huge blessing from God because I can completely relax with no worries of getting a phone call of having to leave early. Don't get me wrong, I miss my Mom and Dad so very much and there is not a day that goes by that something doesn't remind me of them. Wonderful memories of beach trips with my parents have come to mind on this retreat as I reflect on all of my blessings from God.

Remember that Jesus left the crowds behind and went to the wilderness to pray. Spend time away in God's creation. Seek serenity of spirit through time in prayer, solitude, and intimate moments with God.

As I sit here on the beautiful white sandy beaches of Destin, Florida I am so thankful for this time with Him that I can renew and replenish. I love these God moments!!!

Be still, and know that I am God- Psalm 46:10

In Him,