Saturday, August 4, 2018

No Act of Kindness is Ever Wasted

How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it. ❤️

A few weeks ago I was at the beach for a few days by myself until the rest of my family could get off work to come join me over the weekend. 

One evening, I ate dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Hoskins, and was waiting in line for a table for one. There was a family of 9 in front of me. A Mimi and Papa, their two children, their son-in-law, and their 4 grandchildren. We began a conversation and talked for about 45 minutes while we waited. They were from Easley, SC and Clemson Tiger fans. Such a great family! 

I was blown away when they asked me to join them for dinner. They had 5 adults and 4 children and they were extending me an invitation to join them for dinner. Wow! What a kind gesture! Of course, I did not want to impose on their family time so I declined and thanked them for their generosity. 

Their name was called and they went and sat down at their table. No more than 2 minutes passed and one member of their party walked back outside to find me to tell me that they had an extra seat to please come and join them. I accepted their oh so generous offer. We had great food and great conversation! 

The Tucker and Epting families were such a blessing to me that evening. What an awesome Christian family. 

No act of kindness is ever wasted. ❤️

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, this is the third entry I have tried to complete. My data keeps disappearing! I know in my heart though that it is important for you to receive what I have to say. This morning August 1, 2020 I have been reading my devotion. It is a book titled streams in the desert.I came across the statement that life is not wreckage to be saved out of the world but an investment to be used in the world. That statement was a little confusing to me so I googled as usual and came across your blog. You had this exact same statement and you explained it into great detail. Thank you for being obedient to Christ!

    Most Sincerely,
