Thursday, October 20, 2011

Falling Forward

Courage and fear. Those two attributes are strange bedmates. It would seem impossible to experience both of them at the same time; yet it seems that's the challenge of the believer's life. Fear tells us that life is unpredictable, anything can happen, but courage replies quietly, "Yes, but God is in control."

If we will stop for a moment during our cluttered lives to reflect, we will realize this is not a rehearsal. This is it!

I sin. I fall far short. I stumble. I listen to Satan's lies too often.

Why do I keep losing my patience with the kids? Why do some people's attitude annoy me so much? I should be more Christlike by now, shouldn't I?

Just the other day, I lost it when a driver cut me off, and I've been asking God to help me stop doing that. But do you know what He showed me? He is using all these unpleasant irritations to bring my hidden attitudes to the surface so He can deal with them. He will continue to change me, but it is a slow process.

As gold is refined in fire, likewise our attitudes are brought to the surface in trials.

Each moment of this life I long to look more like my Jesus and less like one of the Pharisees!

I pray that God challenges me to fall ever more before the throne of God begging for more of Him to show in my life and less of me!

In Him,

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