Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fear Not

Fear seems to be an epidemic in our society. The lists of fears that people experience can be endless. Satan never runs out of new fears to place in any individual's life. At least until he/she firmly makes up their mind that they will not live in fear.

Our worries come from fear. We try to control people and circumstances due to fear. We let people control us because of fear. People who are afraid of becoming poor become greedy and stingy. Someone who is afraid of not having friends pretends to be someone they're not. We get into wrong and harmful relationships due to the fear of being lonely, and the list goes on and on.

I believe we can conquer fear if we make time to understand it and see fear for what it really is...Fear is the master spirit that the devil uses against people. A spirit that has no place in a life turned over to Christ.

Fear may present itself as a feeling, but if we refuse to bow down to it, that is all it is...a feeling! My feelings are not me. I am greater than my feelings and so are you. I can decide to go forward in faith. Going against your feelings is not always easy because feeling are frequently strong, but standing against them until you enjoy freedom is much better than continuing to let them ruin your life and hold you in bondage.

Fear is: F-alse E-evidence A-ppearing R-eal.

Faith is not necessarily the power to make things the way we want them to be; it is the courage to face things as they are.~Ronald Dunn.

Lord, I choose to not live by my feelings today or let them hold me in bondage. I put my faith in You and will serve you with all my heart. You are the constant in a life full of change. For me, that's enough. Amen


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