Thursday, September 29, 2011

Launch Out

The only way we can ever reach our final destination and succeed at being our true selves is to take many, many steps of faith. Stepping out into the unknown, into something we have never done before, can leave us shaking in our boots. Because of feelings of fear, many people never "step out," therefore they never "find out" what they are capable of.

I believe failing is part of every success. A person who refuses to give up will always succeed, eventually. Their real strength is not their talent as much as it is their tenacity.

Remember: failure is simply a detour on the road to success.

Do what you can do and God will do what you can not do.

I can assure you that taking the steps of faith you need to in order to enjoy a life of freedom is definitely not as difficult as staying in bondage for the rest of your life. We need to remember that God is our partner and realize that He has a part and we have a part. When we do our part, praying and stretching our spiritual muscles in faith, each time we confront fear, it becomes smaller and smaller.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes. You will never succeed without making mistakes and possibly many of them. Making mistakes is something we do as human beings, but we are still God's children, and He has a good plan for our lives.

Your pain can become someone else's gain. Your mess can become your ministry if you will have a positive attitude and decide to let everything you go through prepare you for what is ahead.

If you are feeling unqualified for something you believe God is calling you to do, don't let that stop you. He will be your trainer. Heaven knows, when God put it on my heart to start an encouragement blog I wasn't very confident that I could pull it off. But I did not have to be prepared to do the job by myself, I just prepared myself to do the best I could do and God does the rest.

Wonder what this world would be like if we all let our guard down and step out in faith?

Step out and find out!

Luke 5:4 says, "When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."


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