Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Keep Moving, Growing and Transforming

Sometimes the smallest gesture of joy can mean a lot to a person in pain. It's not always easy being a joyful person. Most of us are more experienced in grumbling than glowing. But to those who've learned to "count it all joy," the boomerang blessings far out number the bruises.

Each morning when I rise I remind myself, through God's Word, that He is at work in my life. Therefore, I know something good is going to happen to me. You could see your whole life turn around if you would simply start thinking thoughts that are consistent with the positive principles of God's Word. Just meditate on them and see how your life will change!

We have to have faith to accomplish great things in our lives. If you don't think your dreams will ever come to pass, they never will. If you don't think you have what it takes to rise up and set that new standard, it is not going to happen. The barrier is in your mind, which the Scripture calls a "stronghold." It is a wrong thinking pattern that keeps us imprisoned in defeat. And that is why it is so important that we think positive thoughts of hope, faith, and victory.

We are created in His image. That means we have the ability to do great and mighty things in our time on this earth! But all too often, we allow complacency to keep us in mediocrity. We get comfortable where we are, and we use that as an excuse. How sad is that!

A powerful step toward living at your full potential - to keep moving, growing and transforming - is to discover the power of your thoughts and words. Many people are not reaching their full potential because their thinking patterns are defective. You cannot think thoughts of failure and expect to succeed.

You've got to quit dwelling on the negative. Don't magnify your problems. Magnify your God. The bigger we make God, the smaller our problems become.

God didn't spend seven days creating things and then put His creation abilities on the shelf. He is continually creating wonderful things for His people. When we look at the seven says of Creation, let's thank God that He didn't set things in motion and then walk away.

God's thoughts will fill you with faith, hope, and victory. They will build you up and encourage you. So, if you will get your thinking lined up with God's thinking, nothing will be able to stop you. No obstacle will be too high, no situation too difficult. If you believe God's Word, all things are possible.

To live your very best life every day, you must trust God and believe you are a victor and not a victim. When you go through disappointments in life -- and we all do -- or when you face a setback and it looks as though one of your dreams has died, keep believing, keep moving toward the finish line, don't stop! When it looks dark and dreary and you don't see any way out, remind yourself that your heavenly Father created the whole universe. He is in control of your life, guiding and directing your steps. His plans for you are good and not evil. Don't make the mistake of sitting around grumbling and feeling sorry for yourself. No, put on a fresh new attitude. Bask in the glow of God's grace. Take what God has given you and make the most of it.

You know the truth; it is time to allow that truth to set you free.

1 Corinthians 15:57 -- But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!


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