Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life Can Be Understood Backward, But It Must Be Lived Forward

God is always there, always waiting for us to take the time to seek, ask, and find Him. We are the one's who are too busy with life to notice Him.

So much along the journey here has been unexpected. It hasn't been what we've expected, but it has been what He planned. Our unexpected has been His expected for us.

My circumstances are not perfect. I have struggles. I don’t fully understand what God is up to…BUT, through it all, God has been with me.

The most beautiful truth about following Christ is His ability to reveal to us His limitlessness as we journey through the tough times.

When you and I are lost in an ocean of ups and downs, only God is outside the boat. Only God can see beyond the waves. Only God can calm the storm and lead us safely to our destination.

Suffering is trying and difficult to bear, but hiding just below its surface is discipline, knowledge, and limitless possibilities. Each of these not only strengthens and matures us but also equips us to help others.

Joy sometimes needs pain to give it birth.

I am thankful that though the going appears rough at times, it is always abundantly paved with His mercies. God extends mercy to us each day. We're designed to live, love, and grow. Along the way, we'll also fall. It's part of being human. God's mercy gives us the courage to risk trying again. He's sentenced us to life - eternal life - and to freedom to grow in the shelter of His love.

Someday we will know that the most exquisite work of our lives was done during those days when it was the darkest. Life can be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

"Life is a steep climb, and it is always encouraging to have others ahead of us "call back" and cheerfully summon us to higher ground. We all climb together, so we should help one another. The mountain climbing of life is serious, but glorious business; it takes strength and steadiness to reach the summit. And our view becomes better as we gain altitude, and as we discover things of importance, we should "call back" our encouragement to others." - L.B. Cowman

God delights in using His people - right in the middle of all that appears crazy and wrong and hopeless. Now is the time to serve God, not next week or next year or when things get better. He wants our cheerful, obedient service right in the midst of - in spite of - our difficult circumstances.

When you rejoice in the midst of your difficulties, you're giving the enemy a black eye! He doesn't know what to do with people who keep giving God praise despite their circumstances. Learn how to smile and laugh. Quit being so uptight and stressed out. Make your choice to enjoy your life to the fullest today. Go ahead and move forward with joy in your life and knock the enemy out!

Every difficult stretch of road on which you see His footprints and along which He calls you to follow Him leads unquestionably to blessings. And they are blessings you will never receive unless you travel the steep and thorny path.

God’s presence trumps pain.

As I typed that last sentence, tears came to my eyes. I hate pain. I long for the day when the pain we endure in this life is gone. And yet, each time the Lord has led me through one of life’s valleys, I have found beautiful peace because He was there walking in the valley with me. Sometimes, it’s in the valleys where we discover the stillest waters and the greenest meadows.


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