Monday, December 24, 2012

Our Unexpected And Inappropriate Is His Expected and Appropriate

The only perfect Christmas was the Christmas Jesus came into our world. I believe that is by God's design. As long as we continue seeking perfection from anyone or anything but the Perfect One, we will never have peace with one another or with ourselves.

Over the years in my own life Christmas has meant different things to me at different times. As I have walked through the years I can say that I have resented the season and adored the season. I have mentioned before that both of my parents passed away during the month of December, but four years apart. I wonder if there is any other time of year that holds more power to inspire joy and cause great sadness simultaneously. One day that does unify and divide, regardless of where you are on your own spiritual journey. One that causes many to stumble or be sidetracked, distracted or distant.

A baby changes everything!

Christ was sent to earth to fill the void that was caused by man turning his heart on God. If we should turn our hearts toward the world's view of Christmas at the expense of not having Christ as the focal point, then the season won't have the power to fill the void in our hearts. Remember, it was Satan convincing Eve that she could find fulfillment outside of God's will that formed the void to begin with.

The world was never expecting the Messiah to be born in a manger with poor parents. The world never expected that the first people to worship the Messiah would be a group of shepherds who were working the night shift. This just didn't fit the idea of how God would come in and rescue His people. But His people didn't understand from what they needed rescuing. God wanted to save them for eternity, but they wanted circumstantial salvation.

The "Christmas" that the world portrays will leave you empty and hurting. However, the CHRIST-mas that is spoken of in Luke 1 will fill your hearts and lives with great joy, whether you have a worldly Christmas or not. Always remember that nothing can replace Christ and the joy that He gives to the human heart.

Christmas and hard times come in seasons. But Christ is year-round and will never forsake you, especially in your darkest valleys. If you are hurting this Christmas because of lack, separation, or the loss of a family member, then invite the Lord to fill that void with His comfort, peace and love.

Whether or not we want to admit, we all have a preconceived notion of who God is. We all have an idea of what He'll do in our situations (or what He should do). We all seem to know how God fits into our lives. But, the problem with all of that is, there is too much of God for us to know all of Him...God already has a plan and knows what He will do in our lives....God is too big to fit into our lives - we fit into His. John 1:10 (NLT) says, "He came into the very world He created, but the world didn't recognize Him." How could the world not recognize its own Creator? For the very reasons stated above! Please read Luke 2:16-20.

It makes me wonder how often I've missed a treasure because I was expecting something different. When have I expected God to behave in a certain way that made more sense to me? When have I expected God to fit in to a piece of my life when I should have been asking how He wanted me to fit into His life? This Christmas, as you worship our Savior who came to earth in such an unexpected way, ask God to search your heart and show you your possible stumbling blocks based on expectations.


The true meaning of Christmas....Our society teaches us that Santa says you have to be good to get presents at Christmas. But what human is good? Christmas isn't for those of us that measure up. Christmas is for all of us that couldn't. ♥


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