Thursday, March 14, 2013

There's No "Catch" With God

I think the church has it backwards. We focus on the things the Bible says not to do instead of concentrating on what Jesus said we should do. We condemn, criticize, and judge those who break the Ten Commandments, but forget about love.

Jesus told us the first and greatest commandment is to love God with everything in us and the second greatest commandment is to love others Matthew 22:38:39

I have encountered many people who say it just seems like everyone in the Church has got these motives that just make them sick. They feel judged, like people just want their money and they feel so guilty about their whole life every time they walk into church. They just always feel like there's a "catch" with God."

And sadly...I understood.

There are many people in the Church who have the wrong motives. It is all about a book sale, a platform, twitter followers, money or fame.

I think though, there's a question we need to be asking ourselves as followers of Christ.

How far am I willing to go to share the love of Christ?

And I don't mean mileage-far.

I mean: uncomfortable, suck-up-my-pride, let people see the real me, giving to never to receive, thinking the best of everyone, saying sorry even if I wasn't wrong, putting others first, humbling myself, using what God has given me wisely and giving up everything I have.

Because a beautiful thing happens when people just see Jesus...."If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed." -Proverbs 29:18

There is beauty in letting myself go far in order that Jesus might be revealed....No bold statements of faith or beautifully spoken words....Just Jesus.

And I cannot help but think of what the impact of the name of Jesus would be on this world if we were always willing to go...that far.

What about you? Are you were willing to set something aside so that someone could "just see Jesus?"


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