Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jesus Can Turn Our Disappointment Into Re-Appointment

All of us must face and deal with disappointment at different times. No person alive has everything happen in life the way they want or in the way they expect.

In the world we can not live without disappointment, but in Jesus we can always be given re-appointment!

When we keep our eyes on Jesus, He's not going to let us go, no matter what the world throws at us. He's going to hold us up. I am reminded of a quote I came across many years ago, "If He calls you to it, He will see you through it."

We never know when disappointment will be His appointment. What we think is a small step of faith, could end up being an opportunity for life change - for us, or possibly for someone we touch. We just have to say yes, and leave the rest to God.

God's greatness exceeds our capacity even to begin to understand it. It's a little like the brightness of the sun. I know the sun is very bright. But I can't even begin to look at the sun because it's luminescence far exceeds the limitations of my sight.



  1. Thank you! Passed this on to a friend. . . who needed to hear this. . . . like I did! THANK YOU!

  2. I am so glad that God used my post to encourage you and your friend. God Bless!
