Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stop Trying To Build Your Own Reputation

The apostle Paul said that in his ministry he had to choose between pleasing men and pleasing God. That is a choice each of us must make.

Our Lord did not set out to make a name for Himself, and neither should we. If our goal is to build a name for ourselves, it will cause us to live in fear of man rather than fear of God. We will try to win favor with people rather than with the Lord.

You and I can't minister to someone we are in competition with. Life is not a popularity contest! My reputation is not about me!...It's all about Him!

We look to God to meet our needs, not people. Our confidence must be in Him more than it is on anything or anyone else.

Your pain right now could be God prying open your life and heart in order to remove a gift of His that you've been holding onto more dearly than Him.

We need to stop thinking about ourselves...there is so much hurt in the world, people really need a touch from the Lord. When we fear rejection or what others think, it can keep us from sharing His love with them and they need His love.

You and I are faced with a decision. Are we going to go on trying to build ourselves up and our reputations, or are we willing to give up all our human efforts and simply trust God?

I am grateful for being used by God to deliver a message of His Great Love. I am also grateful for being reminded that God is in control and I should let go of my expectations.

The quality of your life; the direction of your day hinges on whom you're putting first: you or God. Placing God first in all you do secures a spot in the center of His will. Can you imagine a better place to be?


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