Thursday, June 27, 2013

When We Give Away Our Kindness To Someone It's Not Gone...It's Invested

You and I are called to build up and strengthen one another, and we must continue to study and be filled with the Word of God so that we can see people as individuals who need to be built up. It is important that we learn what it takes to help strengthen each other. In our busy hurried up lives, we often don’t even take notice of the people around us who are broken, weak and discouraged, much less acknowledge or seek to understand them. God instructs us to take the time to notice, to consider, to understand and appreciate the people around us with a loving and compassionate spirit. When we give away our kindness to someone it’s not gone---it’s invested! We need to continuously seek ways in which we can encourage one another as God encourages us; He has made it our responsibility to foster the well-being of each other, not tear each other down!

We live in a world where everything we do makes a difference, and when we are kind it affects more than just the person in front of us. We don’t have to do something big and recognizable to make a difference and we won’t necessarily change someone’s life with our acts of kindness, but smiles, thoughtful words, and encouragement do make a difference and can have a ripple effect even if we don’t see it. 

It’s so important to associate with people who challenge us to better ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually rather than with those who spend time and energy on petty gossip in an attempt to destroy others. We shouldn’t be looking for garbage, and if we do hear it we shouldn’t believe it. If we really want to avoid gossip, we need to let the gossip end with us instead of participating in it.   

When we encourage one another, saying encouraging words to other people's hearts, we have a much greater effect than when we criticize. I wonder how other’s see us. Do they see us as peacemakers who encourage, love, and want to help build others up? (That’s how I would love people to “gossip” about me!) 


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