Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Humble Prayer

(A post from my husband Jody)
We always hope that God will lift us above our circumstances. And sometimes he does. But much of the time He walks us through them so we can learn a new dimension of His power. Micah 7:8 says "Do not rejoice over me, my enemy;when I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me."

My wife Dalinda will celebrate her first full year of blogging tomorrow. She has been faithful to post a God inspired, uplifting devotional blog post every Monday through Friday without fail this past year. What an inspiration she is to me. God has used her in ways that I would never imagine possible. There were days that Satan tried to deter her. There were days that he outright attacked her. But mighty is the strength that comes from the Lord. Many times He calls to us. Sometimes we answer, sometimes we don't because of fear, anxiety or simply being too caught up in our own plans to bother with His. However, the one undeniable truth is that when we answer the call of the Lord, his strength is perfect, his timing is perfect and his work is perfect. His work is perfect despite the fact that we are not. It is never easy but we are easily empowered. When we are in step with God's calling in our life, we have access to his power. And this is the same power that was used to speak the universe into existence.

So tonight, I call upon this power in a humble prayer. Dalinda is battling some medical issues that are quite concerning. Her vision has become blurred and she feels tremendous pressure in her head. We have been to two doctors in 4 days, had an MRI and will see a neurologist tomorrow afternoon. I pray for healing. I pray for relief. I pray for answers. I pray for doctors. But most of all, I pray that the one true God of the universe will be glorified in an amazing and unimaginable way so that others can see the amazing God that I have seen work in the life of my wife. And I pray that he walks us through this trial, as he has walked us through all of the others we have faced.

Coveting Your Prayers,

Jody, The Husband :-)

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