Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Season Of Suffering Is A Small Assignment When Compared To the Reward

God's plans are perfect; our most certainly are not. So we must learn to trust the Father in good times and hard times. No exceptions. God's plans will never change, because He makes His plans in complete knowledge. Forget hopeful forecasting. Nothing takes Him by surprise. How comforting is that?

"Trust Me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give Me glory." - Psalm 50:15

A season of suffering is a small assignment when compared to the reward.

Most of you know that I have been struggling with my eyesight the past few weeks. I have seen 4 different doctors, gone through multiple MRI and a spinal tap just to name a few. My condition has been referred to as "special" and "interesting" by more than one doctor. My pupils are not cooperating with one another, therefore I get very swimmy headed at times. Yesterday when the nurse shined a small bright light at each of my pupils, the left one got smaller and the right one got bigger. Weird! Doc says that I am not "weird".... just "special" LOL You gotta put a little humor into your problems every now and then. :)

Anyway, I will agree that I am special, because God made me special, pupils and all!

I can't tell you why all of this is happening, but I know that my pain has a purpose. My problems, struggles, heartaches, and hassles cooperate toward one end....the glory of God.


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