Monday, July 9, 2012

When We Take Him At His Word, Our Hearts Are At Peace

Broken, struggling, suffering - that is the believer who will have a faith that in the end is of greater worth than gold.

The strength of our faith is in direct proportion to our level of belief that God will do exactly what He has promised. Faith has nothing to do with feelings, impressions, outward appearances, nor the probability or improbability of an event. Faith rests on the Word of God alone. And when we take Him at His Word, our hearts are at peace.

God does and can use all circumstances in our lives for His glory. Most of all, He does His best work in the messiest situations.

God delights in causing us to exercise our faith. He does so to bless us individually, to bless the church at large, and as a witness to unbelievers. Yet we tend to retreat from the exercising of our faith instead of welcoming it.

We are to honor the Lord in the trial, in the very thing that afflicts us. It is through our most difficult trials that God often brings the sweetest discoveries of Himself.

Tribulation is the door to triumph.


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