Friday, August 24, 2012

Our Joy Shouldn't Be Found In Being Better Than Others, But In Being The Best We Can Be

The world consistently gives us the impression that we need to be something other than what we are.

If you put a clean, empty shell on a beach and it's spotted by a hermit crab, the crab will move in, and another will move into its abandoned shell. And so on. And so on. It's an interesting effect. All it takes is for one crab to make a move, and the others will follow. So very similar to how our society works.

Everywhere you look there is competition. You find it in companies, churches, families, friends, schools, music bands, doctors, sport teams, and the list goes on and on - all trying to be better than others or trying to be like others.

Advertising is on every corner in our society. Advertising is often geared to make people strive to look the best, be the best, and own the most. But this is the world's standards, not God's standards.

There are people out there who want what you have: your wardrobe, your spouse, your job, your lifestyle, even your faith. Do you have friends like that? Or enemies - or "frienemies," if you will? I think we all have some "frienemies"...someone who imitates your every move, but may or may not be very nice to you. We just need to keep pointing them toward the One we're trying to be like and disregard the rest.

A confident person avoids comparisons. Because God gives us value - and no one else can add to it nor diminish it.

Stop comparing and competing...Our joy should not be found in being better than others, but in being the best we can be, for God. Because His opinion is all that matters.


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